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Everything posted by Stark

  1. Oh, yeah. I'm excited about E7 coming to [as]. For a moment I thought I was the only one around here who knew that little tidbit. I haven't seen any episodes on YouTube, but I have seen the trailer and I don't think I'll be disappointed with it. First off, it has Mecha. As a MechAddict, I simply can't miss this series. Second, even the animation style reminds me of FLCL, another series I absolutely loved. Third, in the trailer I thought I caught Crispin Freeman's voice. As a person who simply loves his other roles, I'm definently gonna watch it. I'll post again after I have something that's not an excited babble/rant. Maybe after it premiers on the new Fix on April 14.
  2. [SIZE=1]My two buddies IRL and I get together very often on the weekends--every few Saturdays or so--and just have a full on Geek Party. That party often entails a lot of pizza, soda, and what ever movie/game/tv show/ anime we are obsessing about at the moment. Lately, mock fighting has been added to the list, a very bizaare occurance, I have to say. You see, I'm a girl. A very small girl. My two buddies are guys, both big and at least 5'9". I am astonished that there are no sexual undertones to these mock fights. Even more surprising is that I can stand up to them pretty damn well. Starwind, you should be ashamed of yourself for having a girl whose 5'1" beat you up so easily! Another ritual I personally have would be staying up until at least 1AM every Saturday night to watch the premiers they have on CN and [as]. I'm pretty excited, seeing as [as] is going to be showing Eureka 7 on the fix in the middle of April. ^^ Yeah, good times. [/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE=Retribution]So you're saying that since God loves everyone, there should be no reason for punishment? I mean, your parents love you and all, but they also punish you. Somehow, I think it works like that. Do you honestly think that someone like Hitler could go to Heaven on the grounds that "God loves everyone"? Sounds ridiculous to me. However, I agree with you on your second point. I think that the religion on a person is completely irrelevant, and that God judges you based on your life and how you lived it.[/QUOTE] Actually, there should be some form of punishment; it's just not for me, or anyone, to know how. -Hanabishi Recca You don't seem to understand my point. I don't want to be saved. I'm a firm believer in the phrase "people can't hope for salvation. They have to save themselves". I did try that route when I was a kid. I was baptised a methodist at the age of 8, due to strange circumstances in my life that I won't even get into. I called for the Lord when I was 9, thinking that maybe He would help me find happiness. What I noticed was no apparent change in my life in any way. My mother was too ill to go to church most of the time, so I lack the Sunday School connection that a lot of Christians my age seem to have. I tried reading the Bible, and I didn't understand it in the way it was written. In middle school I grew up a bit. I stopped being so naive, and my High School I was outright fed up with the people I met. The quotations from Zen Buddhism helped me more than any preacher did, that's for sure. Forgive my rant. I just don't like the idea of people converting others.
