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Everything posted by Raquel
shoot!! I completely forgot about this! ic: Siren: Erm... This might pose a bit of a problem... You think their after us? I mean... It'd make sense... We are, after all quite a nuicence... She cut the ignition to her bike and sat back surveying the gaurds and memorizing their patterns... Ken said somthing to Jose and Siren came back to reality Siren: Hm?
200 yrs after the legend of "The One" had been fullfilled and the matrix distroyed, eveything has become peacefull... Organic mankind has prospered and expanded under the wasteland surface of earth... However... Where there is life there is death and where there are humans there is war, strife, and conflict... Some have banded into clans seeking power and wealth... Highlander, Sealander, D'Yer, and the Saranotsi (who are the ones in control for the time being...) The Sarsnotsi gained control through the long ago Clan Wars and now have a strangle hold on the goverment which had remained passive through all... Once again the Clan wars have surfaced... However they were brought to a grinding halt when suddenly the technology for extensive outerspace travel surfaced... The clans rushed to be the first to find a habital planet and gain control... And... Mankind had, once again, blundered royaly... We have awoken a alien race capable of leveling our entire world... The One is needed again however we have only one chance to stall the beings untill that power surfaces... To recruit the strongest, the fastest, the most advanced biological weapons known... The Clans... The Time- 2304 The Lives- Yours The Threat- Them prolog- "Vincent!!" "Marm!" "Don't call me marm it makes me feel old! Now get your arse down to the aft drive and fix whatevers broke!! I wanna know why we've stoped and I wanna NOW!!" "Yes marm!! erm... Sir!" The womans glare sent the man named Vincent scurrying to his work... "Christensin! Torrel! Give me a readout of all surrounding areas!! I want the ships, the crews, even the god-dam.ned space rocks!!" "Sir!" The two navigators swiveled in their chairs, their hands flying over the pannels... Twin streeks of green flashed by Captain Latavic... She spun and shouted to them... "Derra, Aerin! Weapon stations! Now!!" "Ten steps ahead of ya Cap'n!" "Good!! Keep it that way!" The womans grey hair whipped around her face as she whirled to hammer a comm link with her fist... "Vincent!! Report!!" Static greeted her demand "Vincent!! Report!" Static "Alright... Torrel! Your in charge... I'm gonna go find Vincent.." "Sir!" The Woman stalked down the hallway... With agility defying her age she vaulted the rail and quickly came to the aft drive... Cautiously she turned the corner... A black and orange streek shot past... She diden't have the chance to scream as her blood splattered the walls... -6 days later- Report from salavge crew of The Finders fate Wreakage found... Captain- Naiga Latavic - status - dead Crew- Vincent Rommel- dead Danielle Torrel- missing Mark Christensin- dead Derra Merrysworth- dead Aerin Merrysworth- missing Ship- The Finder - intact and adrift Clan- Highlander Attack by- Unknown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright... The sign ups... First come first serve... If you want to be the "New Neo" say so... "The One" can be female too... Name: Age: Hight: (optional) Weight: (optional) Clan: (Highlander, Sealander, D'yer, Saranotsi... Or you can be AI, Alien, Civillan, Goverment, Other-what u are) Weapon/s: (no restritions... Be creative... Hell... Use a light saber for all I care... Wait... Good idea!) Description: Presonality: (optional) Rank: (3 captains max... you can make up crew or people can be your crew...) Ship: Bio: (optional) Mine... Name: Siren Kojia Age: 27 Hight: 5'11'' Weight: 130lbs Clan: Highlander Weapon/s: Dark green light saber, Hyperblaster (quake 2) Description: (looks like Sally Po) black hair, green eyes, green tank top, black short coat (think trunks) black baccy pants and black boots Presonality: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to make bad jokes at the wrong time... She is joval when fighting and has a temper to kill... Siren is not easily offended although there are several barbs that will make her temper rise... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind... Siren can be reckless and out of control when she enters a battle... Rank: Captain Ship: The Condor
Type: Dragon Warrior Name: Siren Kojia Age: 18 Description: Long black hair, piercing green eyes, tight green tanktop and black baggy pants gathered at the ankel... Personality: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to make bad jokes at the wrong time... She is joval when fighting and has a temper to kill... She had friends while training in the mountians and felt heartsick to leave them... Siren is not easily offended although there are several barbs that will make her temper rise... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind... Siren is reckless and out of control... Name of Dragon: Aerin Feyabrand Age: 20 (my guess maturity for dragons has been set much lower) Kept in: A dark green stone implanted into her forehead Colour of jewelle: Dark pine green Descrition: With dark green eyes and black scales Aerin looks extreamly similar to Siren... They share a close bond... Personality: Aerin is the even to Sirens odd... They balance each other out almost perfectly... Although... Aerin shares the same lust for battle and recklessness that usally trips Siren up...
