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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. Siren raised an eyebrow in Rae's direction... She shook her head... Rae was taking over her act! Siren noticed as Ryan came back up to the main section of the plane... Sighing, She curled up in her seat and began to sleep... Thoughts drifted as she slipped silently into dream... Her last thought was hoping that noone would make too much noise... OOC: Unless someone has somthing in mind to post for this time I suggest that we fast-foreward this little trip of ours... I'm beginning to post really crap quality in here...
  2. Siren laughed Siren: Not what I had in mind, but pretty d.amn close... Siren stood and went over to a door on the far wall of the area and tested it... Siren: Locked... She felt her pockets and smiled Siren: But not for long... Siren draws out her lock picks and kneels at the door... She checked for traps then proceded to pick the lock... Siren: HA! The door swings open and Siren freezes, her faw droping slightly... There was enough firepower in here for the entire military! All four walls sported guns and other artillery from floor to celing... Siren: Rae? I think you should come see this...
  3. Siren made a face... Siren: Rae? Leave me alone... I'm not about to keel over, and I don't need to be carried... She moves to the statue and looks up at it... Siren leaps and snaggs the edge of the pedistal... She swings her self up and opens the pad... Siren: 36-59-42... Alright... That should do it... She drops to the ground and winces as her scar pulls... Rae: Here's the opening... She dissapears into the base of the statue and Siren swiftly follows as the door swings shut behind her... Siren: Now... Where are the lights?
  4. Siren sat in a temple in the forest many leagues from any village or city... She sat cross-legged and with her eyes closed, her palms pressed to her knees... Her hair fell in front of her face, stirring gently with each breath... She stretched her wings out behind her, cramped from eons of one position... Her golden eyes opened as light streamed into the temple.... She blinked and stood in one fluid motion... She was alive... The dragonling looked at her hands and body... Siren flexed each finger and stared as it reacted... A footstep sounded then a clatter of metal brought her attention to the doorway... A startled priest stood in the light... His mouth hung open and his eyes bulged... He turned and ran... Siren looked perplexed and turned away from the door... A scene carved in stone stood before her... She walked up to it and placed a hand on its cold surface... The memories hit her in a wave and her knees buckled... Visions of blood and pain, screaming and death invaded her mind... Tears streamed down her face... It was so long ago... Telsoron and the others... She gasped... The spell! That's what had happened... She had been trapped in time and stone along with one of the magical items... She turned and strode to the place she had been left... To the left there was a door... She flung it open and smiled... Her weapons lay beside neatly folded clothes and boots... She glanced down at herself and shook her head... If she had been brought back to life, it means that the spell was unraveling and in that case she would do best to retrieve the other items... And she wasn?t about to get anywhere in this robe... She slipped out of it and into the clothes... As she slid the semitars into their sheathes she paused... Where were the other items anyway? Siren scowled... This would be much more difficult than she expected... She stepped into the boots and walked out the door... As she stepped out of the outside doors the priest from before stopped her... Priest: Um... Excuse me... We have readied a horse and provisions for your divine journey... This way... He scurried away and Siren stood, utterly dumbfounded... "Divine journey"? What was that supposed to mean? Who did they think she was? A god? Siren sniggered at the thought... She was no more a god than the stone under her feet... She threw a heavy cloak about her shoulders, hiding her wings and drew her hood up about her face as she followed the priest... A black mare tossed her head uneasily at the sent of the dragonling approaching... Siren moved to her nose and stroked it softly... The mare whickered and Siren smiled underneath the shadow of her hood... She mounted; slinging the proffered supplies over her saddle then spurred the mare into a gallop out of the woods...
  5. Xyluis: Siren, You sure nothings wrong? Siren ignored him and stalked off then turned and raised a eyebrow... Siren: You mean a bite as in food? Like, good food? Xyluis: Um... Yea... Siren frowned... She diden't espically like Xyluis but an invitation for food never had gone wrong in her book... She bit her lip then forced a smile... Siren: Well... Alright... You got somewhere in mind? She came closer and placed her hands on her hips... She could play this game... Yea... Espically if it got her some food... Dam.n she was starving...