  4. [SIZE=1]Eh...curiosity killed the cat... For starters, I'll just say that my religion can be classified as 'undefined'.That is to say, I tried organized religion at one point and discovered that it wasn't for me. They say one thing and do another; go to church, then run each other over in the parking lot. I didn't want to be associated with such hypocrisy. That was when I was in middle school, exploring a lot of different options for my life. It was at that time that I discovered my mother's copy of Tao de Ching, and at that time that I became interested in Buddhism. It got so bad that my souvenir from Washington D.C. is a little booklet that contains various quotes that express an air of Zen Buddhism. Heaven and Hell mean nothing to me. If God loves everyone, then there should be no reason for Hell. Also, if God loves everyone then there is no reason to convert to another religion. In my mind, everything is about choice. People can choose to be religious, and they can choose to be nonreligious. Myself, I'm probably one of the most nonreligious people you'll meet--IRL, I lack a certain sensitivity to other people, I'm rather harsh, I say what I think and say what I mean. Not many people can handle that. However, one should always be respectful to their fellow people. And, above all else, they should believe in themselves. You don't need to believe in God to do that. Even if there is nothing else that I believe in, I believe in myself. That is enough to last me through the trials of life. (P.S. I've literally been trying to live up to the ideal expressed in my sig since middle school. The quote from Saiyuki merely serves as a means to convey that ideal in a way that I never was able to before.)[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]I'm one of those weird people who actually names their plants. As of the moment, I only have one plant--his name is Kusanagi. Right now, I want to get a better pot for Kusanagi so he feels more confident. He hasn't been growing much lately within the last year, even though he is still perfectly healthy. I think maybe a bigger pot and some fresh dirt might help him out a bit. Fortunately, I have time this week to carry that out, so I should be doing it pretty soon. Also, since I started watching Fafner recently, I've been having a craving for a little Kazuki Makabe plushie. I don't know why, I'm not a plushie collector I just...want one. Odd, huh? :animeswea [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]The absolute scariest non-anime character I've met so far has to be Marv, from both the Sin City movie and graphic novels. Actually, he's not really terrifying, he just can pull stunts that no living person can. To be honest, I'm terrified of Scorpius, from the now-cancelled sci-fi series Farscape. He's half Scarran and Sebacean (sorta like a human-lizard hybrid), and is the most intelligent character in the show. But it's not his intelligence that scares me, it's his actions. He is a terrifying, ruthless, schemeing sonuvagun, and he always remains [I]so calm[/I] throughout everything. Even in the last season, when he is literally on Moya with the main characters, he can be helping them one moment and plotting against them the next. I'm very serious. I'm not lying about that. (p.s. It's so nice to finally have time to come back to the boards. I had some papers to do, and I just finished one of them... :animesmil )[/SIZE]
  7. Nerves had gotten to her before she realized it had happened. It started out as a mild fluttering of her heart, and slowly got to the point where her veins were jumping with adrenaline. Kana took a deep breath, reminding herself that they were only Genin, and that there was no need for her nervousness. She reviewed her list once more, and smiled faintly as she went over the names once more in her head. Hyuuga Junko. Akano Kazuko. Akano June. Normally she would have considered it a pleasure to teach a member of the Hyuuga clan, but the presence of Kazuko drove that askew. She didn't know much about the students, just enough to realize that Kazuko had a chip on his shoulder when it came to anyone with talent?especially the Hyuugas. Well, she reminded herself, it would have been worse had he wound up with Sasuke. Shaping the two delinquents into respectable shinobi would be a welcome challenge. If they didn't kill eachother first. They weren't hard to pick out of the crowd, particularly the one with the red hair. Barely ninja for a couple of hours, Kazuko and Junko were already at the point of exchanging blows. Determined not to clean up any messes so early on, Kana placed herself between the two Genin. It wasn't until the one Genin looked up that she knew who was who. The tell-tale white eyes of the Hyuuga clan said everything for her. "Hyuuga Junko, I presume?" She said simply, calm and unruffled. Junko bowed in embarrassment and apology. "I..." "No need for apologies. Just make up you two." That was all Kana said as she gestured for the two to follow. The third Genin, the one she assumed was June, had stayed out of the tussle between the two boys. Kana smiled, recognizing a smart girl when she saw one. "Akano June," She called, "Come on. I may need you help keeping these two straight." June looked up, smiling. "Okay," She said, hurrying toward the trio. Kana led the three outside, interpreting their quiet as nervousness. "There's no need to be nervous here, and no need to be strangers," She said calmly. "So, call me Kana-Sensei, if that makes you feel better." She smiled at the three, "I'm really not as scary as the others, as long as nobody gets themselves in trouble. "Now, because we shouldn't be strangers, I'd like to know what you want to be called and a little something about yourself. It doesn't matter who starts, just as long as everyone takes a turn."
