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Dark Neko-Chan

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Everything posted by Dark Neko-Chan

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]Whenever I get a new anime DVD 'cause I get too impatient to wait up for it on Saturday's 'cause I get bored and run outta junk to do. Sadly. :animecry: [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hm. The Dragon Ball Z cast... There's absolutely no point to the entire series, and you can only power up so much. [B]And why the heck are all of them, like, body builders?[/B] Even the kids! Besides, Goku must be one crappy dad if he's gonna let his-- what? twelve-year-old-- son fight some ailen freakoid from wherever! Okay, done with that. The Yu-Gi-Oh! cast and the Pokemon cast 'cause they're all "friendship is magic and it will bring us through anything as long as we believe!"... ..................................... ...DEAR GOD! THEY ARE WAAAAAAY TOO HAPPY AND OPTIMISTIC! I mean, in Pokemon, the world's about to get eaten by some huge thing and they're all Happy-Happy-Smile-Smile! Either that, or they start crying 'cause they're friends aren't running away and are risking their necks to save the world. Well, that's all fine and dandy, but how are three kids with an abscence of powerful Pokemon gonna save the world from a big, powerful... thing? Okay, done with that, too. The English Naruto dub is pretty cheesey, too. I mean, anyone seen the part where they first bump into Haku? Naruto starts [B][I]crying[/I][/B]! In the manga he just got really pissed off! I mean, I love the manga dearly, but they did a horrible job on the dub. (And the same could be said for the Shaman King dub. [B]4kids is EVIL IN CARNATE![/B] :cussing: ) :modrod: See that little dude right there to the left of this text? That's what I wanna do to 4kids...! Okay, done with that, too.[/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok... I'm all for the anime-style Powerpuff Girls show... [B][I]BUT WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO THE GANGGREEN GANG!!!![/I][/B] :animedepr [IMG]http://www.sonicfighters.com/FightingMagic/PPGZ/ppgz06_07.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]I think it's an inprovment. And at least the Girls look like people, now. Not... things... with not fingers.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]I love the first and second ending themes for Fullmetal Alchemist, as well as the second opening. I'm also quite fond of the openings for Shaman King and the first ending theme. The Hamtaro themes are fun, too. :animesmil And the Rurouni Kenshin opening and ending themes. And don't even get me started on the InuYasha themes. I got kinda bored with "Change the World", but I love "My Will" and "Fukai Mori".[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='ashwolf']Don't get me wrong, I do not dislike the anime but did anyone get the feeling that the series should have gone on a little bit longer than it had?[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]I wish the series did go on longer... I think there are only eight volumes of the manga (and I can finally find volume seven in Borders, as of today. But of course, when I do, I don't have enough 'cause I'm buying a book from the fantasy literature section, but aside...) I hate it when you find an awesome manga series or something and it's, like, really short. I mean, you know how it ends, but it kind of leaves you with an empty feeling that makes you wish that the story continued on longer. (That's happened twice this year to me, with the same author. At the beginning of the year, I read a book by him called [I]Poison[/I] and I just finished reading another by him in English today called [I]The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray[/I] and I got that feeling both times... I'm sad now... :animecry:) And, tell me, is the anime any good? I can never find volume one of the DVD's at Borders (and even if I could, I probably couldn't afford it, anyway. I blow all my money on manga... :animedepr)[/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Cheeky7']Hi I'm a big fan of Anime and sometimes people upset me when they think that anime is bunch of cheaply made cartoons that only nerds and losers are into them![/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed] Well, that's dumb! Of course it's not! It's way awesomer than any American cartoon! Almost all American cartoons have srappy animation and are all competely idiotic! They all could be classified as "comedy", but anime has so amny different sides to it! They have the heavy stuff like Fullmetal Alchemist, they have the confusing, complex stuff like Ghost In The Shell, they have the cute, adorable stuff like Hamtaro, and they have the... uh... odd stuff like BoBoBo-BoBo-BoBo! Anyone who flat out says, "Oh, anime is for losers" is coming to a conclusion too quickly if the only anime they've seen is Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! (which 4kids is responsible for. t3h 3vil...) Hmph! :animeangr Jeez. Besides, if people need to call anime and manga fans losers then they must have some self-esteem issues 'cause people only do that when they're insecure. If they're that insecure, take it out on somone else. They're the losers for being jerks. ('Cause 'loser' is a relative term.)[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hey, dudes. Uh... Okay, I was wondering if anyone on here knew a website where I might be able to find the Shaman King sub DVD's with subtitles? I would very much appreciate it because, quite frankly, I can't take the 4kids dub any longer (even the edited DVDs weren't edited all that much :animeangr) and I don't know Japanese. (It'll only be a few more years 'til I can learn... :animecry:) Arigato.[/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='Stafal-chan']episode #3...it's basically like the 1st episode...i dun understand why they made the ones about Leor (yeah incase anyone doesn't kno this yet... i can't spell >_
