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Everything posted by Stark

  1. [SIZE=1]Physically, I suppose I look a lot like [URL=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/Kubota.jpg] [U]Makoto Kubota[/U][/URL] from the manga [I]Wild Adapter[/I]. I mean, in terms of hair length and texture, the light eyes and glasses, and fashion sense in some cases, we are a lot alike. Now, if I wasn't so short, then the image would be perfect. Personality is a tough call. The closest I can get is Toya Kinomoto, as seen in both Card Captor Sakura and Tsubasa. I literally based how I treat my little brother on the way Toya treats Sakura--only not quite so mean. I mean, my little brother and I have a seven year age difference, the same as Toya and Sakura. While I'm not as tall, I have a similar teasing attitude and can be just tricky to deal with. But I guess I'm also a bit like Tatsuki from Bleach. We're both tomboys, yet can be rather nice. I've had people say that I'm sweet, and I leave a good impression on every adult I meet in life. I may not be quite as tough, but I have a similar way of acting and I'm just as loyal to my friends. My results on all those anime personality quizzes may really throw people for a loop; my results range everywhere from Sanzo to Wolfwood to Kakashi to Kisuke. Try to figure [i]that[/i] one out...[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][quote name='Dagger']Some people who stutter all over themselves in public can be incredibly eloquent when they write. [/quote] Here here! Sorry, Dagger, but you made me really happy with that comment, as I get tongue-tied all the time. My family can attest to that. :animeswea To the topic: Yes, the level of illiteracy is appalling. But, I'm not gonna go start pointing fingers at any people in particular. Everyone seems to be blaming things on Bush anymore. It's a little annoying. One thing I've noticed is that many parents simply assume that their child is being taken care of just because they attend a public school, and thus they make no strides to assist in that child's learning. No outside help from mom or dad, no tutoring, and just the bare essentials to enable the child to get their school work done. The home life is one aspect, as is everyone's fixation with the TV and other media. If a person can watch it on TV or find it online, then why should they read, say, Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliete' (sp?)? And, to add on to Raiyuu's point, learning a foriegn language can really help with English grammar. After four years of Spanish, and one year of French, I can easily say that I understand my own language better. However, they teach these foriegn language in such a shoddy manner that the most I can say in Spanish is 'where is the bathroom?' and other, similar phrases. It's stupid, I know. I think I'll get a better grasp on Spanish by trying to get my little brother through Spanish one, as he's going to be homeschooled for the next few years. I'll help him with his reading too, because there is no reason for him to enter 9th grade and proudly say that he can't read a 200 page novel because it's 'too long' or 'too hard'. I have met people in high school who have said that. It's a tad frightening.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Gem shook her head, trying to lift the fog that had settled in to join the pain, and tried to focus. Loud. That was pretty good. They could do what they wanted...if Gem could figure out what Archer intended to do. "So...why are we here again?" Gemini asked, raising her voice above the raucous crowd. She felt the pulse of the music vibrate her bones, and followed Archer as she weaved her way through the throng of people. After a while it became easier to navigate. Gemini guessed that she had adjusted herself to the beat of this particular place. "I want to talk to someone," Archer replied, continuing along her intricate path as any dog would follow a particular hot scent. She seemed to be searching for that someone, Gemini noticed. She hoped it wouldn't take too long. "Listen, I need to go see someone as well." Gemini stepped closer to Archer, and stood up to speak into her ear. "So, can we hurry this up a bit please?" "Who do you wanna see?" Gemini felt her cheeks grow warm in embarrassment, but she didn't let Archer know that. "Just a trio of fortune-tellers. Names of Lark, Robin, and Oriole. Probably heard of them. Called 'The Songbirds' around town." She said it all quickly,and waited for Archer's reply.[/SIZE]
  4. Stark