  8. My likes in manga tend to be all over the map, including everything from Bleach to Legal Drug to Ayashi no Ceres. If I had to pick a few, it would be this little list: Saiyuki, anything by CLAMP, and most anything with the name Gundam on it. I have various reasons for this list, but I won't go into those. Unfortunately, the anime I see is limited to what they show on the TV, like FMA and Vandread. So, because of this, my choices are rather limited. My favorites in this area are: Samurai Champloo, Gundam SEED, FLCL, and Fullmetal Alchemist. If any more comes up I'll add to this list.
  9. I've been to Gaia, I'm ashamed to say, and I have to say that you may have a point. But, I've never consideredmyself an elitist; just a Grammar Nazi at times. Frankly, I like it when I can understand a person's post. When the grammar, syntax, and spelling are all used properly it makes everything so much easier to understand. Besides that, I rather like the trend of 'literate RPing' on the OB. Again, everything is so much easier to understand. On the plus side, you also don't have to request 'literate RPers' around here. It's just a given. Elitists? Here? It may be possible, considering that, from what I gather, noobs who use spammy 1337-style posts are looked down upon. You're right, proper grammar does make the experience around here so much nicer. I enjoy it a lot more that I would have otherwise.
  10. It's a good idea, actually. I was thinking about that too, but in a different way since I don't know HTML very well. My thought was this; use the colors that Ezekiel used to denote the different cells. I know, not high tech. Simple, yet effective was what I was going for. White, I like your idea a lot better. It's a lot nicer and prettier. :catgirl:
  11. A philospher once said "I may not agree with what you're doing, but I'll defend your right to do it." That is what I feel about the whole issue of flag-burning. I don't agree with it, but that gives me no right to stop them. [quote name='Retribution][I][Size=1]burning a flag is within our Constitutional rights, and it usually has a reason and/or logic behind it.[/size'][/I][/quote] Retri, you do have a point. People rarely do things without reason. But, what ever the reason may be, they have plenty of options to go about resolving their problems. Flag-burning is a rather unconstructive way to go about it, and it is also a fire hazard. I'm am one of those people who believes that the flag represents freedom, not the government. To burn the flag, in my eyes, is to disgrace the freedom most of us take for granted. I don't agree with it, but I won't stop the people from doing it. It is free speech, it doesn't hurt me, so I have no right to infringe on their opinions. All I can do is shake my head as I watch them, and pity the poor soul for not thinking their actions through.
  12. I'm very much surprised that I didn't notice this little gem before, seeing as it is such a great tale. What got me interested would be the usual trend with me; borrowing and exchanging manga with a few friends. I had noticed Saikano in the book store, but never bothered to look into it. Now, I'm kickng myself because of that. First of all, when it says 'Editor's Choice' on the cover it has to be good. But, Saikano goes beyond good. The little subtitle 'The Last Love Song on This Little Planet' is truely fitting. The time period is unknown at this point--all we know is that there's a war going on. Unlike other stories that take place in a time of war, this one doens't focus on the military actions so much as the lives of Chise and her new boyfriend, Shuji.[SPOILER] But the fact remains that Chise is the Ultimate Weapon of the JSDF.[/SPOILER] Chise, the sweet heart that she is, simply wants to have a bowl of ramen with Shuji, but is torn between that and the duty that was forced on her unwillingly. Little comment on what I always die for in manga; the artwork. The people and the backgrounds are drawn so differently that I at first wondered if they were done by the same artist. The character designs remain relatively simple, but the cityscapes have a photographic quality to them. If seen in a different context, I would think that they are photographs. I've only read one volume, but I will read more. I don't always go for sweet stories, but I'll make an exception for Saikano. Now, for discussion, what do you all think of Saikano? Is it something you'll read over and over again?
  13. The weather here for today is rather dreary; thick, low-hanging clouds that seem to suffocate the world and incessant rain. It's actually a nice change from the usual blistering sun and distinct heat that drives a native northerner like me insane. Hey, it's Florida. What do you expect? Hurricanes I will not complain about. Again, it's the cloud cover that I love. Bright days are hard on me, especially when driving. I am literally blinded on those days, and it's no fun. Besides, I'd rather have hurricanes than fires. Easier to manage, easier to clean up. Temperature wise, it's pretty decent for the most part. It's only the summer I complain about. In the spring and fall it remains about 70 degrees, give or take. Perfect picnic weather, if you ask me. But I miss seasons. The colors, the bringing out of the heavy winter clothes, it makes everything else in live seem perfectly normal. Here, in the Land of No Seasons, you don't get that.
