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Everything posted by Stark

  1. [SIZE=1]I've never really had a long or succcessful marathon, but I do tend to binge a lot when it comes to watching a series I have at my disposal online. Gundam SEED Destiny, for instance, I've been watching all weekend. I have about three more episodes to go, then I'm good. Outlaw Star was a big one, as my friend got a hold of a boxset for around $60 and let me borrow it. Nothing beats laughing so hard that your parents call you out of the room to ask what you're watching. The hotsprings episode was great, by the way. Speaking of Prom, I willfully chose not to go, deciding that it was stupid spending $100 on a dress I'll probably hate and wear only once in my life. That money is better spent on plane tickets up to Boston to see my Uncle. Master_J, I have to agree with you. Gundam>Everything Else. :animeswea Can't help it, I'm a junkie.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Dang! I can't believe that I completely forgot about everyone's ultimate fantasy when it comes to Trigun and Cowboy Bebop! By that, I mean an actual fight between Vash and Spike, so perfectly executed that you really don't care if they're not a part of the same universe. It's hilarious as well--a must if it involves Spike and Vash. So, without any further ado, I present [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUlxnPttdxg][U]Tainted Doughnuts[/U][/URL]. Rest assured, you're gonna love it. :animesmil [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Well, seeing as I'm a monger for research and information, I'd have to agree with [B]Touchstone[/B] about being an unusual angel like Raziel. I just feel SO uncreative now, that's all. The reason why I say I'd be an Angel concerned only with knowledge is because I always want to know more. I know I can't know everything, but I can still try. The thought of fighting for justice has never appealed to me, seeing as I'm such a meek person that it's out of my league. But I still want to help people, even though I'm such a sarcastic dork that no one realizes that. Knowledge and information is all I can help in, and I'm okay with that.[/SIZE]
  4. Stark


    [SIZE=1]Believing in Destiny is counterproductive to the human capacity of creativity and free will. At least, that's what I think. I'm someone who has a lot of interest and faith in what people are capable of doing. Saying that everything is subject to fate seems like a step backwards to me. In any given situation, people have dozens of choices that they can make. Saying that everything stems from fate takes away those choices, and ruins any potential for greatness. Creativity comes into play in those choices, and with creativity comes advances in everything from medicine to modern philosophy. Anyone who says that we were destined to be where we are today doesn't seem to understand that people adapt to their environment and the era in which they live. Some people might say that they are just a product of the times, but everyone has the potential to break away from the trends that dominate the current time. But very few break away, and they blame it on the times, their parents, place in life--in otherwords, they say it was fated to happen. Seems like a cop out for me. Another way of not taking responcibility in a world of increasing complexity. So no, I don't believe in destiny. I believe in people.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]The wierdest things that I've found online are as follows: -Making Google speak Klingon: I was fiddling around on the computer in the school library with a friend, and he showed me the Google foriegn languages bit. Klingon was just the start, as Google also speaks leet (I have no idea how to spell it, none the less read it), Ig-pay Atin-Lay (Pig Latin, for those who don't get it), and even mocks the Swedish Chef from the Muppets (Bork, bork, bork). -Elgoog: Some idiot had a heck of a lot of time on their hands, so they made a Google mirror. It does the same exact stuff as Google too. Imagine, a reversed Google speaking reversed Klingon. I died laughing. -'You have reached The End of the Internet': More people with a lot of time on their hands. They actually made sites that said that you've reached the End of the Internet, do not pass Go, do not collect $200, and go read a book. And, last but not least... -[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlRKUqPa_6Q] [U]Kakashi doing the Numa Numa dance.[/U][/URL] Just watch and see...