  6. Siren sat on a boulder and watched the children train... Her eyes hardened and her fists clenched... If she had been male... None of this would be happening to her! She had an gigantic power which she hadn?t even had the chance to explore... She sighed and leaned back... It didn?t matter... She would be stuck here in the training area for her entire life... She slid off the boulder and leaned against it... She felt soldiers approaching... The arrogant scum didn?t even qualify as warriors... She clicked her scouter noting their power levels of about 25,000... Good... But nowhere good enough... She pulled the scouter from her face and dropped it into her pocket... They had refused to supply her with armor and a scouter... The training master, unlike most of the military, had recognized her potential beyond her sex... He had given her a scouter in defiance of his orders... She smirked... It was a useful toy, but she really didn?t need it... She was almost certain she was more powerful than any on campus... She sighed as the men stopped at the training grounds and began to watch... She knew what they were here for and she resented it... She watched as the children left... Her turn... She stepped down and walked the length of the floor to the training master... TM: You know the drill, Kojia... I expect some effort out of you today... Siren shook her head and crouched in a fighting position... The training master attacked her in a flurry of blows, which she effortlessly dodged... Laugher sounded behind her and she hesitated... The training master noticed her pause and struck her across the face as hard as he could... Sirens head turned the slightest fraction... TM: You're not focusing... If you?re going to play around, stop wasting my time... He turned his back on her... Sirens cheeks flushed in anger and disgrace... The training master turned back around... TM: Are you going to fight me or just stand there like a lost child... His words stung and spurred Siren into an angry attack which he easily caught... He swiftly twisted her hand behind her back... TM: How many times? How many times girl! Get out of my sight... You?re too easily angered... You have no respect... Until you manage to find some, I forbid you from coming... Siren's muscles tensed then relaxed... He was right... Her anger flared like dry grass set to flame... That was her weakness... She bowed to his back, then turned and strode from the ring, the mocking laughter following her...
  7. *Edit* Name: Siren Kojia Apparent age: 18 Physical description: Onyx hair down to Sirens lower back is plaited into tiny braids capped in silver and held back by a gray leather strip. She wears tight black leather pants and a blue gray dress slit to the hips. Silver eyes with small blue flecks sparkle dangerously. Wiry muscle ripples throughout her body and a small black tattoo of a dragon sits just below her left ear. Tangles of black lines encircle her left wrist? Small black stones set into a circle of silver hang at her throat... Clan: Lasombra Generation: 9th Personality: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to tease and seduce mortals? Easily offended and temperamental she has a taste for revenge... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind... Siren can be reckless and out of control when she enters a fight... She enjoys starting brawls and out drinking the tavern scum... A rowdy vampire... Background: Siren had always been fascinated with darkness and shadow? Even as a small child she had always loved the evil characters in the books her mother read to her? Embraced on her 18th birthday, Siren was a willing victim? Character abilities Physical: 5 Social:2 Mental:3 Willpower: 5 Attractiveness: 4 1/2 Disciplines 1. Dominate: * 2. Obtenebration: ** 3. Potence: *
  8. Raquel

    Blood Omen

