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Everything posted by Stark

  1. [SIZE=1]My favorite animal is my Greyhound. Not the bus. Yes, I adopted him off of the tracks, and yes, he is very friendly. I'll post a picture once I get some on my computer. Other than my dog, I like Penguins. They're just so...funny looking. My friend's brother has a saying--'Peng'ins ain't natural' and it just makes me like the strange birdies even more. I like them because they are so strange.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Gyros, with a lot of Tzatziki sauce. As a resident of Greek Town, USA, I love a good gyro and look down on the people who pronounce it 'jye-roh'. In Tarpon Springs, we try to pronounce it the way the Greeks do, kinda like 'yee-roh' with a rolled 'r'. Yep, nothing beats a good gyro for me, expecially when it has a lot of tomatoes, onions and tzatziki sauce. Surprisingly, I'm also an instant Ramen addict. Nothing beats extra salty noodles when you're in a hurry. And, because I don't know how to make it the regular way, I love that instant coffee that comes in a can. Just add water and voila! Instant mocha! When it comes to foods I hate, Cantaloupe is very high on my list. There is also stroganoff(sp?) mousaka on my list too. I tend to not like foods that are very greasy, such as fast food and pizza, depending on where you get it. Other than these things, I'm not very picky when it comes to food. EDIT: I forgot to mention how much I love spicy, cajun styled foods. Gumbo, Jambalaya, and virtually anything with jalapenos are on my have to have list if they're around. Besides that, I love sushi because I'm a wasabi addict. Enchiladas I also love, and I'm saddened because it's been years since I've had a good one. Funny thing is that you get better Mexican food in Pennsylvania than in Florida. My guarantee is that, if its spicy, I'll like it without any arguments. EDIT Again: Ziggy, you're making me want to try that Poutine...[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]I try not to get jealous of people. It doesn't help anything in the end, after all. However, I am slightly jealous of a couple of my friends. One is an excellent artist, while the other has the entire collection of Farscape in his posession. Stupid reasons, I know. I'm a Sci-Fi nut, do you know what I'd give to have the entire collection of Farscape? As for my other friend, I've long since come to terms with the fact that no one can ever surpass her artistic greatness. I'm happy with just knowing her. Just you wait, one of these days she'll be a famous graphic designer or something![/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]:rotflmao: I didn't realize how difficult it would be finding images of Andy until after I made the request. Surprisingly, it's difficult to find decent images of characters from SEED unless they're the main characters or very popular. So, I've dubbed Andy the anomaly, because they brought him back because of his popularity and the fact that he's one of the coolest adults in the series. The amount of pics availiable don't support that idea, so I don't know what to think. I love the banner and avi, Katana, and I couldn't have asked for a better set. I'm sure all of that coffee you drank helped. In fact, I'll go make myself a mug. Thank you ![/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Sleep disturbances, unclear thoughts, and lack of appetite could point to depression. At least, that's how I get when I get so depressed that I become manicky. My advice; Keep your cool. Don't let the nerves get to you. If you act like the nice guy you seem to be, there should be no problems. Also, talking to someone could help. Try the schools counsellor, as they're bound by confidentiality to keep everything you say private unless it threatens harm to yourself or others. Then again, even the latter might be included in the confidential stuff. I don't know for sure. Just talking to someone can actually help a lot, and you can get more accomplished than posting your problems in online forums. It really does help, I know that from experience. Another tip: Lay off the caffine. One thing I've found, if you're already jittery it does not help at all. It only makes everything seem that much worse than it really is. Also, depending on your habits with it, it could be why you're having problems sleeping. [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Teryk Abendroth [B]Nick name[/B]: Tricky Rykki [B]Age[/B]: 21 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Side[/B]: Federation [B]Personality[/B]: Spunky and outgoing, with a penchant for prattle. He's actually quite intelligent, but he rarely lets that much on. As a member of the S&D Technical staff, he has a keen knowledge of