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Everything posted by frubafan4eva

  1. Oh man i love fruits basket, i mean it was like the first real manga that i started to stay with. the plot was great and so were the characters. The thing i liked most about the manga is that it included so many different genres. I mean just like the chcaracters state about the anime that they all watch, Mogeta, the story of Fruits Basket contains comedy, drama, romance and action, what more can you ask for from a manga? I mean really, all i no is that as soon as i started reading it i couldnt put it down. I am totally obsessed owning not only the whole manga series and anime but 2 shirts and a pster as well. Anywho interested in ready a good manga should definatly pick this up today.
  2. I have happened to stumble upon an incredible manga, paradise kiss......has anyone heard of it? I do believe that if you haven't then you really should, it really is quite funny. It's a romance/comedy mixture so if you like other mangas like Fruits Basket then this is similar. It's also a differnt type of manga, it being a fashion manga. Fashion manga means that all the characters have their own style about them and that everything done in the manga is done in style. I do believe everyone should look into it. The only bad thing about this manga is that TheOtaku doesnt have a wallpaper section for it. =( Anywho if you have read it or have any questions please post your comments and questions. This should be a good manga to talk about. [COLOR=#007520][SIZE=1][INDENT]frubafan4eva, manga goes in the manga section. -r2[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][INDENT]Another thing to consider when creating a thread, is to check and see if there already is an official thread, just check the directory at the top of the section. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='Zutto']yeah, Furuba is definatley one to check ou ^^ all the characters are awesoem, and impossible to hate, but there a select few that are hot such as Shigure Hatori and Ayame ^^[/quote] Ayame?! Hot?!?! Umm no way! I agree with the other two though i like am in love with Shigure and Hatori though. And oh my god hatsuharu and kyo are awsome too. I just got like the best shirt it says I Love Kyo! lol Its so cool!
  4. [quote name='sand dragon 19][COLOR=DarkSlateGray']Ok. First of all I have never seen nor heard any of Fruit Basket. However, after reading all of these things about how great the series is, it has made me decide to go and check it out. I mean if Frutis Basket is as good as all of you people say it is. That i guess very very very small part of me that likes that kind of things shall check it out. Besides, I'm always out looking to go and try new things anyways. :animesmil [/COLOR][/quote] Hey glad to see a new possible fan yay! Anywho i doubt you wont like the series i mean it has a bit of everything in it, atleast thats my overveiw of it. God i am becoming to obsessed oh well.....and why am i the only one like ever here? Ahh well what ever just ya fruits basket is a definate series to go check out, the manga is great and gets even better in the later books and the anme totally rocks as well i totally say to go and check it out.
  5. It has come to my attention that people are PMin me about this RP i am glad to se eothers taking an interest yet i would also like it that you please sign up on this topic as well. I had forgotten it before but this is the sign up sheet: [U]SIGN UP SHEET:[/U] Name: Screen Name: Desired Character: Are you on a god amount? ((yes or no)): Do you like fruits basket? ((yes or no?: Sample of a post ((not required but appreciated)): Like i said sign up hee and I will let you no if you are in or not. You can also Pm me but i would like it if you sign up here as well.
  6. Ok heres the deal, there are just certain animes that really get to us for what ever reason. Sometimes in these animes even the characters can express ouselves. With all the different animes out there thougth there has to be atleast one character that you really indentify with and that you are always able to relate to it. So my question to all of you is which anime character are you able to relate to the most? And please give a reason why. For me there are two answers one is Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket I think. I only say this because she always seems to beable to say lifes lessons in a short sweet answer. Also another character i think i realte to is Kyo only because of his child hood expiriences, he was a loner and so am i which also makes us relate. Who do you relate to?
