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Everything posted by Raquel
Siren smirked and cracked her neck then streached lazily... Siren: So... You woulden't be up for a few rounds would ya? She removed her weapons and tossed them into a pile on her coat... Siren: How about it? I'm almost dying of bordem... She began to warm up, throwing jabs, uppercuts and kicks... She flipped backwards and executed a complex series of punches, kicks and evasive movements... She landed infront of Jaudiar and raised an eyebrow...
Siren appered next to Liam and shook her head in disgust... Siren: I don't know why you put up with him... Liam whiped around and Siren found herself staring down the barrel of his Desert Eagle... She made a face and pushed the gun away... Siren: Your a bit jumpy... She sighed and moved away silently... She had almost gotten shot that time... She really should stop pushing it... Suddenly she grinned... She loved the look on his face every time she pulled that on him... She laughed softly... It never got old... Still smiling to herself, she trotted over to the hummers and looked for some intertainment... She diden't really want to pick on Liam anymore tonight... And Adam was out of the question... She wasen't in the mood for a lecture... She sighed... She'd try to get one of the girls to fight her in hand to hand combat... But... They were all asleep... Maybe she should catch some z's... She forgot about it as soon as it crossed her mind... She'd never be able to sleep now.... She sighed again and leaned aginst the hummer...
Name: Siren Kojia Age: 27 Race: Wingly Information: One of Roe's crew... She is an expert swordsmaster and fights with twin semitars
I'll give it a go... Dragon Name: Ariana "Siren" Kojia of the Starfire Clan Gender: Female Age: 467 Description: When near people Siren assumes the form of a Raven haired teenager wearing tight black pants, and a blue grey dress slit to the hips... She has large storm grey eyes and a small tatoo of a dragon curled in fetal position at the base of her neck... When in Dragon form Siren measures 5 meters tall with a 20ft wing span... Her coloring is a deep sea blue with grey belly and under her wings... She has five identical black face markings on each side, and a black stripe up the center of her face... A grey gem is imbedded in her forehead... Color: Bluegray Past: Siren has buried her past and it lives only in her memory...
Ariana Kojia of the Starfire Clan, better known as Siren, stood in the midst of the battle field, not far from the elves and Yakkon... Her eyes swept the destruction and she blinked slowly, her eyes showing a pain and regret dulled by long years... She turned and picked her way through the piles of corpses of men women and children... She made her way over to Yakkon, Rae and Nepenthe... Siren: Survivors? Her eyes narrowed and she surveyed them critically... Siren: No... Your not from here.... She turned and gazed out over the carnage.... OOC: Ack... WB returns.... *Is put into quarantine*
Siren pulled her cloak tighter about her shoulders... Siren: I have some herbs in my bag if you'd like to use them... It might help... She nodded to Elsyans wound... She Blinked, realising that she had left her pack with her horse... She frowned and shook her head... Muttering somthing about "...years old and still unable to keep track of it..." she brought her fingers to her leps and let out a peircing whistle... Some while later, the black mare crashed through the underbrush... Siren: C'mere Horse... The mare obedeintly trotted up to her and Siren untied the saddle bags from the saddle and tossed them to the ground... Suddenly she froze... She haden't resaddled her horse before she left... She semitars cleared their sheathes with a clear ringing sound... She turned and plunged into the underbrush... A loud yelp was heard and Siren returned, pushing Kaze infront of her...
Siren glances at Celest... Her cold expression thaws slightly... Siren: I'm going to move her onto the couch... She moves and scoops Celest up, walking to the next room... Siren: Poor kid... She's exausted... Miki trots into the room and Siren glances at the dog... Siren(thinking): This dog is intelegent... Not quite normal... She snags a pillow and a throw from a near by chair and covers her... Miki jumps up and lays on her feet... Siren grinned crookedly and returned to the room... She eyed Slade as she walked in... He seemed the decent sort.. But you couldent really tell... His eyes seemed to hold a seceret...
Siren kneeled in the dark of her house... She never used it anymore... She looked at Anima then touched the girls neck... She frowned... Anima's eyelids fluttered... She would wake soon... Siren stood, expertly navigating the pitch-black room... She lit a candle silently then moved to her cupboards... Opening them, Siren found the herbs and powders she was looking for... She mixed them silently then returned to the half unconscious child... She felt a measure of sorrow for the pitiful creature lying prone at her feet... Siren sighed and knelt at her side and began to speak... Siren: Well... The foul tasting and horrid smelling concoction I'm about to feed you will nourish, calm, and knock you out... She tipped the nasty liquid down her throat and watched her swallow... Siren: Good... You will sleep for the next few hours... or until I return... She stood and turned into the shadows returning to Jaudiar's Energy signal... She appeared crouched on the windowsill next to Liam...
