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"Sparkles? Bubbles? Someone laced your shoe leather with LSD."
I suggest the Sword of Truth series. The first book is [U]Wizard's First Rule[/U] by [B]Terry Goodkind[/B] This is a very descriptive well written series of about 800 pages per book. For somthing a shorter, I reccomend books by [B]Tamora Pierce[/B]. They are short books of about 200 pages that come in groups of four. Focus mostly on female charecters. For some good out of the box vampire reading I strongly suggest [B]Amelia Atwater Rhodes[/B]. Books are about 200 pages long and are not really a series. If you liked the movie Willow, there really good books about Elora Danan's adventures. [U]Shadow Moon[/U] is the first. The books are written by [B]Chris Claremont[/B] and the story is by [B]George Lucas[/B]. It's about 500 pgs One of my all time favorites is [U]Sabriel[/U] by [B]Garth Nix[/B]
Ash punched Chris lightly in the arm. ?See? I told you.? He curbed the urge to pop out of the bushes to begin another failure of a conversation. ?Let?s go finish Vala before she wakes.? Chris nodded and slunk quietly around the house, Ash in tow. They got to the dumpster and hauled the unconscious girl from today?s lunch with a grimace. They both wore gloves. Ash wrinkled his nose. ?She smells rotten. Lets finish this.? The heat began in bubbling inside him, spreading through his body and making his hand tremble in excitement as he reached for the knife. [COLOR=DarkRed] I have two outcomes now. The gory one with all the details and the edited version. I don?t remember if I?m allowed to post the intense one, so I?m gonna ask now. In any case, at the end of this post, Vala is definitely dead. If someone will tell me how to do the blackout post I?ll do both. Or if you want me to leave it as it is, that?s fine.[/COLOR] Ash sat back, wiping his face with his forearm. He surveyed the ruined area that had once been Vala?s chest cavity. Giggling quietly, Ash imagined the look on the face of whoever found her. Panting a bit, Ash remembered the look on Valas? face when she looked up and found she couldn?t scream. Chris stood back and watched Ash. It was a wonderful thing that Ash was educated. The medical books he could hardly be torn from had become a wonderful asset for making their victims regret their deeds. He helped Ash to clean the blood from their tools and his body at the spigot around the back of the building. They bundled everything up and after ridding themselves of it decided to go for a coffee.
Peres grinned evilly. This would be fun, provided she had the right angle. She moved to a large chunk of stone and slapped her hands to it's surface. "A golem, I think." Suddenly, the earth bucked and the approaching creatures were thrown to the ground. A stone and earth hand thrust from the rubble, bringing with it a heavyset torso and stumpy legs. "No head? Damn it. That means that this takes practice, just like everything else." Peres spat and motioned the golem to put her where it's head would be. A crude dirt seat rose for her to hang on to as the monstrosity lunged clumsily into motion. Peres squeaked and clung to it. The great ape like hands of the rock creation sent the hideous creatures flying, their assaults doing little but knock chips from the legs of the golem. Peres smirked. It would take something much larger than these peons to stop her. She paused. What else could she do with this power? She eyed the ground and thought of the ocean. Waves. Peres closed her eyes, envisioning a heaving of rock to bury the creatures. suddenly, she could hear Athena's voice inside her head. "Don't over exert yourself, Peres. Think that perhaps moving so much earth will fail your concentration with the golem. You must give the golem up or think of another way." Peres cursed and started when she realized the creatures were climbing her golem faster than the clumsy creation could brush them off. Peres thought hard and fast. She remembered Artemis flying through the air in a tornado... Flying. Athena said she could shape shift, right? "[I]Wish me luck...[/I]" Peres crouched, bunching the muscles of her legs and leaping from the back of the golem, not noticing that the others, all engaged in their own battles glanced her way, almost swearing they heard her whisper in their heads. Then she was falling... Peres panicked. Falling! Not flying! A bird! Imagine it! Many species flashed past her eyes. Suddenly she was swooping through the monstrous legs of... The not-students? One swung at her and she swore at him, the words coming out in a string of vulgar starling chatter.
