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Everything posted by Stark

  1. I must concur with both Panda and Ezeikiel about Genjyo Sanzo, because he is one of the best anime characters I've seen. He has a bad temper, is wildly trigger happy, and is a complete jerk most of the time, but the reasons for that become apparent as you go along with the story. He's a very flawed character, by no means the strongest, but he is a very wordly figure who has his deeper, philosophical moments. What is there to hate about Sanzo? Number two on that list is Nicholas D. Wolfwood. He's another pragmatic figure, completely unlike Vash in how he thinks, and will do what he has to do without second thoughts. He's a funny guy too, I got a lot of laughs out of him alongside of Vash. But, beyond this, he ultimately cares about those around him, and allowed Vash, Meryl and Millie to become his friends even though he knew what his mission was. He kept secrets, but they were absolutely necessary. I just seem to have a thing about corrupt priests. :animeswea
  2. Nana had tripped as she chased after the other Wilder and his group of friends, and breifly cursed her luck. Always falling, especially when she most wanted speed and haste, and only causing more delays. She began to get up, but thought better of it when she saw the Trolls coming in. Fighting ensued, Nana far enough from the fray to remain unscathed in the battle. She watched, but kept her hand on Tanner in case she would need to use her gun. There was no need, however, and she cursed again when she saw Sazurothz come in with his men and take down the Trolls. He had beat her. Again. She found herself laughing in spite of the defeat as she realized that they both were after the same thing--to join the Wilder and assist him. Nana stood up and brushed herself off, when a familiar looking Mahrim caught her eye. She was a tall, slim brindle Mahrim, standing in the fray with poise that only a Mahrim can manage. But her fur, the way she stood, the way she dressed...Nana ran over. "Felas!" She called "Felas! What are you-" The Mahrim turned toward Nana, and the Wilder stopped abruptly. "You are not Felas..." She ammended, and giggled in her embarrassment. "Sorry about that. Mistook you for someone else." She bobbed her head toward the stranger, and was about to walk away when the Mahrim called toward her. "Wait!" Nana glanced over toward the quizzical look on the Mahrim's face. "My name's Tarma, and I was wondering...how do you know Felas?" Nana smiled. "I'm Nana, and I only know Felas because I work with her." She offered her hand, and Tarma accepted as she shook it. "That's funny, " Tarma said, "Because I have a sister named Felas..."
  3. 17 on this end. I just like the OB because there's a wide variety of people, and there is always someone around to talk to. Besides, I like to RP every now and again, and the OB has one of the best RP set ups I've seen around. And no, I'm not the stereotypical anime otaku. I stray into Star Trek as well, recently got a job, take college classes along side of my classes as the high school, and can talk fairly intelligently about a lot of subjects when given the chance. I'm trying to be a writer as well, but my tendency towards distraction doesn't help with that much at all.
  4. Name: Kouji Morinozuka Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.fullmetal-alchemist.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=3607]Mori.[/URL] He normally dresses in whatever he can grab in his leisure time, usually an outfit consisting of a pair of jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt that's normally blue or green in color. When working he dons a black turtleneck, a pair of fingerless gloves, and combat boots with his jeans. He always wears a pair of thin, wire framed glasses, as he's farsighted. The farsightedness is a godsend while on the job, as is his dexterity and speed. He can shoot a target from great distance with pinpoint accuracy, and can deftly immobilize a person without leaving any physical markings upon their body. His acting skills come in handy as well, allowing him to act as a public liaison when and if it is necessary. He also speaks English fluently, a good talent when it comes to dealing with travelers from the west. Personality: He's a smart, playful young man who, in spite of being on the quiet side, is easy to smile and laugh. While he seems open at first, he really lets no one onto what he's thinking or feeling. However, he doesn't do well under stress, and has a tendency to snap in tight situations. Funny, considering how well he does on stage in front of a few thousand people. He responds to his name, Kouji, but also to the nicknames of Kou and Mori. Bio: There's not much to say about Mori, save that he's a studious person who, in spite of his potential as a teacher, decided to take up acting. At the age of seventeen his parents transferred him to a creative arts school where he could continue developing his talent. It was at that school that he met the love of his life, an up and coming poet by the name of Chidori