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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. Siren threw open the doors and stormed out of the office... Moving quickly, she made good time and arived at the forests edge in less than an hour... She martched into it intent on geting back to her desert home... This had been a fool's errend from the start... The man responsible for her banishment had died mysteriously... Siren haden't waited around for the details... Still fuming Sirren stoped and leaned aginst a tree on the borders of elven land... Sighing she slumped aginst the solid trunk of the tree... She knew better than to try to transform in her present state... She'd fumble somthing awful... Closing her eyes she let her thoughts and ideas silp away as she settled into the meditation her master had taught her for when she was in a hightened emotional state... Breathe in for a count of seven, hold for seven, breathe out for seven... Over time the counting slipped away and a calm passed over her... She lost all sense of time then as she floated in the abyss...
  2. Hell...Lets have at it... Silencer Name: Siren Kojia Age: 18 Height: 5'11'' Description: Long black hair, tight green tank top, black baggy pants, pine green eyes, black boots (see 2 min ill. with no facial features) Weapons: Katana, sai
  3. Siren blinks and shivers Siren: GAH!!! She shakes and leaps away from yuugi shivering Siren: Well...my way is funner... O.o She streaches out a hand to Ryan and pulls him up... Siren: Where are we going to now?
  4. WTE all Name: Siren Kojia Alias: None Race: Human Items: Backpack, sai (i have permission), poetry journal, 2 pens, 2 books, lighter, pack of smokes, whet stone, sewing kit Appearence: See attachment
  5. Siren raised an eyebrow at their exchange then shook her head... She turned back to Blight and fixed him with a penetrating stare as if she was searching him for motives... Scowling and turned and sat at the base of a tree... Siren reached into her bag and pulled out a fruit bar... At Jessi's incerdulous look Siren protested... Siren: What?! I dun got any questions... Might as well eat... *pulls out another and offers it to her* Want one?
  6. Siren decended into a darkened ally and transformed back into herself... She shuddered and pulled up the cowel of her cloak, shrouding herself in shadow... Gripping the small stone around her neck she took a breath and plunged into the chaos of the street... Avioding hwakers and street salesmen, Siren waded through the river of flesh... Her nose wrinkled at the many perfumes and smells of sweat and food... Suddenly the woman in front of her turned and nearly bashed into her... Siren, disliking human contact, leaped out of the way... Her sudden leap caused her to crash into a stand selling fruits... She rolled out of the way of the fast falling stand and stood... When she did she found the lady who turned peering at her couriously... Her face paling, Siren found her hood had slipped back during all the excitement.. Hurridly she pulled it up... Elbowing her way through the crowd Siren made for the nearest inn...
  7. Siren stiffens and her lips turn blue a white misty figure glides out of her and past the others passing through some... Standing Siren shakes her head... Siren: Ghosts... Think they still own the place... Here...come with me... Siren walks through several room the others trailing behind her... some of them looked at the strange things in the rooms... Finaly siren got to the living room and threw open the double doors... The fire crackled marrily in the hearth and threw off a warm glow... Siren walked to the fireplace and drew a long splinter of wood from a pile... She lit it and walked around lighting the candles scattered about the room... That done she tossed the wood back into the fire and strode to the otherside of the room... She opened a door there and motioned inside... Siren: this tunnel leads into the forest...we can go and see what those explosions were if you'd like... This building is set into the cliff side so there are many more places... like this *she said seeing the confusion on their faces* c'mon
  8. Siren: Ah!! Here... She troted to stairway and went up two at a time... Watching carefully she sprinted down the hall to room 234N she glared at the lock on the door and it opened... Sliping in she grabed Ryans arm and hauled him inside... There, sitting on the bed, was Chris... Siren ignored him and ran to the window... At her touch the bars crumbled and she opened the window... Far below a river wound past a large spire of rock and into a lake in the distance... She turned to find Chris and ryan behind her... She grinned evily Chris: Oh no...not again.... Siren: You two first... I'll slow your decent as much as i can... I'll follow once your down
  9. Siren grinned and troted to catch up Siren: I've never seen anyone move so fast... That was awesome!! Although... Your going the wrong way... Chris is in the medical denention area... I have to get him out... Siren looked up and smiled a quiet smile... Glancing back at Ryan she raised an eyebrow... Returning her attention to the roof she began to walk away down the hall, not watching to see where she was going...
