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Everything posted by Dark Neko-Chan
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yes, Fullmetal takes place in Germany, I think. (I have time to muse over why, but I won't go into that.) And your post was fairly amusing, but at the same time, disturbing... :animedepr One of the disturbing parts being that I know which episode you're talking about- watched it last night during dinner over pizza and root beer. Yay, root beer! :catgirl: Anyway... I got a book on the art of Fullmetal and there was a picture of Al (the "robot") and the artist's comment was "Little kids still come up to me and say, 'Al's a robot.'" I can see how you can make that assumtion, though. First time I heard of it, me and my friend were talking on the phone while she watched TV and she says, "Hey, I'm watching this anime on Adult Swim and there's this kid and his leg is cut off or something and there's a big suit of armor with the voice of a little kid." I find the show rather addicting, though. My mom does, as well. :animesmil[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I've read the manga, but I haven't seen any of the anime 'cause Borders never has volume one and I can't find it anywhere...:animecry: I only found it onc, but it was rental only: I was in Flagstaff and me, my uncle, my mom, and little cousin went to this place where they sell, like, everything under the sun. I started looking through the DVD's in hope of finding something cool (Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist, Chrono Crusade, etc.) and I did indeed find Chrono Crusade. So I looked at it and then I realized that it had a sticker that said "rental only", which I couldn't do 'cause I would only be there for a few more days...:animedepr So I looked around for a not-rental-only Chrono Crusade volume one and could find every volume [I][B]but[/B][/I] volume one! It was so wrong... And what's worse, the manga comes out too slow... it's on a stand still for some reason, stuck on volume six... I know it has two volumes left 'cause I saw them in Japanese in a bookstore in Little Tokyo... :animecry: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]FaustxEliza![/B] They are sooooooooo perfect for each other! Faust-kun is so in love with her! Wah! It's so adorable!! :animesmil He's willing to ruin his life for her after she's died to resurect her and he's so protective! Faust-kun's so dedicated... I love this pairing. I proclaim my eternal love for it at every turn... (So what if I'm slightly obsessive over it.)((This is from Shaman King, by the way.))(((So what if I'm obessive over that, too.))) That's why I've been getting so pissed off at FanFiction.Nat lately 'cause they have yoai pairings for Faust-kun at the top of the Shaman King screen. How dare anyone pair him with anyone but Eliza! Death to all those who oppose this pairing! But, then again, true love will always be opposed by [I]someone[/I]... (So what if I have problems. Deal with it.)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I suppose it really depends on how well the anime is dubbed. Like, I love the English Fullmetal Alchemist- could not live without it. And because the dub is so good, I probably never will watch the Japanese version, as I am content with the English. But, on the other hand (here comes the rant) if I see any anime translated into English by 4kids Entertainment, well, then one can be absolutely certain that I will need the Japanese version (even though I haven't the slightest as to where to get it.) Sure, the crappy dubbing they do gives me a good source for a rant (I do love to rant, you know) but I do hate it with a passion. I am ashamed to admit that I have actually watched the dubbed version of Shaman King on TV due to the fact I'm obsessed with the manga and am desperate for Shaman King (Shounen Jump comes out too slow! :animecry:) I bought the supposedly "un-cut" Shaman King DVD's and really, they aren't that different- they still have the crappy dub names!:animeangr I do agree, though, about the voice issue. My friend has the... What? second? InuYasha DVD and, after we watched it in English, we decided to watch it in Japanese and Sesshomaru-kun's voice just doesn't fir him... But on the other hand (back to the Shaman King issue) I would love to see the Japanese version as I've heard that the voice actors are better. (I really hate Faust-kun's voice in the dub. For some odd reason, the first time he appears, they give him an unbelievably obnoxiuos voice, and the second time he appears, he has a different voice actor. Does that make sense to you people?)((At least the second time, his voice was a bit more fitting...))[/COLOR]
Anime Times that you've rooted for the "bad guy"?
