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Everything posted by kizu

  1. kizu

    Peach in SSB:M

    Thanks Kuja. I am going to have some fun with that. Do you know how many pics I can save to the memory card? probly a lot though.
  2. Yay, the friend test are working again. But I still only have 2 people other than me that did my test. Still not loved *sniff* :bawl:. It's not fair.
  3. I think that is one ofhte hardest things to get in the whole game. Because you have to keep switching the temple upside down and then back. I felt that was a bit annoying so I never got that weapon.
  4. I remember when I first heard about that. I was just going to math class and my teacher had the tv on. We spent the entire class hour watcing it. I know how big of a thing it was. But i got a little tire of seeing just news about that in the Tv for the next 3 weeks after it. It was very depressing. Personaly I would just like to forget that day.
  5. kizu

    Console Rpgs

    That sounds like a pretty good game. I rememebr seeing ads for it in NP. But I don't recall them doing an indept spotlight on it.
  6. kizu

    Peach in SSB:M

    Darn, my digital camera is broken, and I don't have a computer monitor I can use to play the game. I was thinking that there ws a way to do it in the game while you are playing (on a normal tv, like oyu pause it and then press a button combo and it saves that to a memory card that is in the first slot.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I totally love Michigan State (seeing as how I live 15 minutes away from the campus)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah aother person from Michigan. That is four that I know on the boards. But I wanted Ohio st to win :laugh:. Not really, I'm rooting for Maryland.
  8. kizu


    I dn't have glasses right now but I need them really bad. I am blind. I fail the eye test that my school did last year. But I am not worried about glasses. I will steal my brother's frames. He has a nice pair of flex frames. I almost want glasses. I think they would look good on me.
  9. Yeah something happened to me. I Makina (I can't spell it) Island. And I was riding my bike with my brothers and we got seperated (this was when I was like 5). So I was wondering around the island for several hours and a lot of people saw me wondering around by myself and came up to me and were asking me if I was lost and what not. But I still remember that.
  10. Well I'm afraid of creapy-crawly things and Britty.
  11. More people takae my quiz. Only 1 person has taken mine. I guess I am not loved here on otaku *sniff*. [url]http://kizu.friendtest.com[/url]
  12. I love that show. But I haven't watched it in a while. Remember the "Getting gay with kids" one. Or the Chinpokemon? That was some funny sheat. I would have to agree wiht why they think that there cartoons is alright. Because they have small *cough* and Americans have large *cough*. That show is the shiz.
  13. Which Zelda game are you talking abuot. I mightbe able to help but I don't know which game you are talkng about. Let me know what game and I will see if I can hekp.
  14. I think that nearly all Zelda fans will agree that Graphics are not that important. It is an added bonus. The main factor is the GAme play and the Story. This is my thoughts. But I bet a lot of people would agree with that. If you want great graphics then most of hte time there is some other part of that game will suffer.
  15. I desided to fish and I finaly did it. I caught a huge fish. I got a 20 pounder with out using the sinking lure. And it took me less than 5 seconds to reel in. I got the fish to chase my lure. He wouldn't take a bite though. But I kept getting it's attention while it was still close to me. And finaly it went for the lure. When it did I was pressing A to reel it in and it caught the fish just like that. It didn't fight at all.
  16. kizu


    That is pretty spiffy slasher. I ws tempted to buy an Ocarina. That would be so cool to be able to play those songs on the Ocarina. I would bring it with me and show off to my friends. I think that I might buy and Ocarina now. Just thinking about it makes me want to play the songs on it.
  17. Hmm, Tennessee maybe next time I am there I will challenge you. But I'm in Michigan. Maybe you should come on up here. I have a Q I could play you on. But I can't do tourney mode. I can set it up but then after the first round it goes black and you have to turn the power off on it. You use like right? What color tunic do you use? I use the black one. I think that it captures the darkness with in Link. That is just perfect for me.
  18. kizu

    Peach in SSB:M

    Yeah I was having a bit of trouble playing the game. Every 5 seconds my exchange student would pause it and look up Peach's dress. But the bad part is that my exchange student is a Girl. How to you take pictures of the game?
  19. kizu

    Peach in SSB:M

    Yeah, it didn't really show any thing but still. You can look up peach's skirt. I think that game is a little to realistic if you can look up her skirt.
  20. I would also like to see a lot of good Rpgs on the GC. There is a lot of them on the Playstation compared to 64 and I think it is time for the GC to make up for that loss.
  21. I will get right to the point. My exchange student was playing as peach and she got hit into the air. So she paused the game and moved the camera angle and, get this. You could see up Peach's skirt. She had on a pair of matching panties (they matched her dress). I thought that was a little shocking that they would put that in the games. Well I guess that it isn't for kiddies now is it.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I heard the thing on the little mermaid was because one of the artists got fired and he drew that... however I have no idea if thats true. In the Lion King, when Simba lies down and the dandylions go flying everywhere, it spells out "sex"[/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I heard the same thing about the Little Mermaid guy getting fired. And a while ago I was watching Lion King and my brother made sure to point that out to me.
  23. Hey Ken, I got a 55. I think I should make a Quiz here too. This takes a little time to make a quiz. Take my quiz here [url]http://kizu.friendtest.com[/url]
  24. kizu


    I have always wondered what that was for. I don't think I have every done it though. the easiest way should be to bring the fire down to the shops and then run to the waterfall and when you get close use Din's Fire. But i am not sure, I never did worry about getting very many Heart pieces. I think that most I ever had in any Zelda game is like 16. There are a lot of spots like that where you do something for Heart peices, and I jsut never took the time to hunt them down.
  25. kizu


    I have done it a few time in the game Oot, but not to many. And if you get Nindento Power you knowthat you can buy an Ocarina. I though about it and then remembered how bad I am at playing music. I could not even play the recorder for crap in 4th grade.
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