    Siren laughs at the startled look on her face and turns dissapearing into the shadows... She steped out of them close to the tavern where she had been moments ago... She turned and started down the street, looking for the others she knew were out here... Her feet stirred dust as she walked silently towards the outskirts of town... She might return to her home now... Her head snapped up and her eyes flashed... Two shadowy figures stood down the way, and Siren knew immedietly she had been detected... Siren: No use going back now... She walked closer and felt somthing tickling at her mind... Unconcoiusly she slid up a barrier, even though she knew it would be no use... She knew who that mind belonged to as soon as it brushed hers... Jaudir... She projected her thoughts and wondered if she could still pick them up
  9. Siren got up and stuck her head into the fridge... Siren: Ah... The little bugger diden't put any food in here! She rummages around looking for somthing editable... She bursts out laughing and pulls out six carrots... Siren: What does he think we are?! Rabbits? She shakes her head and shuts the doors, heading back to her seat... She flops into it and sighs picking up a book... She glances around, looking for entertainment...Siren grumbles and returns to reading her book... Siren(muttering): Lousy, boring people...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lauren [/i] [B] Oh,And 00k and Siren,PyroMunkie is already Shadow,YOu'll have to have a Diffrent Element. [/B][/QUOTE] Erm... All the other elements are taken... So unless we can have elements you haden't listed (EX: Spirit) or if there can be more than one of each... Then we're screwed... I'll wait for your reply before I change or delete my post... ~Siren~*
  11. Siren: I prefer to be on the team after the missing squad... Infiltration is my forte and it'll be a waste of my skills to dodge flunkies wandering about the desert... She crossed her arms... Siren: Unless someone has something to keep me occupied while looking for it... I might just pull a Liam and blow the place sky high... A shadow passed over her face... Siren: Except I have minimal knowledge of explosives... She sighed and glanced at Rae... Siren: You?re the logical mind... Assign me...
  12. Raquel

    Blood Omen

    Siren had watched from the shadows as the vampiress in white led the drunkerd to his death in a dark ally... She smirked and crossed the street... She leaned aginst the stone and watched as the woman droped her prey... Raellyra: Great... This is all your fault, William... Siren laughed and Rae whirled to face her Siren: That's gonna stain ya know... She indicated to her own clothes Siren: Black is so much better for this line of work... Siren steped into the ally and circled her... Siren: Your new to this arn't you? She stoped in front of her... Siren tugged off one of her fingerless gloves and offered her hand, pale in the moon light... Siren: Siren Kojia...
  13. Where I used to live in Cali was a real disaster zone... I lived in Topanga Canyon... It's in LA... In 1993-94 There was a huge wild fire in the canyon... My kindergarten teacher's house was in it and tons of forest was burnt down... Those water bomber things would pass over about every five minates... I would just sit outside on the swings and watch them for hours... The fire was stopped a few miles from where I lived... The night before it was stopped if you stood on the roof of out house, you could see the glow... My parents refused to evacuate so it was quite a close call... Odd thing was I wasn?t scared at all... Just hang in there... You'll be ok
  14. Firefight The shadows on the wall, Entrance my burnin mind, Screamin as I fall, Of what I wish to find The oppression of the fire, I'm burnin up inside I'm stuck in mire, Nothin left on the inside But flame It burns as I scream, It's written inside, Flame What else can I learn, I'm burning inside Scorching flesh, It soothes the mind, Behind the mesh, They've drawn the line The flames confined, Been cuffed again, Regaining mind, I'm stuck in pen Flame It burns as I scream, It's written inside, Flame What else can I learn, I'm burning inside
  15. *Falls over laughing* That's a hilarious poem... It reminds me of my little brother and his best friend...