"Arggh!! Arsenic!!"
Ash whirled on him. "Because all the other ones think I'm a listless,vile, underfed creep!" He snarled. "They don't think I hear them and their snickering behind my back, but I do! Ruthless bitches..." Seeing the look on Chrises face made his anger wash away. "I'm sorry Chris... Put it to loneliness. I'll stay away from her..." He sighed. "The others... They all seem like they were made from a mold. No personality." Ash shook his head. Chris looked sidelong at his friend. "Promise?" Ash glanced sharply at him. "Yea... I promise." "Good." Once Ash gave his word, Chris doubted even slow torture would get him to change it. He grinned. Knowing him, he'd probably enjoy it. He slapped Ash on the back. "Don't worry about it... When all this slows down, we'll get you a nice lady." Ash smiled. "I hope so..." OOC: Zombieee.... Urgh.. Robin needs sleeep.>.<
[quote name='KikiKitoru']You speld STUFF wrong i'm 13 and your not suspostu be 13 or older to join this place right?[/quote] *raises eyebrow* Well, You spelled ?spelled? wrong, as well as supposed and you left out the ?to? after supposed and you don't capitalize anything. You also double posted, which is aginst the rules... So don't be a hypocrite. I can't stand anyone my age. If being immature is fun for you, balance it with a little class. I have my manic immature moments, but I stress the comedy in them, and they don't last long. [Tangent] [COLOR=Black]*Is cross* Wasn't playing at anything, thankee. I feel like I have a target stuck to my forehead... It reads "mods criticize here"... On second hand... There's a button? *cries* Everything has changed too much... [/COLOR] [End tangent]
Ash looked up and smiled. "Yes... Yes it would." He glanced at Chris then looked away. Antonia was so pretty... She had such a great personality. He sighed. Chris. Chris was who his loyalty belonged to. He just hoped that she would never do anything to be targeted. Ash shook his head, realizing he had been acting strangely again and looked up, trying to get back into the conversation. Tommy paused a few feet from the conversation and Antonia walked over to him. They conversed for a moment, Ash caught something about "Moms body" and filed away in his mind for study later. Antonia returned to the group and Ash coughed. "Uh.. Well why are we standing out here? Don't we all have business inside?" Ash opened the glass door and motioned for the two to pass inside. Antonia bounced inside barely contained excitement at the thought of soup on Vala in her eyes. Chris nodded to Ash and walked in, heading for the music in the back corner. Ash slipped past the door and paused. He was supposed to be shopping while Chris talked to Vala on her smoke break. Ash winced as he thought of something new. What if Vala knew about this theoretical police plan? Would she be suspicious? Ash moved out of the way as another kid passed out the door. Ash moved into the industrial dance section and slipped on a pair of head phones, scanning the newest Skinny Puppy album. No... On second thought, what he had learned from hacking Valas' school files was that most teachers viewed her as slow and over reactive. If she knew she was bait for a pair of murderers she would be freaking out. Ash closed his eyes and listened to the sample for Pro-Test. He would get this album. But he would still look around for appearances sake. "Hey, Ash" Antonia was standing behind him, but Ash had the volume all the way up. Oblivious to his company Ash swayed ever so slightly to the music. Antonia grinned and poked him in the shoulder. "Hey... Ash" He jumped and spun, getting tangled in the cord of the headphones and dropping the CD. "Ah! Antonia..." He pulled the head phones from his ears and untangled himself from the cord. "Oh! Um.. Hang on a second, ok?" Ash moved quickly to the area Chris was in. Chris turned. "What's up?" Ash leaned in. "Don't let Miss Priss talk to anyone about your plans tonight. Tell her you want it to be a secret or something." He whispered. Chris nodded. "Then I'll give you a call at about nine." Ash smiled, showing a little teeth, then turned to go back to where he left Antonia and his CD. "I'm sorry... What were you saying?" "Just that I was taking off now. I'll see ya." She waved and turned, but Ash caught her arm. Shocked at his own actions Ash looked down. "Ah.. I was wondering if you were on your way to create..." He nodded at the bag she carried her paint in. "I'd enjoy seeing the artist at work." He blushed.