Siren glances at the screen as it beeps... Another message... First one from the school, then five from assorted annoying people... She ignored it and opened up the info that Ryan had requested to see... She locked him out of the rest of her files and passed it over to him... Siren: Just don't try to hack into my other files... I'd have to kick your azz if ya did... She winked and stood glancing at the sleeping figures of her friends... She tilted her head slightly, attempting to recall when she began to refer to them as "friends"... They had always been "the others" before... She sighed and turned, walking away and letting her thoughts wander... She diden't mind the desert or the lack of comforts... She had never bothered with them in the first place... She liked the way the sand shifted in the winds... She climbed a dune and sat, her back to the others as she watched the nothingness for as far as she could see... She sighed... The sands at night reminded her of her life... Siren: Shifting sands of the deserts cold and comfortless... Watching time pass away into it's depths...
Siren motions to Seth and follows Rae Siren: This is somthing you'll want to see...
Siren glanced at Ryan... His company was welcome... Although... If he got in her way she wouldn?t hesitate to put him down... She looked up and smiled... There was an air duct just over Ryan?s head... She could get to the main controls easily now... She turned and walked down the hall for a bit... She then whirled and charged him... Before Ryan could figure what she was doing, she vaulted onto his shoulders and pulled the grate up, climbing in... Once up she reached down and offered him her hand... He took it and she pulled him up then replaced the grate... Digging through her things she found a pen light and stuck it in her mouth... Ryan: How do you know where we're going? Siren: I don't... She laughed softly at his bewildered expression... Siren: Just trust me... Ryan: Trust you? Now it was Siren turn to make a face... Siren: Shut up... With that she turned and began down the tunnel-like duct
Siren's eyes widened and she broke away from Indrid... She sprinted across the feild, dodging men and beasts alike... Ryan drew the bow and Siren skidded to a halt in front of the elf... The arrow flew from the bow and buryed it's self in her shoulder... Blood trickled from the wound, creating a dark flower on her shirt... Siren reached to it and curled her hand around the shaft... In one swift motion she ripped it from her flesh, bringing a gout of blood out with it... The blood fell just short of Ryans feet... Siren: So... Ghazboron is behind this... I have no doubt he shall be slightly miffed at my involvment, but what can you say? His master started it... Great black feathered wings (for Siren is part Weveryn a smaller, feathered type of dragon) unfurled and Siren smiled... Siren: So... Ryan Schezar is it? Well Ryan... I am of the orignal warriors... I knew Telsoron very well... A flash of pain brightens her eyes then fades quickly... She reached over her back and drew her semitars, challenging him... She turned and called over her shoulder... Siren: You all would be well advised to leave this place now... Take the elf and go... Should I live I'll seak you out to repay your kindness...
Heh... So... You revived it... Erm... I'd sign up.... If I wasen't bleeding all over my keyboard... O.o" So... When I get to school... I will debate with you about iders then I'll post in the computer lab... If I decide to grace you with my presence and come outside... Then I'll post when I get home... Oh... And don't worry... I'll edit this post... Now if you'll excuse me... I need a bandaid... *mutters about sewing machines* (Oh and incase you didn't get it... This post is a spot saver)
Siren stirred and sat up... She was still exausted but she was more thirsty then tired... She pushed herself up and stumbled from the clearing into another one... This one was larger and soldiers crowed it... Sirens sleep fogged mind cleared a little and her eyes widened... She had just wandered into trouble with a capital t... She turned to retreat and found herself face to face with a sentry... Siren: Shi.t... Sentry: Well, well, well... What do we have here... A spy... Siren: A spy? What are you talking about? Sentry: You know very well... I'm taking you to our leader... Siren: Um... Nope... I don't think so... She draws her swords and the sentry smirked... His eyes flicking to somthing behind her... She began to turn when a sword pommel connected with her skull and knocked her unconcious
Siren trotted up to Liam and glanced up at the camera... Then waved and pulled a comic face... Liam raised an eyebrow at her and she grinned... Siren slung her rifle over her back and drew out fingerless gloves and a coiled length of rope attached to a small steel grapling hook... Siren: Shall I begin? Liam: Just make sure you listen when I tell you I'm about to blow the damned thing up... Siren cackled and took off to the far side of the base, dodging as many people as she could and shooting the rest...
OOC: I'm going to keep the same name for both Elemental and my reg char... I've gone three years with the same name... It kinda throws you off to have another name... IC: Siren: Welcome back Shadow.... Siren turned her intense gaze on the pitiful human childern remaining... She stirred and stood tall and proud... Siren: Alqwerik, Lament, Glacien, VooDoo... Why do you hesitate... Join us... She banged her staff three time on the floor and it shrunk to the size of her forearm... With a firm resolve she tucked it into her belt and pulled a pair of black fingerless gloves from a pouch... She tugged them on and adjusted them... Dark purpose shone in her eyes...
