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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. ... O.O You... Revived this? Dude... This has been 6 ft under for ages... How do you expect us to pick it up? Unless you have a good post pent up in there somewhere...
  2. Raquel


    Siren was slightly miffed after her brush with Wolverine... She slipped through the trees, making her way towards the entrance... She froze in her tracks when she saw a man with white hair move over to Gravitonne... A long forgotten memory stirred with in her... Another man with white hair, a cruel smile, a flash of green than pain... Immense pain... She fought the urge to slip into the protective darkness of unconciousness... No... This wasen't the man... She groweled as the memory recceded back into her mind... Her revenge would be carried out, for her familly... She hung her head, fighting back rage... She had to carry out her intentions... But she could do nothing with out the X-Men... She grimaced as she realised it was true... She needed their recouces and force of numbers to get her where she coulden't go alone... She sighed and followed the man with white hair to Gravitonne... Her eyes narrowed as she got closer... She hated admitting that she was wrong... She forced her pride down ruthlessly and watched at the white haired man stopped infront of him...
  3. OOC: Smoldering in the dark corners of my mind, clawing at the invisible walls of my pain induced prison... I've recently given up and even now as the dispair begins to claw at my soul, I have contracted the much feared disease of the role players... *dun, dun, dun* Writers Block... Sorry... >.< I'm trying to excercise my mind but it's sticking to three things (guitar lessons, dish washing and gfx) and I can't really think of anything... What I just posted was probably the most creative thing I've done in the last week... So as soon as my brain thaws I'll try to make up for it...
  4. OOC: I'm so relived I could kiss you... But I won't for the sake of our sanity... O.o" IC: Siren: Celest... Where did you get these anyways? I remember seeing them in the Crin base that I was in... I can't read their language very well... But it was something about malfunctions... I could have just been a warning not to wear in the rain or something... But just to be safe we should be careful... We can't communicate so we'll have to just hope that everyone gets out alive... Now... If you don't mind... I'm just about as tired as I can get... I'm gonna crash on the couch if that's alright, Seth... Seth nods and Siren walks into the other room... No one noticed the grimace on her face as she turned or the way her fingers brushed her side... She would carry out the mission with out a word to the others about it... It would be what her father would have done... A small voiced inside her head nagged her that it was what her father had done... And the reason that he never returned... Siren sighed and collapsed on the sofa, asleep before she hit...
  5. Siren heard a loud crash come from the outside of the cabin... She looked around... No one seemed to notice... She loosened her swords in their sheaths and patted Fox's shoulder absently... She made her way to the door and slipped outside silently... A man lay crumpled on the ground... She walked wairily over to him and nugded him with her blade... He sat up suddenly and Siren sprang backwards... Vensir: Ugg...What happened? Who am I? where am I? Siren: Apperently, you hit a tree... You, apperently, are the source of the crash i heard only moments before... And finally you are near the cabin of Kredion... She sheathed her swords and crouched infront of him, lightly touching his forehead where blood seeped slowly from a shallow wound... Siren: You seem to have a concussion... I don't suggest moving too quickly...
  6. OOC: Ack... I'm going through an immense stage of the dreaded writers block... *makes the sign aginst evil* I'm wracking my already melting brain for somthing to write... So... If anyone has any good ideas, feel free to state them... If I can't figure out somthing soon, I'll pull somthing dirastic and get us back on track... But that is a last resort...
  7. Siren's eyes fluttered and she sprang to her feet... She blinked and relaxed... Siren: Ken? Why... Why are you here? What happened? You've changed... She tilted her head slightly then remembered... She had been resurrected and had passed out... She blinked then smiled... Siren: It's good to be alive again... She retrived her weapons, which she had droped when she fainted... She sheathed them swiftly then returned... Siren: I'm guessing from the dirt on your clothes that the same thing happened to you as it did to me?
  8. OOC: Ok... I've deleted my post from before and I'm ignoring EFK's... (No offence) Because the way that started isn't going anywhere... Oh... And... For everyone?s sake I hope you take this seriously... Just because I'm a girl, doesn?t mean I scream or cry, or... Sing? (For the record, I'd sound like a raven with a sore throat) And... EFK, I'm touched... But a I really don't think this is the right place for "mushy stuff"... Now... If I haven't cleared that point enough... PM me... I really don't want to be clogging this up with any more spam than strictly necessary... IC: Siren had been watching Kahn ever since he had reached the halfway mark to Raspeth... She had watched with interest as he slaughtered the Sarafan, watched as he traveled, shielding herself from his senses and following warily... She moved so she was in front of him and waited for him to become aware of her... He slowed and she smirked Siren(whispered): You are different... You appear to be more powerful than most vampires that travel this road... Much less show their face... Siren stepped out about 5 feet ahead of him and crossed her arms... Siren: Something has... Happened... Why are you traveling to Raspeth?