  14. I'm not a sports fan. Period. I was, however, born and raised in Pennsylvania before I was transplanted to Florida, and I have a lot of relatives who live in Pittsburg. It's a lovely city, really. One I'd love to go back to. Because of familial ties, I'll be rooting for the Steelers. Besides that, it's also the only team I can actually recognize... :animeswea
  15. Zamiel always made good on his word, as Soir knew from prior experience. Whether it was giving out detentions, or going out to get a meal for a worried student, he always did it. It was one of the reasons why Soir liked him, and why she smiled in her embarrassment as she took him up on his offer. She sat placidly on the floor as he headed for the door, breathing deeply as she realized that Hunter's word was good too. He was right, about the pendant, even if he was wrong about her thoughts on the curse. It was the fact that he was right that mae Soir all the more interested in finding out all she could about the St. Sebastian, and solving all of the little mysteries that lingered around it. There was a groan as Zamiel opened the door, and the sound of someone speaking in muffled tones. Without a thought, Soir was on her feet and heading to join Zamiel at the door. She [I]recognized[/I] that voice, even if she couldn't place who it belonged to. "Well," Zamiel began, calm as ever. "It seems that we'll be having that conversation sooner than expected." Ears twitched as Soir stopped, realizing the trouble she was in. There was Hunter on the ground, looking worse for wear, but breathing. "Oh dear God..." She murmured, darting over. Zamiel gracefully stepped aside, preparing to do something that Soir didn't care about. She just hoped it was contacting the infirmary. "Hey," She said, shaking his shoulder. "You better not be dead. I'm not dragging your corpse around, you stupid cat." She cursed under her breath as he moaned again. "Get up, idiot. This isn't funny. Do I look like I'm laughing? I'm not joking here. Come on, just [I] get up[/I]!"
  16. (You asked, so I came. I've wanted to play a Jounin, but got a little nervous with the amount of excellent RPers that posted. I'll take a whack at it.) [B]Name: [/B] Aogiri Kaname ('Kana' by those she trusts) [B]Age: [/B] 24 [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Height: [/B] 5'1" [B]Weight: [/B] 98 lbs [B]Appearance: [/B] With a slim build and long limbs, Kana is often seen as being the fragile sort who could break as easily as a fallen china doll. With intentions to break that image, and the doll that it entails, Kana is often seen in the most unflattering of outfits that do nothing to show off her figure. Typically, she wears close fitting pants that are dark in color, usually green, a long sleeved turtleneck style shirt, again in a dark color, and possibly a vest when it's chilly out. With shoulder length black hair and clear grey eyes she blends into the shadows perfectly, and can move as silently and quickly as one as well. [B]Rank: [/B] Jounin [B]Personality: [/B] Kana is often times the quiet sort, the one who does a lot of listening rather than speaking. It's not that she doesn't have much to say, it's that what is on her mind might not be pertinent to the situation. She has a quick mind, often allowing her to come up with a witty comment at the right moment, and has been told that she has a dry sense of humor. Around kids she is great, and often tries to act as a role model for the younger generation. Even if she likes to smile and laugh, she knows how to get tough when it?s necessary. [B]Equipment: [/B] Kana?s carries the standard tools that any Ninja should have, such as kunai and shuriken. She is especially fond of the use of smoke bombs, which she always carries on her,carries some exploding notes, and has a couple of scrolls she likes to use as well. [B]Main Weapon/Technique: [/B] Since she was a child, Kana has been proficient with a weapon known as a Kikuchi Yari?a Japanese spear that is approximately two meters in length and has a single cutting edge. With it she engages in close quarters combat, which is excellent for her considering that Genjutsu isn?t her specialty. She moves with such speed and precision that her opponents are often left startled at her skill, and that a bird-like young woman could prove so difficult to fight against. [B]Biography/ Writing Sample: [/B] When she was young, all Kana wanted was to become stronger. Her mother died when she was a baby, leaving her father?a Jounin himself?alone to raise his young