  10. Siren: Siren... She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up... Siren: You know... You've been convicted of murder... Ryan nods Siren: Well... I'm to testify aginst you... Then I'm to be put to death for somthing they'll no doubt make up on the spot...*surveys his face* You don't look like you want to die just yet... Well neither do I... Stand back... Siren walked up to the bars and looked down the hall... Seeing noone she closed her eyes and channled air into the steel rod in front of her... In a massive explosion of dust the bar dissapeared throwing Siren back... Siren: *mumbles* ouch... She staggers up and slips through the bars... Motioning at Ryan she slipped across the hall...
  11. Siren nodded and turned east... Siren moved at a ground eating trot, her distress plain on her face... Finally a dark shape nestled in the rocks of the cliff, became visable... Siren turned to see the others progress... Her eyes widened and she cryed out... Siren: RUN DA.MN YOU! THE SUN! IT'S SETTING... HURRY! Ken opened his mouth and Siren grabbed his arm cutting him off Siren: Less arguing... More running! Lets go! Siren hauled him off down the path following the others... Letting him go she rushed to the door and opened it... Ushering everyone in she then turned and slammed te door... No sooner had she done so when a giant force slammed into the door... A low howl rang through the night and sent shivers down their spines... Another thunk was heard then the pounding of feet faded into the night... Siren went to the right wall and lit a candle there... That done she sunk aginst the wall and stared at her feet Siren: Too close... That... Was too close...
  12. Siren leaned aginst a tree a short ways away from the outskirts of the elvan city... Movement in a tree caught her eye... A squirrel peeres at her curiously... Siren blinked then slided back into the shadows... Seconds later another squirrel twin to the one the half elf saw, scampered into the sun... It sat on a rock and watched with odd green eyes as a disscussion went on between a lady and a man... The squirrel blinked slowly and flashed up a tree and onto the roof of the house... Tearing across the roof Siren/squirrel leaped into the air and grew wings... Now a falcon Sren screached and caught a thermal... Winging high into the air Siren headed for the chambers of the one who banned her long long ago...
  13. oh oh oh!! i'll sign up!! just not now... i'll edit this when i post it... save a space for meh gavin
  14. Siren blinked Siren: Where... Am I? I thought I was- She groaned and covered her eyes... Siren: i can't belive this... She droped her hand and tried to sit up... The world spun and she collapsed back... Her hand went to her pocket and Siren brought out the necklace he had droped... Siren: Thought you might want this back... I grabbed it after you left...
  15. Siren shifted and glanced at the now setting sun... Siren: It's not up to me really... Although it is ok the way i see it... The more the merrier... Siren looked around for objections... Siren: Well... sense noone said anything... I suggest we find some shelter 'cause I personaly don't want to be here come nightfall... *she pauses considering somthing* We... Could go back to my place... It's warded aginst the demons... It should be relitivly safe from them... Although...That dosen't include angels...
  16. After hearing the accusations Siren promptly stood and knocked on the dectives head... She had to use both hands as they were handcuffed together.. Siren: Helllooooo.... Anything in there? No? Too bad... But no more than expected... Suddenly two giant hands grabbed her by the sholders and hauled her back... The gaurd ploped Siren down in her seat and held her there... She laughed madly Siren: You think he is the killer?!? I think you need to go back into training and have your head checked... He coulden't be the killer... Whay you ask? Because... We droped into the sewers... Detective: You think I'm a fool, listen to yourself! Your trying to tell me you droped into the sewers... Thats a 30 foot drop... Theres no way... Well... You'll vouch aginst him... I can garuntee it... Siren lifted an eyebrow Dectective: Take her to the cell with the "killer" She swore everything she knew at the man as the gaurds dragged her away... Two cells away from the one she was about to occupy Sire began to struggle... Siren: LET ME GO YOU BAS*ARD!! GERROFF!! Squriming wildly in their grasp, Siren made it hard for them all the way to the door where she was rewarded with a solid punch to her tempal... Everything swam before her eyes and she hit the pavement hard on her head, the impact driving the air out of her lungs... Her vision greyed and she passed out lying on the ground...
  17. Siren Kojia strolled across the golden brown plains, her plain grey cloak flaping at her heals... Dark green eyes peered out from under her hood... Seeing no life other than the odd firefly Siren stoped and pushed back her cowel... Breathing in the deep clean sent of the forest ahead Siren tipped back her head to stare at the moon... Her hands came up and unbraided her hair... The long black locks fell in waves down her back, her slightly pointed ears identifing her as half elven... Laughing like the child she had never been, Siren ran twards the forest looming nearer... She slowed suddenly and a shadow crossed over her carefree face... Soon she would cross the boundries of Glórethroth... Her homeland... Sighing Siren pushed her hair under her cape and tugged her hood over her head and face, shutting out the moon... Loosening her katana in its sheath, Siren strode into the forest of the elves...
