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About skyatyourfeet

  • Birthday 09/28/1985

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    dear beauty

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  1. Kamuro - Hardcore used to be about being different and Doing your own thing, but now its slowly the opposite. Girls pants and dressing up in stylish outfits have become what its about now. Hardcore is about respect, love community and friendship not how heavy your breakdown is and how good you can swing your arms. Thats what it has become
  2. Well yes your right, Finland Is more for the White Power Metal. Mainly what I was trying to get acorss is it all basically sounds the same. Just they have fancy names. Like theres: Thrashcore Grindcore Powerviolence Hardcore Punk but most of them sound the same its just the fact that its too many genres that useless, when they can all be the same thing.
  3. I am a mix of German, Irish, Russian, Jewish and Italian.
  4. Hello! my name is (insert cool nickname here i havent thought of yet) or Jeremy, whichever you prefer. I was interested in joining your club. But I cant find the private message button to click on, so how would I be able to get involved? hahah after I learn how to work this forum, itll be smooth sailing from there! I cant wait!
  5. I could do it man, Its just the images are a little fuzzy, it might not come out too well...
  6. yeah the last image I made around 3 1/2 years ago, I slapped it together, Im not really fond of it either, I just had nothing else really to put up lol. Notice there is pink in there.... haha Yes I will definately stick around
  7. Well, most of it I draw by hand, then I manipulate using Photoshop. I do tons of work. I added a bunch more actually computer artwork Ive done, For companies bands etc. etc. etc. I make a hobby out of it and hopefully soon a career. Yeah I hate drawing hands and the foot your right. Hah Im still a beginner with the anime drawing(going on a +2 year beginner now I just cant get it down! rrr) But Im slowly(SLOWLY) getting the hang of it. I edited the rest in after you posted so if you like what you see on the others let me know! Awesome thank you! :-)
  8. I have mixed feelings on using paint for any type of Digital Manipulation or Graphic Design, I myself am A Photoshop Person. I also use Illustrator every now and then as well. I also am a fan of original art, made by the person. To be honest I think that if you made art yourself, then put a banner around it might be cooler. But I dont think you could really critique images that have banners around it that all you contributed to the picture was the banners. But for what it is, Its good, because the artists have outstanding work and well, the banners make them fancy? I dont know if that is the right word...
  9. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v22/polit/dragon.jpg[/IMG] Dragon! woo [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v22/polit/shoot.jpg[/IMG] Shoot! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v22/polit/ddfdfdfdfdfddfdfertrtrty.jpg[/IMG] Octipussary [IMG]http://fs5.deviantart.com/i/2004/304/6/1/These_Hands_Are_Devils_by_XxDBRxX.jpg[/IMG] These Hands Are Devils [IMG]http://fs5.deviantart.com/i/2004/304/1/4/The_Concubine_by_XxDBRxX.jpg[/IMG] The Concubine Logo [IMG]http://fs5.deviantart.com/i/2004/307/5/6/House_Of_The_Living_Dead_Logo_by_XxDBRxX.jpg[/IMG] House Of The Living Dead Logo I know theyre mostly not anime relaed, but Im new to this board so I thought I would share ;-) Let me know what you think! despite that the second and possibly the first is choppy due to the scanner.
  10. None of those bands are real hardcore, sadly most of those bands came around and surfaced over the past 2 years because it got popular. Number #12 Looks Like you and Circle Takes The Square should not be fit in to this new "Mainstream Hardcore" Feature because they do not support the lame violent dancing, the "crews" the girls pants and such. If I see one more person that is wearing girls pants convert to wearing Camo shorts and then make fun of the people wearing girls pants, I will Slap. Listen to: Lack Of Interest Chain Of Strength Youth Of Today Champion that stuff is the better hardcore, even though thats becoming the next big thing now. lame.
  11. To Jake Of Bodom: You cannot really say all those types of metal are different sub-genres because of the fact that most of those bands made that up, even though they sound just like the others. I mean there are some main sub-genres of metal: Black Metal (Most of the stuff from finland) Medival Metal (Dragon Slayer) Gore Metal (Exhumed) Thrash Metal (Hirax) Folk Metal (Agalloch) also, no Americans make good metal, unless your in a hair metal band, other then that. It just doesnt work. Like all this slipknot crap its all the same mindless generic crap they feed you on MTV. But still, Its better not to stick to sub-genres, people use them to make it seem like their more into the music because they know of the "style"
  12. I just got Atelier Iris... That one is really good. Disgaea is also now rediculously rare, they stopped making it so soon youll be able to sell your copy on ebay for like 100. word.
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