Siren watched from her cowel as master Xanko adressed the table... Heavily masked and under the alias of Airen O'Daom, Siren had awnsered the councils summons... She blinked and watched the other bounty hunters intently while listening... ooc: Attack of the filler posts... And were would they be without some WB to finsh me off? (in otherwords... sorry for the short post)
Siren cluched her right arm which was driping blood... The cause of her bumping into Baz... Swearing she pulled a dart from her arm... Throwing it to the ground she pointed at a now open chest... Siren: Booby-traped...
Name: Siren Kojia Age: 18 Height: 5'11'' Super power: (can we have a combination of them?) if so Archangels and Psylockes... If not... Rouges Bio: Siren was always a loner, she RPG'd almost constantly and was always off daydreaming... So it wasen't really a shock when she grew 6 foot wings... Her mother freaked and called the police... Siren panicked and packed her things and took off on her moter bike... Description: Onyx hair plaited into tiny braids capped in silver and held back by a green scrunchie, deep pine green silk pants that are tied at the ankles and waist a split running the length of each leg, shirt was a tight black tank... Green eyes so dark they were almost black sparkle mechiviously Personality: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to make bad jokes at the wrong time... She is joval when fighting and has a temper to kill... She is not easily offended although there are several barbs that will make her temper rise... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind... Siren can be reckless and out of control when she enters a battle...
Siren fires off another shot then sees Baz turn to the hall... She plants another bullet in a members head then turns and sprints after him... She grins jokingly and pinches him... Siren: Running away already are we? Shame shame... Um... *stops to stare at a picture on the wall* Eught... Did they have to add so much detail?
Siren crouches and surveys the sayian... Clicking her tounge aginst her teeth she stands and looks down her nose at him... She was being arrogent and she knew it... But she coulden't help it... That had to be the worst hair cut she'd ever seen... Siren almost laughed but thought better of it at the last minate... She sighed and droped into an offensive stance... She didn't care if he was stronger that her... She wasen't going to show a weakness... She scolded her self as she watched raditz closely... Siren: I knew i should have left the caffine alone this morning... Gah... Too late now... She glanced to the others on either side of her and smirked...
Siren wakes up on the floor of the ship with a start... The wound in her side bled sluggishly... She winced remembering what had caused her to pass out... Frowning she looked around for the source of the frantic beeping that had aroused her... Siren groans and struggles up into the seat of the ship... Her hands flying over the control pannel she quickly brought a readout onto the screen... Opening her mouth Siren brought forth a long string of words you might expect to hear in the darkest corners of sentient life... Still swearing she entered a command and staggered back into the hall... With one hand guiding her Siren made her way into her room... The room swam before her eyes and she threw herself at the bed only half making it and winding herself in the process... She cursed again violently as the blackness of space over came her...