Name: Steph / Peres Age: 17 Appearance: [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Inque_me/izumicurtis.gif[/IMG] Steph is beautiful in a ghostly way, her pale skin a sharp contrast with her hair, tiny black well kept dreadlocks falling to her waist. Steph dresses the same most days, her outfit consisting of a white over coat/shirt, a pair of tight fitting pants tucked into heavy combat boots, both practical and comfortable. Her eyes are a stunning and depthless emerald green. About her neck is a silver necklace that is always there. It?s made of fragile silver bells and silver loops with an oval emerald stone. (Same as the image, but the stone is green) She has long white spidery hands that never stay still, always playing with something or drawing. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c318/Inque_me/nikki-sansnecklace.gif[/IMG] Weapon: Magic Personality: Steph is catlike and mean. Sarcasm comes naturally to her. She is a person of great enthusiasm? Easily excited by many things. Unsatisfied by the ordinary, she seems to be reaching for an epic, extraordinary life. Steph wants the best. The best life. The best love. The best influence. She posses a sharp and keen intellect, her mind is her primary weapon. Strong willed, nothing can keep her down. Stephs energy can seemingly break down any wall or obstacle she comes across. She?s an instantly passionate person? And this passion gives her an intoxicating power over others. At her worst, Steph is a narcissist. Full of herself and even proud of her faults, Steph is stubborn and opinionated, she knows what she thinks is right. End of discussion. A bit of a misanthrope, Steph often sees others as weak, ignorant, and inferior. Powers: Shadow manipulation, limited mind control, earth control, shape shifting. Bio: As a child, Steph was a well loved with a sunny disposition and a smile for everyone. Once her little brother Roy was born, he became a focus in her life, protecting him from everything, even the things he need to learn on his own. As she grew, she was expelled from school for fighting and learned of lies and that nothing matters more than the money. Her father died of a heart attack when Steph was thirteen. She and her mother and little brother, Roy, moved into the small town, seeking a respite from the city life, and the memories. Shortly after, Seph became depressed, neither eating nor sleeping for days at a time. Her mother enrolled her in a public school at the age of fourteen, hoping that she?d make friends there and the social setting would soothe her wounded heart better than the home school did. It worked, in a backward way. Soon Steph was eating and working out. Not, as her mother thought, because she was no longer depressed, but because Steph had always been a competitive, combative person, and the scrawny form she had acquired was not going to help her. One day she met Anthony and he introduced her to Helios and the rest. Friendship blossomed quickly, and Steph quickly became Persephone or Peres. Writing Sample: Recess at school age 12 Steph surged forward, hooking her opponents? leg with her own, causing the bigger girl to come crashing to the ground. Not about to let this hulking behemoth of an eight grader get away with what she?d done, Steph leaped onto her back to plant a pencil into her head. Suddenly, Steph was snatched from the back of the other child by the strong hands of a policeman. ?Lemme go!? She shouted, struggling against the iron bands of the officers? arms. ?She was picking on my brother!? The other child climbed to her feet, sobbing. ?Liar!!? She snuffed dramatically. ?It wasn?t me, honest. Elena and Cherish were with me.? The two named girls came to stand behind the first, nodding in agreement. ?We?ve been on the swings the whole time.? Piped Cherish. ?She?s just angry because we beat her team at kickball.? For a moment Steph stopped struggling, flabbergasted. ?What?!? She kicked the officer viciously in the shin causing him to swear. ?Put me down!? The officer set Steph on her feet, keeping a hand clamped firmly on her shoulder. The door to the main building swung open and the principal strode out, coming to a stop beside the antagonist, kneeling to get a better look at his daughter. ?Brittney, are you alright?? Not waiting for an answer, the man whirled on Steph. ?That?s it. This is the last straw. I won?t tolerate any more of this fighting from you? Understand?? Steph hung her head, furious, and unable to answer. ?I?ll be petitioning to the school board for your expulsion. Until then, you?re suspended. I suggest that in the future you find a better way to deal with your problems.? Steph spat on his shoe. The man grimaced and motioned to the police officer. ?Get her home. Now.? They shook hands, and Steph saw a bit of green poking out of the shake. "But!" The officer shook her. "Be quiet, please." Steph growled but closed her mouth. So this is what comes of loyalty and honesty. If this isn't good enough to get me the spot, let me know. I'll add to it.