    [SIZE=1]Like I said, knowledge of the movie isn't necessary I haven't even[i] seen[/i] the OVA, so I can't really say anything on that level. From what I've read on the infamous Wikipedia, there are a few key differences between the OVA and the series. But, I'll let someone who's actually seen the OVA be the judge on that. And Diablo, thanks for pointing that out. I never noticed the resemblence between Kai and Cunningham before! Funny, I like Cunningham the best out of IGPX...[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Asmodeus is also a demon-like character in Megatokyo, if you were wondering... On to the topic! Name wise, I'm the sort of person who likes hunting down names in my free time,, so I have a whole archive of them in my head for future use. Most of the time I do what Raiyuu does and let them wander in my head until they find a name they like. If they can't find one, I go to one of the various baby name websites and start hunting for names there. Often the character finds a name they like there, and I don't need to go further. Last names are always the tricky part, as all last names have some meaning or another. Since I'm not the sort of person who likes hunting through phonebooks for a last name, I also go hunting online for them too. The first name usually determines the rhythm of the surname, so I often go from there. For instance, a person with a name like Kazuki wouldn't necessarily have the surname El-Tall, and the like. Though I have to get better with surnames because I always fall into a rut and often have characters that have the same surname even if they aren't related. The one syllable or three syllable surname pattern gets annoying after a while, so I have to break that habit. :animeswea [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]"Ah...Archer?" Gemini fumbled with the words as Archer dragged her out into the night. "Where are we going? I kinda had someone I wanted to see..." "You're with me right now," Archer replied. "We'll take care of your business later." Gemini didn't respond, only watched as the buildings and the lights passed by. She saw various people, but none were the one she was looking for. The night's still early, she told herself. The night's still early. The little birdies haven't gone to sleep yet... Archer came to a stop infront of a building on the edge of town. Gemini released herself from the other girl's grip and took a step forward. "And this is...?" "You'll see," Archer replied, a devious smile quirking her lips.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]In my knowledge, power outages usually involves a storm of some sort. And, when in a storm, I turn into the biggest freak around. I will actually stand [i]outside[/i] during a storm, just so I can enjoy it. And...that isn't the usual case. I normally find myself reading. Or, as what happened in my home in PA multiple times, I'd go outside at sunset and catch fireflies. Get out the flashlight, light some candles, and comforting the animals was also always high on my priority list, because it's dang hard to read a book by flashlight. Since moving to Florida, we haven't had any power outages. I'm a little bit bummed, because no power + hurricane = a ton of fun. :animesmil [/SIZE]
  8. Stark


    [SIZE=1][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/blood.jpg[/IMG] I'm honestly surprised that no one's made a thread about this little gem yet! Then again, it makes sense as it will officially be released this fall...I think. Even if rather quiet on the news front, Blood+ is one show definently worth looking into. The protagonist, the dark haired chick as seen above, is a high school teenager called Saya. Her life seems normal, except that she only remembers the last year of her life. However, with the advent of the strange vampire-like creatures called Chiroptera, and the mysterious cellist called Hagi, her life suddenly takes a hard turn to the left and nothing seems right any longer. If you were wondering, the girl is indeed Saya Otonashi. This series is supposed to be a follow-up to the OVA Blood: The Last Vampire. However, knowledge of the movie isn't necessary. I rather like Blood+. All of the characters are distinct and endearing in some way, and it continually adds more and more suspence and mystery to the puzzle. At 32 episodes in, with about 20 to go, I can easily say that I don't know where this is going any more. Besides, what can I say? I like Saya's big brother figure, [URL=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/Kai.jpg][U]Kai[/U][/URL]. What do you expect? I'm a junkie for those sort of guys...[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Does being a void of useless knowledge count? Because, if so, I am most definently a Pseudointellectual. I mean, no one really cares about the variety of bananas. I just happened to find that my favorite topic to ramble on about during my little stint in the local grocery store. Thank you Popular Science! I owe my sanity to you! I've also taken a few college level courses in my short life, and I've had to write a few term papers. Few people seem to realize that it is perfectly easy to get an A on total b.s.! I've become a master at hunting down info for the sake of research papers. I needed a grade, what else was there to do? But, I guess I teeter along of the border between the true and pseudo intellectuals. I've only just graduated from High School, and I desperately want to learn. I figure that I'll be a librarian someday. After all, what profession dedicates itself more to the propagation of knowledge than the lovely neighborhood Librarian?