high tech machinery and has a photographic memory when it comes to schematics and blueprints. His knowledge is often very useful, but he has too much fun playing the idiot that he couldn't care less about that. As a child he often spent more time tinkering with various electronics and building strange gadgets than socializing with his peers. He feels a little on edge around them, and he acts like an idiot because that's all he really knows to do. After people get to know him, he starts to show his talents. However, his actions are so off kilter and he is not very good with people, so he doesn?t have that many friends. To cope with this, he?s developed a reputation as a prankster, earning the nick name ?Tricky Rykki?. [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/RP%20Characters/Rykki.jpg]Teryk.[/URL] Stands at around 5'11", has long limbs that remain gangly from his teenaged years, overgrown strawberry blond hair, and clear green eyes. Oftentimes he is wearing his Federation uniform, but when off duty he prefers to wear jeans, boots, and a hoodie sweater. [B]Weapons[/B]: Phase Whip-- A weapon he designed himself as a project when he was younger. On first glance it seems like a standard whip, unable to do much more than rend the flesh and cause immense pain. However, the whip itself is made of a very fine strand of electrically conductive metal, and Teryk merely has to press a button to send a continuous electric current through it. Dangerous, yes, but certainly effective against various enemies. While the Phase Whip acts as his weapon of choice, he still keeps an antique pistol on hand for emergencies. Ammunition for it is hard to come by any longer, so Teryk would rather not have to resort to it. [B]Ability[/B]: Human Lie Detector-he can always tell when someone isn?t being entirely truthful, whether he wants to or not. In a world where everyone is lying in some way, it?s hard for a person who is bad with people to cope. Besides that, he?s also very good at disguising himself, as he had a job at a restaurant that catered to the folks with questionable tastes. [B]Flash back[/B]: It was raining. Again. Teryk left his workplace, The Refuge, and scurried through the rain toward his bike. The cold droplets soaked through his strawberry locks and through his work uniform of a simple black skirt and a classy white top. Even as the rain chilled him, he felt someone?s eyes boring into the back of his neck and a familiar heat reach his face. He was glad it was dark out, or else he?d be cursing his fair complexion. Teryk angled his head and gazed at the stranger through his wet bangs. ?I?d stop that if I were you; you?re not my type.? He smiled and, not waiting for the stranger to say more, climbed onto his bike and rode off. The rain fell harder as he rode through the streets, and lightning flashed over head. Well, he thought, this sucks. Hope the fish are all right in this. Those fish were the only living things he had contact with on a regular basis, besides the people at The Refuge. Those fish were family. He neared his apartment, and slowed as he saw a strange car parked in the lot. There were always people coming and going, but there was always a rhyme and reason to it. Raising the rent at other complexes, employees being transferred, coupled getting divorced?usually the cars looked decent. This car was so trashed it couldn?t have been considered a car. He didn?t like it. Picking up the speed, he raced toward his building. None of the people had anything worth stealing in this complex, except him. There were people out there who were after his skills, and who loved his innovations on various hi-tech toys. By no means did he want anyone to get their hand on his hi-tech toys. Leaving the bike in the grass, he took the stairs by twos and raced toward his number. When he got there, he knew he had nailed it again; whom ever it was, they not creative in the least. He sighed at the sight of the lock, smashed, and kicked the door open. ?Hey, I know you?re in here Brady.? He called, remembering the desperate geek who wanted his skills. Rembering him saying that he?d do anything to get them. ?The answer is still the same.? ?How?d you know it was me?? Brady asked, a petulant note in his voice. Teryk entered, taking a sharp left at the hallway and smirking at the sight of Brady in a ski mask and tangled up in a mess of spare parts, books, and his own greed. The smirk turned into a mirthless grin as he shook his head, taking out his cell phone to call the cops and request that they clean up the mess.