  16. Raquel

    Blood Omen

    Siren pulled back, letting the lifeless corpse fall to the floor... She licked the blood from her fingers and made a face... The blood of a drunk always had that slightly musty taste... Similar to vampiric blood... Like it was old... She sighed and straightened, not bothering to hide the body... Let someone find it... It would only spur this war on it's way... Siren turned out of the ally and made for the tavern down the way... Maybe she'd have some fun in there... She walked past the hospital and was jostled by a figure in a black cloak... She recognized vampiric energy and continued on, laughing softly to herself... She strolled into the tavern, deftly evading drunk and searching hands... She slid into a seat at the bar and ordered a sake... Pouring some into the saucer, Siren drank it down... Not long after she heard heavy staggering footfalls behind her and a rough callused hand was placed on her waist... His buddies snickered and he began in a drunken slur Drunken man: I've got a nice warm room upstairs just big enough for the two of us... He slid his hand down suggestively and Siren grabbed it and placed it on the bar... Before his fogged mind could comprehend what was happening, she had pinned it to the bar with his own dagger... He screamed and collapsed, tearing his ruined hand from the blade... A ripple went through the tavern as one of his friends surged forward, impaling himself on the blade he hadn?t realized she had drawn... Siren smirked and he slid from the blade... She bent and wiped the blood on his clothes... Siren: You want some too? The remaining men shook their heads and hurriedly moved away... Siren smiled and finished off her drink... She paid the barkeeper and stood... On her way out, eyes followed her but no hands reached out... She stepped out into the night and stretched
  17. Raquel

    Blood Omen

    How come I missed this when it first came out? Name: Siren Kojia Age: 327 Appearance:Onyx hair down to Sirens lower back is plaited into tiny braids capped in silver and held back by a gray leather strip. She wears tight black leather pants and a blue gray dress slit to the hips. Gray eyes with small blue flecks sparkle dangerously. Wiry muscle ripples throughout her body and a small black tattoo of a dragon sits just below her left ear. Tangles of black lines encircle her left wrist? Small black stones set into a circle of silver hang at her throat... Personality:Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to make bad jokes at the wrong time... Easily offended and temperamental she has a taste for revenge... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind... Siren can be reckless and out of control when she enters a fight... She enjoys starting brawls and out drinking the tavern scum... A rowdy vampire... Dark Gifts: Change: Causes her to change appearnce (I'll gain another one at some point) Weapons: Twin semitars Alligence: None... Siren does what she likes... She'll fight only if she feels like it...
  18. Siren raised an eyebrow... Siren: A plan? Erm... I haden't gotten that far... Erm... Anything you can think of would be helpful... She reddened as they glared at her
  19. Name: Siren Kojia Race: Half dragon, half Elf Age: Unknown Weapons: Twin semitars and a dagger Spells: Haste, Shadow, Fire, Heal and Enhance Description: Onyx hair down to Sirens lower back is plaited into tiny braids capped in silver and held back by a gray leather strip. She wears tight black leather pants and a blue gray dress slit to the hips. Silver eyes with small blue flecks sparkle dangerously. Wiry muscle ripples throughout her body and a small black tattoo of a dragon sits just below her left ear. Tangles of black lines encircle her left wrist? Small black stones set into a circle of silver hang at her throat... Personality: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to make bad jokes at the wrong time... Easily offended and temperamental she has a taste for revenge... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind... Siren can be reckless and out of control when she enters a fight... She enjoys starting brawls and out drinking the tavern scum... A rowdy person...
  20. Siren appeared in the doorway, looking slightly sleepy... Siren(mumbles): Figured I had better be here for this... She yawned and slid into a seat... Adam glanced at her, annoyed... She gave him a blunt look then turned to the commander... OOC: Ah! Filler post...
