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Dark Neko-Chan

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Everything posted by Dark Neko-Chan

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]I guess it depends. If it's a cool character that also happens to be powerful, then, yes: Hair=Power (Sesshomaru). And other times... no. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Whoa... Who knew? Oh, well. Might be good. I like Buttercup (I always like the crazy/violent ones... My mom's worried...)[/COLOR] :animesmil
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Wah! Shaman King! :animesmil Naruto even though I'd be one of those characters who gets their butt kicked in combat... Ooh! Ooh! Fullmetal Alchemist or XXX Holic! (I have problems with decisions.:animeswea )[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]I'm pretty sure it means "alchemy" in general. Ooh! Ooh! I read the manga! I love it, and it's different because the drector of the anime made it so it would be that way. And Kimbly is the... Uh... he blows stuff up...:animeswea (Coulda sworn I knew the answer to that one...) I love it... One of my favorites... Stay up every Saturday to watch...:catgirl: I miss Hughes and Nina, though.:animecry: Did anyone see that one episode, and Hughes and Envy were in it? (I don't want to say what the sad part is in case no one's seen it yet) It's in volume four of the manga, second half of chapter fifteen and first half of chapter sixteen, starts on page 120 and goes to page 158. [B]MY GOD! I CRIED! [/B]:animecry: [B]I CREID WHEN I SAW IT IN THE ANIME, I CREID MORE WHEN I READ IT IN THE MANGA EVEN THOUGH I KNEW IT WAS COMING, AND I CRIED WHEN I READ IT AGAIN TEN MINUTES LATER!![/B] :animecry: [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmm... The Naruto manga is better than the anime. Waaaaaaay better. Too much dubbing in the anime.:animecry: And I can't decide between the InuYasha anime vs. manga thing. :animestun Soooo... I suppose InuYasha would win, but I personally like Naruto better 'cause I drift in and out of my InuYasha addiction. (I like the plot better, too. Ninjas![/COLOR] :animesmil
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]... Why...? Whoever heard of an American cartoon go anime? I haven't. ...Sounds rather intriguing, though. Hmm...[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmm... I wish I'd never seen... ANY anime killed by 4kids *cough*Shaman King, One Piece, Tokyo MewMew*cough* THEY KILLED AWESOME MANGA! :animecry: I hate them! :animeangr Also, the Naruto anime has WAAAAAAAAAAY too much dubbing done to it. Too many "believe it"'s, too many pauses in Kakashi-sensei's dialouge, to many overdramatics (when they first run into Haku). Oh, and Transformers.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]Uhhh... I guess I'd have Faust-kun from Shaman King with me 'cause he's awesome. :animesmil Or maybe Watanuki-kun from XXX-Holic 'cause he can cook. And even through I deeply despise her in InuYasha, perhaps Kagome 'cause if I actually knew her, we'd probably get along real well. Isn't that odd?[/COLOR] :animeswea
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]I watched Pokemon at summer camp. I forced my mom to get Dish so I could watch it on Kids WB. I evolved since then, though I still think that Pikachu is cute![/COLOR] :catgirl:
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]I can watch Fullmetal Alchemist over and over again. I love that show. And there are several mangas I can read constantly- as in Fullmetal Alchemist, Shaman King, Naruto, and Chrono Crusade.:animesmil Why don't I watch Shaman King and Naruto all the time, you ask? (no one's probably wondering, but oh well) Because 4kids is evil and the killed Shaman King and they must die a horrible and painful death- heehee! :animesmil And VIZ dubbed Naruto so much, it's no where as cool as the original.[/COLOR] :animeangr
  11. Uh, dude, Kakashi-sensei's not old- he's, like, twenty-six. And Come Come Paradise is indeed an actual book. I like Orochimaru-kun- I like all the crazies! :catgirl: Kakashi-sensei's cool, too.
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]I would hate to be stuck with... Bokotu no Ryu from Shaman King. He's just... bizarre... And Jaken from InuYasha. Freaky toad-things are wierd.*shudders*[/COLOR]
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