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About The_Mix_Breed

  • Birthday 09/04/1989

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    I've lost my sanity, email me if you find it!
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  1. I seriously wrote, no lie. I swear! Or did you read this before I fixed it!? I accidently posted it before the story part was added so it was just a song. The song I didn't write, That's "Angels" by Within Temptation.
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][I][B] [COLOR=Black]Hinata stared at the destroyed remains of a village that was once her home. The sky seemed to be streaked with blood, smoke billowed out of every window. At least, every window where the building was still standing. The air burned her lungs and crackled under the intense heat. Konoha was no more[/COLOR] Sparkling angel I believed You are my savior in my time of need. Blinded by faith I couldn't hear All the whispers, the warnings so clear. I see the angels, I'll lead them to your door. There's no escape now, No mercy no more. No remorse cause I still remember [COLOR=Black]'Naruto. Why?'[/COLOR] The smile when you tore me apart. You took my heart, Deceived me right from the start. You showed me dreams, I wished they turn into real. You broke a promise and made me realise. It was all just a lie. [COLOR=Black]She turned and faced the other surviors. There weren't many. Sakura was tending to the injured while Iruka tried to keep the newly found orphans from crying. Out of the rookie nine, Sakura, Hinata, and Akamaru were the only one's left. Yes Akamaru, not Kiba.[/COLOR] Sparkling angel, I couldn't see Your dark intentions, your feelings for me. Fallen angel, tell me why? What is the reason, the thorn in your eye? I see the angels, I'll lead them to your door There's no escape now No mercy no more No remorse cause I still remember [COLOR=Black]Lee was currently knocked out, and Tenten was holding Neji headband crying. A few ANBU, Iruka, some genin who were out on a mission at the time of the attack and some non-ninja's were all that had made it out. Not even the Hokage or Jiriaya could escape the raging flames.[/COLOR] The smile when you tore me apart You took my heart, Deceived me right from the start. You showed me dreams, I wished they turn into real. You broke the promise and made me realise. It was all just a lie. Could have been forever. Now we have reached the end. [COLOR=Black]Hinata turned toward Hokage mountain and was sure she saw the rock figure crying. Naruto had betrayed them all. His mask hadn't just broken, it had shattered. He couldn't take the emotionally abuse anymore. He gave up, and he gave in. With his willpower shattered, Kyuubi had taken control and well, you can quess what happened.[/COLOR] This world may have failed you, It doesn't give you a reason why. You could have chosen a different path in life. [COLOR=Black]No eye was dry, no heart not broken. The broken bunch slowly bagan to move away from the destroyed village. "Hey Iruka-sensei?" The brunette looked at the small young girl who had only started at the academy that year. "Yes, Kiko-chan?" "Why foxy do it? He was so nice to me." "The village hurt him, so he hurt them back." "That wasn't very nice. We should give him a timeout, right Iruka-sensei?" "Hai, Kiko, we should." The man smiled a soft sad smile as the girl went of to Hinata who gave her a hug and then held her hand as the keep walking. 'Maybe this village will live again, jusy maybe. . .[/COLOR] The smile when you tore me apart. You took my heart, Deceived me right from the start. You showed me dreams, I wished they turn into real. You broke the promise and made me realise. It was all just a lie. Could have been forever. Now we have reached the end.[/B][/I][/COLOR] Sorry, I had to write something when I heard this song. :animecry: I know it's depressing. . . :animeswea [size=1][color=darkblue]Please make sure you use proper thread ratings in your threads. You can view this forum's rules to see how to do this correctly. -Shy[/size][/color]
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER] [IMG]http://musicbooksplus.com/images/HL5608.jpg[/IMG] "Alone in this house again tonight I got the TV on, the sound turned down and a bottle of wine There's pictures of you and I on the walls around me The way that it was and could have been surrounds me I'll never get over you walkin' away I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control But I'm just drunk enough to let got of my pain To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain From my eyes Tonight I wanna cry Would it help if I turned a sad song on "All By Myself" would sure hit me hard now that you're gone Or maybe unfold some old yellow lost love letters It's gonna hurt bad before it gets better But I'll never get over you by hidin' this way I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control But I'm just drunk enough to let got of my pain To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain From my eyes Tonight I wanna cry I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control But I'm just drunk enough to let got of my pain To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain From my eyes Tonight I wanna cry" Tonight I Wanna Cry, Keith Urban[/CENTER][/COLOR] Little River, California. A small town, far out from the big cities, movie stars, and tabolids. Everyone there knows the name of everyone else. Acceptance was never a problem. All races, oreintations, ages, religions, nothing was never a problem in Little River. The only thing you needed to become a citizen of Little River was... A broken heart, dream, or life. No one hated anyone else because they were to busy hating themselves. Everyone there had either lost there love one, had their dreams crush, or just didn't care any more. In that town, there was always a tear to be found somewhere. Until they came. Three friends from northern states decided to come to Little River to get away from their hectic home life. Can there smiles, love, and dreams bring back the light in this light grey town? Can Little River flow again? [QUOTE]Name: Age: Gender: Personality: remember, little river folks are all alitle sad Apperence: Home: Little River, or other Histroy: LR why your depressed Other: [/QUOTE] All post one, but after other people do, I wanna see where I'll be needed the most. There can be 3 people from out of town and unlimited people from the town.
