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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. Raquel

    A New Dawn

    Name: Siren Kojia Age: 18 Race: Hybrid Gender: Female Location: Kinyo Weapon(s): Semitar/broadsword, two daggers, short sword Skills: Marital arts, master level swordman ship, rogue/assassin skills Appearance: Onyx hair, tatoos on sholder, thigh and face.. Wears armor and chainmail with black leather pants... [url]http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/gallery/6_Female%20Barbarian.jpg[/url] Personality: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to provoke people into fighting her... Easily offended and tempermental she has a taste for revenge... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind... Siren can be reckless and out of control when she enters a fight... Biography: Siren grew up in the city shunned for her hybrid parentage. She got odd jobs as an assassin and a merc.
  2. OOC: None... I'm stumped for a part as well
  3. Raquel

    Ray of Hope

    Crouched on the roof of the sanctum, Siren watched couriously as Isthanae led a girl up the steps towards the oracle... Shaking her head she walks to the edge of the roof and leaps to the next house and climbs down... Droping the last ten feet, Siren rolls and comes up walking calmly through the people gathered around... Ignoring the stares, she walked up to the two and nodded... Siren: Did this have to be such a public thing? She crosses her arms and look out at the people gathered... Siren: *muttering* Gods I hate crowds...
  4. Raquel