  7. Saddest Moments for me huh? I have like three sadest Moments that are all tied together. The first saddest moment was in fruits Basket its betweeen two scenes both are equally moving. One is when momiji talks about [spoiler]not having his parents, to be disregarded by your mother like that its just so sad and when he and Tohru hug and cry together even though he has changed forms[/spoiler] well it brings tears to my eyes. The other moment is at the ver end of fruits Basket, to see Kyo the tough guy [spoiler]bring tohru into a hug and explain his true form while crying[/spoiler] well all i have to say is OMG it brings ears to my eyes as i think about it, any person who has seen the last episde of fruits basket will have to agree with me. Also the Last sadest moment that i have ever cried about in an anime is when Chimbedee Srocket from G Gundam [spoiler]retold his hard past about clowns in Neo america and how he lost his mom, to top it off he even asked Rain to sing one of the most touching American songs in which he smiled lightly and referred to Rain as his mother.[/spoiler] ((I would name the song but i cant remember the name unfortunatly)) [color=6699c]I have edited your post to include spoiler tags. It's rude to reveal elements of the story (especially tragic ones) because other people reading this thread may not have seen the thread or movie you are talking about. If you are unsure of how to use the spoiler tags, [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]read Dagger's sticky at the top of the Anime Lounge main page[/url]. Thanks. -Lore[/color]
  8. Ok everyone after actually reading the rules and everything I believe I would like to start a RP and just to say to those who dont like newbies, I am no stranger to RPG's. Anywho since this is an anime site i was wondering if anyone would be interested in a Fruits Basket RPG? Would anyone like that? I hope some people will, well let me give you the layout before yall make up your mind. [B]The Plot:[/B] Ok this is what I have in mind, see I had an idea going for this Fan Fiction of mine called A Fruits Basket Catastrophe, and well I believe it will be fun to see your ideas come off the main idea from that. Now what I am preferably looking for are characters from the actual anime or manga, such as Kyo, Yuki, and others. Now what is ging to go on is that a big fight started yet again at Shigure's house, yet not between Yuki and Kyo but betweeen Black Haru and Kyo. What happens is when one of Kyos punches sends Haru flying, Tohru is in the direct path of Haru. Yet Kyos punch is so hard it knocks them both out into the yard. Haru, being the fighter that he is stays uncounsciuos for a bit but recovers slowly yet Tohru got the beating of it and landed on her head. Now one day later she is still uncounscious and everyone is starting to worry for her. Kyo deals with his guilt feeling as if this was all his fault and Yuki struggles with it as well. Tohru's friends also seem to be stressed byut they dont need to be apart of the story. [U][B]Characters Preferably Needed[/B][/U] Kyo ((unless you have your heart set on playing him i will play him in the RPG)) Yuki Shigure Hatori ((how will tohru get better without a doctor?)) Arisa Hana Jima [U][B]Characters Wanted but Not Needed[/B][/U] Momiji Hatsuharu Akito Tohru ((yet she will probably be uncounscious until the end of the RP)) Ayame Kisa [B]oh yes may i also add that original characters (meaning people not in the manga or anime) are also welcome but i would like to kep this to mainly manga or anime characters[/B] Now I understand this may not be totally understandable but if you have any questions please ask outloud or PM me and I shall answer them. I also would like to say that as the rules for RPGs here state i would like you not to post a short leangth. Also anyone may join! If you dont no about fruits basket but you like the plot for this RPG ill tell you about the characters and then you can decide if you would like to RP with us. I believe that is all that needs to be stated. [B]I WILL NOT DO A STARTING POST FOR THE RP UNTIL I NO THAT OTHERS ARE INTERESTED IN THE RP IF NO RESPONDS WITHIN A WEEK TO THE RP I WILL NOT DO THIS RP AND I WILL MAKE ANOTHER ONE[/B]
  9. Who would I date? Good Question, well it would definatly be some guy from Fruits Basket ((for those who havent linked my screen name, my siggy, and my avater together i am totally obsessed over it!)) but who particularry i dont really no. I think i would love to go out with Kyo Sohma or Hatsuharu Sohma, and if I was old anough ((which sadly I am not)) also Shigure Sohma. Why Kyo? - I love his attitude, for some reason i like the bad boys lol. - Under neath that attitude hes just a sweet guy. - I like that hes so totally passionate about martial arts - I no hes just a cartoon character but hes also really hot in my mind lol Why Hatsuharu? - His hair is so totally awsome having the blakc and white in it, its like yin yang which is like his personality - His attitude, well his dark sides attitude anyway, hes so funny well if you ask me anyway - His nature, hes really caring of Momiji and Kisa its just so sweet Why Shigure? - Hes just so incredibly funny yet underneath it all he can still be sensitive and sweet. - I love his job too, i love anyone who is a writer because i love to write too - i also love is friends but there just not for me, but i love it that he can balance work and fun and that he woris about others and not jsut about himself.
