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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. Siren yawned as her stomach demanded tribute... She had been slightly miffed at Rae's intervention with the password... She had used it anyways and covered her trail with less than the usual difficulty... She yawned again and stood heading for the common room... She had done her research and still found nothing... She figured the data had been erased... What a waste of three years... She strolled happily to the fridge... Maybe she'd do something else with her nights... Like ransacking the store rooms without leaving a trace... She smirked... They could search until they were blue in the face and they still wouldn?t know it was her... If there was one thing she took pride in it was her skills... She smiled dryly... Maybe she'd plant something of Liam's inside... Might be fun to see him go psycho over it... She snagged an red bull energy drink and downed it in one go... She turned and surveyed the room... Craig was in the lounge, either oblivious to her presence or ignoring her... She sighed... No one to harass... She wanted to poke fun at someone ill tempered today... She was tempted to see if Liam would attempt to fill her with lead if she teased him... She sighed and found a bagel...
  2. As Ryan exited the building, Siren smirked and stepped out of the shadows... Siren: It would have been simpler to go out the window... She nodded to the open window over head... She sighed then yawned and turned away? She went to an elevator and patiently waited for it to get to her floor? Smiling faintly she stepped through the doors and emerged into the room, only the computers softly glowing screens to give any light? A flashlight beam struck the far wall and she tensed? A moment later a guard came into the hall on his rounds? Siren pressed herself against the doorway at the end of the hall? Without looking at her the guard passed? Siren rolled her eyes? The guards here were ignorant? She strode to the panel on the door and looked at it closely? She lifted her hand and entered the pass code quickly? The doors slid noiselessly open? Siren walked into the room and to a computer hidden from the sight of the guards? Siren brought it online with a touch and began to hack into the files? She wasn?t great with computers but she had sufficient hacking knowledge for this particular job?
  3. Siren falls silent as she considers what to tell him... She finally sighs and begins... Siren: Well... We intercepted some information that we figured the government would want... Turns out we were right? They offered to pay us a whole lot more for inside info? So we took the chance and went in? I left to go back my ship and returned to find my man shot? Then they shot me? I figure we won?t be returning to the job? Although I do intend to get paid? She shifted and scanned the room noting the positions of her weapons and clothing? She mentally scanned herself and found that she was in no condition to fight? She grimaced slightly...
  4. Siren crosses her legs and looked bored... And what did they have paper for? She shakes her head... The Stump, her nickname for the commander because of his inflexibility, had better have a damn good reason for delaying like he was... She leaned back and propped her feet on the chair in front of her... She turned to Craig and raised an inquisitive eyebrow... Siren: What's he waiting for? Liam looks like he's gonna haul off and shoot the guy... It had better be good, cause I'm loosing valuable time... Dun have a clue what I'd use it for... But still... She crossed her arms moodily
  5. Real Name: Siren Kojia Elemental Name: Aerin Elemental: Dark Brief Dis.Of Regular: Siren wears a short tight white shirt and brown shorts with black suspenders? (Think Tifa) She is happy and light, her silver hair streaming down her back? Her eyes are a strange burnished gold? Brief Dis.Of Elemental: Onyx hair down to Aerin's lower back is plaited into tiny braids capped in silver and held back by a gray leather strip. She wears tight black leather pants and a form clinging blue gray dress slit to the hips. Silver eyes with small blue flecks sparkle dangerously. Wiry muscle ripples throughout her body and a small black tattoo of a dragon sits just below her left ear. Tangles of black lines encircle her left wrist? Small black stones set into a circle of silver hang at her throat... Leather straps criss cross her chest, strapping her semitars to her back? She has a piercing gaze as she stares at you silently? Staff Description: The staff she carries is made of a hematite-colored material and a ghostly shapes drift just below the surface, a swirling mist borne by magic? A layer of steel caps her staff, a coin like circle with a black stone set in the center adorning the top? Summon Phrase: Silver mists surrounding darkness, break your bonds and drift away, Daughter of damnation, child of darkness I summon you Aerin! Summon Scene: Siren drives her staff into the earth then presses her hands together as if praying? A black glow emanates from the black stone and surrounds her... A silver beam shoots down, peircing the darkness and ramming through Arein/Siren's heart... Silver lines cut through the darkness and it melts away, reveling Aerin floating a foot from the ground and holding her semitars to the side, darkness dripping from the tips Weapons: Twin semitars
