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Everything posted by kizu

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by VampireD [/i] [B]yes, and what happened to me was that i kepted getting hit by those stupid skullatles on the climbing wall to get to the huge goron. So always keep a lot of arrows with you. [/B][/QUOTE] Well you don't have to climb the wall. Personally I always go thru the volcano so I don't have to deal with the wall. It works quite well for me.
  2. What kind of place would let you play paintball without a mask? That is just not right. Always wear a paintball mask when you play. Just think about it. And if you can sneak up on someone I would suggest that you give them a mercy. Don't just shoot, it fricken hurts getting lit up in close range. I had a welt on my stomach the size of a baseball from that.
  3. Well, I think it is true also. And know that I would qualify under that group of a normal 2-7 hours of playing video games a day. Heck when I first bought legend of dragoon I played 8 hours as soon as I got home (I got home at about 8 at night). Well I have some problems concentrating. I am still in the top 10 or so in my class. But I have noticed that my social skills are very bad. And common sence is quite hard to find in me. Hmm, I wonder if that is my problem, my video games really did rot my brain. Oh well, not like I will ever need that.
  4. Well I would have to say that I have NO fashion sence. I rely on my sister to tell me if I look ok before school. And then my mom and sister (mainly my mom) to get me close that look good. Most of what I wear is Jeans (duh). I wore jeans every (well, maybe one or 2 times I wore something else) day of school, even the hottest days. Most of the time I either had some kind of a T-Shirt or a Button up shirt. And every single day of school I had a pair of shorts on under my jeans. I don't know why but UI just like to have shorts on. I think that the jean erritated me one time and i made a subconsions note to wear short to keep that from happening again, LOL. As far as I spend on cloths. I never buy them. If I need cloths then I tell my mom and she will buy me some. I spend ALL my money on Video games. And when I get money is very rare. I have no way to make money other than popbottles. 10 cents a bottle. Good thing my family is addicted to pop, mainly my dad. He drinks a lot of pop.
  5. I got some more pictures for everyone. And a few more questions that no one will want to answer. [img]http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/028306535.jpg[/img] Well, it looks like the water mario had a bit of painting to do in this shot. It looks like it is covered in the paint stuff that was in the screen shot Debreko posted. [img]http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/028306449.jpg[/img] in this pic you can clearly see that is does say Hungry while you ride yoshi. And my guess is that it is a meter for how long you can ride yoshi without him eating something. [img]http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/028306522.jpg[/img] well, all that is happening here is that Mario is finding a new nozzle [img]http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/028306448.jpg[/img] In this one it doesn't say Hungry, now it says Juice. And you ride a different colored yoshi. So my guess is that the hungry and juice goes by color. And you can also see that the fruit above the juice is all the way up so it looks like it could be a meter. [img]http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/028306432.jpg[/img] This one just confused me. We are thinking that the imposter Mario is evil. Yet he is standing right next to Peach and Toad and they don't seem to look scared. So how bad can he be?
  6. I went to link that Semjaza Azazel posted and i found this picture. [img]http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/028306527.jpg[/img] From that picture (If I posted it right) it looks like you can only use the rocket nozzle when you can find the rocket icon. But it may just be that in the shot they are finding the rocket nozzle to add to their collection. Although the very next picture they had was this one. [img]http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/028306526.jpg[/img] And now it makes me think that you can use the rocket nozzle at any time after you get it.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B]I say wait my friend. Go out now and you'll still won't be able to play since nowadays you need 3 things to play games: console, memory card, and the game. Unless you don't mind playing a game from the very start over and over again. Controller you buy after you have those 3 things. So paitence, you waited this long so a week or two won't kill ya. [/B][/QUOTE] I have another thing to add. If your going to import the system make sure that you are making plans to get it Modified when you get it. I had my Q about a month before it started to work right. You don't know how frustrating that is to have SSBM and Pikmin sitting on the carpet collecting dust. Now that is real torture. And I have found out myself that the cheapest game msot the time means that it well... isn't the greatest game. You might not want to get the game just becasue it is cheap.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=darkblue]"Get in ma belly baby" :laugh: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm, you forgot the "Chili's Baby back ribs". Well from this movie I know that we all are expecting a LOT of sex jokes. And well, lets be honest is there any joke that is funny that doesn't invole sex in some form. And well there is no person who could make a sex joke like Austin powers. I think that is the main reason the everyone goes to see the movies.
  9. Yeah that movie look great. I saw MIB 2 and they had a preview of it. Oh it was a nice preview even though all I remember about it was that it look wonderful. I can't wait to see it. And since I have no idea what will happen in it I know I will really be able to enjoy every twist and turn the utmost. Well, that pretty much says that I haven't read the books there. One time I started to. I read the prologe but then I got a new GameCube game, and so the book went on the shelf and never bothered to finish it.
  10. Well, as far as my vacation goes i am heading down to ohio and going to relax at "Camp Patmos". It is on a little island called Kelley's Island in Lake Erie. Luckily since my parents are staff instead of beinga camper I get to do pretty much what ever floats my boat. The only downside is the 5 to 6 hours car ride down there.
  11. Well if my memory is correct then I recall hearing that Link gets his nice Green Duds in the GC Zelda. And that alone should show that it is the first game, unless there is one where he doesn't start with the green tunic. And on other note I think i can rememebr the Deku tree telling Link that he isn't a Kiroki and that his mother gave him to the deku tree to keep him safe. It that is right then it raises another question. Where is his mother on the GC zelda. :blah: All done
  12. Well, I have been wondering about online gaming lately. And I now have a few questions. 1) There are 2 types of modems that you can use to connect to the internet for online gaming. The broad ban and the 56k. Well because of where I live (the middle of nowhere) I think I can't get the broadban. And then I have a 56k modem on my computer but it runs at 28,800 bps and sometimes at 33,300. 2) As some of you might have heard me say before I have an imported "Q". And I was wondering if that would affect my online capabilities.
  13. Well with 10 grand, I would make a trip to the strip club. Have some fun, have some more fun, and then invest the rest in some stock.
  14. I was just wondering how to get the noble sword in Ages. I read in a Seasons thread that there is a long trading sequence. And i was wondering who and when I can start this sequence. I have beaten the 5th dungeon already. So some help getting the noble sword would be helpful.
  15. kizu