[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Gory, huh? That's my specialty, you know. So, with that in mind, I aim to help you. [B]Elfen Lied[/B] is a good choice for something gory. I wouldn't call it action, per se, unless solving the mysteries behind a cute girl with pink hair and MPD suits your deal. By the way, that 'other personality' is a homicidal freak. A word of caution when approaching this: The first ten minutes of the first episode are not for the faint of heart. Blood spurts everywhere, something I consider to be very audacious for the first episode. [B]Berserk[/B], from what I understand, is a very bloody one. I think it's on DVD, but I can't be too certain. The manga, however, is quite long. Unfortunately, I haven't read any of it because the individual volumes are wrapped in plastic. A testament to its gore-factor, I believe. [B]Blood+[/B] should be coming out this fall. I've caught up to 23 episodes of it fansubbed, and it is excellent. From what I recall, it is a sequel to [B]Blood: The Last Vampier[/B], though you don't have to have seen the flick to understand it. I haven't. It's filled with mystery concerning the origins of the lead, Saya, and her connection with the Chiroptera and the mysterious figure called Diva. Besides that, there's nothing better than seeing a cute high school girl go berserk with a sword. Look into the flick if you want. It has to be on DVD. I've heard that [B]Samurai Deeper Kyo[/B] is on DVD. If it's as good as the manga, which I've read 17 volumes of, it should be one bloody mess after another. Though, I'd be careful with it, seeing as the anime and manga versions rarely match up to each other. In terms of flicks,[B] Ninja Scroll[/B] is on the top of my list. It's the typical mideval Japan tale, with tons of fight scenes, enemies with bizaare talents, and characters losing more blood than humanely possible. I loved it, and I really want to see it again. [B]Akira[/B] is also really good. I caught it on DVD in EB Games for $9.99. I absolutely had to get it, and I'm not disappointed. Though, be careful, as it has some scenes that are not for the kiddies in there. If you want to know a little bit of trivia, I hear that this flick has one of the top 100 most horrific scenes in it. I can almost tell you exactly where that scene is if you wanted. ...And I probably gave you more than you bargained for. The scary thing is that I can probably find a lot more for you if I took my time to really think about it. Anyway, I hope that these suggestions helped you.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Memo to self: Stop reading Spoiler Tags! Seriously, I think I spoiled myself for the next ten volumes. Not that I'm disappointed. I thrive on spoilers, you know. Anyway, I'm a fairly new fan of [B]Death Note [/B] as well. Starwind has the first four volumes, and its an unspoken agreement that I borrow everything he has. So, that said, I've only read through volume four and am eager anticipating reading volume five. It's an excellent series, with excellent plot twists and mindgames that just draw the reader in. I love how L and Light can go toe-to-toe with each other, and I think Light is gonna pull a fast one in volume 5 that will throw L off his game. Just a theory. I really want to see how everything works out, [spoiler] since Light has pulled out the MPD card[/spoiler]. If those two were playing a game of polker, I have no idea who would win. Then again, that's probably what happens when two super geniuses go at it.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Rizel Eva [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Species:[/B] Ayeri. Similar to the Humans of Earth. [B]Timeline/Date:[/B] Circa 3216 [B]Origin:[/B] Fornax I ? Called ?Ayeri? by natives; Milky Way System [B]Special Talents:[/B] The Official Chronicler of Present Occurances for the Kruzat; Rizel is talented in something her people call ?Jutai?, a practice similar to what one on Earth would call ?Chi Manipulation?. All the Ayeri can do it, and it is the one major thing that biologically separates them from Humans. [B]Weapons/Items:[/B] The slim long sword she received from her fiancée, named ?Ishana? after the old Ayeri word for ?glistening?. Other than this, she always carries with her a catalog, with which she performs her duty as a Chronicler. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL= http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/RP%20Characters/RPCharacter2.jpg] Rizel [/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Calm but quirky, with a dry wit and a sympathy for all living beings. She?s liable to be offering a stranger tea one moment only to counter that with a challenge to a duel. Rizel is a very competitive person, and loves a good challenge. [B]Biography:[/B] Fornax I, ?Ayeri?, had been in the midst of a civil war long before the voyagers from Earth stumbled upon it a century earlier. The source of the conflict was coup d?etat within the old Royal Family?a nameless son jealous the distant relative who had become King. Rizel never bothered with the details, as all she cared about was annihilating of the aggressors who profited from the government being in a constant state of turmoil. Her father was Shanai Eva, the leader of an underground group who had sought to preserve the old ways. He had long ago planned a possible