  4. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Well technically speaking your not alone. I am alone. I very much wanted to have siblings ever since I was little. I don't really talk to my freinds outside of school and I live in a very secluded neighborhood. I think if I had a brother or sister even if they annoyed me I would still rather have them than being alone at home. I can barley ever talk to my mom since she works such long hours. So even though your silbing annoys you your lucky you have someone to talk to. Since it's summer the onyl people I can talk to are on this forum. So if I was to be reborn with siblings I would be very happy.[/quote] You can have mine if ya like! ;)
  5. He wasn't there. I looked around. No one was "Not again! Elizaveta! PLease stop doing this!" The tiger blink and the air began to move again. I was back where I used to be, it wasn't like I'd moved at all. The stupid tiger didn't want me to be in danger so it always teleported me when I summoned it! I looked around. The Eidolon and Albireo were gone. "Elizaveta, sniff them out." The tiger sniffed the ground then pointed her nose to the south. "Toyko eh? Okay, lets go find them." I hoped on her back and we ran off, as smooth and fast a petal caught in an updraft. "There!" She slowed down and I hoped off next to Eidolon. "Sorry about that, my kitty here caused me to accidently teleport. Did I miss anything?"
  6. This defintily a topic a can relate too. I have a 18 year old sister who loves yaoi more then I, shockingly enough, triplet little 5 year old brothers, and I have a twin sister. Seems my mom likes things in 1, 2, 3 order :animeswea Anyway, my little brother are a thiple threat, pun intened. They gang up on the girls and toture us. Josh will come in my room and claim to be hurt and he'll blame Ryan who'll also come in my room and denie anything. Then they pounce on me and my sister and hold us down while Alex sprays silly string in our hair! :mad: I totally understand sibling pain!
  7. OOC: I'm justing asking, but could you work on your post qualtiy? Your not supposed to play other people's characters and dialouge needs "quotation marks"! I'd really appericate, I get confused easily and those thing aren't helping! "Torch." It was one word, but it got everyone's attention. "I don't why your not one our side, but it doesn't matter. Your just an obestacle in our. Your death means nothing." I raised my hands closed my eyes."[B]White Tiger Lily![/B]" The air began to move and moan as if it were dancing around my still form. White lilys began to bloom everywhere, before they were picked up into the wind. They slowly formed a shape and the wind died down. Standing in front of me was a gaint white tiger. Her teeth were so strong they could bite through metal and she was so fast it was like she was flying with every step she took. But the scarest part were her eyes. So red you'd think they were endless pools of blood. Furian eyes were different. They showed emotion, they were regular eyes just red. These were emotionless pools, so deep you could drown in them. I opened my eyes. They were the same as the tiger before. I turned to Alibero. "This man will just cause us futher pain. As you are the leader, I simply ask you to say the words and his neck will become a nice chew toy for Elizavata here."
  8. This is why you don't let your girlfriend drink five cans of Jolt Cola after seeing Spiderman.
  9. July 7th, it's almost here! Who else is growing crazy waiting for JUly 7th? What's so special about July 7th you ask? Well, it's very simple. [B]Pirates of the Carribean 2!!![/B] Jonhny Depp :animenose , Orlando Bloom :animenose , and more! The sequal to one of my favorite none anime movies! Is anyone else going completely nutso waiting for this movie? Please share how your handling it in this thread! Or if your not exciting anf you don't like the PotC series, please feel free to explain why. Just don't spam the movie, that would make me cry! :animecry:
  10. Name: Grusinskaya (Grew-shin-sky-a) Age: 17 Gender: Female Good or bad: good Psychotic attack: White Tiger Lily. It sounds innocent, but this attack is deadly when used right. It simply conjures up white lilies that form the shape of a tiger. It's difficult to control this attack because the tiger is just like a real tiger, more powerful, but just as untamed. One has attach apart of one's own soul to control it, meaning if the tiger is destored, the caster feels it. Apearence/image: see below image Personality: She attracts lots of men, mainly older, with her looks, but she gets the younger ones with her attitude. She's the loner, powerful, hot, mysterious, and wild type of girl that men and boys fall head over heels in love with. She doesnt look like the loner type though, thats another attractive thing about her. Other minor techniques: Naturely seducing powers that aren't really techniques, just powers and the control over plants. other info: She doesn't know she's a furian. She just wasn't born with the rest of them. Her mother was being hunted when she had her so they were way of in northern russia. Grusinskya's mother died after her birth and she was raised in a small village away from the wars.Then she devolped her powers and was banished. She's on a jourany to find out who she is when she meets albireo. [IMG]http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a319/wild-wolfgirl-cheza/Miyoko.jpg[/IMG]
  11. A Animefan's Guide to Seeing Yaoi Chapter 4: First time reactions, in three steps. 1: r2vq's caption picture of Bubbles 2: :animenose 3: Must see more. . . "raids fanfiction archives for all yaoi. If you experence these steps you are now a yaoi fan. Just like poor innocent Bubbles. . .
  12. I'm sorry if my last post is spam. I really didn't mean for it to be. This is an awesome story, one of the best know your stars I've ever read. Danielle rocks, I love him, i just think it would be funny to put telic! Please continue!
  13. Dark haired guy: 'I knew he was full of hot air, one poke and he deflats.' Shuichi: YUKI!!!!!!!!!!!! :animecry: Dark haired guy: Airhead. . . Terriable, but thats okay. The picture works just fine now!
  14. I can't see the image, would you mind giving me the url or osting it again?
  15. Mine of course has to Hands by Jewel. I've heard fifty times and it's still really sad and powerful. The music video more so. [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r72njlusyDI&search=jewel%20hands[/url] It's so powerful!!!!!!!!! :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: :animecry:
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