[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Kazuki Tamir. Gemini smiled. Even the name was exotic! She remembered the young man's portrait, remembered the wide dark eyes and straight black hair that pointed to either Japanese or Greek descent, and remembered the nice sum on his head. She had changed from her short exchange with Archer into something more...night worthy. Her black hair was clipped back, as there was little she could do with it, and she was content with the short pink plaid skirt, black tank top, and boots that she had chosen to wear. Anything else would have been excessive with where she planned to go and whom she planned to see. "Archer," She knocked on the other girl's door. "You ready? We don't want to miss the night, do we?"[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Evey White [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Sex[/B]: F [B]Organization[/B]: Student at Everlasting High [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/RP%20Characters/cutechick.jpg] [COLOR=Indigo]Evey[/COLOR].[/URL] Slim and curvy, with a kind smile and warm eyes that can brighten anyone's day. She stands at around 5'4", and weighs a slight 114 lbs. She appears like a little bird most of the time, but is vivacious enough to startle anyone. [B]Bio[/B]: Due to conflicts with her family, Evey has been living in an apartment away from her parents for the past year. Financially she's all right, as her parents still take care of all the necessary expenses. But, because she wants 'extras', like cable TV and internet access, she has to keep a part time job. Even though she's a student, she's also a talented artist. With her talent she's created her own webcomic, and is often seen making character sketches in the middle of a school lecture. A slight oddity on Evey's part is a tendency to take on the role of her the protagonist of her webcomic--possibly an Author Surrogate, as the protagonist is also her character in 'Legends of Shamballa', a free MMORPG that she adores. Perhaps she is too much of a geek...[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Ethan Sparks [B]Age[/B]: 29 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/RP%20Characters/hakkai.jpg] Ethan.[/URL] Tall and lanky, with a preference towards shirts and pants that accentuate his long limbs. Though he prefers to wear jeans and a long sleeved T-shirt, he knows how to dress the part he plays. His brown hair is clipped short, though ragged around the edges, and he wears glasses because he's farsighted. [B]Personality[/B]: Calm, very professional, but in constant emotional flux. Early in his life he learned to mask his emotions behind a smile or a laugh, so he often appears as a flake or a spaz. At times he can seem quite cold, but that's only an extreme protective mechanism. Unfortunately, his 'talent' has warped his personality over the years. For better or worse is anyone's guess... [B]Birthday[/B]: February 29, 1992 [B]Type Of Person[/B]: Teacher [B]Abilities[/B]: Ethan's 'Talent' is a dubious one. He's an empath, a person with the ability to sense the emotions of people and places. Most of the time it is more of a curse than a blessing, as he can become physically ill when surrounded by negative emotions. One clear advantage, however, is that no students can lie to him or cheat on their tests.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][B]"I shouldn't have done that the other day..."[/B] Gemini whined, hopefully out of earshot, and brought a hand up to her head. Pain lanced through her temples at the slightest movement, but she knew she'd live. She always did. [B]"Never expected that goon to be so tough."[/B] Gotta get better. Gotta get better. The phrase became her mantra, cycling around her thoughts until it broke itself up and disintegrated into nothingness. In silence she examined the papers that Soma had brought along, scanning the players and analyzing the possibilities. All were interesting, but she didn't know how close she could get to any of them. It was a pity that there were very few hints about the people they had relationships with, because that would have helped Gemini immensely. [B]"Hey, Gem'. What are you planning tonight?"[/B] Gemini glanced up, but returned to examining the papers a moment later. [B]"I gotta headache, Archer. Leave me alone."[/B] [B]"Maybe a walk on the town will help,"[/B] Archer sauntered over, and pulled the papers away from Gemini. The smaller girl was forced to look up, and didn't know how to react to Archer's smile. [B]"I hear that night air works wonders for a wandering mind."[/B] Gemini shrugged. [B]"Thoughts and pains are two different things..."[/B] Midsentence, she had an idea. [B]"But, I think I'll go with you anyway."[/B] [B]"Whoo hoo! I knew there was a way to bring Gem out of hiding!"[/B] Archer triumphantly skipped off to her room, winking at Gemini's smile.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Leila Strife [B]Nickname[/B]: Gemini (3rd Sign in the Zodiac) [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL= http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/RP%20Characters/ph34rt3hcut3on3s.gif] [COLOR=Navy]Gemini.