OOC: Ash Is the crazy one, but with crazy eyes and silence. He's not very boisterous or loud. Suspicious, sadistic, cruel, and crafty like. ^^ It's really fun to play this character. He's not very manly. Androgynous thing is Ash. What region is this place in? IC: Ash looked after Chris. "Wait. Chris, I'm going to take the rest of the day off. Tell the teacher that I'm sick, please." He turned on his heel, hurrying quietly back to his locker. This was too easy. This woman, Vala... Sounded like a trap. Ash sneered. If this Jason was such a do-gooder to try and trap him, he had another thing coming. Oh, they would still go after Vala. Is she was such a whore, maybe he could convince Chris to lure her somewhere secluded with the promise of sex. That would be fitting. Ash stuffed his things into his locker, shut it quietly and turned to go lie to the nurse. He started down the hall and glanced behind him... And ran straight into Antonia. Ash turned and jumped backwards, turning bright pink. "Ah! Er.. Um.." He fiddled with his shirt seam before stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Hi, Antonia..." It was hardly a mutter and the girl looked at him strangely. Ash's blush deepened and he looked down. "Sorry I bumped into you. 'Scuse me." He brushed past her and walked quickly down the hall. OOC: Sorry about the post. Shortness that is was.
I was wondering what everyone thought of it, and if anyone knows where I may download the opening songs of the First and Second Gigs.
Ash stepped from the bathroom after brushing rudely by the underclassmen that had startled him. If he had any sense he'd keep his mouth shut. Striding out into the hall, Ash paused. Someone was running toward him, breathing raggedly. His breath caught in his throat, memories flitting over his minds eye. Then Tommy careened into him, spinning Ash as he passed. Ashes arm snaked out, catching the hapless boy by the collar and flinging him into the lockers. With a snarl, he punched him in the stomach and pushed him to the ground. Tommy was bigger than Ash and if Tommy hadn't been in such a state of distress, Ash would have been satisfied with that. As it was, Ash decided to capitalize on the distressed boys predicament. He kicked him in the ribs and relished in the whooshing sound of the air leaving his lungs. Ash spat on him. "Watch where you're going asshole." Ash stalked away, blowing off the rest of class to go find Chris. [I]"He'll get a kick outta this"[/I]Thought Ash. "[I]I want to know when we make out next move."[/I] Ash's palms itched in anticipation. He rounded the corner and spotted Tori in front of the office. He smirked. She sported a spreading purple mark, marring her lovely face. [I]"Serves the bitch right. I bet she ran afoul of Chris again."[/I] He eyed her. Tori confused him. She was strange, as if she was always devided. He shook his head. Probably just his imagination. Ash started forward and felt a large hand come to rest on his shoulder. He jumped and spun, eyes wide in terror. "Ash. Why are you not in class?" The art teacher Mr. Krahn was a mammoth of a man, towering over Ash's 5'5" by about a foot. Ash gritted his teeth then bowed his head politely. "I wasn?t feeling good, sir, and I came to clear my medication with the nurse." A plausible lie, Ash was more sickly looking then most with dark smudges under his eyes and cracked lips. "Alright." Krahn looked down at him. "You know, if you ever need someone to talk to..." He let the sentence trail off. "Thank you Sir, I'll remember that." [I]"When I poison your coffee." [/I] Ash dipped his head again, and glared at the retreating mans back. [I]"Fool." [/I] He turned and resumed his search for Chris.
