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Everything posted by kizu

  1. Link ask the rest of the group if any of them know a cure for going cross eyed. If you do, we can get a little bit more info from solder 365. We could find Dark Matter and his other plans and stop them before they get out of control. This forum could be over in one moe page if we only knew a cure for going cross eyed. Danget why did it have to be cross eyed? Anything but that would have been fine. But there is no cure for being cross eyed.
  2. After the servant leaves Mcdonalds he though to himself "I could beat the tar out of the next person that walks by and steal there money and get Dark Matter his Mcdonalds." Meanwhile Link tells the other heros that he is hungary and is going to go get some food at Mcdonalds. While walking to Mcdonlads Link sees Dark Matters servant. As soon as Link passed the servant link noticed the servant give him a strange look:demon:. A moment later the servant jumped on to Link's back trying to steal his money. Link thought for a second and through his elbow back and hit the servant in the gut. The servant fell down to his knees adn said" how did you, you much be one of those heros." Link being the sly fox he is though to himself for a minute and remembered that he alwayse got some money for winning a fight. So link grabbed the servant's money pouch and grabbed out 2.50. Link though to himself" This will do, it wasn't much of a fight."
  3. kizu


    why is it that goku and gohan had tails when they were little. but now when they are older they don't have tails. why is that?
  4. Link gets up and uses all of his remaining strength to use a magic attack, the spin slash. He gets near the Steam Night and hhe attacks with all the power he has left. His attack left the Steam Night in two halfs. I guess that is the end of that chapter.
  5. i am still new so i want to ask, why would you want post, why do they make any diff. do you get something special for a lot of post of what?
  6. Link though that he could defeat the robot knight by him self. So he charged forward with his sword helf high above his head. Link jumped high into the air. While in the air he tried to stab the robot on the top of it's head. But the robot saw his attack coming and had enough time to hit Link in the stomach while he was above him. Link couldn't stick the landing after the hit to the stomach that the robot just made on him. He landed on his feet but colapsed almost immediatly fell to the ground holding his stomach.
  7. woops, my bad. level 3, kewl. i think i will update myself to level 3 now. Think that i put that messege before your one that said we had won the fight.
  8. Link first tried to shoot ganondorf with his sling shot, but Ganondorf didn't seem to notice it at all. So he desides to use his boomerang. So he throws his boomerang at Ganondorf, but it did nothing good for him, Ganondorf cought the boomerage and threw it back at Link. Link didn't have time to dodge it so he tried to block it with his shield. So when the boomerang came close to him used his shield to knock it into the ground. All of it that you could see was a few inches of one side, the rest was under ground. Link thinks to himself "All i have left is my sword so i guess I will have to use it. As long as he doesn't use any of that magic of his on me. The only counter i can use is my sword and slash the magic blast in to. But i have no other option so i guess i will have too."
  9. While Link, Zelda, Dart, Shana, and Zero walking in the Hyrule Kingdom accidenty stumble on to a training ground full of evil characters and such (including a few main boss villians) from many different games. Zelda was the first one to hear them training and mumbleing about how many times they have been beaten up by a certain character ( the hero from that game). Then bowser yells out " Stop complaning, I have only beaten Mario once out of how many times." After hearing this Zelda, Link, Dart, Shana, and Zero all prepare for a battle. They all know that it will be a difficult battle.
  10. Why thank you babygirl, i really can't wait till i get older to really do that, that would be so funny. and it is someting that is in my grasp too.
  11. Link now being slightly worked up desided to go exploring. He walks for several hours until he reaches the mushroom kingdom. He soon finds the spot where Dart and Shana were ambushed by the hammer brother. He noticed the hammer brother on the ground, he kicked the hammer brother of the the side of the path adn continued on his way. Then out of the blue a a pirana plant shot a fire ball at him. He blocked the fire ball with his shield but soon noticed that the shield would fall into ashes if he used it again. The pirana plant shot another fire ball at him. He barely dodged this attack, and he wipped out his ocarina and played a song very fast. It was the song of storms. Moments after he stopped playing a huge storm covered the sky. It began raining very hard. The pirana plant shot another fire ball but the rain drenched the fire ball in seconds. Link then slashed the pirana plant into 3 peices. Head, Stem, and everything below the Stem.