means to end the war. What was once a conflict of ideals had turned into a blood feud that every one wondered about but no one knew how to end. Secretly, the Kruzat ? ?Preservers? in the Old Tongue, and the name of the group ? met with members of both sides. Rizel was among them, present as the official Chronicler of Present Occurances, and quietly observed the entire meeting. In all of her life as a Kruzat, never had she seen so many people in a single underground chamber, and she was astonished for some time. Still, she performed her duty without problem. The decision was made to have a union between the two opposing branches of the Royal House, in the form of the marriage of the son and daughter from each respective side. Rizel was astonished to find that she would oversee that union, but nonetheless agreed. She would do anything, anything at all, to see the end of the war. Rizel had participated in the war ever since she was a young girl of 13, and always did everything she could to help bring it to an end. Her father's position helped, and she was initiated into the Kruzat at the age of 15. It was during that time that she met her fiancèe, Ikai. Then, they were just partners who worked well together. Inevitably, that relationship turned into love. The two promised each other that they would marry one another some day, and Ikai gave her Ishana as a testament of that promise. She was 19, he was 23. Not long after Ikai was killed in battle, sacrificing his life for a person of high status within the Kruzat. Rizel only vowed to do what ever she could do to end the war. If she could do something to usher in an era of peace, it would be worth her life to do. The war ended and, though the memories remain, Rizel keeps on moving forward for the sake of Ikai, for the sake of the two young people who've reunited the Royal Bloodline, and for the sake of herself. (OOC: I figured that you might want a historian along. :animesmil But please, tell me if something needs fixed. I'll be more than happy to oblige.)[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]What kind of question is that, Tical? I expected more from you! Anyway, seeing as you got some replies, I figured that I'd add to them. Yes, I do read sigs. Usually I ignore the long lines of random text and just admire the banner. Some of them are actually quite nice. Also, it's just a little way of leaving your mark around the place, so that people might remember you if they didn't look at your screen name. When it comes to comments on sigs, I've never had any. Then again, I've only asked for a banner a couple of times, usually coming back with something interesting. No, I've never commented on any sigs either. There are a couple that are my favorites; Baron Samedi, for instance, certainly seems to be saying [i]something[/i] with his sig. Plus, I love that witty little comment toward that certain person in there. Other than that, I also liked...I think it was Panda before she went Katamari Damacy on everyone. It was a little animation with Hanataro from Bleach--I just gotta like that little dweeb. [/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Sayuri-sama, I don't see a problem with age difference unless it borders on pedophilia or breaks a couple of laws. In fact, the age difference between my parents will really blow everyone out of their minds. My mother is 46, and for as long as I can remember she's been looking for a boyfriend. Throughout the whole ordeal of dealing with my mother's various boyfriends, she's had her best friend beside her all the while. Back then, I knew him as Uncle Lou. As my mom's best friend and former raquetball trainer, the two were always in contact in some way, shape, or form. In a way, Uncle Lou was always like a father to me. Then came the clincher. When I was in Middle School, Mom and Uncle Lou got married. This was a woman, then 40, and her best friend, in his late 60s, tying the knot together. It's so bad that I have people mistaking my dad for my grandfather. Well, he is my dad, but about as old as my grandparents. However, in terms of maturity, my dad always says that he's 39. He certainly acts like someone that age. My mother, on the other hand, is a very serious person; she's a former adjunct professor at my college and currently a therapist at Hospice. Also, she's working on getting her PhD and hopes to eventually become as Liscenced Mental Health Councelor. So, bluntly, age makes no difference at all as long as no laws are broken and the parties involved are compatible with each other. I end my tale.