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Everything posted by Raquel
Zombies. I've always been an avid reader and one day I got into my stepdad's book collection. The book I read had green glowing people on it. It was somthing about zombies in the dump. O.o' It scared the living crap outta me. I coulden't sleep for a week. I'd wake up and stare real hard into the shadows and faces would form in the discarded clothes. >.< Gah. I still have nightmares.
Name: Ashmael Nakamura ?Ash? Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Ash is slight to the point of emaciation in build, with gaunt eyes and a fearsome grin. He only smiles with the ecstasy of the hunt. Personality: Ash is crazy. Though he appears quiet and reserved in school, when someone takes a tumble down a flight of stairs, Ash?s shadow can be seen slinking quietly away. His mind is a jumble of rage and sadness, moldable in its chaos. He buried the only sliver of conscience beneath the abuse and tears of his flawless memory. Ash is fiercely protective, especially of Chris, whom he views as his direction. He would do anything he asked. Even kill. He has no compassion for his family with the exception of his sister, blaming them for his fathers? ruthlessness in tearing into his adolescent body. ?They could have done something.? He rants, ?They heard me scream, I know it.? Moral Behavior: Ash was raped at the age of eight, violence and destruction became a second nature to him after that. He enjoys tormenting the victims with vivid descriptions of the shame of what they?ve done. Bio: Ashmael?s mother?s side of the family have always lived here, his fathers? father moving from Japan. His surname is his legacy. Ash lived a normal middle class life until the age of eight when his mother divorced his father and left Ash, his sister Rose and two older brothers Dominic and Jason in his care. Shortly afterwards his questions about why mother had gone irritated his father and the older man violently beat and raped him. Ashmael?s compassion soured to only a speck reserved for his younger sister Rose. All he wants is to keep her protected. No man will ever hurt her. At her age, ten, she is much too young to be involved with anyone. He is a perfect student, perfect grades, and perfect behavior. Only Rose senses something might be lurking under the perfect façade. Why you're here: Pain is Life. Ash carves the slogan into his chest with a box cutter once it heals every month. When Chris found him painted up screaming at his sister while thrashing a young boy in an alley for kissing her, he thought Ash a likely candidate for his group.
I'm in... For the next week I'll not be able to post Sundays and Tuesdays, typically Name- Theide Age- 27 When and how you died- November 11 ,3228. A young woman stands at the top of the world, a skyscraper really, bewailing the loss of a life so young and yet so full of potential. Dark wings provide such a soft embrace, don?t they? She had always wondered what it was like to fly. The cold kiss of the blade awakened a doubt far in the recesses of her mind; she trampled it ruthlessly and threw herself from the roof, crimson ribbons trailing from her wrists. Appearance- Androgynous female Height: 5'11" Weight: 115 Race- Demon Short Bio- Kristen was her name before she died? Kristen? It sounded right. She had been calling herself Theide for the last five years. It was a much grander name. Born in? Seattle. Yes. Kristen had had everything, friends, money, a great job that she loved. Spoiled silly. A shame really. Then her father died and left all his money to his most recent wife, cutting Kristen off from the life she had grown so accustomed to. Her art turned to darkness and blood, a singular track of mind which the company she worked for didn?t appreciate. Dark magic and bids to the devil made her friends shy away. Her boyfriend left her at the hospital after gouging out her left eye; a wasted, gibbering mess. She wouldn?t eat or sleep, images of black wings beating at her mind and driving her to the roof one crisp day in November. Weapon- For those who?ve played Soul Caliber, Ivy?s Whip-sword. The ones who?ve seen Underworld, here is a pic to jog your memory. It?s a bad one, but if you?ve seen the movie you?ll remember. [url]http://www.geekroar.com/film/archives/uw_whip.jpg[/url] Basically a bladed whip. Magic- Obtenebration for any VTM geeks. Shadow manipulation.
O.O *worships* If this really is only your first, keep practicing. You'll only get better from here.
I like it from what I can see. Try [url]www.Photobucket.com[/url]. Tiz what I use. I'll be able to comment better once I can see. *needs glasses* Oh. Oops, my bad.
As much as it shames me to admit it.... Yes. I do watch. >.
[QUOTE=sesshysgirl]yeah, he's also the sheriff of nottingham in robin hood prince of theives and in spece quest or w/e .[/QUOTE] And the robot in hitchhikers guide. Any who, I thought the movie sucked. The graphics were good, but all the inner turmoil got cut. That was what saved the book for me.
Well, it depends. People who have been ice skating first will say skateboarding. And vise versa. In my opinion? Figure skating. I have weak ankles! ^.^?
I've experimented a bit myself, and in my opinion guys are more fun than girls. I think that conclusion comes from the fact that I like to be controlled. Not just sexually, but in most aspects of my life. Someone who can't channel my over abundance of energy doesn?t interest me much. I have yet to meet a female capable. I?m not even a sex fiend; I just find that most men/people in general aren?t happy without some form of sexual release. I?m not about to engage in sex with someone who won?t put some play into it. Not more than once anyway. To Hug Monster, just don't worry about it is my advice.. When someone asks, explain how you have here. If they don't want to listen, trust me, they're not worth it. If you're not interested in them, why bother explaining? Tell them you're undecided. If they're a friend they should listen.