Name: Siren Kojia of the Starr clan Type of Creature: dragon/warrior Weapons or Items: Blackened steel 5ft long sword Description: Human: Onyx hair plaited into tiny braids capped in silver and held back by a green scrunchie, deep pine green silk pants that are tied at the ankles and waist a split running the length of each leg, shirt was a tight black tank... Green eyes so dark they were almost black sparkle mechiviously Dragon: Black scales and pine green eyes, medium size, 16 foot wing span Approximate age: 18 Special Abilities: flying, some war magic, transformation from dragon to human, assassin skills, extensive martial arts ability, advanced swordsman Could ya start me out? *mutters* I always seem to blunder when beginning *Edit* lemme know if somthings unacceptable
I'm gonna use the same sign up for this as I did for cruiz's Name: Siren Kojia Age: 18 Gender: (If someone calls me a guy again I'm gonna scream) Female Bio: Woke up some 10 years ago in the desert next to the buring remains of a house and covered by the corpses of her supposed familly... Forced to wander the desert, Siren found that she had knowledge of many things that she coulden't remember learning such as the controling of her ki and incredable speed and agility... A wide range of reasoning skills and martial arts had been burned into her mind... She found herself to be compadable with almost any weapon... Her past remaining a mystery, she soon left the desert... She was picked up by an army patrol after killing six of their men and was then used as an 8 yr old assassin... In the middle of her 13 yr, Siren was entered in a martial arts contest... After winning she left the millitary and became a merc. around her 15th yr... Personality: somewhat loud, joval at times when it's least appropriate (such as the middle of a fight) has a dry sense of humor and an evil temper... She hates little kids and birds although they seem to be attracted to her... She swears a lot and has little patience... Especially with amateurs...
Siren: fine... i'll stop being a ditz and follow her... *kicks his shin* Siren stalks away then darts off after angel... Coming across a clearing she stops and hides behind a tree... trying hard not to laugh Siren peers around it... Angel was sitting in the mud playing with chipmonks... Siren laughed and steped out from behind the tree Siren: A favorite pastime? Heh... Well get up... I'm not gonna kill you while your sittin in the mud... *raises an eyebrow* How are you ever gonna get clean?!
BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *looks around at all the people staring at her* Erm... Yeaaa.... Name: Siren Kojia Age: 24 Race: twi'lek Class: Ex-Jedi, Bounty Hunter, capable theif Weapon: sea green light saber, sporting blaster, several poison darts, and a pair of sai Ships: StarViper assault fighter Ship weapons desc.: several laser cannons, 9 proton torpedos (Siren hasen't fully explored the ship and it's weaponry yet) Bio: After many years as a Jedi, Siren became fed up with the constant responsibility and quit... Some tried to stop her from walking out... She killed them brutaly... By doing this Siren became an outlaw... Stealing the ship The Marquee, Siren made her way from the planet... She became a bounty as well as a bounty hunter and has managed to dodge all attempts at capture so far... Description: Navy skin, green eyes, tenticles wraped together with a green tie, tanktop and brown and green baggy pants gathered at the ankel Personality: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to make bad jokes at the wrong time... She is joval when fighting and has a temper to kill... She had friends while training as a Jedi and felt heartsick to leave them... Siren is not easily offended although there are several barbs that will make her temper rise... She is out spoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind...
Lets give this a try... Haven't been in a dbz rpg for ages! Name: Siren Kojia Age: 18 Gender: (If someone calls me a guy again I'm gonna scream) Female Bio: Woke up some 10 years ago in the desert next to the buring remains of a house and covered by the corpses of her supposed familly... Forced to wander the desert, Siren found that she had knowledge of many things that she coulden't remember learning such as the controling of her ki and incredable speed and agility... A wide range of reasoning skills and martial arts had been burned into her mind... She found herself to be compadable with almost any weapon... Her past remaining a mystery, she soon left the desert... She was picked up by an army patrol after killing six of their men and was then used as an 8 yr old assassin... In the middle of her 13 yr, Siren was entered in a martial arts contest... After winning she left the millitary and became a merc. around her 15th yr... Personality: somewhat loud, joval at times when it's least appropriate (such as the middle of a fight) has a dry sense of humor and an evil temper... She hates little kids and birds although they seem to be attracted to her... She swears a lot and has little patience... Especially with amateurs... Power Level: 1,000 Strength: 70 Ki: 400 Defense: 30 Speed: 500
Siren looked out over the battle ground and shivered Siren: may familly has lived here as long as anyone can remember... My entire familly line practiced The Craft... I am the last of the legasy... You're the first person in... Years to know that we're not exactly wiccans... That is what we've been calling ourselves the past 50, 60 years but it's not what we are... However we're not witches either... At least... Not the kind you may be thinking... We don't worship the devil but god is also out of the picture... Spirits are our main point of power plant, animal and human... Siren blinked realizing she may have said too much... She shook her head and watched the steeple come closer...
