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Everything posted by Raquel
who really gets on your nerves... for me...well...my dog buggs the shiznitz outta meh
that good?
siren stuck her head into the door way and smirked siren: try..."a psyco silver chick fried them" she laughs sardonicly then walks out of the station... heading north she took a detour through the slums of gang territory... this was sirens favorite place to hang out... she always went when somthing was troubleing her... she liked to take sides in gang fights... lost in her thoughts siren failed to notice the men following her till they closed off the ring around her... siren looked up irritated at the inturption... she sighed as she noticed who they were... they called themselves the gate lords and wore black and white...these gang colors identified them as bad azzes... siren turned to their leader (the one with the white bandana) siren: so...what do you punks want...a brawl?? don't you think it's a little unfair?? nine big strong boys aginst little old me? psh...don't waste my time... i have better things to do than beat the gate lords into submission... gatelord1: shut your mouth b!tch... we know what you are... siren froze hoping aginst hope they knew no such thing gatelord1: your a freak and we're about to prove it... suddenly a rag was thrust over her nose and mouth...struggling not to breathe...she choked and gaged as the world went black...as she was falling she cursed her stupidity... then the blackness took her
siren walked into the room... she glanced around then crouched placing her hands in the floor for balance... she wore a expressionless mask as she waited for the others to come in
don't look at me...i've only been here about 2 years...
yep ^.^ no porblem...how many do we need?
siren looks up and sighs... she turns her back and is clubbed over the head...her world gos black as she is dragged to her employer
20 minates later.... siren: so...this is it... she opens the file and scans it briefly...she closes it and sighs, glances at marth and closes her eyes...she takes a deep breath and green fire consumes the file...a pile of ash sits in her hand... siren: i'm sorry about distroying that but i can't have any information existing on me...*she shruggs apoligeticly* you understand i hope
what am i getting mehself into? Name: siren kojia Age: 17 Race: twi'lek/assassin/mercanary Weapon(s): daggers, martial arts Height: 5'11'' Bio: was trained from a young age to use her beauty and grace as a deadly weapon... the man who bought her bought her because she was to be an assassin... under his instruction she has removed many of the influential powers of the republic... for his protection he never told her his name... soon after her 14th year he was killed and siren was sold into slavery... Description: her skin color is blue, eyes are a stormy grey color, she wears black silk pants slited on either side and held by silver pins... her top is a croped black tank top held together at the sides with the same silver pins... she has several daggers hidden about her... Personality: is wary and untrusting...once you get to know her she is a friendly and loyal friend...she does not scare easly and is strong and stubborn...a bit on the arrogent side siren is quickly angered
errm...hi...tiz me...late...as always... Name: siren kojia Age: 17 Race: twi'lek/assassin/mercanary Weapon(s): daggers, martial arts Height: 5'11'' Bio: was trained from a young age to use her beauty and grace as a deadly weapon... the man who bought her bought her because she was to be an assassin... under his instruction she has removed many of the influential powers of the republic... for his protection he never told her his name... soon after her 14th year he was killed and siren was sold into slavery... Description: her skin color is blue, eyes are a stormy grey color, she wears black silk pants slited on either side and held by silver pins... her top is a croped black tank top held together at the sides with the same silver pins... she has several daggers hidden about her... Personality: is wary and untrusting...once you get to know her she is a friendly and loyal friend...she does not scare easly and is strong and stubborn...a bit on the arrogent side siren is quickly angered
-.- you mean the pod racer?
siren glances at marth then back to the girl siren: urrm...make yourself at home... i'll be right back... she darts out the door and catches marths arm siren: hey... you said somthing about my NYPD super-human file... what is it and where would i find it? i'd like to discuss it with someone...
siren: errm....yea she sighs and stands hauling the man up by the back of his t-shirt... she spins him so he's looking at her...she brings his face close wincing at the smell of whisky on his breath... siren: i have no intention of being this forgiving in the future...i will kill you regardless... is that clear? the man nods... siren drops him and turns...suddenly she spins and drives her knee into his still falling body... the wind whooshes out of him and he falls to the floor unconscious... siren grins grimly and turns to marth siren: about that explination...
siren and chris pull into the parking lot... siren stands and streaches... siren: so... this is it? hmm... fine with me... long as it's relitivly clean....