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]All of the names you mentioned are the huge brand names that are typically associated with the 'preppy' kids, and not something I typically want to associate myself with. For me, my biases about these brand names are there because I've had some not so pleasant encounters of the preppy kind, and the clothing is way too expensive for me to even consider buying. There's no way I'm gonna spend $30 on a shirt I might not even like when I can go to Wal-Mart and buy a shirt I like for less than $10. I'm just a cheap wad. The bargain hunter sort with very specific tastes in clothing. Usually tight T-shirts with the name of a restaurant on them, or have some witty comment. The only brand name I rather like is Old Navy because their pants fit me with no problem--a tough feat for a person whose 5'1" and has to shop in the little kids section at most other places to find something that fits. Pretty much, I like anything that allows me to be as invisible as possible. Wearing tiny skirts and spagetti strap tank tops don't fit the bill. Or anything that will deplete a lot of my out-of-bank funds just to look good. [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Teryk was in the flourescent lit corridors when, his body still and his thoughts light years away, when he heard the announcement. The vision of that distant technical college he had dreamed of attending as a child shattered as a glass would on the pavement. He sighed, shook his head, and pulled out the hair tie someone (he forgot who) had suggested that he use to hold his hair back since he refused to have it cut. It was enough, and once he was finished he took off running to his station. [i]Wonder what the occassion is,[/i] he thought. [i]Ninjas? Giant Space Squid?[/i] His thoughts fumbled around on those thoughts until it settled on the most logical conclusion. Pirates. He smiled, remembering why he had been called to that ship. The Stargazers and their ship, the Dragon's Tear. Since it was Pirates, and not cannibals, he didn't believe it would be so bad... He rounded a corner and came to a dead top. In front of him was a young girl with blue hair, being harrassed by some of the older techs. In silence he stood there, hoping that no one would notice him. Unfortunately for him, the reality was nothing of the sort. "Hey Rykki," One of them said, grinning. Teryk couldn't recall his name, but imagined that it was somewhere along the lines of Haddock. It sounded similar, anyway. "Do you agree that this little fishie is a real cutie?" "Just say 'yes'." The other one suggested. Name of Price, Teryk thought. "Ah..." He began, trying to find his grasp on words. The little blue girl looked over at him, and muttered something in a language he didn't recognize. "You do know that we got called to Level Three Battle Stations, right?" "Yep," Price said. "We're just trying to show her the way. Isn't that right, Chicky?" Green eyes narrowed at those words, and a gut feeling told him not to trust these guys. Sure, they were techs, but there was always the wierd folk everywhere. "Ri-i-i-ight." Teryk said, not bothering to hide his disbelief. Then, before they had time to react, he flung the girl over his shoulder and took off down the corridor as fast as he could. Her name was...Chicky? No. Chiquita? No...Chibi? Teryk ran over the possible combinations, and came up with something. "Ah...Chibu?" he questioned hesiatently, his voice coming out in a breathless gasp. She pushed herself upright in his arms, and smiled. "Uh-huh. Chibu." "Great. I'm--" "Rykki!" She cried, cutting him off before he could finished. Chibu then hugged him, and he felt like the happiest man alive.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]I come here every day, and check everything out multiple times a day. I took a couple month hiatus because of school work, but next week is Finals and I should be here a lot more often. Meh. Because I stress out about school work all the time, the OB is really the only kind of life I have. Pathetic, I know, but when you aren't that social IRL you need [i]something[/i]. You follow? Well, I'm here all the time anyway, so it doesn't matter much. :animeswea [/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]I usually watch the dubbed, as the voice overs are pretty good for the most part. However, there are certain instances in which the sub is all I can get, in which case I'll go after them like a starving person. the subs I watch include Trinity Blood and Gundam SEED Destiny, though I have watched some of Bleach, Naruto (Only ep. 101), Fafner, and a good chunk of Blood+ as well. I'm not picky. However, because I've watched the sub of Trinity Blood I'll forever be using the Japanese pronunciation of my favorite spaz of a priest, Abel Nightroad. In fact, I'm a little worried about how he'll be dubbed when it is released this fall. He's just that odd of a character. It seems a little juvenile to act all elitist because you've seen the sub before you saw the dub. It's also just stupid to complain about the great voice acting one can hear on [adult swim]. Some of these people have a lot of talent if they can pull off a character as messed up as Shinji and not go nuts afterward. I respect the voice actors because of some of the messed up roles they play, and I'm not gonna even attempt to put them out of work because I saw the sub and don't want it ruined.