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Everything posted by kizu
The Q almost has a handle. Behind the digital readout thing there is two plastic parts (they are on each side of the read out). You could use them for a handle, but they might break. I try not to lift mine by them to much because it feels a bit heavy for the plastic parts. And I think they will break.
I need to beat the 15 minute melee to get a trophy? I hate te 15 min. Melee. I was playing it and was down to 30 seconds and then i got hit of the platform and somehow a wire frame was in my way so I couldn't get to ledge. I got so mad when that happened. I had just spen over 14 minutes doing than when I could have been watching Simpsons. I thik I have 266 trophies, not to many left.
I think that the Q looks the best too. That crome (i think that is what it is) plating on the front just makes it look sweet.
I don't think you could beat me if I am Link. I only play with Link and Dr. Mario. But I have played with Link so much. I have found out that I don't like to use the bombs through. I think I don't because they don't fly as far and can't bounce.
Yeah, I remember seeing it on the NES, but I never got a chanse to play it. So I don't know for sure if it is the same thing. I want to see more RPGs on the Gamecube. BTW: Jcgoudy do you have any idea of the release date of the Final Fantasy game for the GC?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo]Well, you've got two out of three, there... [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=8928]Final Fantasy[/URL] games are going to be released for the GCN [i]and[/i] GBA, and I've heard that there's going to be a DBZ game coming out for the GCN.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] For real? *Jumps up and down over joyed* Any idea about the Zoids coming to America. I want to make a Gc zoids, but a GBa would be just fine.
I am begining to think of what avatar I should use when I become a memeber. And I thik that I have found a winner. Is it just me that is already making plans for there avatar? (I have had the avatar picked out since about 350 post)
I was doing a bit of thinking (I know it is hard to imagine that but) and I thought of a few games that I would like to come to the GC. I want to see some kind of a Fianl Fantasy. And another game that I want to see is Zoids game. I was on ebay and I saw a Jappanese one for $60. I thought that was a bit up there though. I really want to se the Zoids game though. Any ideas what you woudl like to see on the GC?
21 pounds :eek: I think that the bigest one I got is 9 pounds.
1. What is a pickle? 2. What man-made thingy can be seen from outer space? 3. What is Lamb's Grandpa's name? 4. Who is your daddy? 5. If a cow laughed, would milk come out his nose? 1- Something jammed up lambs arse. 2- New York's trash pile. 3- Who gives a sheat. 4- Kizu I, I am kizu II 5- Yes it would, it wuld be a bit green though.
The Simpsons, Futramama, and the best one, Family Guy. They are nearly the only nonanime I watch.
Ok Gavin, I'm game. Now for a opponet. *taps his foot*
I think I went through that sequence about a dozen times before I finaly got it right. At first I had no idea what I was doing. I was just going with the flow until I got my hands on a strategy guide. The rest of the game was a peice of cake, chocolate. But when I got the strategy guide I was already about 2/3 of the way done with the Stone tower temple. I didn't like to use my giant mask on the boss though. I just stayed on the platform and shot the boss with arrows. And then when I ran out I used my giants mask.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo]Yes, it's a [i]lot[/i]I was going to try and beat at least one more Zelda game before the next one comes out... I would be playing Oracle of Ages, except that the Goron Dancing is impossible for me. I don't just mean it's really hard, and I don't want to do it, it's [i]impossible.[/i] [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Don't worry, I can't do the dancing either. I spent about over an hour trying that nonstop and still didn't beat it. But anyway, I got the pig mask before I got the Bunny Hood. Out of all the mask to get I thik the hardest one to get is the Postmans hat. You have to spend the entire 3 days to get that one. It just has so many different things to do before you can get it.
I have one thing to add here. After you get to the room with the 2 Stalfos Knights make sure not to take your time killing the second one. After the first one is dead it will come back to life if you don't defeat the second one in a certian amound of time.
When I got my Q, it costed about 200 just for the shipping, that is the problem with importing it. 305 for the Q, and then 200 to mail it (200 to mail it to Michigan). Although we didn't mail it by it's self. There was a few other things that were mailed with it.
The Penguin lands hard on the floor and wakes up the other Penguin that was sleeping in the corner of the room. Siren: Sh.it, again Kizu: Drake you wouldn't have anything special to kill penguins would you? Drake: No, I didn't think I would need it. Kizu: *anime fall down* Orion: Lets just attack them. *He lunged at the penguin that was sleeping. But the penguin dodged his attack and he slid into the wall* Oww, that hurt. They are a bit faster than I though. Kizu: Yeah, this might be a bit harder that we though. *Looks at a wall and sees a strange switch* Drake: I wonder what that is for? Siren: I think that we need to worry about the penguins instead of the switch.
Well I was taking a looko at my games for the 64 and I saw Majora's Mask. I haven't played that game in about 1/2 a year. So I put it in and started playing. I then found out why I hadn't played it in such a long time. I have everything beaten in it except for the Fairy Sword, one bottle, and Hear peices. The game got a litle boring when all I have to do is look for Fairies, a bottle and heart peices. I want to know how far you are?
Why this is a close on for me to say. I like both Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan. But in the end I give my vote to *drumroll* Sean Connery.
My favorite is Nintendo. I have sever of there systems so I like to post about them. I also like the Zelda forum too, but not as much as the Nintendo.
Yes I can't wait till there are more games on the GC. I remember reading in a magazine that a game called I think Skies of Arcada. And according to one of my friends that game is really good. I can't wait for that to come to GC. I hope a lot of Rpgs come to the GC. They give me the most entertainment. I don't consider the Zelda to be a rpg either. I thik of it as adventure.
For the longest time there have been very few Rpgs that I have heard of for a nintendo console. There are a large amount for the Gameboy but not for the Cube, or the 64. The best Rpg I found for 64 was Paper Mario. I think it would be nice to see someone use the Gamecube graphics with an rpg. I can't wait til that.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo]I think it's great that Sega is a 3rd party developer now! This way, you'll be able to play their games no matter what console you have! I'll finally get to play Sonic games on my Nintendo systems! I don't have anything against Sega's systems, it's just that I never have enough money for two consoles[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I agree entirely. I just wish that companies would make games for both Gamecube and Playstation2. I really like some of the games on the ps2, but it comes to the monie problem. I got a Gamecube and can't get a ps2. I know that it would probly hurt the console sales but the game sales would mostlikely go up though.