    Ray of Hope

    O.o And now... Apperently... I have Cloricus place... Name: Siren Kojia... who else? Age: 20 Birthmark: A triangluar slash of seething flames start at each corner of her right eye and taper back to cut into her hair line. Personality: Onyx hair down to Sirens lower back is plaited into tiny braids capped in silver and held back by a blood red leather strip. She wears tight black leather pants and a tight red orange tanktop. Golden eyes resembling those of a wolfs sparkle dangerously. Wiry muscle ripples throughout her body and a black tatoo of a dragon winding up her right forearm. Tangles of black lines encircle her right shoulder. Personality: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to make bad jokes at the wrong time... Easily offended and tempermental she has a taste for revenge... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind... Siren can be reckless and out of control when she enters a fight...
  5. OOC: One minor detail Eagle... Skye is on her way to meet the Prince... IC: Siren quickly steped off the dance floor at a local club... She had stayed longer than she expected and dawn was fast aproaching... Bursting through the doors of the club, Siren sprinted down the street... she ducked into a ally and lept the fence... Glancing over her sholder to check the colors of dawn, Siren diden't see the man untill she slamed into him... Falling back a step, she drew a throwing knife from it's holder on her wrist... Without thinking the blade left her fingers on it's way to the figures throat... To her horror the figure moved with superhuman speed, caught the blade and by the time it registered to her that he had thrown it, it was already sinking into her thigh... Siren fell to one knee and yanked it out then prepared to fight the vampyre that had gotten in her way... She lunged, blade extended, at the man... He dodged the blade and grabbed her arm, appearing behind her and wrenching the arm back, snapping it like a twig... His other hand gripped her neck and pressed her to him... ???: Bad choice of a fight my dear... With that he plunged his hand straight through her back and with a laugh that chilled her to the bones he droped her had dissapeared... Pain hit Siren like a tidal wave and she began to loose conciousness... With one last surge of strength she hauled herself to a sewer grate, ripped it off, and fell through... She was unconcious by the time she hit the water...
  6. -Name: Siren Kojia -Age: 67 looks 18 -Gender: Female -Clan: Brujah (Inconnu) -Physical Description: Onyx hair down to Sirens lower back is plaited into tiny braids capped in silver and held back by a green leather strip. She wears tight black leather pants and a tight pine green tanktop. Green eyes so dark they are almost black sparkle dangerously. Wiry muscle ripples throughout her body and a black tatoo of a dragon winding up her right forearm. Tangles of black lines encircling her right shoulder and slashing down to her left hip together with feathers starting just over her right eyelid at the corner of each eye and tapering back into the hairline finsh off her body art... -Mentle Description: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to make bad jokes at the wrong time... Easily offended and tempermental she has a taste for revenge... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind... Siren can be reckless and out of control when she enters a battle... She likes music, martial arts, clubbing, dancing, provoking, fencing, and fighting... -Physical: 3 -Mental: 3 -Social: 2 -Psychic: 2
  7. Siren steped foreward... Siren: In order to enter another dimension you must have a magical link anchoring you in your own dimension... The Children of the Light form their own links and are "anchored" to the Queen... In order to transport a dragon warrior into another dimension their must be a mage or sorcerer keeping a magical "road" open for the exit and return of the subject... If this link was to be severed by choice of death or the return of the subject it can't be reactivated unless in contact with the "anchor"... Therefor if the link was severed while we where in the second dimention we'd have to find a Child of the Light residing there and have them return us... But untill then... We'd be stuck... Permently... She looked at the others... Sirven: So... To sum it up... We'd like you to generate the links... Siren: How about it?
  8. Siren bent back at the waist avoiding a kick from nappa... She sprang foreward and landed a uppercut to his chin... The hit barly fazed him and he came around with a left hook catching Siren square in the chest... After flying a good twenty feet she skidded to a stop on her rear... Siren lept upand rubbed her backside ruefully Siren: Now you've done it... You've hurt my pride... Two green ki balls formed around her fists and with a sound like a thunderclap she brought them together Siren: Rahhhhnnnnn tannnnn suuuuu..... Fire!! The dark green beam sped away, curving towards Nappa... in an explosion of white hot light the beam found it's mark... Siren: ALRIGHT!! Yea!! Crash fazes in beside her Crash: You so sure he's a goner? Siren: No... Chances are that he's still alive and cookin... Mebbe temporaily blinded, but he's still very much alive...
  9. Siren sighed and walked down the street to her house pay-check in pocket and a thousand things running through her mind... She'd have to find another job... Again... Siren: I swear I have no luck here... even fast food places won't take me! She shoved her hands in her pockets and continued her trudge down the road... Turning the corner to her house she saw police cars and yellow tape, reporters ect... Frowning she walks up to a police man... Siren: Wassup? The man whirled and she found herself staring into a barrel of a shotgun Siren: Whoa!! What's this about?! Police man: Freeze!! Your under arrest for the suspected murder of Jennifer Wilks! Siren: My aunt?! Police man: You have the right to remain silent Siren rolled her eyes as the self important man rattled off her rights... Submissivly she let herself be cuffed and shoved into the smelly police car... Grumbling about the stench of rotting food and coffee, Siren slouched inside as the man disscussed somthing with another cop... She wondered distantly how she'd get out of this...
  10. After sitting in her room for a good hour, Siren became restless... She began to pace and mumble... Finally tiring of wearing out the floor, she went to the window... Throwing it open, Siren let the cool breeze play across her face... Opening her eyes revealed thunderheads towering in the distance... Flashes of lightning revealed it's rain-swelled eves... She smiled and blinked her golden eyes... Siren: Rain soon... Shaking her head she backed away from the window and crouched, begining the transformation to dragon... Using the dragons power she shrunk her form to the size of a small child... Dragons magic is very limited, including the change of size, night vision, transformation, and other small usefull skills... Siren shook her head... Siren: I'm really gonna catch it from Ben if he finds me missing... But it'll be worth it... The coming thunder clouds will be fun to ride out... With that she ran full tilt at the window and leaped through, her small form plummeting towards the cobbled streets... At the last possible second she spread her wings and pulled out of the crazy dive... Unable to resist, Siren let out a whoop of excitement as she beat her wings, soaring into the cloud