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]No. I have a copy of it sitting here in my room, a copy that I got back when I was in middle school, and it's here collecting dust. I never finished the book because it's akin to reading a History textbook. It's just so...[I]dry[/I]. It wouldn't translate well into a movie, and it certainly wouldn't work as an anime. You want a classic tale that might work as an anime? Try [I]Dune[/I]. It has a great plot, excellent characters, and a lot of interesting stuff about it. I read that entire book in less than a week, and that was when I was in school. No, [i]The Silmarillion[/i] wouldn't work. I'll probably bash you with a wet noodle if you mention it again.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]I never played the games, but I kinda liked it. It has to have good writing if it can make me go from mildly amused to disgusted to outright POed in the span of a few hours. I can appreciate good writing, but I wouldn't reccommend the movie for the faint of heart. I liked the police girl. I just hated what they did to her. And I despised the crazy, witch-obsessed people. It was like the Crucible all over again, except with a lot more crack and LSD. Still, I say it was a decent movie. You're statistics are off, Hanabishi Recca.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Ooh...Maybe it's Nessie. Anyway, you have my interest. Though, Ikillion did have a point when he mentioned Pirates...that ship with the tattered flag makes me think that as well. It brings to mind epic sword battles on the high seas and what not, though fighting the Kraken could be fun. *cough* sorry, I'm a mythology nut. Because of this RP, I'll probably be brushing up on my knowledge of mythical sea creatures. I'm in, when ever the sign-ups open.[/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#cc33cc][font=lucida calligraphy] 1.) If you could be one animal for a day either real or mythological what would you be and why? 2.) Can you cook? 3.) Which live action TV show would you like to Cameo on?[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]1.) If I could be one animal for a day, I'd have to say a housecat. Why? Because they're so elegant, graceful, and everyone will give me exactly what I want when I want it. Well...all of the cats I've met have had big egos, so it shouldn't be [I]that[/I] surprising. 2.) Yep, I can cook simple things pretty decently. I absolutely love anything that entails baking as well,as I'm a rabid carb addict, and I find the act itself to be very comforting. Also, I learned how to make a decent omlette recently. I'm very proud. 3.) I can name a couple right now, but it will cement me into the epitome of geekdom forever. I'd love to have a walk on role in Star Trek TNG, because I'm that bad. For something more realistic, I'd choose House because the show is funny. Now, I finally have a couple of questions! 1) What type of books do you like to read? 2) What kind of career do you want to have? 3) Do you have any pets?[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]If it's a shorter series, like Card Captor Sakura and Magic Knight Rayearth, it is very possible to buy them in box sets. I have seen them, and I've been tempted to get them. I don't know about the price range, but it has to be something proportionate to buying all of the books individually. Maybe less, seeing as buying 6 DVDs for $30 only costs $120 in a box set. All in a single book, however, might not be feasible. Seeing as how long each individual volume is, that would have to be one big book. If you want something like that, stick with the comics they sell. Each issue costs around $2, and some might eventually be compiled into a bigger volume. For help, try the mainstream book stores, like Borders and Barnes and Noble. You might have some luck there. Also, I understand that Amazon.com is excellent for purchasing books of any sort, possibly manga included.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]I am...something. Um...I think I'm very American in everything that I am, but that seems like a cop-out in this thread. If it wasn't for the fact that I was adopted, I could say for certain what I am. All I can do is infer a little bit from the names and what little I know of my biological parents. The only one I can really account for is some Native American blood, as that was one of the arguments to keep me from being adopted. I doubt the jerk that's my Biological Father would have used it if it wasn't true. The last name of Lewis infers some English in me, and I think the last name Wiley points to some Irish. I'm short, with very fluffy reddish hair, and I don't really tan. The darkest I get is some wierd tone that has some reddish mixed into it, and my parents(adopted) often complain of my being burned because of it. I have a quick temper and quite the sarcastic streak, and I like alcohol from what little I've tried. Starwind says that I'm the most dangerous person he knows, which is a dubious comment seeing as he's in the Army. I have no idea if these traits point to my upbringing, which was rather...varied, to say the least, or to my heritage. I'll find out one day, but I'm not too worried about it.