Ash brushed Roses? shoulder as he passed her on the way to his first period class. She shied away, not looking at him. He scowled slightly. She had never really forgiven him after he beat her first boyfriend stupid. The prick deserved it for fucks sake. He shook his head and smoothed his face into its normal pleasant mask. Hurrying into his science class before the bell, Ash looked around wondering where Chris could be right now. He smiled and shook his head. No matter, they had psych together next period. Ash sat and stared out into space remembering the nights events fondly. Her fear? It was so sweet. The memory of her screams, blood painting the wall, a slick darkness against the cement, a coppery smell in the moist air. Ash shuddered, the hair on his arms rising in anticipation of the next time. His lips parted and his tongue darted out to wet them. Suddenly Ash stood. ?I have to use the rest room, please.? He muttered. He turned and fled the class to the bewilderment of teacher and students. Dashing into the mens room, Ash locked himself into the stall furthest from the door. Panting, he leaned against the stall door. Sweat rolled down his face and a strangled noise escaped his throat. Savagely Ash punched the wall, splitting his knuckles and leaving smears of blood across the tan stone. He choked and coughed, viciously tearing a strip of toilet paper to wipe up the mess and daub the cuts on his knuckles and the bloody crescents his bails cut into his palm. Thoughtfully, Ash licked the blood from his hand and flipped on the faucet. Cold water splashed his face and he started as he realized someone was standing behind him.
Discuss Aros Inc. Underground (Mature rpg: VL, possible s)
Raquel replied to Swordsaint's topic in Theater
I'm confused. And I can't read blue script smaller than Katanas'... Is someone would fill me in I'd appreciate it. -
Phade smiled and fixed the device to her face, channeling a bit of thought into them. ?Hm. Too blue.? She found a seat amid the clutter and began to screw with the color. ?Ahem.? Phade looked up to Olivia?s raised eyebrow. ?Oops.? She grinned and pulled out a Credit Card, (ooc: HA!) handing it to her. ?Take as much as you need. Them who did this will more then compensate me for the trouble.? Phade mutters something unintelligible, those in the room catching ?Aros? and ?Basterds? as she poked at the new set of eyes. ?Oh, and if you need me to move, let me know.? Several minutes later, Phade stood. ?There? I?m done. Wait. Do you have a mirror?? Phade picked up a shiny piece of metal and grimaced. ?It?s not like I need to be pretty.? She sighed. Suddenly she stood and started ripping a strip off the end of her cloak. Phade tied it about her eyes. ?There!? ?Doesn?t that defeat the purpose?? Trey asked. ?Only if I where you.? Phade smirked.
Phade came to the mechanic?s shop and placed her hand on the door. She took a breath and the beads serving her as eyes floated to her hand. She spread her senses over the interior of the room. People were here? Good. Phade pushed the button once more and her skirt again became leggings. ?[I]In this moment, I am only a costumer with out eyes and with a lot of credits. I don?t need anybody freaking over current alignments? Not that I?d ever touch that accursed Aros job again without a large payoff.[/I]? She opened the door and paused, unsure of how to proceed. ?Um.. Hello? I need a bit of help here?? Phade felt her way slowly to a solid object. Olivia caught sight of her eyes and winced. ?I can fix that,? she said, pointing to her eye ?see?? Phade laughed. ?No, not really.. However, I assume you have cybernetics for a replacement. I?m looking for something a bit different.? She placed the gunmetal beads on the table. ?I?d like to fashion a way to keep these in my sockets. It?s too hard to do it my self, you see. I can pay well.? Phade stood still waiting for an answer and praying they wouldn?t turn her away. OOC: Ack, short post, I know... I don't like putting words in other peoples mouth untill I know more about their char's personality.