  6. ~*A dark night, snowing slightly several inches on the ground*~ Siren walked into the bar in Highlander territory, looking sleek and deadly all silk, blood and steel... She walked up to the bar and took a seat... She ordered a sake, her face expressing an outer calm that she didn't feel... Her mind raced as she scaned the bar for her contact... No luck... A man tapped her on the shoulder and she turned cautiously... Man: Your man is dead... Follow me... There are things you'll want to know... Silently Siren stood and followed the strange man out... She carefully checked her hidden weapons and loosened her swords... The man led her through several back passages untill they came to a corpse dusted in snow but still bleeding onto the pristine white... Siren looked down, careful to be completely calm Siren: So... Why did you kill him? A shape appeared from the shadows... ???: Lets just say he was snooping around where he shoulden't have been... Now... If you don't mind... The figure nodded and there was a gunshot then a sharp pain penetrated her side... Siren slaped a hand over the wound... Her vision began to blur and she sank to one knee... Siren: Who... She coughed then fell to the ground and blacked out... ???: My name is Jerek I work for the Crin as a bounty hunter... And you, my dear Siren Kojia... Are dead... The man and his croonies turned and dissapeared into the swirling snow ~*Two days later*~ Siren moaned and pushed herself up on her elbow, a sharp pain shooting through her side at the movement... Her fists clenched as she fought to stay awake... She glanced around and found herself in a cheep motel... The door opened and a man steped in Man: Good to see you awake...
  7. Commander: Where is Niomi? Siren stood in one fluid motion, resembling a cat... She streached and moved towards the door... Commander: Just where do you think your going? Siren: To the little girls room... If you don't trust me you can send a watchdog to look after me... Siren laughed, a cascading sound, and turned on her heel and strode through the doors... She reached the bathroom in no time... She walked in and found Niomi, just where she thought she'd be... Siren smiled, and gestured with her head to the door... Siren: Theres a meeting... Are you coming? The Stump is pissed that he can't get ahold of you...
  8. Siren nodded and popped a piece of gum into her mouth Siren: I believe so? We can fill in anyone who?s missing? This is getting on mine, *looks around * and apparently several others, nerves? The commander looked at her, slightly irritated? She tipped her chair back against the wall and looked bored? Thoughts flashed just underneath the surface of her calm? Her mind was in turmoil and her eyes flashed with impatience? OOC: Attack of the filler posts
  9. *Scowls* Alright... From now on I don't think I'm gonna even bother to reply to you... You make what I do look so idiotic it's hilarious... *Mutters* I think the one you posted is better than the current one though? I?m partial to the anime in this one?
  10. Siren appeared silently beside Rae... Siren: Hey... So you know what this is all about? She grabbed an energy drink from the machine and leaned aginst it... She caught a look on Rae's face and smiled... Siren: I'm really not insane... I just favor the cruel and unusual... Siren smiles, all traces of madness gone... She took a sip of her drink and glanced at her... She knew who Rae was... What she was doing at the collage with them... She knew she was being "babysat" and diden't give half a care... Siren downed the rest of her drink, crumpled the can and tossed it into the trash...
  11. Idealy I'd like to wait for one more person to join at the least... So I'm gonna set the starting date for friday... See ya then... ^^"
  12. Siren?s eyes focused when she heard the other students gasp? She looked up at the TV? The teacher had an annoying habit of leaving it on during class?. As she watched it began to zoom in on a figure she immediately recognized as Liam... She stood and drew her weapon, firing a shot into the screen? She stood as the others stared? She read the thoughts displayed on their faces? Wasn?t Liam the one who went around shooting things? She smirked? Holstering her gun she sat down and kicked her feet onto the desk? The teacher, furious, began screaming at her to take herself to the principal?s office? Siren stood and bowed before sauntering out the door? She opened the door to the office and the stupid man stared at her before asking her what she did? Siren: Not much? Shot the TV? The stupid mans eyes budged? He asked why? Siren: Didn?t like the way it reflected my hair? She giggled madly? Then a voice crackled to life in on her earpiece? Voice: Siren? Time to get serious? We?re calling all the SYF in now? We need you here? Your going out with the rest? Siren dropped her façade of madness and walked out the door without sparing a glance for the principal? She made sure to slam the door off the hinges on her way out? She found her bike and hopped on, slipping on her helmet and jacket before revving the engine and tearing out of the parking lot leaving skid marks on the asphalt? She sped along the back roads, forgetting to stop at the signs because of her excitement? This would be her first real mission? She slowed as she approached the HQ?