Fujioka. Upon graduation Mori proposed to Chidori, and the two had made plans to go to New York. There Mori knew he had the possibility of getting a job on Broadway, and Chidori could publish her poetry. Before they even had a chance to get married, disaster struck... Snippet: Mori tucked his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the wall of their designated meeting spot, letting on the air of calm when inside he was seething. It was cold, and he saw his breath come out in clouds as he waited in the darkness for the envoy to come. They had taken Chidori and demanded a ransom. He was there to deliver, and to get his fiancee back into his arms. What their names were, he didn't know, but if they had so much as laid a hand on Chi... There was no time to finish the thought. Mori took up the sack that held the designated amount of money--over half of his savings-- and straightened up as a black clad figure stepped out of the car. "Do you have it?" He asked of Mori, who raised an eyebrow in responce. "Do you?" Replied Mori, keeping his voice soft and his best polker face on. The stranger opened the car door, revealing another man with a bound and gagged Chidori in the back seat. "Well?" The stranger pressed, reaching into his trench coat for what Mori thought suspiciously was a gun. Mori kicked the sack toward the man, never taking his eyes away. He took a deep breath, and silently asked his pounding heart to still itself. He wasn't certain how long he could maintain his calm facade with his nerves as jumpy as they were. "Let. Her. Go." Mori said, inserting a note of harshness as he bit the words out. He heard Chidori thrash about in the car, her voice muffled behind the duct tape. Mori ignored her for the moment, fighting the urge to run over, unbind her, and then embrace her as the guise broke and the floodgates opened. "Gladly," The man before him gestured to the man in the car, who proceeded to cut Chidori's bonds. Mori turned his eyes to his girl, but those eyes widened as Chidori wrenched herself free of her captor and ripped the tape from her mouth. "Get out of here!" She called to him, "It's a trap!" "What-?" Before Mori could finish the sentence the man in the car had shot her through the chest. "Too bad," The man from the car said as he stepped out, a note of regret in his voice. "She really was a pretty little thing." The facade crashed down, and Mori felt his heart pound in rage. Before he knew it he had taken down the man before him, borrowing from the various fights he had taken part in from his youth, and had the fallen man's gun in hand. He searched left. Right. He planned on killing the man who had slain Chidori, but he was nowhere in sight. A moment of silence passed, broken only by Mori's ragged breathing. Suddenly there was a hand clamped on his mouth, and he futilely fought for freedom from the stronger man's grasp. There was a chuckle in his ear. "Sir will like you, Kouji Morinzuka."
  5. If I recall correctly, the word 'anime' is the Japanese term for 'animation'. Therefore, broadly speaking, anything that is animated is anime. That is broadly speaking, of course. The style, in and of itself, originated in Japan. Other countries do borrow and tweak that style, but, in the thesis that anime is Japanese animation, they aren't considered anime. Teen Titans, for example, is not what I call an anime. it borrows heavily on the anime style, but it doesn't quite get the cigar. Like others have said, it may evolve with time, and we may eventually be dealing with 'French Anime' or 'Itallian Anime', but, given the cultures, they may have an entirely different feel. Note: Even animated shows that rely heavily on the anime style, are distinctly not anime. Anime looks subtly different, and the plots take on a wholly different meaning. Comapre Teen Titans with Fullmetal Alchemist. lol. There is no comparison! I'm sure that, even if other contries and cultures, we'll be able to tell the difference
  6. Nana abruptly stood up, shoved her hat onto her head, and stared at the Slake. "That's all I need to know," She said, even as her stomach growled, "And I won't be anyone's tool, even if it is for pay." She didn't want money. She didn't [I] need[/I] money. "You also fail to understand," The Slake said, regaining his calm, "I can [I] help[/I] you." He looked at her, and she could see a certain weariness about him. Normally, she would have sympathized with the Slake, perhaps even pitied, but the situation had ceased to be normal. She held her ground. "You don't understand the word 'no'." Sazurothz turned away, "Suit yourself then, little Wilder. You'll just get lost in the tide." Nana said nothing, and walked off. Her stomach lurched painfully in disagreement with her actions, but she knew it was for the best. Never again...never again. She shook her head reflexively as she thought about it all, and stiffened her shoulders and she pushed it aside. She saw the other man, the one she believed to be a Wilder, leaving with his friends.Instinct told her to catch up, and she ran after them, placing her trust in that instinct.