ooooo!!! I wanna play!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:
Siren drops back and taps Kojin on the shoulder Siren: Don't mind him... What I've concluded is that he's cold to everyone... You have a kind nature... Most of us here are hardened by years of battle and hardships... Others... *grins* Are programmed to be so... Don't get me wrong... I have no problem with Blight... I'd talk to him but that might not get very far... *she blinks and shakes her head* So... What brought you here? I mean... How did you get in this mess... *gestures to the group*
Siren grunted Siren: Well... Whatever they are... I don't need them... Take Chris... I'll meet you there after I retrive my things... I'll need the adress... Yuggi: Well... It's 3154 Serric Lane... Siren noddded and turned away... Silently she walked to her appartment...
Siren blinked rapidly unwilling to come to reality... She streached and stood... Night had come and gone... Now the first beams of dawn streamed across her face... She shook the dew from herself and transformed into a bird... Flaping her wings she rose above the trees... She weeled twice then headed to Outpost 31 for supplise... *later* Landing several miles away Siren pulls bits of feather from her hair... Pulling her hood up she begins moving north to the outpost... She slows and listens for any sounds of life... Silence... Siren moved quietly through the apperently abandoned buildings... Coming out onto the main street siren looked up and gritted her teeth... Siren: Time mages.... I'm going to have to go back... This is getting out of control... Turning she ran through the outpost and back twards the elven city... Thoughts flashed through her mind as she ran... Her body grew longer and furry... Siren tore off, a streak of black and red...
Siren lounges in a chair and stares into space absently... Angel pokes her and she snaps back into reality Siren: What? What'd i miss? Angel frowns and shakes her head... Angel: You need to pay attention more often... Siren snorts and sits strait Siren: Well?
i like... not scay yet though... O.o keep it up gavin... this would make a great movie!
Siren walked calmly over to Kojin and kneeled... She brought a sealed crockery jar out of her pack and opened it with a pen knife... Scooping some of the grey green goo out of the jar she applied it gently to his wound... Siren: This will sting... *To Blight and Ken* You know... You two biting each others heads off won't help us in the least... Cooroperation is vital as I see it... Well maybe I'm blind but... we don't seem to be getting anywhere fast... If I end up having to seperate you like naughty children there will be trouble... But you know Blight... Ken does have a point... No I'm not taking any side but my own so don't waste your breath arguing with me... And it figures to me that we can go where ever untill we figure out a set destination... Any oppositions? You'll need a back up reason to convince me aginst anything I've said... Siren draws a bangade roll from her pack and replaces the jar... as she begins to bind kojins wounds she waits for somone to object
ooc: *grumbles somthing about dancing dogs and strangling dw* ic: Siren, the new-not-so-evil side kick, raised an eyebrow at Mass Nova... Siren: Ummm... Side kick? I diden't sign up for this in school... i'm looking for the circus...oh well... Will i have to wear any spandex? That just won't work... oh... and no reds no blues no whites... i am strictly a black and green person... other colors just won't work for me... you know... they throw off my complexion... oh.. and will i have to listen to you? a good rep just can't come from that... how am i supposed to become popular while tagging along with a dead beat not-so-genius-who-is-evil?!? hmm... oh yes and will i- mass nova: SHUT UP!!!!! siren: Well... you don't have to be so rude... will i be required to fight i mean... my nails!! mass nova clapped his hands over his ears and screamed as siren the not-so-evil-and-so-incredibly-annoying babbled on about fasion which she diden't seem to know one thing about...
Siren makes a face Siren: Emm... is this person a docter by any chance? a... umm... docter that likes the use of needles? Chris stares at her thrn bursts out laughing... Siren glares at him Chris: Oh this is rich... Big, strong Siren is afraid of needles... Siren: Am not... I... Just get nervous around them...