  11. Siren wakes with a start unable to breath or see... Struggling she rips her pillow in two... Panting, Siren sits as the feathers drift past her nose making her sneeze... Remembering, She reaches back and touches the black and indgo wings sprouting from her shoulder blades... Sighing, Siren stands and rummages through the piles of laundry on the floor... She tosses a pair of black cargo pants and a short green tank top with a hood onto the bed... She stands and gos to a drawer pulling out linen bandages... After straping her wings to her back, Siren gets dressed... She glances around for her other sock... Pouncing on it, Siren pulls it on and rushed to the front door... A glance at her watch confirmed her fear... She was late... Again... She stuffed her feet into her boots and stumbled out the door... Running down the stairs, Siren steps on her shoe lace and tumbles down the stairs... She lands on her back and comes up running... As she tears through the kitchen she snags a peice of toast... Mouth full, she hops around tieing her boot... Siren: Sorrie Aump Jem... Lape fo worp.. A woman in her thirties reaches out and snags Sirens arm... Aunt Jem: Chew and repeat... Hurridly Siren swallows and chokes out Siren: Im late for work! Aunt Jem: Oh... Alright... Have a pleasent time dear... Siren darts out of the kitchen and through the front door, slamming into a man on the sidewalk... ____________________________ OOC: My apoligies but I leave tomarrow... If some would play my char for a while i'd be grateful... If it's too much to ask... Drop her or kill her ~Siren~*
  12. Hey ya'll... This thread will be postponed untill I get back from camp... people can keep signing up so i'll probably start it on the 30th july... Sorry for the inconvience
  13. *fallz over :rotflmao:* Thats good... You should wright a stories book and include all your tales and comics in it... Heck... You could probably get it published... *gos off and conjures more money making plans*
  14. Siren: Erm... Yea... Sorry... It was one of those molments...Besides... Aries is strong, he can take whatever Labyrinth dishes out... *grins jokingly* She looks up and jumps, swinging into the lower branches of a balsam tree... Siren sits and watches the two... Aerin was now almost the same size as Labyrinth, his maximum size... When he was young, Aerin had learned a trick to change his size to suit himself of the job they were working... Arranging her cloak arouns her, Siren drifted into the memories of long ago as they waited for Sirven to say somthing
  15. Siren nods and twirls a dagger across her fingers deftly... She had transformed back into a human just before the wind warrior appeared... She scoweled... Soon... She'd have to go back to working on her half dragon form... It'd be quite the time saver... She sighed and troted to catch up to Elsyan... Siren: So... Where did your travels take you?
  16. Siren leaned aginst a tree and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face... Her finger tips brush the jewel in her forehead and she nods Siren: Same with Aerin... In fact... I don't belive any of the dragons have been realised in a while... I've been in cities for the most part so he's been in there for a while... But... Of course... *heavy scarcasm* I woulden't dare to set him loose now that we're back together... At least... Not without the permission of our wing leader... She stood and strode into the center of the clearing... Tipping her face to the moon, Siren closed her eyes... A soft glow eminated from the stone and then a sharp beam of dark green light shot from her forehead... A cyclone appeared in the middle of the beam and turned into her dragon, Aerin... Settling onto the snow packed ground, Aerin purred and clicked at her... Smiling with a trace of joy for the first time in months, Siren walked up to him as he lowered his head... She stroked his long black muzzel and placed a hand under his chin... Murmering words only he could hear, Siren greeted her partner...
  17. Siren placed her hands on her hips and scoweled Siren: He has a point... Not much of one *winks* but I'll give him credit... She glances to her left and raises an eyebrow... Siren: Yes... Good question... Was that the only trial? I mean... I'm not too eager for more punishment than necessary, and from the looks of it... Neither are any of you... But... Raditz seemed... So simple compared to what could have been... Yes, he beat the crap outta us but we diden't use our maximum ability and fight as a team... We let our egos get away with us and they convinced us to try our own thing... She falls silent and shakes her head
  18. Siren bends over and stares at it Siren: *raises an eyebrow and straightens* I have no idea... She turns her face upwards and blinks Siren: Ooohh... A litch.... I see now... Any recruit wanna help me with it? She leaps into the air and transforms into her dragon form, the gusts from her wings knocking the nearest undead down... Settling, Siren looks back at the group Siren: < well? >
  19. Siren sighs and glances a Crash Siren: Right... Shall we help them? Looks like they could use a hand... Or four... She moves closer and looks for an opening... Her chance came as Radtiz caught Jubei with strong left hook that sent him flying... Siren darted in and began attacking Raditz
  20. Ack!! Am I too late to sign up? Erm... I can't belive I ignored this! *taps back of head* I guess... I'll post my sign up and delete it later if the rpg is full... Char. number: 13 Name: Siren Kojia Age: 18 in human (267 about) Location: Khan Forest Bio/history: Siren was orphaned at the age of twelve... Her parents left her on the shore of the ocean as they sailed away... For years Siren would roam the beaches looking for anyone who knew of them... The information she found was not what she had in mind... The whisperings told her that her parents had left to the Feilds of Eternity never to return... Dispirited and alone, Siren gave up at age fifteen... Catching a ride with a merchant, she traveled to the Khan Forest where she has been living with an isolated commiunity honing her fighting ability and magical skills... Personality: Somewhat quiet, has a air of determination that surrounds her, she a dry sense of humor and an evil temper... She hates little kids and birds although they seem to be attracted to her... She has a sense of honor that often fouls her up... She'll not use magic in a fight aginst a swordsman, nor will she use blades in a magical battle... Siren has little patience with amateurs and children... She is a dreamer and will drift off in iminportant occasions... Weapon/s: Sai, rapier, shurrikens Items: Trail rations, a small bag of sand, whet stone, flint and steel, lump of hematite Black Magic Spells: Black firespout: a whirlwind of blackish purple flame Disorientation- confuses and slows enemy Force bolt- sends a bold of almost invisable air at the enemy Concussion- explodes the ground in every direction for a radius of 15 ft Ability 1: Siren can shut out everything and eyeryone except what she chooses... Refreshes and hightens concentration Ability 2: She can place a mental tag on her opponent to see/feel his location at all times..
  21. And the living dictionary says...-.-'' Pristine: pure, not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted... Which... Come to think of it, dosen't make sense either... But it still rulez
  22. Sirens eyebrows shot up when she heard about the sayians and tails... She shakes her head and scolds herself for thinking the impossible... It was just a freak occurence... But then again so was the "accident... Siren knew better... Turning she blinks... Siren: Ryo might need help... I'm going back... With that she walked back in... Stoping she watched Jubei attack Raditz... Shecracks her fingers and stands by Ryo Siren: That won't last...
  23. Siren pulls a small bottle from the pouch under her cloak... She takes a sip and nods Siren: I belive so... She sets the bottle down and fiddles with her ring... It was a band of silver her mother had worn when she was still alive... Sighing Siren forced her hands to be still... All this fiddling would make her tired soon... Siren turned to Sirven Siren: Were where you?
  24. I think it's great... Nice job Harlequin... Keep it up...
  25. Siren strode down the street on her way to meet Sirven and the others... She had suspicions about this meeting but she wasen't going to say anything... She walked inside the inn and sat a seat away from Lynntilla... Nodding to her she pulled off her gloves and set them on the counter... Siren pushed her hood back and drumed her fingers on the highly polished table surface...
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