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]There's a whole slew of bizaare names that people call me, some I like and some that are just plain annoying. My name is rather childish as it is--Kimmi, for those curious. I get all the usual: Kim, Kimbo, Kimilu, and my Pop-pop's favorite of Kimothy. Story behind the last one. One of my cousins is named Timothy, and we were very close when we were kids. He was Timmy, I was Kimmi. My Pop-pop, being 'not too swift' eventually combined the names as Kimothy. We're both called that. A very weird one I've had is Kiwi. It was a random thing my best friend in middle school called me one day, and it kinda stuck. It sounds a little like Kimmi, ne? Another one my middle school buddy calls me is Yuki. It all stems back to the airing of the trashed 'Cardcaptors' on the WB, and my friend's subsequent buying of the Manga. I really liked Yuki, she really liked Toya. The scary part was that we were just like the fictitious friends, minus the homosexual overtones. We always knew where the other one was at all times. Recently, one of my friends IRL called me 'Busty La Rue', a rather punny name, considering that I think he's quoting something and the name is completely the opposite of my physical...phenotype? Bluntly, there's nothing 'busty' about me, so its a little funny. And, finally, a name that has been with me since my sophomore year is actually a dubious title. I am the Weapon of Mass Annoyance, favored weapon of the Taskmaster and the perfect tool used for protecting the future President. To make a long story short, there is a guy at school who insists that he will be President one day, and already has found his running partner and a whole slew of bodyguards. The Taskmaster is among them. As I am a tool of the Taskmaster, I am indirectly under the future President's disposal. I am there to harrass the living **** out of those he hates, and make them want to kill themselves. :animesmil It certainly spares everyone involved from getting blood on their hands, right? [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Hi again. With Gundam SEED Destiny making a lot of news in the anime world, I'd like to make a request; I'd like a banner and avatar of Andrew Waltfeld, the Desert Tiger, of the ZAFT forces and a well known character in the CE Universe. I have no real specifics--it can be from SEED or Destiny, Pre or Post battle with Kira. My only requirement is that I'd like the banner to feature a picture of him with a cup of coffee, and the question 'Coffee, anyone?' on it. A possible picture is this:[URL=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/AndyCoffee.jpg]Click![/URL] Though, I give creative liscence to the artists here. The rest I leave to who ever takes this on. Thank you in advance![/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]I'm already intrigued. Mecha, surfing on the air. How much cooler than that can you get? I'm definently gonna pay attention to E7, it looks very promising. Of course, the first half of the first episode was like the beginning of FLCL, with the phrase 'Life Sucks!' as Renton's mantra throughout it all. It got a little annoying, but not intolerably so. It was even kinda cute when he went all gooey over the girl who I assume is Eureka. I rather enjoy Crispin Freeman's role in E7. I don't know much of his work, but I mostly have seen him play the rather colder characters, to play the everyman like Togusa. Holland strikes me as both cocky and apathetic, a strange combo for sure. That could change, but I'm intrigued by this choice in casting. The LFOs are also cool. Again, mecha surfing on the air. It's not something I've seen before. They have my interest, as does the whole color scheme of the show. Bright blues and greens, great design for the cities...sorta FLCL like, though not as abstract. Some series just has that distinctive feel--Fafner is mostly a brilliant blue, FLCL has the off color scheme, Trigun has the blistering hot sun and the burning sand, and Wolf's Rain had a lot of white and darker tones to it. I like the feel the colors give to E7, it's a definent plus in my book. Once I figure out something else to say, I'll add it here. Off topic: Johnny Yong Bosch is in Fafner as Kazuki? It seems to fit, but I can't say for certain as I've only watched the sub. Now I wanna buy the DVDs as soon as I can, just to see how this works out.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]My favorite Gundam is the Aegis from Gundam SEED. Not only can it transform into different modes and the like, it also has a very imposing figure to it. It is the very basis for a threatening Gundam in the CE timeline, and the start of Athrun's trend for having red suits, like the Justice and the Savior. Freedom Gundam is up there on my list too--the first time I saw that thing in action I was squealing from excitement. The firepower on that thing, the N Jammer Cancelors, and the reason why Kira pilots it are all awsome. Going into other models not seen in the main series, I really like Lowe Gear's M1 Astray Red Frame, particularly the Gerbera Straight. He is the first Natural I've seen in the CE timeline that can pilot a Gundam and be nearly as skilled as some Coordinators. In SEED Destiny, the Impulse is pretty cool, but something about it bothers me.It has the Core Splendor, yes, but I don't like how it has to [spoiler]put itself together after launch.