  7. After watching the movie version of The Queen of the Damned, I don't want to see the movie version of Interview with the Vampire. But, I enjoyed the book. I don't care what you have to say about Louis, because the story revolves around Lestat. Louis is just the medium that Anne Rice uses to start the story and the fascination that is Lestat de Lioncourt. No where else can you meet such a lovable fiend. Death wise--people are supposed to die, even if they are vampires. Keep in mind [Spoiler] Caludia should have been left to die. It is taboo to make a child vampire, for reasons that become obvious later on. [/Spoiler] When reading Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, it's almost a necessity to have read this book. Lestat constantly makes references to little Claudia, even if she was a child from hell. Since I started reading with Memnoch the Devil, reading the earlier novels cleared quite a few things up for me. I'm glad I read it, even if Louis is a bit tresome with his moaning and angst.
  8. Nana entered the Cauldron, and heaved a sigh of relief as she closed the door. Finally, a moment of comfort and safety, surrounded by people who wouldn't hurt her. Even if someone did, there would be too many witnesses. It was too risky for them to even try anything. She scanned the crowd, looking for someone who would be nice enough to pay for her meal. Felas paid her, naturally, but she spent most of that money on parts for the repairs she did on a regular basis. She didn't have enough money to buy herself a meal. There was a tap on her shoulder, and Nana looked over at the smiling barkeep. "Excuse me. Are you Miss Nana Joce?" The barkeep asked. Nana smiled back. "And if I am?" She questioned in return. "There is someone who would like to see you." Nana looked away, prepared to leave the little pub. She didn't want to be bothered by strangers at a time like this. She'd rather take her chances with the Slake Government. The barkeep called after her. "Wait. They also said that they would be glad to buy you a meal." Nana turned her attention back to the barkeep. "Really?" She asked, interested. Free food, and she didn't even have to mooch. That was a record. "Yes. If you'd follow me I'll lead you to them." Nana agreed, and followed the barkeep to the table. When she saw the table's occupant, she blanched. It was the Slake from Felas' shop, an important official by the name of Sazurothz. If there was one person she was afraid of, it was him. She feared him, not because he was cruel, but because of his crippling calm and patience. It wasn't...natural for anyone to be so calm. He had a cordial air about him as he gestured for her to sit. "Nana, it's good that I've found you. There's something we need to talk about." Nana, knowing better than to disagree with a Slake, sat obediantly. "Yes. We do have some unfinished business." "When was the last time you ate?" He asked, as if he were the host of a party. "Yesterday? Two days ago?" Nana didn't answer, but stifled a yawn. "For that matter," Sazurothz continued, noticing her actions, "When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?" Again, Nana didn't answer. What did the Slake care, anyway? "You won't take me back." She said simply. "I won't let you. I refuse to be used as a tool again." "You won't." Sazurothz said simply. "But, you've been forgetting things. When to eat, when to sleep, the very simple acts of life." "I remembered to come here to get food." Nana said defensively, sitting up straighter in her chair. Sazurothz tossed her the hat she had left at the shop. "Enough of this. The other person I was waiting for is here." Nana glanced over as a tall man with dark hair that the barkeep had just led over. He seemed quiet, even a touch cold, but Nana knew that they were alike. "Another one, huh?" "Yes." Sazurothz motioned for the man to sit. "Tyr. Nana. There are some things we must talk about.
  9. She darted down the streets, a small figure who could easily hide in the shadows, just as Kanya had told her to do. It was for the best, because she heard the deep voice of the one figure she didn't want to meet not long after she left the Velati. She silently congratulated herself, and breathed out her releif in the words "That was close." She rounded a corner and plotted out her course. It would be fairly easy; duck through the small alley ways she knew as well as she knew Tanner, and make her way back to Felas' shop. She wanted to let the kind Mahrim know that she was all right, becuase there was nothing worse than a restless, worried Felas to deal with. She had taken the long route, only because it was the least visible, and was ready to resume her life with Felas and continue repairing her motorcycle. There were other things in that shop that needed fixed too--among them her crossbow--but she would get to them all in due time. She was about to reach for the door, but paused. She knew there was someone in there with Felas, but didn't know who. All she could gather, from the presence technolyte stones, was that they were very high in the Slake government. Nana froze. There was a phrase, 'The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime', that she remembered then. She knew in that instant that, who ever was in there, knew that as well. "Damn it!" She cursed softly, and took off toward The Cauldren. If nothing else, she could get a bite to eat and a safe place to hide for a little while.