Dark Neko-Chan replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well, a good most the time, I root for Sesshomaru over InuYasha. I mean, InuYasha's a bit too hotheaded for my liking... I rooted for Faust-kun over Yoh-kun in the Shaman Fight prelims (though I already knew it was inevitable: I'd seen the dub on TV a couple summers prior.) Though Faust-kun isn't really a "bad guy", he was still the enemy at the time so I suppose that counts... Does Kikyo-san count as an atagonist? 'Cause I keep rooting for her to win InuYasha. (Kagome is 3vil!) There are a couple other times from various books, but I won't bring that up here. (Assuming, of course, that praying that a certain character will die is rooting for the "bad guys".) ((I randomly decided that I like the word "root". I never use it and I realize that it's a funny word! :animesmil )) (((How do ya think they got the name "root beer"??)))[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hm. Well, I really don't know which animes are massively popular right now (I never know what's popular in anything, not like I care) the only ones I can recall ever registering as "popular" are Yu-Gi-Oh!, Poke'mon, and Digimon- all of which I, personally, loved at the time. But I can see how that would get annoying and to a certain degree, I have experienced it- people loving something one minute then turning around and saying, "Oh, that's not cool anymore. This is!" I have a friend who will be really into a band and then do exactly what I described in the above paragraph. At one time she was really, [I]really[/I] into Green Day, like, bordering on the obssesive. Then, like, two months later, she dropped them and got into, what was it? Hawthorne Hieghts, was it? I dunno, but now she's all, "Oh, I don't like them anymore- they're too emo. Mindless Self Indulgence is the best band ever." Now, I do have to admit that she has good taste in music (except Franz Ferdinand) but the fad hopping is unbelievabley annoying (does that with her fashion statments, too,) In my opinion, it's stupid to be sucked into fads. If the new fad is... whatever, InuYasha, and you decide to do what's cool and buy all this InuYasha stuff and then when it goes out of style- Oh! Look! You wasted all that money chasing a fad! Congratulations! And near the end of the Yu-Gi-Oh! fad, I knew a guy who said, "Huh. In a few more weeks, no one will care about Yu-Gi-Oh! anymore." And it's absolutely true. All fads die a slow death as they quietly slip into obscurity- like N*Sync and Christina Agulaira. (*gags*) But if you like something that's popular because you like it and not because its the "new, cool thing" then that's cool because you will undoubtedly like it even after it's no longer popular. And if you feel that way, then you're a true fan. It's easy for one to claim that they are a fan of something- of a fad- but once it loses it's popularity, they drop it like hot steel. I suppose that being a true fan is something of a commitment. It's one thing if you watch the show, collect the merchandise, and know the story like the back of your hand, but none of that is necessary if you have a passion for the program... Well, then you have license to call yourself a fan. Eh. I feel as if this was an entirely pointless post, but those are my thoughts on it. Gomen.:animeswea [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Heck yes! I really loved Corpse Bride- so cute- but Howl's Moving Castle is better by far. Anime, in my opinion, out ranks any American animation and should be better known. (I'm the only girl in my grade who knows what it is, let alone watch it... :animecry:)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hmm... I know for sure I'd want to meet Faust-kun from Shaman King... And since I am me, and I tend to hug people, I would probably hug him :animeswea and I don't really have anything particullarly deep or anything to say to him. (He'd probably think me crazy, but crazy is a relative term.:animesmil ) Also... Yoh-kun from Shaman King, as well. He's cool, you know, laid-back and in no particullar hurry or anything. Jus' takin' life as it comes... I'd love to hang out with him. Perhaps Ed-kun, too, from Fullmetal Alchemist. He's funny. Ist funny! :animesmil [/COLOR]
Anime what is your favourite anime/manga movie?
Dark Neko-Chan replied to studio_ghibli's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well, I [B]loved[/B] [I]Spirited Away[/I], the first movie by Miyazaki-san I ever saw, and I absolutely fell in love with [I]Howl's Moving Castle[/I] (thank you Figueroa-sensei for giving my the heads up. *bows*) I also am rather fond of [I]Nausica and the Valley of The Wind[/I], [I]Laputa: Castle in The Sky[/I], [I]Princess Mononoke[/I], [I]My Neighbor Tortoro[/I], and [I]Baron: The Cat Returns[/I]. I saw the first and second InuYasha movies, liked 'em (except for that one part in the second where InuYasha's a full demon and Kagome kisses him. [B]KIKYOxINUYASHA FOREVER! Huzzah![/B]) My absolute favorite would have to be either [I]Howl's Moving Castle[/I] or [I]Baron: The Cat Returns[/I], though. But, when the Fullmetal Alchemist movie comes out in America, that will be up there, too, no doubt.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]I have. I read about it in a manga preview in my friend's [I]NewType USA[/I].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][I]Any[/I] anime, huh? Well, (here comes the rant) I would change the entire anime making of Shaman King in English 'cause 4kids killed it.:animeangr I would also change the Naruto anime so that there were less over dramatics and more kick butt ninja action (have you noticed that, even though they have knives and junk, when they get hit, they never bleed?) That 4kids comment goes for One Piece and Tokyo MewMew, as well. ([B]GRAAAHHH! I HATE 4KIDS! THEY MUST DIE A HORRIBLE AND PAINFUL DEATH!!! RAWR![/B]:animeangr ) [CENTER]Okay. I'm done, now.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well, I dunno. I loved it when I was little- first anime I ever saw (even though I didn't really realize that it was anime until, like, two years ago.:animeswea ) Anyway, I like the games- they amuse me- but I relaize now, after watching it with my little cousin at my grandma's house, they're all too happy. And the concepts of friendship and "if you try you can do anything" are a bit much. And after some random reflection on it a few days ago, I hate that way they do the eyes of the people; they're all, like, one out of two shapes- either really pointy at the edges or really tall. They drag the series on and on and on and keep coming up with new junk to prolong it's enevidable death and they don't even use the cool freak-out expressions. (But I do think that Pikachu is adorable!:catgirl: )[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Because the animation looks so much more real than American cartoons and they range anywhere from futuristic sci-fi to feudel era Japan demon hunting. They're all so original, and can take place where ever the human imagination takes them. They don't need to be deep and meaningful, they can have no plot whatsoever (like BoBoBo-Bo-BoBoBo.) Not to mention that it's addicting. They also have every genre under the sun: some are more realistic than others, but they all have a twist of fantasy (to some degree.)[/COLOR]
Anime What new anime/manga are you looking forward to?