[/spoiler]. It seems like it wouldn't be feasible in a real battle. Again, the Savior from Destiny is pretty cool too. I like it more than I did the Justice, that's for sure. I won't say any more about it, for fear of spoiling others. For a non Gundam suit, I really like Andy Waltfeld's LaGOWE. Then again, I'm biased because Andy is my favorite character in the CE timeline.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Yo! The Legendary Outlaw! [I]Thank[/I] you for the IRL reference. We'll have none of that, now will we? :smirk: That's what I thought... By the way, its not a self proclamation. I [I]Am[/I] The Original Weapon of Mass Annoyance. Capiche? I know, I'm just a sadistic little freak here. Well, now he's forced me to think of a new one. Shame on him. I am the Self-Proclaimed Squirrel-Stalker! ... What? I actually did that at various parks while walking with my dog, and while I was bored and waiting for my ride at the local community college. It's actually pretty fun, and the squirrels are so cute! Of course, they're not that cute when they gnaw through the screen around one's porch in the middle of a hurricane. They start running around and tearing everything apart like the little monsters they are. Squirrels are evil. They deserve to be stalked. Also, the little Lizard Assassins that hang out on my bedroom windows deserve to die a slow and painful death. [/n00bish babble][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]My signature is actually pretty personal for me. I've had a leaning toward the Eastern ideas and belief systems since I was in middle school, and I've been trying to 'end all desire' and find happiness. Desire can come in the form of attachments--that part is clear in my life, as I never even attempted to find a boyfriend, but instead had one mind me. The quote is indeed from Saiyuki, my absolute favorite manga, but it represents the ideal I've been trying to follow for years. The way Sanzo put it is an actual quote, and is one of the more radical ways of saying 'live without attachments' or 'hold nothing'. The way the quote is worded gives anyone who reads it leeway to do whatever they please. The other part of my sig 'inter herbas rectas crescens et artemesia recta fit' is Latin. A translation is 'if it grows among straight plants, even the wormwood will grow straight'. In a way, I've felt like that aforementioned wormwood all of my life, and I haven't found any straight plants to find company with. I've lead a strange path in life, and I feel that phrase is the best way to represent everything. It certainly beats telling my story the long way; it's long enough to rival those Norse sagas.[/SIZE]
  13. Maybe Leon should stop talking in the third person. That's a real turn-off for anyone, especially potential girlfriends. Stark's advice; look elsewhere. Obviously she's not interested in being your girlfriend. Maybe with this particular example of a female it's best to remain on the friends side of things. Maybe she just has a lot of guy friends. Stark does. Then again, maybe she just thinks you're a stalker. In that case, it's best to stay away from her. [I]Far[/I] away. For good.
  14. DeathKnight, you know how to make a girl happy. I was beginning to wonder if anyone had read my post! It had me a little worried there for a moment. Anyway, Dragons also make for a cool little addition to any fantasy story/RP that people have planed. Then again, that is used so many times that it's become a tad clichè. Still, if it's in a good story and used in a unique way, it'll be great.
  15. I personally say that abstinence is the best route unless all parties involved are ready to accept all possible consequences of having sex. With that in mind, I see that sex is best for both parties after marriage, or at least after they enter the adult world. A teenager usually isn't ready to take care of themselves, and adding a baby to the mix will make everything that much harder for them. There is also the emotional factor involved, and that also ties into my idea of waiting until after marriage. Unless, like Sandy said, the couple is unable to get married for some odd reason, don't do the deed unless you're ready. You can't reclaim your virginity, you know. For the record, I'm a virgin. I intend on staying that way until I'm certain that I'm ready for everything that sex entails.