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]Well, I'd say Faust-kun from Shaman King (Even though that already happened, should someone actually take the time to look at my avatar) because he always looks so creepy and broken as a not-chibi and I just wanna see him look cute and tiny, for once! :catgirl: Also, Hiei-kun from YuYu Hakusho 'cause he's all serious and I've seen images of him chibi-fied in Shonen Jump and he looks funny... In a cute kinda way, ya know? And Itachi-san and Sasuke-kun from Naruto 'cause... of the same reason as Hiei-kun... :animeswea [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]I like YuYu Hakusho, (even though I have no idea when it's on... :animeswea) which is the whole reason I got into manga, but I won't bore you people with that story. I thought the Naruto dub was cool for a while, and then I got really critical about the amount of editing and script changing VIZ did to it. (I mean, com'n, when Nauto-kun bumps into Haku-san, in the original it didn't get all serious-- it got pouty! :animeangr) I'm also fairly fond of Zatch Bell, though they made it, too, a bit overly dramatic... And I love Rurouni Kenshin (and my reaction to when Shonen Jump proves it) though I don't think it's on the mineup, now, is it? (Even my mom likes Ruro. Ken.:animesmil) I liked G Gundum, while it was on, and that was pretty much it for the Gundum series-- I could never understand the other series' (probably because I pop in in the middle and can't decipher the plot...:animedepr) I remember watching Toonami: Midnight Run after Cartoon Cartoon Fridays when I was little (and had Dish) and absolutely [I]loved[/I] the Tenchi series and Outlaw Star (how I miss those shows, now... :animecry:) and I thought that the ending themes were the coolest ever (despite the fact that I was unaware that they were anime and the ending themes were in Japanese.) I think that the Midnight Run was way awesomer (my own word) than what they have now. The shows were cooler, and although they were still edited, they were less so than the shows on now are. I guess that could have been because that could be what later evolved into Adult Swim... I dunno-- that's just my theory...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]Ah, yes: Nightow-sensei's art is very good, just a little hard to follow if you've been out of the swing of the series for a while. Fanart-wise, I don't do that well unless I'm copying another drawing (Like cover art or one of the full-page illustrations in Shonen Jump.) I can hardly draw my own characters, let alone somebody elses... :animedepr But, I do like to draw Faust-kun from Shaman King (but I can never get his hair quite right... It took me three attempts to turn out a decent picture of him... :animedepr You'd figure that if a guy has hair that is a tangled mess and stands up almost every which way it would be easier to draw, but noooooooooooooooooooo...!)[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]Well, there's this little shop in the mall by my house called The Anime Club and they have absolutely [I]everything[/I] (anime, manga, figurines, J-pop/rock cds, anime soundtracks, kendo swords, kunai replicas, etc.) They used to have a DDR pad like the ones in the movie theaters selling for, like, two hundred or something and I got an awesome Fullmetal Alchemist ring there (it's got the cross-thing-with-the-snake!^^); I also wanted the Naruto ring with the Konoha leaf-thing on it, but I didn't have enough money left... :animeswea. But if I must suggest a place that can be found most anywhere: Best Buy (or Amazon.com). They have absolutely everything under the sun. (That also goes for cds. MUSIC=LIFE!!!)[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed]One anime I wish I never saw... Definately BoBoBo-BoBo-BoBo (or however many "Bo"'s there are in his name!) I hate things that have no plot and if that thing has a plot than excuse me for not being patient enough to find it! :animeangr Hmm... I was into Dragonball Z for quite a while... I do fancy the idea of resurrection rather much (you know, someone close to you dies, you try to bring them back, and it has horrible reprocussions-- that kind of thing. :animesmil) but I figure it should be something that costs the resurrectee (is that a word?) something. (Like in Fullmetal Alchemist, how Ed-kun loses his arm and Al-kun losed his whole body.) They get brought back way too many times and it doesn't cost those who brought 'em back anything (except the frustration and annoyance of finding the Dragonballs again.) I, personally, like things with combat (InuYasha, Fullmetal, etc.) but if it's purely about fighting, then there's really no point to it.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed]I'd say... InuYasha and YuYu Hakusho... Fullmetal Alchemist and... perhaps some others that I can't remember. (I'm happy I loved YuYu, though. If it wasn't for that-- and Yusuke-kun being on the cover of the July '03 issue of Shonen Jump-- then I never would have started reading Shonen Jump! w00t! :animesmil )[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]I say open the Chrono Crusade! (Which volume is it, anyway??) I love that manga, but sadly enough, cannot find volume one of the anime nor volume seven of the manga in Borders... :animecry: Tell me, does Chrono-kun's voice sound dumb?? (That goes for Aion-kun, too.)