  13. Name: Siren Kojia Age: 18 Race: Saiyan Description: Standing at 5'11'', Siren is hauntingly pretty in a lethal and unattainable way... Gray eyes gaze levelly out from underneath stray strands of raven black hair? She wears black baggy pants and a blue gray tank top, both cut to give her the freedom of movement needed for fighting? Bio: Many believe that Siren is out of place in battle and many have tried to convince her to tend to the duties that befit her rank and sex? Siren ignores this however and continues to train with the male population? Despite the discrimination, she has proved herself capable of the skills required of her to the satisfaction of the training master? However, the military has refused to accept her into their ranks and so she remains in training? Personality: Siren is volatile and easy to anger? Loud and disruptive, she starts bar fights and participates in brawls... An all around rowdy person? She is determined and well centered when of the mind to be?
  14. Siren lounged on the roof and laughed sweetly as she watched Liam storm out of the building... She Walked confidantly to the edge of the roof and lept to a tree several feet away... She climbed halfway down then droped the remaining ten feet... She spotted Rae and the girl staring at her... She smirked and sliently crept behind her... She took a deep breath... Siren: BANG!!! The girl passed into a dead faint... Siren looked amused... Siren: Oops... She steped over her and made her way to Rae... She grinned and sauntered into the building, stoping to roll her eyes crazily at a boy that was staeing at her... She laughed madly then skiped into the hall on her way to her next class... She slowed as she got into her class... Math... Her favorite... The teacher thought she was stark raving mad... She tugged at her shirt then marched into the classroom
  15. Name: Ariana ?Siren? Kojia Side arm: (Just like Tursi... I am ignorant when it comes to firearms... So I found a pic of one that'll do :bluesweat:) [url]http://www.a-human-right.com/RKBA/pistols/SW9mm.JPG[/url] Trained in: Surveillance and infiltration Age: 16 Preferred Vehicle: GSX 600f slingshot (Suzuki motorbike) Bio: Siren was found 10 years ago in the Nevada desert... She was taken in by the training master of the Marine Corps and used as surveillance in hostile situations... Abnormally intelligent, Siren quickly outgrew what her foster father could teach her? He sent her into SYF to be trained? During the last year Siren has trained to the verge of sickness? She has finally been given the ok to join the others in the SYF... She has entered the collage recently, haveing been taught on campus before...
  16. Ohhhh... Nice piccy Sere... *Edit* Thankie Okie... Well... I'm gonna post my stats as a dragon... If that's not okay lemme know and I'll fix it... Name: Ariana "Siren" Kojia of the Starfire clan Age: Unknown Race: Dragon Description: When near people Siren assumes the form of a Raven haired half elf wearing tight bkack pants, and a blue grey dress slit to the hips... She has large storm grey eyes and a small tatoo of a dragon curled in fetal position at the base of her neck... When in Dragon form Siren measures 5 meters tall with a 20ft wing span... Her coloring is a deep sea blue with grey belly and under her wings... She has five identical black face markings on each side, and a black stripe up the center of her face... A grey gem is imbedded in her forehead at the end of the stripe... Equipment: Twin semitars and several daggers in human form Sai in each boot...
  17. Well... I think I'll join this instead of that gundam one... Name: Siren Kojia Age: 24 Occupation: Merc. Hight: 5'11'' Favored ship: The pilot and crew of the one man ship "The Miranda" Persona: Loud and disruptive, She starts bar fights and participates in brawls... An all around rowdy person Desc: Black hair, golden eyes, black pants, a crimsion dress with a slit up to the hips. Weapons: Double semitars straped to her back, sai in her boots, shurrikens and a Caster (sp?)