[/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS]Stark, I also have a friend with all four [i]Farscape [/i]box sets ... I was jealous for a passing moment before I realised: she's my [i]friend. [/i]This means I can borrow them. And watch all the [i]Farscape [/i]without paying all the £400. [/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I know, I know, but it's [I]Farscape[/I]. I simply love the darling [URL=http://thepensieve.net/stuff/aeryn1.jpg]Aeryn Sun[/URL] and, of course, everyone's favorite Banik Slave... lol. I have seen the entire series, and PKW, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to be able to watch 'Won't Be Fooled Again' as often as I please. That's saying nothing about 'John Quioxte'.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]To me, soul food is anything that makes you feel all warm and happy when you're eating it, like cookies still warm from the oven and what not. For me, it usually entails some form of baked good--bread, cakes, muffins, cookies, et cetera. One of my favorite things ever is also peanut butter and banana sandwiches, because I'm an absolute peanut butter addict. Though, warm buns with honey drizzled over them count also. It also includes food that kids typically love, like Mac 'n Cheese, balogna(sp?) sandwiches, hot dogs, corn on the cob. That's only my definition, though I did learn something from you, Retri. I honestly didn't know about its origins either, thanks for enlightening me.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Kimmi [B]Age[/B]: 18 as of 2/23 [B]Description[/B]: Short, slim, fairly curvy, with short reddish hair, fair complexion, and light blue eyes. [B]Favorite Color[/B]: Blue [B]Location[/B]: Florida, Tampa Bay Area [B]Personality[/B]: Tomboyish, fun loving, though I think a little too much at times. I have a sarcastic streak and a temper a mile wide, and I'm not afraid to show either. I may be small, but I can fend for myself. [B]Hobbies[/B]: None to really say...taking my dog out for walks, reading, playing DDR, et cetera. [B]Slight History[/B]: Nothing you want to know about. [B]Likes[/B]: Stimulating conversation, sweet things, baking, reading, animals, snow, coffee, anime, comic books, sci-fi TV/books, manga. [B]Dislikes[/B]: Stupid people, fluffy romances.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Correction: MPD is the presence of two or more distinct personalities in one mind and body with no connection to each other what so ever. I think she's talking about massive mood swings, like being Bi-Polar, not losing time. Trust me on this, I was diagnosed with it at one time. I've long since been integrated, but I still can't remember a lot of things. Anyway, my confession is that I am a total jerk most of the time, and I'm a complete sadist. I mean, I'm a girl, but I've made myself a reputation for being one of the biggest jack***** at school. I just love irritating the crap out of people, it's funny. Then again, that's probably because I have no tolerance for a lot of people at my school, which is mainly made up of idiots. :animesigh When will these people learn to stop asking me things? I mean, they confront me with stupid questions about myself, and I threaten to bash them over the head with my waterbottle. They leave pretty quickly, but they still approach me the next day. Ah, well....idiots are idiots.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Anyone ever hear of Dragostea din tei? To most people, this song is simply called 'the numa numa song', and has spawned many video spoofs and tons of hilarious AMVs. Check out Starwind's blog--he has an AMV with Kakashi doing the Numa Numa dance on there. This song is just so addictive, and it gets stuck in my head so easily even though I can't even understand the lyrics. I just randomly burst out with the 'maia hi, maia hu, maia ho, maia ha ha' at times because I feel like it. Also, I'll literally greet people with 'allo' and they will continue with me singing. Its maddness, I know. Makes me feel like I'm on acid or something just singing it. And I don't do acid, or any drug, so that says something. EDIT: I forgot to mention "Through the Night", the Outlaw Star opening theme. It is the only anime song that I have absolutely all of the lyrics memorized to. I also randomly burst out singing this. Songs that I love but haven't memorized would be anything by TM Revolution and HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR's "Pride", the second opening for Gundam SEED Destiny.[/SIZE]
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