[/COLOR] [/URL] Small of stature and slim of form, Gemini manages startle everyone with her skills. Her hair is black, her eyes are red, and the markings on her face are indicative of her place as one of Fate?s Children. [B]Personality[/B]: Quiet but audacious. Gemini may not always have much to say, but often fails to listen to her comrades and takes risks without telling anyone. Her reactions to the slightest adversity can blow out of proportion, however. It?s a flaw she knows she has to fix. At times her logic twists, and she?s pathologically good at making excuses. She?ll do anything at all to escape a situation she doesn?t like. [B]Power[/B]: As the name says, Gemini can become a duplicate of anyone. This means that she can assimilate a stranger?s appearance and become their mirror. Nothing that a stranger has remains their own once she chooses them; personality, witticisms, vocal tone, and accent are all utilized perfectly in her forays. As her talent involves no offensive skills, she relies on a gun as her weapon of choice. [B]Bio/Character Snippet[/B]: She heard something crack as the man slammed her against the stone wall. Gemini looked up, vision blurred, and glared at the overbearing man. Standing at 6?4?, Otto Felice had at least a foot on her, and at least 100lbs. Still, Gemini had noticed the large sum on his head, and thought it wise to take her chances at offing the man. His girlfriend seemed like the perfect guise, until she realized that he was anything but nice to the woman she had chosen to emulate. ?Dana?sweetheart. I thought you learned a long time ago that you don?t stand a chance against me.? His voice had seemed less harsh than it had moments before, when she refused to submit to his will. ?I?m in a good mood today. I?ll give you another chance.? He offered her a hand to help her up, which Gemini accepted. Her hand trembled?it?s adrenaline, she told herself. Once on her feet she was hit by a wave of vertigo, falling into his strong torso. He seemed to enjoy the action, and protectively wrapped an arm around her. For a moment, Gemini was tempted to go with the man. Otto was probably a drunk, but anyone can be cured of that. He probably made some powerful enemies to appease his addiction. Once he was cured, they could move to a different town?be safe in a strange environment. Not happening! Gemini reached for her gun as she remembered her job, pushing those dreams aside for another time. Blindly she pulled the trigger, her only thought was to not get killed by this man. Otto turned. ?You B-? Gemini used the moment and rammed the business end of her pistol into his mouth. ?Nothing against you, Otto.? She said, voice calm as her mind reeled. ?It?s just a job, you know.? She let the illusion fade, and watched as Otto?s eyes widened. ?Who-what are you?? He asked, words muffled over the barrel. In his glassy eyes Gemini saw herself, crimson eyes eerily catching the light of the fluorescent street lamps. She smiled mirthlessly. ?I?m the one who will drive you to Styx, drop you off with Charon, and watch you sail into Hell.? She pulled the trigger, feeling her heart grow cold as she watched the crimson splatter onto the street. He fell, his face fixed in an expression of shock that Gemini found mildly humorous. For a moment she stood, the world reeling. As quickly as it had come, the adrenaline left her system. She heard her gun crash to the ground as her vision blurred and darkness came to meet her.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Nah...goals in my life, huh? You're talking to a person who changes those goals on a daily basis. But, I'll see if I can find some semblence of order in my various mental wanderings and make a list. 1. [U]Be Happy.[/U] Yes, I'm going to third this one, as it has been the only goal in my life that has stayed stable. The path I traveled on in this life has been an interesting one, but one that has left me with many questions concerning emotions. I'd love to be really and truely happy, and actually know that I'm happy, for once. 2. [U]Head back up north.[/U] I left some very dear friends up there, both of which I think about daily and miss greatly. Besides that, I miss standing outside in the snow wearing only my sweater, staring up at the heavy ice-grey clouds. 3. [U]Do something useful in this life.[/U] That something useful can be anything. Even if it's a task I'm not that fond of, I'll do it. 4. [U]Find my career.[/U] This one is tricky, as this can change with the tides. Right now I plan to major in Sociology, but I've considered being a Librarian, a Journalist, and a member of a professional Tech Crew multiple times. I like doing all of these things, it's only a matter of finding a way to make money at them. And, last but not least, 5.[U] Get my hands on all of Neil Gaiman's [I]Sandman[/I] comics.[/U] Meh...do you blame me? I became a fan of his with reading [I]American Gods[/I]. Now reading the [I]Sandman[/I] series is the top priority on my list.