  10. Nana stared at the girl and her wolf-turned-dragon in awe; it wasn't often that she saw a Velati, but she always knew it when she did. What was there to say when faced with such grace and power? "Set her down now. Unless you wish to lose your head while you run." The Velati spoke softly, but there was no denying the threat in her voice or her sword. Lika's grip tightened around her, making it difficult for her to breath. It was obvious that he didn't heed the threat, or was unwilling to let go of his pride and submit to the physically smaller and weaker magic user.The impossibly calm and gentle smile on the girl's face was enough to send Nana over the edge, and it was only her grip on Tanner that kept her mind focused. The Velati charged. Tanner came out of its holster. The moment the girl's sword connected with Lika's neck was the moment that Nana pulled the trigger and shot the Slake through the side. The body fell, releasing Nana from it's grasp, the thick, warm blood spilling from its wounds. Nana stepped away, breathing deeply, and simply didn't believe that a stranger would help her, a Wilder and outcast from society, like they did. Nana placed Tanner back into its case, and turned to smile at the Velati. "Well, he's deader than dead now," She laughed, "Thanks for the help."
  11. Nana chuckled as she heard the commotion outside the little junk shop. "Well, sounds like things are getting lively out there, yeah?" She said, glancing toward the door. Something about a theif that must have ended in a bloody mess. The theif must have been a Mahrim; it was the fish vendor that had let out the cry. "There's a little stream not far from here," The shop owner, a lovely brindle Mahrim woman called Felas, sighed. "Haven't they ever heard of fishing?" "No," Nana replied, returning to her work. "Maybe that's why they steal food to stay alive." She had been called in by the shop owner to fix up her old motorcycle. It was obvious that it would have been easier to replace the piece of junk, but she understood the sentimental value that Felas had placed on the bike. It was the same with her and Tanner. Not that she would admit that. She had just lowered her goggles when there was a rap at the door. "I'll take care of it," Felas said, getting up from her languid position on the table. "Is there something I can help you with?" She inquired of the new comer as she opened the door. "Yes. I am Lika, a representative of the Slake Government, and I am looking for some people." Out of the corner of her eye Nana saw Felas invite Lika in, but went back to her work as she felt the Slake's eyes fix onto her. "What kind of people are you looking for?" Felas inquired, sounding like the ever cordial and honest shop keeper that she played herself to be. "There are two," Lika explained in his militaristic formality. "One is a Slake female known as Ashcraft, the other is a Wilder female known as Nana." Nana pulled her hat lower over her face, and shook her head at Felas. Without missing a beat, Felas replied. "Don't know them." Nana immersed herself in the repairs of the bike, and didn't look up as the Slake turned to her. "And you?" He asked, "Have you seen Ashcraft or Nana?" "Never heard of them." Without warning the Slake ripped her hat off, revealing her messy grey toned hair. Nana found herself compelled to look up, and was surprised to see the Slake so close to her face. "I think you know who I'm talking about, Nana." She reached for Tanner, thought better of it, and grabbed the nearest rifle to use for defense. "You've made a mistake," She said, smiling. "That is 'Miss Joce' to you." She swung the rifle as if it were a sword, aiming to knock the Slake over, but was thwarted in that attempt as Lika knocked the rifle from her hands and grabbed her. "Hey!" Felas cried out, reaching for her cross bow. "What do you think you're--" "Stop that," Nana said quietly, recognizing her defeat. "You'll only get yourself hurt." Felas lowered the cross bow. "What are you thinking, N?" "Nothing much." She smiled, "I just know that they won't hurt me." "We won't hurt you so long as you don't force us." Lika corrected, already heading toward the door. "Even if they won't hurt me, " Nana began, winking at her employer, "It doesn't mean that I'll cooperate." With that said she wrenched her wrist from her captor's grasp and darted off, crying out as she tripped upon exiting the shop. To her dismay, Lika had scooped her up before she could even try to recover, and proceeded to carry her to their destination.