[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed]Changing [I]anything[/I] about an anime?? Well, first off, I'd [I][B]love[/B][/I] it if Shaman King, One Piece, Tokyo MewMew, and Naruto had all been dubbed by FUNimation instead of 4kids (the eternal evil...) Um... I had some more, but I forgot 'em... My bad. :animeswea [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed]I have quite a lot, actually! :animesmil By the way, these are in no order, other than the order of which they come to mind. First one that comes to mind: Orochimaru-kun from Naruto! I just find him interesting, as I have a certain fondness for all of the crazies and they tend to be my favorites! :love2: Second that comes to mind: Hao-sama from Shaman King! Another crazie, see my point about my love for crazies?? Third: Sesshomaru-sama from InuYasha! He's quite and lethal and both he and Orochimaru-kun remind me of one of my own characters. Yay! :catgirl: Fourth: I like Greed-kun from Fullmetal Alchemist and Lust-san, too! I just find them cool! I have no idea why I like Greed-kun, other than that, and Lust-san has something of a sad story and I love those. The only reason that these three didn't come to mind earlier was because I was debating as to whether they counted as "bad guys" or not. I decided that they did, because for a little bit in their series', they were. Not now, though. Fifth: FAUST-KUN FROM SHAMAN KING!! Another crazie! Another tragic tale! Yay! :love2: Sixth: Ren-kun from Shaman King! (I have a slight obsession with this manga ((only a little one, though :blulaugh: )) He's... just mean. And it's cool. Seventh: Hiei-kun from YuYu Hakusho! He's like Sesshomaru-sama: quiet, yet lethal... -_- ...I think I ran out... :animeswea[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]Miazaki-sensei did not get anything for Howl's Moving Castle?!? And Walice and Gromit [I]won[/I]?!? ... ............................................... ...There's jus' somethin' wrong, there...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]Oh, yeah! I do that [B]aaaall[/B] the time- to books, anime, movies, TV, manga, list goes on. I find it rather amusing, acctually. I spend more time, though, doing that for possible roleplays and stroylines (but the friend who I roleplay and discuss anime with is losing interest in anime, I think... ((which makes writing my story really annoying 'cause half the characters are her's! :animeangr )) I'm way off subject, aren't I? Gomen, I tend to do that... :animeswea [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed]I like it because the artwork is amazing- [B][I]so[/I][/B] much better than the crappy American kind. And I like the plots... They're all so different and not-bound by reality, as most cartoons are, I suppose. And the expressions- they never get old (you know, the freak-out ones :catgirl:) One thing I realize: Anime, in a sense, looks more realistic than American cartoons, yet they are often more fantisized than the American ones... Or maybe that's just me... :animeswea I'm sad, though. 'Cause the only friend I have that's as into anime, manga, and Japanese culture as a whole (my other two friends' interest extends only to Shonen Jump ((the bible)) is starting to lose interest... :animecry: I feel so alone in the world... :animecry: [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]Well, I do think that Al's voice is a little immature for him... Undoubtedly, his voice would have already changed... But maybe it didn't 'cause he was a suit of armor? I dunno. Yes, Naruto's voice is annoying and I think that Sasuke's is a bit [B]too[/B] mature for him. I mean, c'mon. He's a twelve-year-old boy and he sounds (to me) like a guy at the age of sixteen... I have various rants about how voices from badly-dubbed-by-4kids bother me (trust me, I can go on about it forever) but I will shorten it to: I hate the voice that 4kids (t3h 3vil) stuck Faust-kun with at the beginning of the series. :animeangr To add to the stupidity, they changed his voice actor the next time he popped up in the series. (How I hate them...)[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed]WAH!! ME! ME! MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME!!!! I DOOOOOOOO! w00t! :animesmil I [B][I][U]looooooove[/U][/I][/B] DiGi Charat!:love2: Piyoko-chan is soooo adorable! Wah! :love2: So's Puchiko-chan! *squeals* :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed]w00t! Chrono Crusade! I love it so much... but I'm sad 'cause Borders doesn't have volume seven of the manga yet and they never have volume one of the anime... And I'm also sad 'cause I don't have Anime Network, so I can't watch it on TV... :animecry: [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm... Well, Faust-kun and Eliza-chan from Shaman King (it's an obsession. I appologize.) And I don't really have to say Puchiko-chan from DiGi Charat, as she already is, but I would go with Piyoko-chan and the Dark Gema Gema Gang (the three that follow her around, at least.) ((Also from DiGi Charat)) Orochimaru-kun and Kakashi-snesei from Naruto, and Roy-kun and Hughes-kun from Fullmetal Alchemist. And this can go for all of them: Simply because they'd all be [I][B]so adorable!![/B][/I] :love2: [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed]Absolutely [B][I]love[/I][/B] Shaman King: Vocals on Parade and Fullmetal Alchemist: Original Series One TV Soundtrack. And some InuYasha soundtrack with two disks, a buncha remixes, and instrumentals. Can't rememeber what it's called, though, and I don't feel like checking... :animeswea [/COLOR]
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