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Everything posted by kizu

  1. Other than now the only one I have heard is that ifyou destroy all the stones (the stones that when you hit them tell you a time). I can't remember the name of the stones are but I saw that one NP. They were saying that it was a false rummor.
  2. OOC: I think I will try to help out revive this thread, again. ~~~~~~ Kizu: *Out of seemingly no where a Arrow flies into one of the dragons and hits it in the eye. Another hits the dragon's other eye* *Yelling* Hey I'm back *Shoots another Arrow at the Dragon* Drake: Your not dead yet? Kizu: No *Shoots another arrow and this time hits a new dragon square between the eyes* Lets talks later.
  3. kizu


    The Sonic game is Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. For the GameCube. In my nintendo power it says that it is being released March.
  4. kizu

    Arkali RPG

    We need some more people to sign up.
  5. kizu


    I just got my new Nintendo Power and guess who is on the cover. Sonic, so I flipped threw and started reading the game review for it and I have to say that game looks pretty spiffy. It said that it was comming out in March but it didn't give a day. Does anyone know when it is supposed to come out then?
  6. I keep on reading the thread that deal with the GC and in nearly everyone the GC threads thereis someone that thinks the GC is for kiddies. I have one question for someone who thinks that the GC is for kiddies. Have you played Super Smash Bros. Melee on it. If you think that game is for kiddies then go to a friends house who has a GC and play that game. Go to the event matches and beat all 51. After you do that come back on here and tell me if you still think that it is for kiddies. I get tired of people saying that, you can't judge a system mearly by playing one game.
  7. Link: SO what do you want to do Doc? Doctor Mario: My name isn't doc, that is it*Grabs a MegaVitamins* You want to call me Doc then every time oyu do i will jam one of these down your throat. How about that. That goes for you to Samus. Samus: But but but doc I didn't *Doctor Mario thows a MegaVitamin and hit Samus in the mouth with it, and then runs over to her and jams the MegaVitamin down her throat. Doctor Mario: Haha, You shouldn't of called me Doc.
  8. kizu

    Arkali RPG

    This looks cool. Name: Kizu Arkali Spirit: Icy Rage Age: 14 Planet of origin: no clue Description: 5'8, 128lb Blue Jeans, and a bright orange T-Shirt Bio: He went to a large school since he was 6. And one day when he was 13 the Arkali Spirit that was inside him awakened. The next few days he had to stay out of school because everyone thought he was crazy. Now a year later he has a little bit of control over the spirit Starts Weapon: Polished sword Final Weapon:
  9. Ok, i am tired of waiting for Britty and so i will post her stats for her (I did tell her the Chara info in the first place) Chara: Samus Aran Game: Metroid Weapon: Ice Beam Armor: Space siut Defence: Roll (turn into ball like in SSB) Level: 1
  10. It does seem like they are lazy as far as the number of games that have been released for the GC in the amount of time it has been on the market. I have noticed in EGM that the PS2 releases a lot of new games every month. And the GC only releases a handful of new games. Compared to the competion they are progressing very slowly right now. But that might just be because they focus more Quality games rather than Quanity.
  11. That sound a little expencive SS. My brother found a company that would mod the Q for $60 plus shipping and handling. but that might be why they are so much on there so people don't buy them and have to go to the companies that will mod them for you.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]It takes aim, skill, time, and a whole buncha other stuff. [/B][/QUOTE] By other stuff do you mean year of experience when it comes to speed sweeping? I bet when the Winter Olympics gets over they will go back to there normal job, a Jannitor.
  13. I am not sure about that. I have seen a website that said they had pre-modded Qs for $500. But I haven't found the Mod chip on the internet through any searches.
  14. Britty post your stats!! :mad: Only seven people? Oh well, more posting for me :D.
  15. Well, hmm, who to be. I think I will be a Bond. Catagory: Action Team: PP7 Team Members: James Bond, and Alec
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]Defense: Cardbord Box :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] That will help a lot, just wait till some fire, lol :flaming: .
  17. Oh wow, only 250. you did get lucky. Although I bet it isn't modded yet though. And it is justa paper weight if it isn't modded (saying if you like America and not in Japan or some place like that).
  18. My favorite movie is all of the James bond movies. And any action movie with Sean Connery
  19. Yeah, I agree, it looks like a Janitor got into the Olympics.
  20. I don't watch much of it but i watched the Bobsled today. And I watched the entire opening cerrimony, that would be why i don't watch much of it any more.
  21. This was an easy one, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time hands down.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] No, it will NOT be released in the us. Only Japan. If you want one, you will hav to get it imported, which will cost even more money. Face it, if you want everything for any system, ur ganna hav to go over and live in Japana, 'cause we aint gettin it. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, it cost a bundle to get it shipped. It costed about $150 just to ship it. Makes me glad that I didn't have to pay for it.
  23. You can't play DVDs on the normal Game Cube. The spot you put the disk is just the miniture size and so you can't even fit a normal sized disk in it. And you have to install a mod chip for the Q. I have one and it doesn't play DVDs without the mod chip. We have even called a company that installs the chips.
  24. You can have it set to play DVDs. You have to install a "mod chip" in the Q. And as for playing games you have to sodder some wireand connect a few things.
  25. kizu

    Mario Golf

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]But never-the-less, it's still a great game to pull out of the drawer, and play it, after a really long time..... :) [/B][/QUOTE] The best thing about Mario Gold and Tennis is mainly the multiplayer. Other than that I don't find a lot of intrest in the games. But if you don't play for a long time it is nice to geta few hours in.
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