  12. I am waiting for someone to stray away from what they are currently playing on Cartoon Network and into anime that exists on other stations or on DVD. No? Then I'll go. How about Son Goku (Saiyuki) vs. Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto)? Actually, I think that might be quite the sight to see, particularly when they both hair out on everyone. By that, I mean they both have two different forms; Naruto is himself and himself when the seal is broken, Goku is himself and the Seiten Taisen when he takes off the Limiter. It might be fun to watch, even though I have a strong feeling that Goku would win. Another possible fun sight would be Lucy (Elfen Leid) vs. Kusanagi Motoko (GitS). I don't know who would win, but it would certainly be fun to watch, ne? Just seeing those two ladies go at it would be enough for me.
  13. I'm not a huge movie person, but I have seen my fair share of bad flicks. I'll see if I can rattle a few off of the top of my head. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within I know, I know, it's Final Fantasy, but I got so bored that I had to take the cassette out of my VCR. Yes, the graphics were good--phenomenal for the time--but it was...slow. I never saw the end because it put me right to sleep. Hide and Seek The only person I liked in this movie was Dakota Fanning. She is one phenomenal little girl. But, they claim that that is a scary movie? I beg to differ. When you can predict what will happen in what is supposed to be a horror movie, then it isn't that scary at all. Star Wars Episodes I-III I'm sorry. I just don't like Anakin. I really can't see how they say that a movie featuring a whiney little idiot as the main character is any good, none the less the 'most emotionally moving film of the year'. Compared to the original movies, these are nothing. They don't even reach the same calibur in shock value. Beauty Shop I'm not a fan of this genre. period. But I sat through it and was rather annoyed with my mother that she made me see it. Then again, she tends to do that; makes me watch movies in an attempt to enlighten me about what it means to be a social creature. If I want humor, I'll take Monty Python any day... Ocean's Twelve Was I supposed to understand this? Yet another movie Mom made me watch, and another few hours lost out of my life that I could have used sleeping. Then again, maybe I should have seen the prequel before I watched this, but Mom didn't quite understand that rationale. I told you that I'd rattle off a list, and there's still plenty more where that came from.
  14. Stark


    Nope, haven't even gone there. I'm not too keen on spilling out all of the vital information a person may need to steal my identity--not that it would be easy, considering thatI've had three different names in my short life. Ah, heck. I'm content with my mO account, so I really don't need a bunch of people with very vacuous minds trying to befriend me there, especially when we have so little in common. At least around here I know I can get into a conversation with most people about something...
  15. Abruptly, Sanzo switched his Smith & Wesson out for his paper fan, and deftly smacked the child-like creature over the hed with it. A resounding crack was heard, joined by a cry from the stranger. "Silence!" Sanzo shouted. "If you're crying, then don't deny it. Better yet, don't cry at all; tears can't solve anything." The stranger whimpered, his green eyes welling up with new tears. "Why are you hitting me?" He whined, earning another smack with the fan. "I said 'silence'." He turned away from the stranger, and didn't believe what he saw. "What the hell?" He asked, Gojyo-style, as a wide array of lollipops appeared out of nowhere. By the ghost-like child he saw a strange looking youkai...one that looked very familiar. Before the events concerning Kougaiji and the journey to India, he remembered Hakkai bringing a game over for Goku to play. It was some sort of electronic bit that he never bothered to pay attention to--it kept the monkey occupied, it didn't matter what it was--but in that game there were creatures like the ones he was seeing then. [I] "The game is called 'Kingdom Hearts,"[/I] Hakkai had explained to him, ever the patient teacher, [I]"In that game, the player character travels through the worlds so he can protect them from the Heartless--" "What does that mean?"[/I] Sanzo had asked, in reference to the word 'heartless'. [I] "Ah ha ha. You could say that it's a kind of youkai that they use in the game--basically cannon fodder for the boss character."[/I] It was at that point that Sanzo had stopped listening, not caring what it was so long as Goku didn't whine for food. It clicked. That strange youkai must be something like those sub-level youkai in that game--the 'heartless', what ever that meant. The kid didn't seem to know what he was doing, either... "Hold still!" Sanzo called over to him. He looked up, eyes wide. "Huh?" He questioned as Sanzo shot the youkai that was sneaking up behind the kid. The kid cried out in surprise, and fell to the grass. "I thought I told you to hold still?' Sanzo asked, firing again. This time the creature went down and stayed down.