  9. Raquel


    Alright... See you later than... IC: Siren stood on the roof of a building, the wind tugging playfully at her hair... She watched as the X-Men returned to their base... She sighed... She diden't want to, but prehaps joining them would be the best thing to do for now... She quickly made her way to the primiter of the base and circled it... Siren had long known of it's location, and had doen backround checks on all the members... She crouched and watched silently... She was about to move when she felt somthing press into her back, somthing sharp... OOC: Sorry about the shortness....
  10. Raquel


    Siren groans and sits up... She touches the back of her head gingerly and winces... She stands and looks at the others... She nods to them and turns to leave... Siren: It's been fun... But your backup has arrived... I don't think that my being here is required... She turned, crouching to replace the sai in her boots... She shoved her hands in her pockets and started off down the street, her mind playing ofer the events of the day... ???: Hey! Wait... Siren turns, annoyance in her eyes
  11. Sirens eyes snapped open and gasped... Complete darkness surrounded her... She clawed at the stone tomb before she realized that she wasn?t still fighting... She calmed herself and pushed the lid off, sending it crashing to the floor... She stood and glanced down at her clothes... They were whole still... She paused and then climbed out of her coffin... She placed her hands on her hips and tisked... Siren: Is this supposed to be funny?! She walked over and kicked the rotting door of the cabin down... Five startled people jumped up and leveled their spears at her... She unsheathed her swords in reply and a wave of dizziness engulfed her and the world spun... She staggered forward, into the arms on the nearest guard... What was wrong... Why was she... So faint... Darkness engulfs her...
  12. Raquel


    Siren crouches on the roof top, debating whether to help the mutant below... He was out matched... But Siren really didn?t have any love for the X-Men... She was a loner... No one ever had shown any concern for her... Except... She broke off the thought... He was dead... There was no way he had survived the blast that killed so many of the others... She conjured a green flame and it flickered beside her face, throwing off weird shadows across the smooth planes of her features... She sighed and stood, extinguishing the flame with a motion... She threw herself off the building, catching a ledge and letting go for a controlled drop onto the back of the creature... She drew her sai... Wreathing them in flame to make the simple steel a deadly weapon she drove it rapidly into the monsters neck, keeping her other arm locked around his throat... Suddenly, a hand that she had neglected grabbed her head and threw her into the far wall, a spider web of cracks emanating from her point of impact... She slid down the wall, loosing consciousness fast, the last thing she saw being the alien approaching her...
  13. Siren had signed up for team two... She needed to blow some steam... But getting reckless would jeopardize the mission and she wasn?t the best in a firefight... She preferred hit and run or one on one tactics... She had packed a minimal of necessities wondering faintly if they would get stranded in the jungle... She smirked... Not her element... But it was good enough... She pulled out Ann Rice?s Interview with the Vampire and tucked her feet underneath her... If Rae started talking it would be a long trip and they weren?t even on the plane yet... As if on cue, Rae started up a conversation with Jaudiar about the conditioned of the last mission and how she hoped that she wouldn?t have to wear the same clothes for that long ever again... Siren abruptly stood, walked over to Ryan and yanked off his boot... She pulled off his sock before he could object and winked at him... She turned, stalked down and stuffed the sock into Raes mouth... Siren held it there for a moment... Siren: No hard feelings dear... But if you don't get the hint... She trailed off, waving a roll of duck tape in her face... Jaudiar's smothered laughter brought a smirk to Sirens face as she returned to her seat... Ryan: ... Whadda bout my sock?
  14. Raquel

    The Elementals

    *Sighs* Well... I guess my point went unnoticed... Sorry but I'm gonna quit this RPG... Lata all
  15. Siren looked at Ryoko... Siren: Everything seems to fit... But... Is this coincidence? Or... Somthing... Else... She stood and paced the cabin restlessly, her hands clenching and unclenching with her thoughts... Siren(thinking): Did Ryoko plan this all? Did she even know... How is it possible... Prehaps I'm just being suspicious, but this seems to... To convient... OOC: Space filler post... Ack...