    GCN Mario Cart

    Well, I haven't played Mario Cart in detail other than the 64 version. But from that I would say it was a very good game. But i would like to add computer simulants in the battle mode. I enjoy the batttle a tremndous amount, but no one in my house will play me because i always win (unless every one else go after just me). I like the way they combine racing with fight (in a way).
  16. kizu


    The graphics of all the games are stunning. I saw a Zelda video, Sunshine video, and a Metriod video (gotta love the coputer teacher who doesn't do a good job watching you). All i have to say about the Sunshine video is you gotta love the music they had in it. The Metriod video confused me. The first three fourths of it looked like someone was scanner happy with a bunch of black and white drawings. Or atleast that was what i thought at first until i really looked at the video. The Zelda one, words can not decribe how much I liked that video. It looked like Link got a new gadget to replacethe hookshot. Or they changed it some what. It looked like he used a hookshot but instead of hooking into something it rapped around it. But enought of my nonsence.
  17. I just watched that vidoe and it is sweet. the first 3/4th are a bit strange, though the last bit where it really show samus in the suit is bad a**. It is going to be a must have game for the future. It is to bad it won't be out for several months. When it does come out you will have to a copy reserved. Otherways you most likely won't be able to get the game for a while.
  18. Well, before doing anything rash like buying a new gamecube you really should contack Nintendo and ask them an estimate of the price for repairs. It may be a expensive to repair but if it is less then buyinga gamecube new then you jsut saved yourself some money. Be the smart shopper. And i am guessing that oyu will need someone who knows what there doing so you should not try to fix it yourself. Oh and next time don't keep it very hight off the ground. But if it is on the ground make sure not to step on it, lol
  19. Well, the Q does look pretty sharp. And you can use me as an example that you can get in other places than japan and have it work just fine (but i still need to geta mod chip so i can play dvds on it, lol). There isn't any point of getting in if you just wnat a gamecube because it cost 500 or so to get it modded so you can play games other than Japanese games. And with that 200 you can buy a dvd player, and dvd players can play cds so there you go. But it was a good buy for me because I got it for free (someone sent it to me as a Christmas present, pretty nice).
  20. Personally my favorite game type is Rpgs. And I was quite shaken when I heard this news about the Legendary gaming series returning to Nintendo. And now nearly everyone who has a Gamecube is awaiting the time when the first of many (hoping here) FF games will released. But it seams like they are never going to be released. I read something in either Nintendo Power or Electronic Gaming Monthly that said to expect the first game to be released around March of 2003. I was just wonrdering if that date was correct.
  21. Diven we will win this battle. victory is in our reach. Attack < Diven attacks Axel's draong Zeak.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] Well, if they dont charge, then there is really no point. You probably only get cash poff the hits to the site right? [/B][/QUOTE] That would be my guess. Every Rom site I have been to (I was doing reseach :shifty: )has a very large amout of advertisements on each page. And Kuja in the quote from Nintendo it says "it is illegal to download and play a Nintendo ROM from the Internet". So if you downloaded one it would be legal as long as you don't play it. The only reason I brought that up is because I got a few Roms a while back but I had the wrong emulator to play the Rom so I just deleted it.
  23. Hmm, on my list I have to say they go in this order 1) Final Fantesy (if it comes out by then) 2) The new Zelda 3) Golden Sun 2 (I read something that said it would be realesed about Christmas time) Speaking of which my Birthday is May 11th and I am not sure of any good game to get. I think that I will get the Star Fox game.
  24. I don't like the ending either. She takes he Ocarina away from him and sends him back. But then in Majora's Mask she gives him the Ocarina to remember her by. It doesn't make any sence to me way she did that. The only reason I could think of is to make other than to make a sequal.
  25. Kizu: Come one Diven, we need to win this battle. Diven attack!! Attack < Defend Spell Staff Item Run Diven attacks Axel's Dragon Zeak
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