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Everything posted by Raquel
siren snapps awake...somthing was wrong...she rolles over and lookes off the edge of the roof...the kid she had talked to at the cafe was driving up...without thinking she rolled right off the edge of the buliding... she landed right infront of his car... she looked up and blinked...she looked down and saw spiderweb like cracks faning out from her feet...she looked up at him and walked around the car and raised an eyebrow siren: what do you want?? although she wore a calm face emotion seethed just beaneth it...what had happened? why wasen't she road smear? she had seen peoplr comit suicide from buildings half as tall...whatever it is...she wanted awnsers...now
siren holds out a silver hand and green flames engulf it siren: i'm also have the properties of quicksilver...aka murcury...i'm faster and stronger than humans...because it's in a liquid state i can change shape and features...i'd tell you my weaknessess but i don't trust you. so...i've spilled...what about you?
siren smirks at the people coming closer, her eyes flashing a cold silver abob: who are you? siren: a little blunt arn't we? no matter...i'm siren...intresting to meet you... she extends a silver hand and laughed when they stared siren: i was woken rather suddenly and only had time to paint my face...i should go find gloves i suppose...
siren stalked over appearently pissed...which wasen't that odd... she was dressed in tight black pants and a tight green tank top...glareing at people she leaned aginst the wall and waited for the others
oh oh!! memememememe!!!! lemme join!!!! pweeese?? yay!!! Name: Siren Kojia Mutant Name: Redemption Eve Age: 15 Sex: female Mutant Ability: is able to create a pine green fire like substance. is completely composed of quicksilver, is able to change shape. Bio: is pastless Short Description: completely silver, alluring in a spectral way ..
siren raises an eyebrow siren: and this is supposed to intrest me? i don't know and i really coulden't care less. but... if somthing happens heres my adress... she flicked him a slip of paper and walked away... arriving at her appartment she went around to the back and leaped into the air snagging the rusty iron escape ladder she flipps up over the edge and begins the clim to the roof
siren turned and put her hands on her hips siren: that's what i thought too...why....you know somthin i don't? she walks up to him and looks him in the eyes as if trying to see truth in them
:blulaugh: :bellylol: :laugh: :rotflmao: :D
well...why can't you go to each chruch? every other week thing or somthin.....i think u should tell him...i shoulden't talk 'cause i have a huge crush on a boy at school and i flirt by talkin bout dbz and music...>.
RPG Guardian's Return ... The story begins << PLAY >>
Raquel replied to Carren Heart's topic in Theater
siren: ha...yea...this one time these two kids got into the chamber and ran right into the barrier...the looks on their faces entertained me for a good five minutes... it's a good thing i slept for most of the time.... so...anything happen to any of you? -
is this a play as well?
she stands and streaches glancing around at the people... she yawns and sitcks her hands and the card into her pockets...in no rush she heads back to her appartment
siren grins at liam. siren: so...you made it...how?? i mean...the last time i checked you where on a suicide misson...care to fill us in?
siren smiles siren: well that was fun... they pull into the drive and siren hops out hoping everything was settled inside... siren: c'mon liam
siren stiffens then tells him wairly...it was stuck in her memroy as if a brand had been placed there siren: it said " We have awakened, chosen one." why?? you look tense...
Name: siren kojia Age: 15 Gender: female Job: merc. assassin, tracker Description: 5'11'', 125, pine green eyes, long black hair, sturdy black and green travel clothes Village: lives where ever she can find Possessions: katana, 8 daggers, 3 shurikens, long sword Pet: small dargon named thakka... siren found the egg in the mountians
siren grins siren: if you tell me where it is...i can find it on my own.... it'll...ya know...give you more time
RPG Guardian's Return ... The story begins << PLAY >>
Raquel replied to Carren Heart's topic in Theater
siren: *sighs* words i've longed to hear for a melinium..., -
siren draggs the guy upright and burys her fangs in his neck draining the warm red life from his body... she pulls her head from the lifeless bods and drops it to the floor and steps over it...she glances at liam waiting for him to finish.... siren: so...what do you want to do with the car?
siren frowns and looks at him carefully... siren: so...you...where the one to put that card under the door... it wasen't a question...it was a statement... she narrowed her eyes and they flashed an ick bule before returning to their deep pine green color
RPG Guardian's Return ... The story begins << PLAY >>
Raquel replied to Carren Heart's topic in Theater
HELLO??!!?! we givin up on this or what? -
leaps fron the tree top to the ground and lands in a cloud of dust next to them siren: *smirks* finshed?
siren stops at a food place just off an off ramp...she hops and motions to liam... siren: good enough? she grins and leads the way... siren: oh..one thing...-.- no crazy suduceing plans
-.-''''' no...she was thinking about it...she's in the cafe...^^ lol