  16. Siren whips around, alerted by the smell of burning flesh and the soft thump of Liams body hitting the floor... She cursed vibrantly and dodged the beams expertly, racing to his side... She slides the last four feet, slamming into him and rolling to the far side of the room... She pushed herself to her feet and looked at him carefully... Siren(thinking): Why didn't I just let him die? I'm becoming soft again... She walked over to him and crouched, examining his burns gently... Her eyes close and she remembers... ~*Flashback*~ Siren tenderly peeled back the bandage reveling the burn on her foster fathers hand... Siren: It'll be alright soon... Just don't use it too much... ~*Scene fades and gunshots sound*~ Siren ducks behind a tent and watches as the men capture her father and friends... ~*Scene fades and a long howeling scream is heard*~ Siren drops her guns and takes the dead mans, loading it and slinging the other guns onto her shoulders... She walks through the halls, shooting men, women and childeren... Agonizied screams of pain echo behind her... She shoots a fleeing woman and she falls her child tumbling falling from her arms... Siren came to the baby and looked at it, the cold fires of hatred shineing brightly from her eyes... She shot the squalling infant between the eyes... Crimson blood stained the walls and floor... Siren stepped over the bodys and entered the council chambers... The prisoners stood to one side of the room as the men stared at her as the doors slammed open... She fired wildly, killing almost everyone in the room... Siren walkes over to the last moving body... That of her foster father... Blinded by pain and rage, everyone was the enemy... Siren twisted her fingers into his hair yanking his head back... His eyes widened and he coughed blood... Father: Wh...*cough* Why... Ari... Ariana... Siren: Die you bastard... Ariana is dead... She drew his knife and slit her fathers throat in a spray of blood... She stood and exited the building and wandered the desert for three days, not stoping for anything... Finally, at the top of a dune, she passed out... She awoke in the hospital three months later after being in a coma... The horrible realization hit her and she broke down sobbing... ~*Scene fades and present returns*~ She opened her eyes and a tear fell down her cheek... She glanced at liam and realised that he was awake, if groggy, and staring at her... Her face hardened and she drew back her fist... Liam, as if knowing what Siren was about to do, closed his eyes... Her fist connected with his chin, puting him down...
  17. I love it! ^^" It reminds me of a book... Shades Children... It's pretty good... I don't mind the name Notch... It makes me imagine him as a wannabe punk with black floppy hair and gray eyes... A lot like one of my friends... Recently got the crap kicked out of him... *shakes her head* Anyways... It's great... Tell your teacher to piss off... ~Siren~*
  18. Siren: This way... She led Valentyne through the complex city scape, looking out for followers the entire time... Once sure of their safty Siren returned to the statue and entered the code... The door slid open and siren led Valentyne down to the room where Slade stood lounging aginst the wall... Siren: Wheres Seth, Celest and Rae?
  19. Siren strode into the gym and raised her eyebrows at Jaudiar before removing her vest and droping into a locker... Her undershirt was black and revealed her midrif and the lower half of the black and grey tatoo of a gryphon that covered her entire back... One of it's eyes was visible and it was a pericing green... Siren moved silently to the gym bars and adjusted them mechanicly to the specific routine she intended to practice... She stretched silently, focus on warming up adequetly... She ran and jumped, snagging the lower bar, which was a good six feet above the ground and swinging herself up one handed... She crouched and then sprang into the air, twisting to grab the higher bar, which was about ten feet over the ground, and seven feet away from the lower one... She rotated around it once, twice and launched herself into the air, landing perfectly on one of the softer mats... She turned and headed to the lazer room, glancing at Jaudiar, who had gone about her business after Siren's entrance... For a moment the urge to talk to her washed over her... She stiffened and forced herself to enter the code as she ruthlessly beat her feelings down once more... Computer: Acess granted... Welcome Siren... She sliped into the room, not minding that Adam had probably seen her and would stop her from activating the program... She turned to the door and locked it... She turned the setting to nine, one away from the final, and deadly setting... Numbly, she gave her fathers voice activation and stared as the beams activated... These beams would render her unconcious and give her a burn to remember... She glanced at the fading scar on her arm... Painful as she recalled... She pushed herself to the limit as she danced through the stationary beams... Reaching the other side she activated the movement and watched the door open with a bang...