  18. steping out from behind a pillar siren steps in his way...the frightened dr. pulls somthing out of his coat and whispers somthing then twists it... siren collapses with a cry... siren: gah!! shoot 'im!! he's using voodoo!! she rolls out of bazs way and climbed to her feet as the pain subsided... siren: SOMEONE GO OUT BACK!! STOP HIM!! she pushes herself off the pillar and sprints out the way they came in... she tore around dumpsters and over fences... she skidded to a stop as dr. jhons car tore around the corner
  19. ooc: *cough* i'll let that one go...i...don't fall into peoples arms and sob like a little ***** with a splinter... ic: siren stands and composes herself...she blushes and turns her head siren: sorry... it's...one of these days... she puts the poluce on her hand and sighs as the pain subsided siren: are you fighting them? destyr: who? siren: the deamons... whats your connection with them?
  20. yea...*points up* what he said...
  21. ooc: you're telling us...it's even harder to follow
  22. siren smirks and laughs softly baz raises an eyebrow at her and she shakes her head slightly... angel raises an eyebrow and siren glares at her as if to say "you know...don't say anything" she moves to a bench and sits, watching them
  23. siren fiddles with her braid looking cross... siren: he's gone and done stupid things...the fool...well...*she sighs* i hope he's a fool that will live to see us again...
  24. siren kneeled by her grandmothers side and brushed back her thick silver hair siren: grandmother! no...no don't give up...you'll be ok... you'll be ok... siren pressed her hand to the deep wound in her side and pressed trying to cease the blood flow... grandmother reached sirens hand from her side grandmother: i...won't live mu- *coughs splattering blood onto sirens shirt* much longer... you must... find others willing to...*cough* to fight... help them... are you listening? siren nodded stiffly tears running down her face... GM: we...still have... some arcane power passed down from...our...ancestors... the...skill is strong with...you... you must help to rid these scum from this world....here...*with a shaking hand she pulled somthing from her neck* take this...it...will help...you...go...n...o...w siren stared at the object in her hand... siren: but this your neck-..... siren looked into the cold dead eyes of her gaurdian and then stood wiping her eyes... silently she walked into the next room and picked up her knapsack and her katana... without a second glance she left the old building in the cave and headed for the town... once there she stared... there was nothing where the town once stood... clenching her teeth she turned and walked teards the mines...maybe some of the villagers made it... closer to the mines now she spotted several forms running from much faster red ones... siren: demons... she slung her backpack onto her back and drew her katana flashing back several days [I] SLASH! with a terrible thunking noise the demons head fell to the floor the body just behind it... siren: grandmother! you...you killed it! GM: yes kari *(sirens pet name meaning "strong willed")* but it's alright...demons are not life...they are antilife...it is okay to kill them...[I/] siren shook her head...just a few days...she had matured even more... the demons, finally spotting her, finshed their gory meal and advanced... before they could say anything siren had passed them, their dead bodies droping like flys... she sheathed her sword and winced... she looked down at her stinging hand and swore...deamon blood had begun to eat away at the flesh... she ran the rest of the way into the mines and then headed to a alcove where herbs grew... kneeling quickly she pulled several up and began muttering as she pulled a bowl and began to grind the herbs together
  25. siren watched as the the man lept for the hole and pulled himself through... she turned to look at chris and sighed... this was gonna be killer to explain... there was a loud thump followed by swearing... siren froze and ever so slowly turned her head... a necklace sat three feet away hidden in shadows... seventeen feet from it stood a police officer shaking a flickering flashlight... siren glanced back to the necklace and it shot into her hand...she closed her eyes and seconds later a warm beam of light landed across her face... she schooled herself into perfect still ness...her shallow breathing was the only clew that she lived... footsteps echoed loudly and a warm hand pressed suddenly aginst her neck... police1: hey!! that kid was right! their still living! get someone down here pronto! molments that seemed like hours later men came down a ladder and hauled the two into an ambulance...siren "stirred" and looked grogily up at the celing... a sharp pain in her arm caused her to look over... a man in white drew a needle out of her arm and capped it... another man spoke man2: we don't want you doing anything or going anywhere before the trial...you're a slipperyone...i've seen you here before... you will attest to the trial of a known killer... untill then you will be detained... as for your friend...her will be treated and forced to support our evidence... have a nice sleep... siren opened her mouth to protest and everything swam before her eyes... she shook her head to clear it and she passed out
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