NAME: siren kojia AGE: 17 SPECIES: twi'lek LOCATION: a slave ship headed for mon espa WEAPON: her hands or anything she can fins...has an assortment of knives hidden about her person VEHICLE/SHIP: whatever she can steal ALLIANCE: netural FORCE CAPABILITIES: none CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: her skin color is blue, eyes are a stormy grey color, she wears black silk pants slited on either side and held by silver pins... her top is a croped black tank top held together at the sides with the same silver pins... she has several daggers hidden about her BACKGROUND/BIO: was trained from a young age to use her beauty and grace as a deadly weapon... the man who bought her bought her because she was to be an assassin... under his instruction she has removed many of the influential powers of the republic... for his protection he never told her his name... soon after her 14th year he was killed and siren was sold into slavery...
siren watches with little intrest as spider go's about his work again... she wonders why everyone is so fixated on doing good for this city... sighing she walks into the port to the roof and heads down to her floor of the apartment... the door accross from her slammed open and a girl ran out tears streaming from her face...a purple bruise spread across her cheek...siren caught her by the arm and she flinched away covering her face as if expecting a blow...in a soft low voice siren asked her what had happened girl: my huspand...*sniff* we got into an argument again...he'd been drinking...he...he hit me...*crys softly* siren grits her teeth siren: here... come with me... siren led the frightened girl into her neat appartment and sat her on the couch siren: here...um...do you want somthing to eat? drink maybe? i'm gonna make some tea... girl: that would be nice.... siren walks into the kitchen and a few minuates later she comes back with two steaming cups...she hands one to the girl and lounges aginst the wall siping it... her door slams open and a dirty man staggers in...in a drunken slur he mutters about another beer...the girl drops her cup and it shatters on the floor...siren sets hers down and stands...she walks up to him siren: get out of my appartment... the man trys to focus his eyes on her and swings a huge meaty fist at her face...siren stands calmly as it wizzes past her eye... siren: i'll tell you again....get...out... the man smiles...siren turns to the girl siren: you had bett- she was cut off as the girl screams...siren turns and sees a good six inches of steel heading for her chest...she twists and grabbs the mans wrist...she brings an elbow up and smashes his forearm...siren grabbs his bull-like neck and swings up and over him...she kicks in the back of his kneese and he falls...she grabbs his hair and hauls his head back...siren snatches the fallen knife and brings it to his throat ready to slice it... girl: NOO!! siren freezes and looks up
you gotta have at least one girl! Name: siren kojia Alias: redemption eve Super Power: is composed of a silver compound called calrifen and cortrols green fire Age: 15 Height: 5'11'' Bio: was expirmented on... the radioactive compounds used caused her molecular structure to rearrange into a mecury like substance called calrifen...the goal of the tests was to give her control over a new type of war weapon called peralie. it's a radio active substance looking like green flame...siren can summon it at will Description: is entirely silver but paints her face and arms normal... wears black jeans, black finger gloves, combat boots and a dark green tank top...she dyes her hair black Personality: is wary and has thick defences..once you get to know her though she is a good and loyal friend...she has a scarcastic sense of humor and likes to joke around in a battle.
siren: *raises an eyebrow at yuugi* who...is he? ooc: attack of the dreaded writers block!!!>.<
siren: what was that all about? chole? ooc: >.< help! w-b returns!
siren: ..... me too liam...me too... so...*throws open the door* WE"RE HOME!!!! ooc: ACK!!! WRIGHTERS BLOCK RETURNS!
siren: so.... what are we planning to do once we're there?
siren drops to the ground and curses as she rolls twisting an ankel...ignoring the pain she sprints after the fleeing man... drawing her katana she puts on a burst of speed and leaps into the air and cleaves downwards cutting the man from crown to groin she wipes the blood off on his cloak and sheathes her sword she looks around and curses....she was in the middle of a crowed street...swearing she turns and streaks back into the allys...suddenly she collides into some one
siren stares at the note siren: .... betrayal.... i think we've been betrayed...either that or one of us perished...i hope not....either way...it could be trouble...
siren stuck her head in siren: sweeettt....what was it? i mean...before liquid fixed it up....
siren's fists tighten at the mention of the city but stays calm... siren: i'm not walking all the way there... she joggs out of sight and comes back skidding to a stop on a black moter bike with red streaks.... siren: you guys do have a ride right? if you don't...i can take one person...