  10. Oh thanks for the information dagger person, now I shall keep my fingers crossed for another anime of fruits basket. And YAY! I was fially able to lik adjust my signature and avater(sp?) to the right thing! Now i really am Fruits Basket Obsessed. --------- Hmm seeing as this is the Fruits Basket topic i thought i would ask if any of you have read the 11th and 12th manga books? If so PM me i just got them and i dont want to ruin for everyone else but they are just so totally awsome! Dont you think so? well PM if you want......
  11. Hey I feel like adding my two cents, as the saying would go to the little post area around here. So here goes nothing, FRUITS BASKET ROCKS MY SOCKS! Umm ya ok now down to why, if anyone has seen the anime (as i am sure some of you have) you have just got to agree thats its pretty darn god. I just re watched it (i have the box set so ya....) and well i just feel back in love with the story, it not only has a funny comical side to it ((supplied by all the characters but mostly Kyo Yuki and Shigure)) but also a serious side, (supplied by Tohru, Hatori, and even Akito). It has all diferent generes(sp?) to it including romance action, comedy, and a few other things. To not fall in love with all the characters is a shame in my mind. I believe anyone who watches the show even non anime likers will agree that the show is pretty good and the mangas are too, ((unfortunatly i am only up to 6 :( )). Yet everyone can love it right? The quick responses from the rat, also known as Yuki are just so funny and well the memories tohru displays are just remarkable. We could all learn lessons, that should be learned anyway from this show. I believe that the show should be re aired ((if its not i mean, i dont look at much TV anymore)) and continued. Thats pretty much my two cents on Fruits basket. Now just to add my two cents bout the characters. I am so totally in love with Kyo, I swear to god if you can be in love with an animation then I am. I most certainly bet that there are others out there that say the same thing. I also love hatsuharu and his split personality what good anime would be complete without the little nut? Momiji is cool too he may seem young but the episode where he tels about his mother its just so touching to me, I like cry everytime! the older characters expecially shigure are fun to think about to. I believe that this show and manga have ben thought out very well and that who ever came out with it should get like an award or something. Well I believe I have said anough, and for those wondering my name is Ariel and i am so totally in love Fruits Basket. Oh and i just read this but someone said that there is a new season of Fruits Basket? Oh My God! Someone find out if this is true or not i would absulutely love it!
  12. nice hey can u make me a fruits absket avater? one of possibly KYO? i am in love with him and the anime is really good sorry i would talk more but its curfew time i gotta dash btw names Ariel hope to talk to you later byes
  13. Who would i want in my family? Good question but a fun one to answer Dad: I think Chibidee Crocket from G Gundam would be kool just cause hes rom America like me and well hes really cool, a good fighter, and the queen of hearts member of the shuffle is there any more to be said from that? I dont think so. Mom: Hmm very interesting i really like dont no lol umm i think maybe 005 i think it was or was it 008 whichever the girl cyborg from Cyborg 009. Shes kinda kool cause she is like a mother figure in the show, plus shes got the power of intense hearing and vision which would be ok but not for sneaking out lol. Brother: Definatly Negi from Negima i mean the kid is just to cute right? right! Hes a genius and a teacher plus a wizard and i love harry potter which is also wizarding so anything wizarding related is awsome to me. Also possibly Momiji or Hatsuharu just because i love Fruits basket. Sister: Tohru Honda, from fruits basket the best show ever! Shes so nice and caring and well shes a good cook so even when a mom is not around she helps out. I think not only would she make a great friend but a great sister as well. Ya, plus i somewhat look like her lol so we could be sisters. Boyfriend: Oh MY GOD! Definatly Kyo Sohma hes like totally hot and even with the bad temper when he softens up well hes just the sweetest thing. Plus i love both of his forms and even though hies a loner i would understand him good cause i am a loner too Pet: None really except Momoji Sohma in his rabbit form hes just so cute it that form i mean how adorable is he? And he would also be like my little brother. Uncles and Aunts: Just uncles and they would have to be Shigure and Hatori the two rock! One is sensible the other a goofball, one is a doctor the other a writer both good professions.
  14. i heart fruits basket lol i like fell back in love with it when i re watched the dvds i heart kyo but who couldnt? so anyone else a fruba fan?
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