Phade paused, something was tingling at the back of her mind? ?[I]Danger[/I]? it whispered. She crouched, looking for the problem. Nothing. Motionless, Phade considered. She was very rarely wrong. She stood and pressed the button on her waist, unfurling her skirt. No one would question a member of Psylabs in a graveyard. She brushed the dirt from her knees and stepped forward. An explosion. Pain. White hot light seared Phade?s eyes causing her to scream in agony. Darkness. Dust settled all around her. She felt it but could only sense-see it. Her eyes! What happened to her eyes?! Phade tenitively put her hands to her face feeling the gaping holes and smooth metal bits where her eyes should be. She staggered to her feet, clutching her face and moaning. She swayed then sat upon a head stone to clear her mind. ?[I]I am a still winter lake. Like ice. Frozen. No fear may taint my water[/I].? Slowly her thoughts cleared and she touched her beads, and two of them floated to the empty sockets. "[I]A decoy... The pad was a fake...[/I] Phade sent out her mind to them and she could again see but in the swirling blues and greens of telepathic sight. Cautiously, she made her way back into town, searching for the mechanic?s shop she knew to be around here somewhere?
OOC: AH! I didn't know this got so far! Sorry. If I write something someone has already written, let me know. I can't read some of the posts for the small light colored text. (crappy library computers) Oh, and forget that faceless stuff. I can't express without expressions. IC: Phade scrolled idly through the data pad she had retrieved from the sewer. .?Hmm.. This is interesting? Nothing I?d pay millions of credits for though.? She tucked it back into her cloak and shrugged. What Aros wanted was really none of her business unless she was getting paid. Phade glided down the dark hallway, enhanced eyes causing it to be as bright as day. She stepped outside and sighed. She missed the night sometimes. On her way back into the building, she heard a rustling in the garbage behind her. Phade lifted her hand to her necklace and the small gunmetal colored beads lifted away with her hand. She turned hand splayed. No one was there. She looked down and raised an eyebrow.The cat rubbed affectionately against her legs purring its delight at finding her. Phade sighed. ?I don?t have any more room for you my newfound feline compatriot. I already have three cats. Belager will kill me if I come home with another.? The cat chirped at her and Phade bent to pick him up. ?Alright, but no fighting with the rest of them.? She turned and ran smack into Belager himself. ?Speak of the devil?. How is it you manage to sneak up on me still?? ?You?re not fifteen anymore, Delirium. No more cats!? He said, dodging her questions like always. He glared something akin to disapproval at the shamefaced woman and the squirming cat. The grey tabby meowed plaintively at him. Phade turned away. ?Cats are the only thing I care for anymore. Let me have my happiness, Belager. It?s not like you?re allergic.? She dumped the cat into his arms. ?Please take him back to the flat. I have yet to finish the task assigned to me.? Belager frowned at her but sighed and nodded. ?Very well. But return as soon as you have the data pad.? Phade nodded and pressed a button on her waist. Her skirt stiffened then split and wrapped around her legs creating comfortable black leggings. She darted away into the night. Her legs pumped steadily, carrying Phade over rooftops and through neighborhoods. Should she have told him? No? There was something more to this mission and she didn?t think Psylabs had much to do with it other than her. She touched the pad in her cloak and shook her head. She would put it somewhere safe until she knew exactly what was going on. Eventually Phade came to a dilapidated graveyard. This is fitting, she thought as she slowed to a virtual crawl. It wouldn?t do for her to get caught. She slunk down to a stone where the inscription had been worn away years ago. Phade crouched behind the stone, running her fingertips across the worn surface. There. She pulled the catch gently and a foot wide hole opened in front of the grave. Swiftly Phade dropped in. It was a tiny chamber meant for the discussing of rebellion. Not that you could ever get a rebellion off the ground with only three people. That being the number the chamber would hold, uncomfortably. Phade wrinkled her nose. It would be right next to the dump too. She crouch-walked to the far side of the room and slid open the only compartment she had ever found placing the data pad inside. She glanced around the room, longing for a little more time to explore. She sighed and tugged at one of her gunmetal beads. It hovered over her palm then floated through the opening, soaring into the air. Phades? sight soared with it, taking in everything in and around the graveyard. Convinced the coast was clear the bead returned and Phade levered herself out of the hole, flicking the catch and closing the room.