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Sometimes Filler episodes can be brilliant. Take Bleach, for instance. That series has some of the funniest filler I've ever seen. I was honestly glad that my parents were out during one filler episode, as I was laughing so hard I scared my dog. Othertimes, Filler is just plain annoying. Especially when it comes in the form of recap episodes, like in Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny. Othertimes, it explores ideas that have already been explored, like the redundant 'Shippo's New Love Interest' filler episodes in Inuyasha. Stuff like that falls under the 'excessively annoying' category. Though, the best filler episode has to be Naruto, episode 101. That was pure gold. I've watched it tons of times already, and I'm still not tired of it! Ah...that is a sign of [i]good[/i] filler. [/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Loki [B]Age:[/B]18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Like her namesake, Loki is a trickster at heart. She can be kind and helpful, but mostly finds pleasure in being as annoying as humanely possible. But, after a stranger gets to know her, she reveals that she's quite the intelligent person. [B]Race:[/B] Human/Gun Mage. See Below. [B]Appearance:[/B] Small of stature, but with enough gusto to throw anyone off of their game, Loki is proof that big things do come in small packages. Typically, she wears dusty, travel worn attire--usually a cloak, dusty boots, and well used gloves. Her complexion is that of a person whose lived in the desert, her eyes are a clear gray, and her hair has been bleached from its natural dark brown to a creamy golden hue by the sun. There remains highlights of burnished russet in her thick, chin-length locks, but that is rendered negligible in terms of stealth. Because of her hair, Loki has no chance of hiding in the shadows unless she covers it with her cloak, something that she is unwilling to do. [B]Weapon:[/B] Loki's class is Gun Mage, meaning that she is capable of conjuring up spells, but differs from the typical staff-bearing mage in that she prefers a gun as the means of execution. She carries with her a pair of revolvers, called Apollo and Artemis. Unlike other sharp shooters, Loki doesn't solely rely on them as projectile weapons, and often times uses them in melee combat. [B]Magic/Abilities:[/B] Like most mages, she prefers to use magic, with lighning and fire as her two favorite elements to use. Healing spells are also in her arsenal, but she prefers not wasting her energy using them and sticks with items when she can. [/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Life is what ever one makes of it, and the definition of life is subjective. Knowing that, I suppose that my life is defined by my pursuit of knowledge and understanding of people. I've always been interested in philosophy and different cultures--it's an interest I hope to make a career out of one day. Heh. That's why they have Sociology. I haven't officially decided, but it seems like a good place for me to start in my life. Hopefully, it will help me understand myself, and strangers, a little better.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B]Elaine 'Nel' Eckert [B]Age/Sex:[/B] 17/Female [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Alliegance:[/B] None [B]Allignment:[/B] Neutral [B]Physical Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/RP%20Characters/Nel.jpg] Nel.[/URL] She is on the slim, long limbed side, and considers her red hair to be a double-edged sword. She's proud to be a red-head, but at the same time is embarrassed by the attention she recieves. Most of the time she is dressed in sneakers, jeans, and a tight T-shirt--typical student attire--or is in her work uniform. No matter what she wears, she manages to look good. [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet but upbeat. Nel is always looking for something to do, and, as a student who works for a living, she is never bored. Even so, she is not without her flaws; she can get so intent on a subject that she forgets to take care of herself, and she becomes embarrassed at excessive attention. [B]Pet Peeves:[/B] Excessive rules, dirty kitchens, and people who are unwilling to accept inevitable changes. [B]Special Possesions:[/B] A small box of antique jewelry--family heirlooms. [B]Background:[/B] Nel's home life is nonexistant, and has been for several years. Her parents divorced when she was ten, her father revealing to the family that he was gay. He left, remaining a distant figure in Nel's life ever since. When she was young, Nel was always told that she looked like her mother and acted like her father. Among her traits inherited from her father is a knack for cooking. Nel loves working in the kitchen, and hopes to study abroad to become a professional chef one day. But in recent years, that day has started to look farther and farther away. Nel was there when her mother committed suicide, and remained in a state of shock for several months. Additionally, her father wasn't there when he was needed the most, causing his young daughter to resent him to the point of hatred. Fortunately, Nel is partially taken care of by distant relatives, in the form of them paying for her rent and utilities. Everything else Nel has to afford on her own. As it stands, Nel works a bit job in a restaurant, putting most of her earnings in a savings