daughter. Their life was happy for a while, but her father was killed on a mission when she was seven. Even at her age, Kana saw the problems she would have to face on a monetary level, and went to work at the local noodle shop. Needless to say, she doubted that she would ever get anywhere. Kana never liked seeing her peers picking on someone weaker than them. Be it a puppy, or even the boy she would later come to know as Sho, she always felt sick to her stomach to see the others acting so tough. She made it her personal mission at that time to bring about the retribution of the underdog?s aggressors, even if she did get into various problems because of that. Oftentimes, she would have to be saved by one of the teachers at the academy because it got so serious. It was at that time, after one too many rescues, that she decided to become a Ninja herself. Her reasoning was that she wanted to get strong enough so that she wouldn?t have to be rescued. Perhaps, she dreamed, she would rescue someone one day herself. She enrolled herself into the academy, mellowed out, and passed all of her tests with flying colors. Afterward, she gracefully accepted the task of ushering in a new generation of Ninja. Her kind demeanor if often countered by her still lingering desire to bring about the retribution of the world?s bullies, but it is rare that she allows that to get in the way with her duties. [B]Extra Notes: [/B] -Has a high regard for Zankokusa Shogo. -Is about as tall as some of the Genin, and is often disrespected because of that. -Has an excellent sense of hearing. -Has a soft spot for Kagami Imi, as Imi reminds her of herself at that age. -Is rather fond of Hyuuga Nariko, and wants to see her succeed. -Still helps out in the noodle shop from time to time, as a gesture of remembrance toward her roots. The other Jounin are often confused by this, but they don't ask any questions about her actions.
  17. Everything has been made very clear, no worries. I must thank you about the information, and confirming my suspicions that I'll need to continue borrowing this off of my friend. The nearest Borders is about 15 miles away, and the local places, Books a Million and Barnes & Noble, don't offer these type of series. Amazon.com is a no-go for me too--my parents aren't that keen on my spending money on manga as it is, so if I order something offline they'll really ask questions. Still, I'm glad to know that the series has more to it. The friend I'm borrowing it from also said that the release date for the next installment is in March, so I'll have to wait either way. Thank you very much for the info and the links, they are appreciated.
  18. I try to live my life without regrets, so I concur with a lot of people who have posted here so far. Life is full of crap, so you just have to take it and deal with it. Enough said on that matter. I have to say, however, is that I've found one regret in my living without regrets. I've had a wierd life, so I suppose that I've become a bit harsh in the way I look at things. Bluntly, I can be a complete jerk on the best of days, and then I don't regret it afterward. I see that as a problem, so I regret not catching that problem sooner and changing the way I look at the world.
  19. Adahn, it sounds rather utopian in a few aspects. Communism was the same way, rather utopian. It's an idea that sounds great when typed out, but in action has many flaws. Flaws like where a person's incentives lie and the like. You mentioned it on a smaller scale, sounding to me like a little sub community type construct where people separate themselves from the greater part of society. But they already have places like that, like nudist colonies, where people can do as they will and not have to worry. On that idea it could work, if a person wants to live in a box. frankly, it doesn't sound that appealing to me.
  20. I found this manga recently as a result of borrowing it from a friend, and I must say that it is very enjoyable. Admittedly, I am a yaoi fan, but I never strayed too much farther than the mainstream titles, like Gravitation, Fake, or the works of CLAMP. Bescause of that, this was my first time encountering Only the Ring Finger Knows. Now, my main question is, can this manga be found in book stores or not? I haven't seen it anywhere at all, and I'm just wondering if I have to continue borrowing this series from my friend or not. It is very sweet and enjoyable--I love it so far--so I'll be disappointed if I can't find it. Please. Any help is welcome.