In my case, I just don't want to hurt said nice guy. I'm a very violent person. I have a friend whose birthday it is today and he is one of the nice guys. I'd be surprised to find someone better. He's the gallant type too. Opens doors, pulls out chairs.. The works. I'd feel terrible if I clocked this guy because I was in a temper. If I dated this guy and then broke up with him for whatever reason, I'd probably be jealous of any who got him next. And that seriously ruins a friendship.
Anyone ever heard of a game for the PS2 called REZ? I really don't get it's attraction. I watched someone play it for hours yesterday. It's a little wire figurine floating though wire construction space with colors and techno. I've come to the conclusion that it's a stoner game. What do you think? [url]http://archive.gamespy.com/reviews/january02/rezps2/[/url]
[quote name='wayofthreversed']Why not risk it if they are good friends why would they not be good boyfriends?[/quote] It's not always that. Sometimes girls arn't looking for a good boyfriend. I, personally, have the habit of dating awful barbarians. I need the good friend in the boy to remind me not everyone is an ***. Sometimes friends are more important than dates. Girls get irritated at their dating intrests for doing some pretty minor things on occasion and I for one would want to spare any good friend of mine the trouble of my love.
It may be that he feels that you're like a sister to him and that he loves you but not in the dating way. He probably got uncomfortable when you kept asking because he cares for you and doesn?t want to hurt you feelings by saying no. Now that you've stopped he's being more supportive because some people become withdrawn after rejection and he dosen't want to loose your friendship which appears to be very important to him. Remember not to put too much faith in what I say.
-.-' I'm in EXACTLY the same boat, hun. I broke my mirror last night. I'm most definitely a sympathetic ear and if you like we can rant at each other through PM... I find ranting helps. I?m currently hiding in my room and only speaking to people online. I?ve only left to eat? It?s been like two months. And I?m going from mopey to psychopathically violent. It gets really old really quick. I tattooed myself so I will never forget the shame... Bad idea. I'm filled with an insane desire for sick revenge every time I look at my leg. I suggest a lot of reading. It helps a little. Also if you have the ability to find a few super positive friends (though they can be annoying if you can't get away from them) in another city that helps. Supportive fun loving boyfriends are a god send.
Name: Phade Classification: Cyber replacement Nickname/Codename: Delirium Age: 33 Sex: Female Physical Description: When not in use the orbs act as a necklace. Mental stability: Perfect. Personality: Phade is inhumanly calculating and cold due to her cybernetics. Once a fun loving person, she can now barley tolerate anything deviating from perfect manners. Occupation: Telepath for hire. As a psychic, Phade has a wide range of talents and makes for a perfect tool from ambassador to assassin. Cybernetics: Her face has been replaced by a smooth mask of metal, hiding beneath it an augmented brain. Her senses have been altered along with her finger tips allowing control of her orbs. Faction: Psylabs Weapons: Phade can control the orbs at her fingertips. She can merge them to form a small dagger or send them swirling at an opponent to create Swiss cheese. Phades? telepathic abilities, grossly enhanced by the brain augments, allow her to send her sight, hearing and voice with an orb to the limit of her mental reach (about 120 yards and that?s stretching it) leaving her body devoid of those senses. She can move small objects, but holding something for a long period of time or moving something weighting more than herself drains her to the point of uselessness. Background: As a child Phade had some innate physic skill such as rolling marbles across the floor, small commands to animals, and reading surface thoughts. When Psylabs got a hold of her, experiments were done to intensify her telepathic abilities and teach her new ones. At first they allowed to live with her family but when the time came to take her face, her mother and father were appalled. They were quietly killed in an unfortunate house fire. With nowhere left to go, when Psylabs offered her a home Phade reluctantly agreed. There she was taken in by a Cyborg named Belager who became her mentor and taught her things about killing and espionage. She started taking missions at the age of 24 and has been doing so ever since.