  21. Thanks both of you... I'm still working on another one... Although... it seems to me I'm pretty single minded... They all seem to revolve around suffering, pain, blood, and darkness... O.o"
  22. Siren walked into the training room, surveying the damage... She smirked, recognizing the intense training... She crossed the gym to the small iron door on the far side... Computer: Voice identification required... Siren: Siren Starr Kojia... Computer: Verified... Please enter and choose your level... She entered the building the room, the door shutting enclosing her into the inky blackness... She considers for a moment... Best start simple... Siren: Level four The room lightened a bit and faint red beams criss crossed the room tightly... Siren stretched her arms then walked to the edge of the stationary beams... They were state of the art security beams... Nothing difficult... Just a warm up... She backed up to the wall, then ran straight at it, and at the last second she vaulted up and over landing in a hole in the center... She glanced around then dove head first through a gap, landing on her hands and flipping sideways... Then she arieled over the next three lines, landing perfectly on the other side... She went to the far wall and hit the pad for a level change... Siren: Level seven... Computer: To enter this level you must be accompanied... Please activate second pass code.. Siren swore vividly... Computer: Incorrect... Please retry your pass code... Siren smirked then her face fell... This new system was annoying... She stopped... Of course... She deepened her voice and changed it slightly to match her guardians... Siren: Julius Lee McGrath... Computer: Confirmed... The room darkened and the beams grew more intense... She crossed over to them... Siren stuck her hand in quickly and a huge shock racked her body... She stumbled back to the wall and leaned against it... She shook her head to clear it before running headlong at the electrical, moving, red beams... She pelted under one then over another... She was constant motion, never stopping for breath... Siren constantly had to change her course because of the beams... She preformed a complex series of flips and rolls... A final back flip carried her over the last beam... She landed just on the last centimeter of monitored floor and a new beam cut into her... A silent scream tore itself from her throat and she fell to the floor as the beam moved... She crawled as far as the wall before collapsing against it... As she lay on the floor, she stared at the beams, their patterns stirring memories and lulling her to sleep... When she awoke, Siren had a massive headache? She staggered up and turned off the beams and stepped out of the room, eyes blurry and hair on end? She moved into her rooms and fell asleep the minute she hit the surface?
  23. Siren glanced sidelong at Celest... Siren: I think it likes you... Well as long as it dosen't get in the way, I'm not complaining... It's kinda cute... Well anyways... As you know I was undercover for the goverment... Not quite the dream job, but it'll pay for repairs on the ship... Matt is dead... They shot him... I also found that, like we thought... He's working for the Crin... He'll be a nuicence for the goverment and millitary to sort out... She sat on the corner of the bed, her side hurting a bit... She reached into her pack and pulled out plans... Siren: As for the jewel... It's here... In the heart of the Crin base on this planet... She pointed to the maps... Siren: It'd take effort to get in... And sheer dumb luck to get out... What do you say?
  24. Leave me to die, Cold to the bone, I'll fend while I cry, Trust is forsaken, Broken and bled, Liberties taken, Truth's been force-fed Pain's subsided, I'm feeling numb, Life?s abated, Truth has come To pull through, Soul is needed, I wronged you, Discussion heated Permission to maim, A look in the glass, Given to shame, Felt hate as I pass, Pain's subsided, I'm feeling numb, Life?s abated, Truth has come As I sit here and bleed, It splatters the floor, I'm feeling the need, To watch as it pours, Spilling unchecked, Reflection of fear, My mind has been wrecked, Madness is here Pain's subsided, I'm feeling numb, Life?s abated, Truth has come But what of the others? But what of their pain? Considered them brothers, Crimson the stain, Reliving this lie, I stand at the sink, This husk starts to die, I fall from the brink Pain's subsided, I'm feeling numb, Life?s abated, Truth has come
  25. Ok... Well... I'm working on writing so heres where I'm gonna post my work so it can be critiqued and criticized... Enjoy Stain Soul for dyin, When you die you?ll find again, Wings for flyin, Your problems tragic, A truth of lies Thinkin I can create magic, Eyes reflecting pain, Crimson blood and a razor blade, Upon the floor it leaves a stain, Upon my mind it leaves a stainnn? How shall I tell your father, That you died at my feet, Do you think that I should even bother, Cleaning the stain at my feet Ivory and ebony, Crimson blood the only color, Upon the floor it leaves a stain, Upon my soul it leaves a stainnn? Broken mirror, Lookin at the world through the eyes of others, It?s a better place, Black and white there are no colors Shards of glass, Crimson blood and shattered tears Upon the floor it leaves a stain, Upon my hands it leaves a stainnnn? Black sails in a silver mist Blood spilt at my feet Death is brought by Forsaken?s kiss Staring at the stain at my feet Sand and sea, Crimson blood the only other, Upon the floor it leaves a stain, Upon my mind it leaves a stain, Upon my soul it leaves a stain, Upon my heart it leaves a? Stainnn?
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