  21. Amelia, it's better Clearwater than Tarpon Springs, keep that in mind. You are close to a lot of places and can get there easily from your location. Here? All I have are the Sponge Docks, and far more sponges than are necessary. Need a car wash? I can help you. :animeswea EDIT: Oops. I misread. Still, Tampa is better than Tarpon Springs.
  22. Pretty dang good idea. I was wondering where some of these people live that allows them to post at 2 in the morning! This little idea earns Stark's vote of approval.
  23. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I have to say that my favorite color is blue. I know, people all say that blue is such a sad color, but I think the complete opposite. Blue is a very calming color for me, seeing that I tend to be very uppity and hyper about things. I like being calm, I think better. People also think of blue as traditionally a boyish color. I mean, baby boys always have blue blankets, while baby girls have pink blankets. I think it's a little silly thinking that way. If you see my bedroom, you might understand. Everything in my room is either blue or green, with blue dominating the area. It's a good color, and I think it's pretty warm. Remember, the hottest flame isn't red, but blue. [/COLOR] I figured that I'd try my hand at posting in colored text while I was at it. It adds a nice touch, doesnt' it?
  24. Idlness was never an adequate way to pass the time as Soir learned as a child. So many minutes were lost on an unconstructive activity, minutes that could have been used planning her next stunt were lost forever. Soir sat up in her bed, legs crossed, and stretched for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. The St. Sebastian, now an amulet than merely a gem, weighed heavily on her mind. [I] "An' ya can't take it off, ever. You can try all ya like, but yer stuck with it 'til I dunno when!"[/I] She remembered those words and cringed, not only as she recalled the cheesy accent he used, but the meaning behind those words. Even if the gem wasn't cursed, those words were enough of a curse for Soir. She took hold of the gem, no longer in awe, and regarded it with challenging eyes. She would show that cat who was boss. Quickly she pulled at it, and yelped as a shock zinged through her nerves. She tried again, and again, to no avail. "Damn it," She muttered, "It really [I]is[/I] cursed!" In a single brisk movement she was off her bed, rocking on her feet as she grasped the gravity of the situation for her. It was a familial heirloom, the sort of which is often tied to a spell of some sort. Magic was not her area of expertise--she only knew enough to get through some tough locks--but she felt that there was spell of some sort tied to the gem. As such, there was only one person she felt she could talk to. Zamiel. She tucked the gem underneath her shirt, hiding all evidence that she still had half of the artifact she stole, and took off down the hall. Her stomach growled in complaint, begging for some morsel that she had denied herself of since the beginning of the session, but she ignored it. Food would have to wait when her freedom of motion was at stake. Once infront of Zamiel's quarters she slowed down, and entered the room without bothering to knock. She'd been in there often enough last year to know it as well as she knew the back alley ways back in the city, and she knew just how to get the teacher's attention. The room smelled old, but in a strangely comforting way. It reminded her of a room full of dusty old books, the exact sort of place she sought refuge in when she was having problems. Contemplation could wait. There was something more important to deal with. "Hey, teacher!" She called, "You know who I am, so I'm sure you know that I don't want any trouble. Fact remains, I have a few questions to ask you."
  25. Any Saiyuki fans out there? Are you nuts? Of course there are some!! Saiyuki is by far my favorite manga, not only for the intricate character designs, but also for the story and the depth of the characters themselves. It is the best I've seen, and the only one I've deemed worthy enough to collect the entirety of. Though, the story isn't that original. It's based off of the Chinese legend 'Journey to the West'--the same legend that Dragonball is sorta based off of, and the same legend that is used in a lot of different anime. I mean, it's been spoofed off in Inuyasha, and Read or Die the movie touches upon it too. Still, I like these versions of the characters better. :catgirl:
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