account so that she can one day study in Europe, and become a chef. Between this pursuit, buying clothing, and her books, she barely has enough money to feed herself as well as she'd like to. But, as long as she can afford [i]something[/i] to eat, she'll do what she can to fulfill that dream. EDIT: Added to the bio a bit--should make things interesting. [OOC: Doublehex, I hope you don't mind my using a civilian. I just know that civilians did play a big role over the course of the series. However, if I have to change something, let me know. I might end up editing the bio anyway. :animeswea ][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Personally, I'm rather excited. I had a conversation like this IRL, so I'll say now what I said then. We live in a time that is different from others, almost like we're on the cusp of something big. This is the sort of time that Sci-Fi writers have dreamed of, and so much is possible. Now, if we could [i]do[/i] something, that dream could be carried out. But, I'm sure that all the previous generations have said something similar. I feel like another speck of sand in the hourglass. I have faith in my generation, however. I know some idealistic people whom I believe can do something great in the world. People have the potential to do many things, both good and bad. The impulse to destroy is there, but so is the impulse to do good. It is a testament to humanity that we can overcome that tendency towards destruction and help people. Because of that fact, I'm gonna stick around and see where everything goes. I feel that I have to, for curiosity's sake.[/SIZE]
  21. Stark


    [SIZE=1] :animestun Some of these responces are just.... I have no adjectives, so I'll just get right to the point. Derald said it best; don't give up just yet. Just because you've been diagnosed with a terrible disease does not mean that you're going to die tomorrow. You still have time. I'm not going to spout anything about how sorry I am, or about pursuing your dreams, yadda yadda. I'll just say this: you have time, make use of it. Do what you want. Do what makes you happy. In a way, consider yourself lucky. You have something that few people have, and that is the knowledge of how precious life really is. Don't let that go to waste.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Prick Wizard, I know that I don't know you well, but I'll be frank: No. No way is that going to happen, seeing as we're far too spread out and far too young to do something like that. Besides, I doubt that it would go well. There are people here who don't like eachother much, and I don't want to know what will happen if they see eachother face-to-face. Besides, your minor obsession with Elves is a turn-off. It sounds like you plan on immersing everyone in high fantasy, and not all of us are into that. Anime is anime, but there are tons of genres. For me, anything with Elves is a definent no-no. Sorry.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]I want to accomplish quite a few things this summer, so I'll start. First of all, I'm very happy that I'm graduating this year--it means that I can finally get on with my life. My goals for the summer, however, are pretty simple: Get my Driver's License( I took the test 3X, not including the one from Driver's Ed, and I failed all of them. It just takes me a while, that's all), find myself a job that I can do well at, perhaps take some more classes at the college, talk to representatives from the state Universities, and start looking at places to move into. I'm definently going to be in the Talented Twenty at my school, so I have first dibs on any Florida college. Also, with my grades as they are, I'll definently get a State Scholarship, and even a Presidential Scholarship if I'm lucky. Also, I'm not that eager to move out, as that means leaving my dog behind. He's my baby, and he hates it when I'm gone. We sleep in the same room, so I imagine that he'll be a wreck for a while. Still, it's a necessary change, and I am ready to get a jump start at it.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Nah, WW2, your worries are definently carried through all the way to the end. I'm just a junkie for the goth-horror genre, and for vampires, so I enjoyed it. But it was only for the eye-candy for me--the story was incredibly slow, little character development, and a little too much with the fluffy comedy at times. One thing I would fix in the series would be more development of Gunslinger. He was manlier than Abel, and he was an android. I think that the description 'Trigun meets Hellsing' fits this series best, but they could have done so much more with it.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]I first heard about Trinity Blood via Newtype Magazine, and I'm lead to believe that it will be released this fall with Bleach, Blood+, and a couple of others. In fact the [URL=http://trinityblood.tv/][u] Official Website[/u][/URL] even says that. If you want info, I believe that the Anime News Network is a good source. Otherwise, PM me if you want directions to some fansubs.[/SIZE]
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