Dark Neko-Chan replied to darkartic's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm... Well, I'm constantly looking forward to the next issue of Shounen Jump, and anime wise, when Fullmetal Alchemist will be back on Adult Swim on Saturdays. I also look forward to the next volumes of XXX Holic and Chrono Crusade (for some reason, they come out really slow.) And I also hope for the day that Shaman King might get handed over to FUNimation and be liberated from the suckiness that 4kids has stuck upon it... [/COLOR] :animeangr -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hmm... a toughie... I do like anime as it moves and it's on TV and you can actually hear the characters talk and whatnot (cuts down on the actual amount of work one has to do, don'cha know!:catgirl:) but I do like manga a lot as well (it's portable, you can read it wherever there is light, you can draw stuff from it without having to hit the "pause" button, and it costs less.) But each has it's ups and downs: anime done in America is sometimes so horribly maimed that one wants to stab their eyes out with a dull pencil (or in my case, rant to whomever has the bad fortune to be nearby.) This is the case with Shaman King, Tokyo MewMew, One Piece, CardCaptor Sakura, and in my opinion, Naruto, due to the amount of dialouge changes and over dramatics. But with manga, sometimes there's so much detail in the artwork, that it's near impossible to tell what's going on (like Trigun. I love it dearly, but I can hardly understand what's happening because of all the detail in the background.) Others, however, it's impossible to think one better than the other. Such is the case for my with Fullmetal Alchemist. The manga and anime were deliberatly made to be different from one another, and I love it.:animesmil I know there really was no point in me posting this, as I really can't decide, but I figured I might at least post my opinion. (I do hate the fact, though, that I can never find volume one of Chrono Crusade, and volume seven of the manga has yet to be published in English. [B]Curse you, evil people who publish too slow!![/B][/COLOR] :animeangr
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hmm... Well... lets see... One of the character designs of mine that I'm rather partial to is my character Zelda (me and a freind of mine came up with her entire family, and for some reason named each one after a character from The Legend of Zelda. Don't ask me why, 'cause I'm not really sure myself.:animeswea) She has red hair that falls to her shoulders, big blue eyes with a lot of black eyeliner, and tanned skin. Wears a black bandana like Anna's from Shaman King, (see here: http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UgDjAhwaZF8P8Hs4Wlk9GQDC*xEFKt6JAqXRPOA6pSRnipFy4*uU8zJl*Ytj!233yWYj*8Q*9XH9as07Li7fkw6WZzwWeZgH8qdkdwUW!NRAgGTAjgai2hS*zhqR*Xv1/shaman-anna0.jpg?dc=4675422142223426765) black baggy jeans with a white, metal-studded belt with several thick chains hanging from it, black skate boarding shoes, and a black tanktop that reads "Lost" in red. She also wears several black leather, studded bracelets on her left wrist, a black sweatband on her left, and black fishnet fingerless gloves. (I wish I could dress like that...) She plays rythem guitar in the band made up of her friends (my friends' characters) and goes against her appearance by being fairly spazztic. Loves Japan and most everything that comes from it. (Could be influeneced by her Japanese friend, the drummer. ((He's mine, too.)) Originally, I based her after myself, then realize that she was much cooler.:animedepr She still does retain my personality, only a bit more crazy. Carefree yet hyper all at once- like a doggy... (You probabaly don't give a crap about the origins, so I applaud you if you actaully read down this far.)[/COLOR]
Manga I LOVE CLAMP! ANYONE AGREE? (you know you do!)