  12. Link was sleeping at the base of a deku tree when a deku scrub slothfully pops out of the ground. After a moment of thinking the scrub fires a deku nut at Link. Link grabbs for his sword and slices the nut in half. A moment later Link catches his boomerang after it went all the way through the deku scrub. Link mumbles under his breath,"They will have to do better than that to get rid of me."
  13. i don't recall hearing a name but hi britty. any idea on my characters real name?
  14. Thank you DW, i hope i am not too rate for the fun. i had a little trouble finding which thread was yours, i got lost in this site.
  15. k, i didn't think this many people would respond but oh well. every bit helps. i know who radditz is, i just didn't remember his name. when dragonball z frist came to kids wb it showed him either on the previews for a episode or in one. now i heard the differnce in dragon ball z and dragon ball gt is gt is after goten. would that be correct?
  16. Hey Hey now dw your leaving me out i want a part of this. i will be... Name: Dino from Bubble Bobble Weapon: Soft Shoes Magic: Bubble Power Armor: Light coat of scales Level: 1
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Bah. It's fall. I think we all agree that tornados should only happen in the summer. Ehhh we're under a tornado watch right now...it's really weird. The temperature is currently like 68F or close to it (this is Michigan, it's supposed to be in the low 50s this time of year)...and it is expected to drop to the 30s within a matter of hours. It's supposed to be a huge storm with tornados and wind and freezing rain...I'm home alone and scared :bawl:...storms are my greatest fear :( Just thought I'd let someone know...it's scary...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yep but it was werse at my house (witch is about 70 years old and still up). i live right near maple rapids. so the twisters came like within miles of my house. and my brother was about 1/2 a mile away from that guy who died when a tree fell on his/her truck. it was a lot worce for me, although i am not alone.
  18. yeah i know what you mean and ignoring them doesn't work at all. i know that because i have tried it many times. it is like just because i get a's and b's in school and don't flunk that i am a nerd. i really hate people like that. so i have no advice but to tell you that one thing to do is try to cuss him out (j/k). i don't relay know. all the dumb asses at school make fun of me becasue i am smart and they are stupid. the funny thing about that is that i give about 5% effort in schooland they give bout 50% and they still fail but i get strait A's or so. I laugh all the time about that, they try in school and fail and i don't try and i pass gracefully. i have just been given a gift. to bad for them that they will have to get a job from me hehe. remember who it is so when you own your own company to laugh at them when they are broke as hell and offer them a job. but hte first week fire them.
  19. Yeah i know, one was set on a rotation around the are a i live. On the news it showed a circle for wherre it would probable go and it was like 5 miles away from my house.
  20. Why i live in the the us. the hand rules (hint on my state)
  21. whooo that was a bit of a voilent storm up here in Michigan. There were 2 twisters (I don't know how strong they were) and a bunch of trees were falling. And worst of all one of the trees that fell killed someone. They were driving and then bam. A tree fell on there truck and they ended up dieing. The reason i mention this is because my brother was about 1/2 a mile away going to other direction. It was a good thing he left work when he did. otherwise my brother might have been the one who was in the truck that a tree fell on.
  22. who is radditz? i might be thinking of him for the little green guy that klilled goku but i meight be wrong. i don't know. if you know a site that has a pic of radditz please tell me so i can refresh my memory :excited:
  23. They would be born with that golden shiny hair instead of black are.
  24. yeah that is right, i remember when freiza killedhim. she knocked him into a volcano. Then the dragon balls wished him back to like along with every one else that were killed by freiza. Butthen why wouldn't the entire saiyan race be brough back to life to.because freiza killed all of the saiyans in the planet vegeta with a giant energy ball. so why didn'tthey get brought back to life too. or did they just i never saw that saga when they were brought back to life.
  25. Thank you, but I have one more question. Do you know how much your power level increases when the two super saiyan jin4 combine? I am pretty sure that is is how Goku adn vegeta beat buu. They both go into super saiyan jin4 adn then they are able to combine.
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