  16. Wow. Very interesting idea here, and a great way to keep the folks who have school duties up to date with the happenings on the OB. Kudos. You have my attention, and I really want next Friday to come now. I'll be waiting... ;)
  17. The infamous clumsy moments, huh? Everyone has 'em, I just have a lot of them. And the only thing I've really learned in my life is to always check the sliding glass door before I approach it, because everything will be less messy then. I've done a lot of clumsy stuff in my life. On a daily basis I'm either running into the corners of my house to get the phone, because the nearest phone is usually on the other side of the house, laughing so hard that I start hyperventilating and can't stand up straight any longer, going 'rag doll' on everyone, tripping over my shoes/dog/little brother/dirt, or having mock fights with my friends. I alway have some sort of cut or bruise on my that I don't remember getting, and its too a point that I really don't care about it any longer. Life is life. Clumsy moments just make life all the more interesting.
  18. Name:Morgan 'Rain' Lang Gender: Male Age: 23 Appearance:[URL=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d101/Stark-San/RP%20Characters/RPcharacter.jpg]Rain[/URL] He has a kind smile and kind eyes; people see him as the sort of person who can't do much wrong. His sense of fashion is unobtrusive, as a shirt and jeans will always do it for him. 5'9", thin, and still gangly from his teenage years, Rain manages to look the part everyone thinks he plays. Side: In Aid of the Antichrist Personality: Rain is quiet, but the ever polite one in any situation. Conversatiion is not his best point, as he doesn't always know what to say. But he is good at listening, and good at disguising how much he knows by playing the fool. People think of him as a flake, and that works to his advantage. Biography: Morgan was a child from a happy family, no more and no less. He was the older brother out of two children, and he loved his little sister dearly. His mother and father were happily married, even if they never stayed anywhere for too long because of his father's business trips. Still, life was good. One rainy day, when Morgan was about twelve, he was home sick with the flu. His sister had dance practice that evening, his father was going off to a meeting, and his mother decided that she would get him some medicine while they were gone. They left Morgan with the care of a neighbor, all heading out into the rainy night. That was the last Morgan ever saw of them. The rest of the Lang family were killed in a terrible car crash, and Morgan was sent to live with other family members that he didn't know well. After six months, he decided that he didn't like his mother's cousins and their kids. He left, fully recovered, and never saw them again. He left the name Morgan behind, and decided that his name was 'Rain', in rememberance to that rainy night when he wasn't with them. He was the sweet kid on the streets, naive and trusting with everyone around him. The world was too much for someone so kind to take alone, however, and Rain's stability slowly deteriorated. He never advanced much emotionally after the age of fourteen, so he is still a little kid in many aspects. Under the belief that the world needs to change, for either good or bad, and looking for some adult figure to lean toward, Rain follows the words of Alec Triston like a puppy would its master. As long as he can help make the world better, nothing else matters.
  19. [SIZE=1]Emotions, eh? Well, I'm the sort who doesn't always understand her emotions, and usually has a neutral emotional reaction to everything, so this question brings some...unhappy memories to the surface. When forced to choose, I'd have to say depression. Not just any old dysthymic depression either; this if full blown indifference toward the world, self-loathing, and the manic aspect of Bi-Polar disorder combined. Simply, I'm not fun to be around when I'm depressed. When forced to choose another, it would have to be anger. I don't get angry often, but when I do I literally start trembling. One memorable incident my Junoir year had me outright dissolving a fight with a water bottle because this one guy pissed my friends and I off. I could almost smell the beginning sparks of a fight. While on a reckless streak I decided to splash water on the offender. Needless to say, he snapped, went physical, and destroyed my water bottle in the end. There was also a little bitty of physical assault added to it, for he attacked me. My friends and I had him written up in no time, but I remained pissed off at the SOB for a good hour and a half. That's right. When I'm angry I start simmering and eventually boil over, burning anyone within the vicinity. Again, it's no fun being around me when I'm angry. I'd add sarcasm, because of my sarcastic streak IRL, but I don't think that's an emotion.[/SIZE]
  20. I honestly don't know how people find me attractive. I just know that I get a ton of compliments about my hair--I'm a red head, if you're curious--from both men and women. Also, I'm on the short side, and I have a lot of my guy friends just come and attack me with their hugs because I'm so short. Heck, I even had one guy carry me around the school library. Though, I still don't know why. Anyway, I'm also on the tomboyish side, and my close friends say that they like me because of my honesty and sense of humor. Heck, Starwind even said that he respects my bluntness, because I'm not afraid to say the truth, and I don't beat around the bush. I think that's it. I'll edit the post if I find anything else. Tis doubtful, though.
