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Everything posted by kizu

  1. i just noticed this, that when I started here that all of the kewl rpg threads were all running and said not to post here if you want to sign up. anyone else have a problem with that? i want all of the threads to start over, or be near the end so i can join soon.
  2. i know it looks really cool, but i am a little confused by the levels, is it going to be like the last one. the fight between a few players or a some what adventure? i hope it is more of an adventure than the last one.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pikeon [/i] [B]they should drop Mario [/B][/QUOTE] there is no way they will ever drop mario. when you see a nintendo what is the first thing that pops into your head, mario. when you see mario what is the first thing that pops into your head? nintendo. it will always be that way, mario is the core, or begining of all characters in the game.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]i cant believe you guys like kirby! i love yoshi he will always be the best, link is also awsome and star fox, and give luigi some credit for christ sakes.lol [/B][/QUOTE] yeah i have to agree with you except that i think link is the best and yoshi is second. but other thatn that you got it going on.
  5. Mean While durning that 5 hours before the heros of the many video games noticed that Shana was gone she was locked away deep in Dark Matter's fortres. Our heros would be thinking of all the evil things Dark Matter is going to do to Shana, but it (dark matter is an it right?) was only playing video games with her. Although it was beating her. Dark matter being all of the beaten data of the villans hadthe skills of them also. Although he has incredible power he is still learning how to use it. But back on track he was beating Shana in video games. And for our heros whe nthe yare beaten or loose a video game they loose a small bit of there power. Dark Mattter being a very smart villain thinks to himself "If I find out what her weakness is we can really defeat the heros and I can defeat the video game once and for all.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]man, SS4444, where ever u go, u get pounded on by someone. Doesn't that suck? [/B][/QUOTE] oh how much fun. i want to pound some one. who am i pounding (that doesn't sound right)?
  7. i knew that. i ment go there every few days of the week. i wish i could go there (i have way to much homework).few being one or two days of the week.
  8. the big muscle guy is spokovich (spelling). and i want to know how strong he was. if he would have beaten gohan (i don't think so).
  9. kizu

    bulma's age

    yeah but she looks a lot order i think. plus she is the one that drives the car (mostly). but the way she was going to sue the dragon to wish for her to find a boyfriend maybe your right with the 14-16. 16 and just got her permit to drive. hehe i wouldn't have given it to her.
  10. another reason i just thought of (but is in a new messege because i want a few more post). Why would he even want videl. she is a ugly girl if you ask me. with short and with long hair. she is to much of a tom girl. and she will pretty much never be as strong as gohan. she is good for nearly nothing.
  11. i would have to say 11, because he has a lot less homework to do. and the fact that he is stronger plays a small part in it. he needs t ogo into the hyperbolic (spelling?) time chamber for a few days.
  12. kizu

    bulma's age

    yeah i notice that but just compared to goku she looks really old, or should be by the time dragonball z and or gt come around. and i have to agree, most poeple when they get "middle aged" they seem to think it is time to cut off there long locks of hair.
  13. sorry i put man. but when HE is in HIS final form he looks like a female. he looks like a female, that is why i called him a her.
  14. i was wondering, how is it that bulma never gets old. no a realy big change. i was watching dragonball, and goku is 12 and she looks like she is in her early 20's. is it just me or does she have a trouble with getting older. does she have some special face cream?
  15. my bad, i slicked stop but it didn't stop in time for the second post. sorry i didn't mean to do it. i won't try to do it again. Sorry again. (stupid stupid stupid stupid, so stupid)
  16. Speaking of wich, i wonder if he could go ssj with that helmet, or would it fly off. Gohan is flying over a town whe nhe goes ssj, the helmet flys off of his head and hits a person walking on the street.:blackeye:
  17. Speaking of wich, i wonder if he could go ssj with that helmet, or would it fly off. Gohan is flying over a town whe nhe goes ssj, the helmet flys off of his head and hits a person walking on the street.
  18. How long have you guys/girls? been drawling? i was going to submit one but when i started looking at ther artwork that was in, i thought to myself " I will look better if i don't submit it". hehe i just started drawling dbz, i have a ok goku but i have trouble with the face, mainly the ears.
  19. Name: Kizu Digi-egg: already hatched Digivice: blue color Digimon: Pattamon (spelling?) Anything Else: goggles
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zeiram [/i] [B]Freeza never killed Goku. When they used the dragonballs to revive everyone who died at the hands of Freeza, the dragon said he couldn't revive Goku, because he wasn't dead. Goku found of the Saiya-jin pods aboard Freeza's ship and made a last-minute escape with that, to eventually end on the planet where he learned "Instant Transmission" [/B][/QUOTE] no after they wish everyone killed by frezia back to likek they wish that everyone but frezia and goku leave the planet and go earth. goku and frezia fight and goku wins. the planet blows up and goku excapes, that is why the dragon told them that that he couldn't be brought back to life, they would have to kill him to bring him to the place where king kia lives.
  21. they used the namek dragon balls to bring goku back to life. i remember denday wishing that everyone killed by frezia would come back to life.
  22. kizu


    well i just started geting into this otakuboard a likethis week. so i didn't see it. i made an acount the 2nd of october but i just got into it the last few days.
  23. kizu


    after he lost his tail (goku in dragon ball) he was asking where did it go and that it comes back in a year, or real close. and then it grows back in the world martial arts tourny when he fights gyran ( i have know idea how to spell it) the guy goku fights in the semi finals.
  24. kizu


    i thought that ssj 3 was the stage were they get hair down to the waist, no eyebrows, and there power goes up so much that it is hard to stay in this stage. i was pretty sure that it was ssj4 that they grow back there tail. i wonder if veggeta ever had a tail, he would look funny wit ha tail.
  25. kizu


    If you remember in dragon ball goku becomes a big monkey, they stop him by cuting off his tail. But it growes back in like a year. That is what i want to know. how did he stop it from growing back for so long. or is one of those things that they didn't cover in the show tht you aren't suppose to bring up?
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