Siren: It must be hard... Seth: Hm? Siren: Being alone... I mean... My parents died when I was young, but the crew took care of me... They are my familly now... She smiles crookedly at him then turns to Rae... She had picked out several weapons and was now loading them...
Siren smirked then plastered on a mask of mock disbelief Siren: Cleaning! You expect me to clean? I don't think so mister... I'll rake in the cash and you do the house work... She put her hands on her hips then burst out laughing... Once she had calmed down she started to eat... Siren: Mmmm... This is good! I had no idea you could cook.... She quickly ate her eggs, nothing worse than cold eggs... Exccept burnt ones... She laughed silently at this thought and took a bite out of her toast... Siren: Well... It beats pizza... That's all we've eaten for ages!
Siren slouched in the saddle as her horse stumbled along... She would need to rest soon.... Siren: C'mon Horse... Just a bit further... She had ridden for many miles and they were both droping from fatigue... Siren came across a clearing, not far from the Rae and the others, and dismounted... Siren: This will do... She forced herself to unsadle the horse and brush it down... That done, she turned and made it three steps before collapsing in a heap... She slipped into dream...
Siren steps forward and grips her staff... Siren: Silver mists surrounding darkness, break your bonds and drift away, Daughter of damnation, child of darkness I summon you Aerin! Sirens eyes widen then snap shut... Her hands came together and a whispering began to come from her staff... The misty shapes began to whirl around quickly, and a black light explodes from the stone on the top... The darkness envelops her and a silver glow gathers above her... Her eyes open and the silver light streams down, peircing her heart... A slient scream escapes her lips the darkness closes around her... sealing Siren from sight... Silver flashes appear and the darkness peels away... There, standing where Siren had been was a Girl with onyx hair plaited into tiny braids capped in silver and held back by a gray leather strip. She wore tight black leather pants and a form clinging blue gray dress slit to the hips. Silver eyes with small blue flecks sparkled dangerously. Wiry muscle ripples throughout her body and a small black tattoo of a dragon sits just below her left ear. Tangles of black lines encircle her left wrist? Small black stones set into a circle of silver hang at her throat... Leather straps criss cross her chest, strapping her semitars to her back? Aerin let a ghost of a smile flit across her lips as she moved fluidly to the shadows...
Siren looks up from cooking some rather foul smelling concoction on the stove... Siren: Hey Seth... You don't mind that I'm cooking do you? Rae winces at the word "cooking"... Even if Siren was her captain, She would never be able to cook... Siren tasted the "food" then tilted her head from side to side Siren(mutters): I think I burned it...
Siren shakes her head... Siren: Wake up and smell the freshly spilt blood Jaudiar... Everything ceased to be sacred the moment we were embraced... Siren laughs quietly then gives the belt the evil eye... Siren: You know I really dislike that thing... Siren coughs and turns...
Siren slid into the seat at the bar... Siren: Sake... The barkeep passed her the bottle and a small glass... Siren ignored the glass and drank strait from the bottle... Her deal had been thrown off with the Kei Pirates new intrest in Gene... She sighed... She needed a job...
Siren laughed, a flowing, silver laugh... Like a stream in the moonlight... She felt slightly hungry as she watched the three interact mentally... Drunks never filled you up... She made a face... She hated that aftertaste too... Siren stretched and caught sight of a teenager walking away from the tavern... She reached into his mind... She was clumsy and heavy handed compared to Jaudiar and the boy started and looked around... He has noticed her trespass on his mind... She scowled and pulled the information from him... He had been told to bring his father home from the bar... Siren smiled... He wasn?t drunk and he was at the age when mortals are quite unstable... She called over her shoulder to the others... Siren: ... I'll... Be right back... She slipped down the road and got in front of him... She stood in the middle of the road and watched as he came closer... (OOC: Changing my gifts to Entrance: the ability to captivate and/or create feelings and images in a mortal and Shadow travel: the ability to move from place to place by darkness) She projected lust and desire into him as she moved towards him... He was soon lost in the amounts she had flooded him with and would have probably gone after a passing stray... She placed a hand behind his neck and drew him to her... She exposed his neck and pierced his skin... He felt only rapture and ecstasy as she fed... She placed memories of a bottle of vodka, a cheep motel room and a pretty girl into his mind... She may not have the skills to search a mind, but she could definitely change one... She pulled away, The coppery taste of his blood still fresh in her mouth... She picked up his listless body and stepped into the shadows... They appeared on the motel roof and Siren entered through the roof access door... She placed him in the bathroom and pulled her touch from his mind... She faded back into the shadows and reappeared near the others... Siren: Back...