  16. The only thing that I know I'm getting for certain is a set of very VERY nice chopsticks. You know, the kind you can use over and over and not have to worry about bacteria making themselves a comfy little home, white picket fence and a lovely garden worthy of the Garden District's approval. I only know that because I begged my mom to get it for me, and she bought it that very day. Other than that, the only thing that is really on my list are socks and some more shirts. Or the rest of the Gundam Seed manga, if my parents want to buy them for me. Or money is good, that way I can buy Advent Children when I see it on DVD...or even Serenity. As for the giving part, I normally do something cheap, simple, and sweet. Maybe buy someone a drink or make some cookies. I know, it's not much, but I also know that my friends just adore me when I buy them a mocha latte for their birthday. :catgirl: That's why it's so great to spend a lot of your free time at the local book store!
  17. I figured that I'd go through the list of names I have been known by online. There's actually quite a few of them, considering that I've been a lot of places. Nightingale Chii--I was known as this on my very first forum, and it has an interesting tale. I was watching Gundam Seed and Big O at the time, so I got to thinking about Kira's birdie. It's such a cool little mechanical bird, you know. In thinking about Birdie, I remembered a reference in Big O about this man who fell in love with the song of a mechanical bird--a reference concerning Dorothy, but interesting, no less. If I recall correctly, the place Dorothy sang at was called the Nightingale, and I think that is also a nick name for women who sing in such places. I like to sing when I have the chance, and I'm pretty good when I try. 'Chii' was only added because I heard that the main character in Chobits was called 'Chi'. So, I added an extra 'i' and became Nightingale Chii. I actually wrote a poem in reference to the Nightingale. PM me if you want to read it. Stark Raving Lunatic--on yet a different forum, and I was watching the Sci-Fi series Farscape at the time. Stark is the name of a character in that series, and I decided that he was an interesting character. I wasn't finished with the series yet, and had only seen him twice, but decided that it was a cool name. I figured that, since I have moments when I ramble on about nothing what so ever, I'd call myself Stark Raving Lunatic. It seemed to work. Caster--This was my first foray into single word names. I had finished watching the Outlas Star DVDs a friend let me borrow, and I absolutely adore the Caster Gun as a weapon. I mean, that gun is up there with the Light Saber, you know? So, I figured that I'd call myself Caster--and it didn't help that I had an RP character that was called Caster. :animeblus I was a bit obsessed with the name. Stark--My name now. By the time I had joined the OB, I had seen the entirety of Farscape, and decided that Stark was indeed my favorite character. He's funny, if his moments of insanity can be called funny, but he has his serious moments too. Let's just say that I connected with this character in a way that I don't often connect. Odd, I know, but I sorta feel that I have moments like his as well. So... I figured that I'd call myself that. Besides, you don't expect a person to name themself after a character in a cult favorite of a sci-fi show on an anime forum!
  18. Yes. You've said that already, Starwind. And yes, you've made that quite clear. Don't worry, I won't tell her even though I have her number and she was in my Anatomy class. Your secret is safe with me. :catgirl: Any way, my first crush was also in elementary school, and his name was Alex Brown. He was, of course, one of the more popular kids--you know the type. Athletic. Cute. Friendly. Knew everyone's name. There was no hope for me, becuase I was the class wierdo. Had too much of a stigma against me for the other kids to even approach me, and too quiet to even defend myself. Let's just say that he was nice enough to smile at me every once in a while, and that was enough for an elementary school girl to start a crush. Then for a long time I renounced the idea of ever having a boyfriend, determined that it was too inane to bother with while dealing with school work. But now...I guess I'm growing up a bit more, and I'm starting to see the error in those thoughts. lol. I guess I'm a real teenager now.