  21. Stark

    V for Vendetta

    [SIZE=1]I saw it yesterday with Starwind, and I notice the thread just now. So here I am. Anyway, the main reason why Vendetta drew me in was the likeness to 1984. The dystopian government with a Big Brother style dictator and the mass information suppression are all used very well in this, and provided a perfect set up for V. The key difference that I found between Vendetta and 1984 is that, while Orwell's character fought against the machine, he made no progress in the end. Nothing was radically changed in their society, everything went about as it had been for years. [spoiler]V, on the other hand, did what Winston(wikipediaed that little bit--I forgot his name!)never could. Where Winston fought against the machine unsuccessfully, V fought it and utterly destroyed it. Of course, he destroyed himself in the end too. He left Evey to rebuild the world from the ashes of the inevitable explosion that began with his 'birth' at Larkhill. [/spoiler] the movie itself was great--I am not disappointed in it at all. Overhyped it may be, but a lot of flicks are overhyped. I don't buy many films at all, there's only a couple that I own and one I watch on a regular basis (Pirates of the Caribbean, if you're curious) so I think that is a lot coming from me. I want to see Vendetta again, and I'd love to add it to my personal collection.[/SIZE] [size=1][color=red]Edited spoiler tags in. - James[/color][/size]
  22. [SIZE=1] I wrote a full-fledged novel the summer [as] was airing Wolf's Rain. That novel took place in a post apocalyptic world and focused on how the Gods were going to get back at humanity for all of the damage they did to the Earth. The protagonist was a little crossdressing cutie I called Nami, and he was the embodiment of the god of water. Spastic, and a massive ditz, he lived in a tiny apartment turned garden with a set of quintuplets known around town as the Floral Quintet, and he even had a job at a local restaurant as a waitress--under the name 'Natalia' of course. That was definently one interesting summer Of course, that little novel was a massive flop. I dropped it, and it still needs massive editing. Unfortunately, the entire 47 pages is saved on an iMac, so I don't forsee that happening at any point in the future. Pity, the iMac is a great computer, just incompatible with everything else. Maybe I'll revisit that idea sometime, revamp it, and make it have less yaoi undertones. Otherwise, it still has a chance of being decent. What? I was a Sophomore at the time. And a massive geek, so it's not too surprising.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]If I ever got a tattoo, it would be a phrase that is meaningful to me written in a very elegant script and maybe somewhere on my lower back. A very possible choice would be that little text phrase in my sig, 'inter herbas crescens et artemesia recta fit'. Basically, it translates to 'if it grows among straight plants, even the wormwood will grow straight'. I like that phrase. A lot. I feel that it is very fitting for my life. I doubt I'll get it, however. My parents love expressing their disappointment on me, and there'd be no end to it if I pulled a stunt like that. Also, I don't want to make a choice that I'd regret at any time, especially in terms of altering my body. [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]I remember watching one of those scientific channels--National Geographic, Discovery, or something like that--and they were doing a little synopsis on dragons. According to that documentary, the Dragons that we know of are part of an ancient memory that's been engrained into our colletive consciousness. The reason is because a dragon is the representtative of three ancient enemies that our pre-human ancestors had to face. These are Lions, Snakes, and Falcons. You can see traits of all three if you look at a dragon; Lion in the rather feline shape of the head, falcon in the wings and claws, and snake in the overall shape of its body. It's actually a very plausible way of looking at things from the stand point of anthropology or sociology. So there's my two-cents, and proof that I have nothing better to do with my time some days than to sit around and watch the National Geographic Channel. lol.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]What? The Tempest isn't on here? What a travesty! Erm...anyway, it sounds like it would be a good idea. As a Tempest fan, I'd have to say Midsummer Night's Dream because I just read it in my composition class and Puck is very reminiscent to Ariel. Of course, with my current homework status, I doubt I'd be able to participate, but here's hoping that I can![/SIZE]
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