  18. Well... This will probably be the last attempt at an RPg that I'll be postin here at the otakuboards... The last few sucked azz... Ah, well... Here it is... -------------------- "Where there is life the is conflict... Conflict leads to humans, humans lead to war, war leads to death and death leads to revenge..." So spoke Leader Andreis on the day the Clan Wars began... The war brought with it new technology and the greed for more... Space exploration has developed to the point of instantaneous travel... With it we have discovered many worlds full of untouched beauty... One by one, the clans took them over, bringing the worlds under war and subjugation eventually destroying them... One day we went too far... We stumbled onto the world of the Crin... A race dedicated to bloodshed... We distroyed their planet... So they distroyed ours... The Clans, having chosen base planets, decided to take revenge... The Crin took over the worlds we controlled and turned them into desert waste lands... They enslaved the people they found, and but a bounty on the ones they didn't... The clans went underground and ste up a monarchy, ruled by the clan of Mirwell... The current Leader is Vincent Torrel... However rebellion is not uncommon and the Clans may kill themselves before the Crin do... Now an elite group if warriors have banded together to form a guerrilla union comitted to ridding the planets of the Crin... I'll need: Name: Age: Clan: Hight: Bio: (Optional) Persona: Desc: Weapons: Race: Extra: (Optional) Clans- Highlander: A clan of notorious space pirates and explorers DeLanther: The spoiled and rich, the merchants and next clan in line for Leader Mirwell: The curent clan in power. A paranoid clan Gatain: The millatary unit, the "police force" a clan concerned with honor Races- Hybrid- Bio geneticly created beinds with added and subtracted skills from the humans Androids Humans Crin Other- State that it is and the backround My sign up: Name: Siren Kojia Age: 24 Clan: Highlander Hight: 5'11'' Bio: The captain of the ship "The Miranda" Persona: Loud and disruptive, She starts bar fights and participates in brawls... An all around rowdy person Desc: Black hair, golden eyes, black pants, a crimsion dress with a slit up to the hips. Weapons: Double semitars straped to her back, sai in her boots, shurrikens and several lazer weapons Race: Hybrid
  19. I like them both... Good job... Keep it up ^^ Siren
  20. Nice poems everyone... Now... Because this caught my eye... I'm gonna write... (For once) ~~~~ A window shatters, A childs scream, Hidden from reality by hiding in a dream, Dreams of contamination, Damnation, Animation of the emptyness inside, Falling through a silver mist, Your world clenched in your fist, Like a captured butterfly, Held in a jar will die, Embrace the pain, Feel the drain, Watching the blood stain, Eyes cloud, You cry aloud, The blade slips in, A mortal sin, Funny, It's like sleep I feel, Funny, This blood looks real.
  21. Raquel

    Last Word

    Name: Siren Kojia Age: 24 Home Planet: Misamyia Description: Black hair, golden eyes, black pants, a crimsion dress with a slit up to the hips. Personality: Loud and disruptive, She starts bar fights and participates in brawls... An all around rowdy person... Short Bio: Siren spent her years mastering her powes and battle tactics... Also well versed in martial arts.. Weapons: Bo-staff straped to her back, sai in her boots, shurrikens. Spells: Controls wind and fire...
  22. How about this... You play up to your "good part" and we'll continue from there... I really don't care either way.... Although I'd like to get this goin again... It'd be a shame to let this die...
  23. I guess I'll go for it... Name: Siren Kojia Hero: Blademaster Abilities: Wind walk (Makes the Blademaster invisible and alot faster) Mirror Image (creates an illusion of the Blademaster) Critical Strike (Again, a really big whack. Does a lot of damage)Bladestorm (The Blademaster spins around alot. Anything next to him quickly becomes very small pieces.)
  24. Great... Although... O.o I'm leaving again... In 10 days... For 2 weeks... Oh well... Mebbe "Deedlit" would play my char for me... *puppy eyes*
  25. Name: Siren Kojia Age: Appears 24 Race: Icari (Wayfarer Redemption-Sara Douglas read it... Tiz a great book) Weapon(s): Semitar/broadsword, two daggers, short sword Skills: Marital arts, master level swordman ship, rogue/assassin skills Class: Enchanter/ swordsman Personality: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to provoke people into fighting her... Easily offended and tempermental she has a taste for revenge... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind... Siren can be reckless and out of control when she enters a fight... Description: Onyx hair, golden eyes, tattoos on sholder, thigh and face... Black wings sprout from her back... Wears armor with black leather pants... [url]http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/EPIC_Gallery/Gallery1/44244_C1_psychicwarrior.jpg[/url] Bio: Is a mystery char from mountian ranges that have long sense crumbled to dust... Siren keeps her heritage a secret and her wings bound to her back... She likes to visit the city but will not give out her name or anything other than the fact that she is there... Location: The edge of the Forest of Time Century, New age/old age: Old time
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