Dark Neko-Chan replied to punk alchemist's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yeah, I like CLAMP's work. I love how detailed all the female characters' outfits are and I love their colored illustrations. I love XX Holic, Card Captor Sakura: Master of The Clow, and that stand alone one Shirahime-Syo. I've been meaning to check out Tsubasa for a while now, but I have so many series that I'm behind on. Have any of you checked out CLAMP: North Side, and CLAMP: South Side? They're entire books dedicated to CLAMP's artwork. They rock. (Don't have 'em myself, but I've looked through 'em in Borders.)[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Isn't Kikyo-san in the fourth movie, as well? My friend sent me some screenies on it... Anybody got any idea as to when it will be in English? (Crap, I still gotta buy the third movie...:animedepr ) (Kikyo-san rocks!:animesmil )[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I love Card Captor Sakura! :animesmil The outfits are beautiful! I love the way CLAMP does that with all their girl characters! I used to watch the dub on WB when I was younger (about six, when Pokemon was real popular) and loved it. I did some fanart and was gonna send it to Toonami: Midnight Run when they played it and were accepting fanart, but A.) I lost it B.) they stopped playing it... I need to buy the rest of the manga...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I don't think so. I mean, me and my friend are real hard core anime fans and we don't watch in Japanese with subtitles (except for this one movie, but only because it didn't come in English.)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I love Shaman King and Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist and XXX Holic. Shaman King: I love the characters (namely Faust-kun, Len-kun, and Jun-chan) and I like that whole thing to do with spirits. It sounds like it would be so cool to see ghosts! But that's manga wise. I despise the anime 'cause [B]4KIDS KILLED IT!!! RAWR![/B] Naruto: I like ninjas. They're all kick-butt and stuff. And Kakashi-sensei is funny! :animesmil Fullmetal Alchemist: I like the way the plot works. It starts out when Ed-kun is fifteen and then it goes back and reviews everything that happened from when their mom died and it goes on from there. Hughes is funny! :animesmil XXX Holic s cool 'cause it's kinda heavy, but Watanuki-kun is amusing: he shouts a lot. It's rather dark (I mean, I wonder how much black ink they use.) and I feel sorry for him the way that Yuko-chan makes him work.[/COLOR]
Anime Anime Shows That U Think U Were Destined to Wach!!!
Dark Neko-Chan replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]I was destined to see... DUN, DUN DUUUN...! Fullmetal Alchemist! And I was destined to read Fullmetal Alchemist, Shaman King, and Naruto! Arakawa, Takei, and Kishimoto- senseis are gunies's! [/COLOR] :animesmil -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm... I'd say... a good plot... something that's complex, but you can understand what's going on if you miss several episodes (like Fullmetal Alchemist. I mean, the few times I've attempted to what Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, I'm completely lost. :animeswea ) Also it's kinda heavy, and deep, occasionally lightened by a character like Ed-kun, who is insulted by anything. And something that's kinda odd; like the chimeras that follow Greed, you seen the gecko thing? He's weird. And good artwork. I always love it if they have awesome animation (like the opening theme to Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex. That's really all I watch as I can't follow the plot, but I love it. It's so cool. :animesmil Or the Final Fantasy graphics.) Hmm... A cool sounding opening theme, like "Ready, Steady, Go" in Fullmetal Alchemist and "Oversoul" in Shaman King (which 4kids cut out and stuck the poor show with something that sounds like a talk show opening!:animeangr) Come to think of it, all the Fullmetal themes sound cool, opening and ending... At least [B]one[/B] spazzy character. Like Hughes in Fullmetal Alchemist (yes, I am aware that I am using a lot of FMA examples- I love the show.) or Largo in MegaTokyo [url]http://www.megatokyo.com/index.php?strip_id=103[/url] (he's the one with hair that sticks up in the air. Yes, I am aware that this is not an anime, but a web comic, but it has been published as a manga by Dark Horse Books.) At least one tragic character. I like sad junk- I like the feeling of getting sad after seeing an anime or reading something. A character like Faust-kun- his story's so sad... You just wanna hug him... But I wouldn't advise that 'cause he's a tad psycho... :animedepr And something that's not really necessary, cool costumes. Like what CLAMP does with their female characters- I dunno if you've seen the outfits, but they're, like, the ultimate cosplay![/COLOR]
Anime If you could be any anime character, who would you be?
Dark Neko-Chan replied to Shadow Blade's topic in Otaku Central
At the moment, Yuko from XXX Holic. I love all of her outfits- that's what I love about CLAMP- all the female characters' clothes are different almost every time! :animesmil Also, Anna from Shaman King 'cause she's in charge and no one dares tell her what to do or be a pain! Oh! Eliza Faust! Well, yeh, she's dead, but Faust-kun cares so much for her! It's so cute! :animesmil I'd love to have a guy care about me that much! -
[COLOR=DarkRed]I see no problem in it. If the anime is sad and it pokes at your emotional chords than go on ahead. That's my thoughts on it anyway.[/COLOR]