  19. "Fighting you would be a waste of my time," Sanzo said to the woman, and pushed passed her as he set forth down the hill. If she didn't understand, then it was useless waiting for her to finally get it. Even Goku knew better than that. As he moved, he felt a tug at his robes. He glanced around, ready to draw his gun, and confirmed that it was only Tifa. "Now what?" "What exactly are you going to do?" She asked. "Simple. Afrim that those three are involved in all of this." What little he knew, it centered around finding others who were newcomers to the land. Those three...their clothing was different. "Well I'm going too." Tifa said, her voice a chirp. Then a wicked grin crossed her features. "Unless you've reconsidered about that fight..." He arched an eyebrow. "I'll pass on the fight." He muttered, "There are more important things to be done." Who ever this girl was, she also failed to understand that he had no reason to fight a human, none the less a human girl. Who was she in the grand scheme of things? In fact, who was he? They lived. They died. That was what it was to be mortal. "Then I'm going with you." She repeated. Sanzo fought the temptation to point that out to her, and simply motioned for her to follow. "Suit yourself." A lot of noise had broken out at the bottom of the hill, in the form of children's voices. Unfortunately, he had a hunch that he would have to deal with it. He heard Tifa stop, audibly gasp, and squeal the word 'Cloud' before they were even partway there. Reflexively, Sanzo reached for the ever present fan, but decided against hitting her as she streaked passed him. Besides, there was another way to take out that frustration. Instead of the fan, he pulled out his trusty Smith & Wesson and pointed it into the bushes. "You." He said, clearly talking to the one who was trying to hide, "You can't accomplish anything by hiding." He clicked the safety off on his gun, slowly and deliberately. "Come out. Now." He heard a whimper and a rustle of leaves, but saw no one come out. If there was one thing that bothered him, not including noise, excessively stupid monkeys, or Kappas who were sub-monkey, it was those foolish enough to hide from life. He fired a warning shot into the bushes, and waited for a reaction.
  20. Name: Nana Joce Age: 19 Race: Wilder Alignment: Technolyte Class: Adapter, as she has been called by her colleagues. What that means is that she has an innate sense of how a piece of technology, new or old, should work. As soon as she so much as touches the unknown object, she immediately has the knowledge of how it should work. Then, she takes that knowledge, synthesizes with that she already knows, and can use it as skillfully as if she had known that tool from the very start. Weapon of Choice: Her weapon is an antique gun--a pistol with a five inch barrel and the initials 'M. J. Tanner' written on it in stylized engravings. She simply refers to the gun as 'Tanner'. She's excellent with beam weapons, but she finds them too new for her tastes. What draws her to the antique weapons, Tanner in particular, is the stories they have to tell. Personality: Nana appears to be the calm, quiet sort on first glance, but underneath the guise lies an eccentric girl with a quick temper. She is an avid collector of old books and weapons, and is very picky about them. Mostly, she gets along with people, but she doesn't always think things through and winds up in trouble frequently. Appearance: Nana stands at a little over five feet, has a slim, slightly curved figure that she hides underneath boyish clothing, and manages to maintain her charm even when she's covered in dirt from her work. As a wilder, her 'talents' were accompanied by a minor physical manifestation: Golden eyes and dark grey hair. She keeps her hair clipped short, mostly because it's functional that way, and it is slightly wavy so that it frames her face and feathers lightly around her ears and neck. Of course, due to her work, she is rarely seen without her trusty pair of goggles with which she uses to protect her eyes. Bio: Nana isn't the sort to dwell on the past, and if she does it's in the form of her collectables. All she ultimately lets on to people is that the government wanted to use her for her benefit, considering her skill with technology. She doesn't really care about the runes, but when faced with choosing a side she stayed where she was most comfortable, with the Technolytes.
  21. Drinking doesn't sound like a happy way to go. I don't really drink, save a little wine here or there around the holidays, but I am no stranger to depression and I don't think that alcohol can help much. Logically, alcohol is a depressant. If you're already depressed, you may act out on your crazy thoughts and do something drastic. In the end, it probably won't go so well. I'm not saying stop--do what you will, because you'll only hurt yourself-- but I understand your need for release. If those emotions need let out that badly, then do something constructive. Let those feelings out in some bold artistic way, like those chaotic abstracts that look so neat. Or, write some angry poetry condemning everyone and everything in general. Even if you're not artistic, it may work. Finding another relationship may sound good and all, but take a little time for yourself Don't rush around looking for another lover, because you could fall back into that same trap. . Get back onto your feet so that you can stand without any support, get your head clear of everything you dislike, and be content with living for a while. Oh. Imi's right. A puppy really can work wonders.
