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Everything posted by kizu

  1. Kizu: Ok Diven lets show him we mean business. Attack < Defend Spell Staff Item Run Diven attacks Axel's dragon Zeak.
  2. Nice try Diven, lets hit it this time. Attack < Defend Spell Staff Item Run Diven attacks the Imp
  3. Diven attack the imp. Lets finish this as a quick warmujp before we fight cloud. Attack < Defend Spell Staff Item Run Diven attacks Imp
  4. Cloud do you accept my challange? Please post you if you will battle me. And while i am waiting I would like to battle a monster in the training area. *Kizu and his dragon walk to the training are and tell the training coach that they would like to battle another imp Let the battle begin. Diven prepares to attack
  5. I Challenge you Axel (Cloud Strife00) to a Dragon Tamer Battle. We will both wager 150G. Do you accept my Challange? Or do you decline it?
  6. kizu

    Spy Hunter

    The other day when I got home from school I went to play SSB:M. As soon as I got in the room I saw my oldest brother already playing a game, a new game. AS soon as I saw the car I first thought that it was the new Bond game. But then after watching him for a bit I saw that it was really Spy Hunter. I thought that game was great. The way they combined driving (well driving psychoatic cutting people off left and right) and shooting scored high on my scale. And the only problem I have found with the game is that after you beat a level you get a powerup added to your car. but you can NOT go back before you go the powerup and use it. I was really dissapointed at that. But other than that and doing to same mission over it is a very good game. I reccomend you all to buy it.
  7. Now Diven Finish it. Attack the imp with full power. Attack < Defend Spell Staff Item Run Diven attacks the imp.
  8. Kizu: My turn now. Go Diven Attack < Defend Spell Staff Item Dinen attcks the Imp
  9. Kizu walks around with his newly hatched dragon. *they walk to the Blacksmith* Kizu: Good morning sir. Blacksmith: "Do you wanna buy any weapons, items or armor?" Weapons/Items 1. Wooden Sword < 2. Wooden Shield < 3. Herb 4. Wooden Staff Blacksmith: That will be 140G. *Kizu handed him 140G, equiped the new W/A, and went to the Training Area* Training Area- Training Coach: "Train those dragons to the max. Fight easy LV1 Monsters." Fight a monster? Oh yeah! < NO WAY!
  10. From what I have seen there is not much difference in the 2 games. I played Gauntlet Legends on the 64 (till i maxed out my stats) and played a demo of it on the Ps2. I culd not notice any difference in the two (other then that it was a on a playstation). There were better graphics on the ps2 one (duh), and the different levels. But other than that I don't see any thing that would draw me to it. The levels might be new, but it is still the same thing as the old 64 version just different paths. And so I think that if you have playedthe 64 version and mastered that then you shold just start you game over and could get the szme effect of buying this.
  11. I have great pride to post taht Gavin has allowed me to help him with the battle. If you want to know why I got to. The reason is that yesterday I was talking to him and I fixed the way damage is done.
  12. Darn it, no magic. but then I have the brute strenght. I bet that i will be very strong for the very start. But then i think that I will slow down and have trouble late in the thread. But by then I can get a new dragon if I want.
  13. I shall chose a number 2 type dragon. Come on good type of Dragon.
  14. Dragon Tamer: Kizu Dragon: Diven Type: ??? HP: 100 MP: 30 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Item: Herb Staves: Spells: Age: Egg Money: 300G
  15. I was thinking about editing my post to put that in that you could bet on other people's battles but since you already posted it I have no need to. And I like the Butter knife idea. So edit you post to add it in. Keep the ideas comming.
  16. Thats right, 2. The frist one wasa total flop. But I want to try again. You train a monkey, and command it into battle. Your monkey isn't actualy drunk but I thought it made the title ketchier. The goal is each person is competeing to make there monkey champion. Your monkeys attack with knives and suck weapons like that so I think I should add this. If you monkey is killed then you need to take it to a treatment center and it will be revived. In each fight both people wager money and whoever wins get the money. And with money you can buy a stronger weapon for your monkey. No one will win every one of there battles. You will loose. Stuff you need to post. Trainer: Mitch Monkey Name: Blade Money: $25 (everyone starts out with 25) Weapon: Butter knife (everyone starts with a butter knife) Please join adn if you have any ideas how to make it better please post them.
  17. kizu

    Robobo 2!!!

    Name of owner: Mitch Name of Robobo: Zabbo Robobo's appearance: Looks like a Snake HP: 50 Weapon: regular gun(10) defence: 15 agility: 5 offence: 10 accuracy: 10
  18. kizu


    I want to join. Name: Mitch Rbb Name: K Rbb type: Looks like a Lizard Weapon: Electric shock tonge (does 20 damage but lets me get hurt and extra 5 the next turn) and Simple Gun (10 Damage) Armor: 10 HP: 50 Money: $200 What do you think of my stats. I want ot start in the same town with the others.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]you can pretty much guess most of the answers[/B][/QUOTE] I don't agree with that. I guessed and well I didn't do to well. I got a :laugh: :laugh: 12:laugh: . But thanks for doing my test. But not enought. More people do my test. Or I will use the almighty thwaking stick.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Were you in the back part of the Island where it's nothing but rocks and trees on one side and the lake on the other? That part is pretty long, 9 miles or so. I'd be scared if I got separated around there :nervous:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, when we got seperated we on the west side heading north (I think, I have a terible sence of direction). I ended up biking around the island about 3 times. I was really hungry by the time I was finaly found. That was one of the happiest times of my life when I was found. That is pretty cool Treble. There is some nice people out there. I once got some free candy bars out of the vending machine. You know how it sometimes only falls half way. It did that to me and someone walked by and saw me there and desided to help. They bumped the machine and I got an extra candy bar because of them. :drool: :drool: Candy :drool::drool::drool: Candy, again:drool:
  21. I still can't do it. I tried and tried but I can not do the Goron Dancing. I tried over 2 times and then gave up because I got really really mad. I can not do it. I know to try with my eyes close and all. But I did worse that way. And I tried it with every strategy possible. And I couldn't do it. I don't know what to do. I could ues a way to bypass doing that.
  22. Yeah I wish I had my cell phone. but that was before I got it. And one of the worst things was that I didn't even have any money. That really sucked.
  23. that show is the shiz. In a white trash sort of way. I remember seeing one where this huge fat guy said this about his gut "A fuel tank for a love machine". Oh man that so funny. And they had this one guy who like when people puked on him. He even saved there puke. That is not even white trash, that is worse. Surprisingly.
  24. kizu


    For those of you who on't know I have a dog. A very cool dog. It got me thinking that there has to be a lot of other people here who have a cool pet. And I want to see pics of your pets. I don't think that anyone's pet can beat my dog. Just take a look at it and tell me you don't love it. I know that sounds like crap. Just post a pic of your pet and a bit of feedback on other pet pics you see.
  25. kizu


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]i like how they look on people, especially girls. :) i love girls with glasses. it makes them look all smart(not that they arn't smart already. :) ) and sexy.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I totaly agree with you. But the frames have to be just right. The frames can't be huge and cover up her eyes. I like those small frames. I really really like them.
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