  20. Angelic Name: Siren Firestrife Name in life: Ariana Kojia Apparent Age: 24 Heroic Last Deed: Siren stood at the gate to a village desperately trying to buy time for the few villagers left alive... The Via'pus pounded towards her and as the villagers took the children up and ran, Siren clashed with the front lines of Via'pus, defending the narrow gates... She was soon covered in blood and riddled with arrows... She fell to her knees, the final arrow striking the fatal blow to her heart... Why you fight: Siren fights for the thrill of the fighting it's self... She used to fight for the cause of the people, before it became an addiction.. Background: Siren had been a traveling mercenary and a assassin... She disliked anything involving people but would work well with them when there was no other way... Siren sees other humans as ignorant beings riddled with hatred and love as they saw fit... Personality: Siren is an arrogant egotist and will go to great lengths to find a good fight... Apperence: [url]http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/gallery/6_Female%20Barbarian.jpg[/url]
  21. Siren sat down with a thunk, as another tear rolled down her face... She loved him and would gladly marry him without a second thought... If she were anyone else... As it was, she was an icari and bound to her duty as one of the last... She must fulfil her destiny or die... She looked at him and saw love in his eyes, love she knew was for her... She despreatly wanted to accept and let that love warm her frozen heart... But... She would only bring him sadness... She loved him and wanted nothing more than to be with him... Siren: I... I can't... I... Have to complete my quest... She turned away, stricken by the greif on his face... Tears ran unchecked down her face... A touch startled her and she looked up into the eyes of Ryoko... Ryoko(private thought speak): Siren... I know of your quest... And it's plain to all of us that you love him... It's okay... You can still carry out your revenge... Your love for Fox shoulden't hold you back... Siren nodded her unspoken gradititude... Siren turned to Fox and smiled at him... She threw her arms around him... There was no reason why her quest should be held back by her love... She whispered softly into his ear... Siren: Yes... Yes I will... To death and beyond beloved... She stood, pulling him up with her, wiping the tears from her face...
  22. Name: Siren Kojia Race: Unknown (What races can we be?) Age: 27 Class: Knight Weapons(3): Broad sword, dagger, throwing axe Spells: None Bio: A twelve year old Siren woke up one day to find that she had lost all memory of her past and present... For seven years she wandered the desert, picking up weapon skills... Several times she attempted to settle down with various cultures and races, but finding herself longing for the open road... She traveled to the mountians and stayed there for four long years before returning to the desert... She trained and learned the skills of cultures yet unknown to the majority of the world and became a master of the sword that she had carried as soon as she could pick it up... Now, on her 27 birthday, Siren sits in a bar thinking of her future Appearance: Golden eyes, black hair, black chain mail, black pants, crimson armor, burgandy tatoo, pale skin [url]http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/gallery/6_Female%20Barbarian.jpg[/url]
  23. I hate it how you underestimate yourself... Your great! I love your stuff... And if i hear any more of this "Your so much better than me, I could never do that" crap, I'll come up there and it'll get personal... o.- Your doin great... Keep up the good work... ~Siren~*
  24. Siren rolled out of bed and tugged her shirt over her head... She looked down at the sleeping form of Fox and smiled... She stapped on her weapons and leaned over him, waking him with a soft kiss... Siren: Ryoko wants us... C'mon... She turned and sliped through the door followed shortly by Fox... Siren: Who are we waiting for?
  25. Muhahaha!! I'll join... *Shoots a look at Raiha* Just like the good old days... Name: Ariana "Siren" Kojia Mutant Name: Siren Age: 18 Sex: Female Mutant Ability: Control of a radioactive green fire/acid like substance Bio: Siren was orignialy just a normal girl... She enrolled in the army and they randomly selected her to be a volenteer for nucular testing... She was a mutant that was created... They infused her with the newest radioactive weapon called Clorophine... She became a walking weapon and distroyed the lab, it's scientists and all of their research before anyone realised she was free... Short Description: Siren stands at 5'11'' and wears tight black pants and a crop top black shirt... She wears large black knee high combat boots with chains and strips of iron, along with metal gauntlets... A scar running from her hairline, over her eye, to the bottem of her jaw mars her flawless face and pericing forest green eyes stare out at you from underneath stray strands of onyx hair, the rest pulled back in hundreds of tiny braids capped in silver...
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