  22. Sanzo regarded the woman--Tifa--in silence as she began tearing the grass out in clumps. Social skills may not have been his area of expertise, but he knew enough to realize that she was peacably venting her frustrations. The other one who lurked in the trees might meet the fan sooner or later. "You don't know?" He questioned after a beat, momentarily surprised that she knew nothing of what was going on. Not that he knew much, save that there was a newcomer to the area who needed assistance. Strength. Protection. He didn't know, nor care. He just wanted to get this over with quickly. "No, I don't." Tifa said. "And I wouldn't be asking if I did." She stood back up, so that they could see eye to eye, and scowled. "Besides, you never answered my questions!" He made a noncommital noise, and drew from his cigarette. "What is there to know? We're here, apparently as a result of our status as 'anime' characters, and there is something that must be done." He glanced sidelong at the woman. "Not that it matters." He went off in the direction of some other voices he had heard. Surely the Goddess of Mercy hadn't led hir Chosen Priest astray. "Hey!" Tifa called, easily matching his pace. "You never really answered my questions. And, what do you mean that it doesn't matter?" He ignored her, and continued on his trek. She darted in front of him, effectively blocking his path. " You know, it's not nice to ignore people." Well, how could he ignore a woman standing in front of him, now with her hands clenched on his robes? "It's also nice to answer people when they are talking to you," She continued. "Are you listening? Do you understand?" Sanzo gazed directly at her, and pushed her hands away from him. "What I understand is that, regardless of how I got here and where I come from, it doesn't matter. Just like it wouldn't mean a thing if I knew where you came from." He pushed passed her. "What's important lies just over this hill..." He paused a moment to gather his bearings. "I think," He added as an afterthought. In truth, he had no idea where he was headed. In Togenkyo it was easy--just point Jeep west. Now that the truth had appeared, nothing seemed so clear anymore. "And your name?" Tifa's voice called from behind him. "Genjyo Sanzo," He muttered, and gestured for her to join him at the apex of the hill. Just on the other side were other people he didn't recognize--a child, another blond, and a child who could blend in with the fallen snow.
  23. My title is there, partially because I think it sounds cool, and partially because I tend to blow the little nothings in life into something huge and not pleasant. When I take a step back from everything, I realize that my life is really anticlimactic. Nothing of importance ever happens, so there's no reason for all of the added drama. I guess my actions are just another way to stir things up a bit and cause tension all around. Otherwise, life would get boring pretty quickly, and I can't stand boredom.
  24. The bright sunlight penetrated through his closed eyes, and Genjyo Sanzo moaned in discomfort as he stirred. A pair of violet pools opened, and he found himself staring at the brilliant blue sky. A wild thought rushed though his mind?an image of an orange origami airplane soaring across the blue. [I]?The opposite colors enhance each other?s beauty,?[/I] He remembered his late master, Koumyo Sanzo, saying once. Another memory flitted through his thoughts.[I] ?These airplanes should only be thrown across a blue sky??[/I] He sat up and pushed the thoughts aside. He had a mission, of sorts, and he had a feeling that he wouldn?t be alone. ?Ah?ni?.mei?? He said, toying the word around in his mouth. The very sound of it, and the thought behind it, left a bad feeling in his mouth. He stood and dusted off his robes. Even if he was a work of fiction, he still existed?was alive. Nothing could change that. Somewhere in the distance, he heard a familiar whine. He checked to see if his gun was loaded. ?I still hear that monkey,? He muttered, in reference to Goku. The wide eyed child with golden eyes, the one who had called to him what seemed like a lifetime ago, still called out to him. [I]?Ah, yes.?[/I] A familiar voice chuckled in his thoughts, the voice of Kanzeon Bosatsu. [I]?And that?ll be your stigma, whether you like it or not.?[/I] He snorted his acknowledgment of hir warning, and trodded off. There were voices nearby, and past experience told him that it was a good idea to get acquainted with the locals.
  25. I am a frequent Wikipedia user, the sort who goes there for info on nearly everything and even used an entry as a source in a paper. This little stunt has...made me wonder about this site now. I'm not comfy knowing that people will use it for jokes, and it's disenheartening because I usually find the information to be pretty accurate. When they have information about Hurricane Katrina on there already, you know it has to be a good place to go. It would be nice if they could somehow control what people post on there, like make sure that the post contains information that other people know about and can be found readily online, that might make some of it's users less wary about its content and accuracy.
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