My name Is Robin Kate Powell, I'm 17 despite what I may have told anyone who would listen in the past, I'm a horrible person and I deserve to be stuffed into a dumpster on a regular basis. I?m a lazy sarcastic individual who loves nothing more than a nice warm couch, colored string and ?catnip. I?m not a typical gloom and doomer, though I wear all black, preferring brightly colored hair and a boisterous sense of humor. If you get off your spot on the couch, I?ll be inclined to steal it for the fact that it?ll be warmer than my spot and in hopes of a good humored argument and a brief wrestle. One of my character flaws is that I?m terribly nosey. I love the chance to make scathing comments, even if I don?t believe what I said?I?m not a gossip, but if it?s not made clear that what?s just been said isn?t to be repeated, due to my forgetful habits, it may just grow wings and fly out in a conversation of related topic. I have the tendency to over embellish (it comes with the flare towards the dramatic) so when a whopper falls from my wagging tongue, I encourage someone to inform me? I like my lies and tend to forget anything else actually occurred. I enjoy complaining about the people I can?t stand, and go in depth about what that person is probably doing, what I wish to do to them, and where they should stick their head. In short, I talk a lot of ****. I get moody when forgotten, but can be quickly soothed by a smile and a pat? If none appear forthcoming, I?ll probably bite the next person who talks to me, and then entertain myself elsewhere. The End
Paint... >.< *shudder* Then again, I have Photoshop and it might as well be paint. I keep wondering where the fill bucket is. As to your art, did you draw it and scan? Or is it an entire computer production? It's good, I like it.
This is my newest. It's part of a group of T-shirt drawings I'm making for christmas for a select few... And the silly ones who offer to pay me. [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] This is rapidly becoming a generalized robinart thred... Oh well. I can't draw cute things all the time. [color=teal](It's the fourth one)[/color] [color=#008080][/color] >Bite me [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] And back to the cuteness. [color=#008080](It's the fifth one)[/color]>Harder Oops. ^^' My bad. I forgot I could edit like that.
Looks good to me... I'm just starting to putz around with photoshop. The only thing I have to complain about is that while in the first drawing the eyes were super, in this new one everything has been cleaned up except the eyes. In my opinion it dosen't match up and creates disharmony.
I'm a turkey... I had to do somthing for the food day. This might as well be it [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] Thanks... It's not my best, I had some creepy little person staring at me while I was working. O.O I get freaked when anyone looks at my work before it's done. NEXT!
I'd like a banner with a bloody ravelike scene as well as a bit of anime with the words "Inque Me" somewhere. Other than that creative freedom for all! >.<
I'd like it if someone would have fun with this, if you know anything about VTM go crazy and have fun. Anything that could qualify for lasombra is peachy... Thanks ~Robin :devil:
I've been here for... Hm.. Can't really say. I dissapear and reappear because of my lack o internet. I've had a few diffrent names (stormwing and somthin else, my memory fails me.) and had to search through a crap ton of old posts to find my current name. Blarg, hassles. I remember when people got uber flamed for bad grammer/spelling... Oh, for the good old days... j/k. I miss some of the people that don't come around anymore... I got scared away by all the upgrades... Whenever I could get on the net the site was being upgraded... INSANITY!!!!! Meh... Well it's good to visit.. lol.. I used to sign my name Siren, but someone has that name now. That's what I get for dissapearing. ~Robin
*GLOMP* Thank you! ^.^ I'll see to that right away... (You can have the chicken too if you want it...)
My kingdom to anyone who can provide a link to this song... One Winged Angel (Orchestrated) As I recall it's #18 on the reunions cd... And I'll fork over the rights to the fako-rubber-chicken if someone can produce a link to that song the one eyed blonde chick whistles in the hospital in Kill Bill #1... It's been a long time, it's... intresting to be back. ~Siren
Alrighty... Thanks Gavers..
... If I'm putting this in the right place, but I'll remove it if it's wrong. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a drawing for a roleplay. I would like a semi-realistic picture of a man kneeling, with short, feathery blonde hair, shirtless with a claw scar across his chest, hands held in front of him soaked in blood, large black wings with scattered feathers on the ground. I'd like him to be on the skinny side with a forlorn look on his face. If the details get too hard feel free to skip them. (I don't really think this belongs in the Banner/Avatar request but if I'm incorrect... *shruggs*)
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
Raquel replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
I'd take away jealously. I used to think myself above hating another for something they had that I didn't, or something I felt was not meant to be shared. I despised people who were jealous, assuming I was superior to them. Because I was able to forgive those who had something I wanted, I found them unworthy of being around me. Now if that wasn't downright arrogance, then I don't know what is. Then I became infatuated with someone and hated all those around us because I felt they were taking the time I felt I deserved away from me. I had my brother lock me in a room for hours so I could figure out what my problem was. I was unwilling to admit to jealously and it took me a long time to realize my problems. But I still threaten myself if I feel the twinges of becoming jealous again. *shakes head* I hate it with a passion. -
*smirks* I approve. *bows*
Writing I of the beholder, In a Second, Or Three's Company?
Raquel replied to Lady Asphyxia's topic in Creative Works
I personally agree with Harlequin. I use third person in roleplaying, and do favor that the most. However, on the rare occasions that I do write storys, I use first person. Sometimes. I find that you can become more detailed in the actions/emotions of the character when writing in third person. I tend to look from the outside in on everything, not just writing. -
Hm... More angel threads... *raises an eyebrow at Rai* Sometimes, you are [I]too[/I] weird Name: Razmael Alhandral Age: Undetirmined Species: Vampyre Origin: Kain (O.o) Goal: To assess the situation of the angels, evil and good, as to eradicate them and lead the Vampyre race to the Maker and destroy him. Bio: Razmael is a spy and assassin that has triumphed in many of her endevors. She was created many years ago, and lusts for the power promised her once Kain has control of the race of men. However in all but the evilest of souls there is a grain of good Relations/Allies: Razmael's transformation into a Vampyre opened up many realms to her dark eyes. Razmael would as soon spit on them as collect the information that they have. Weaponry: Sai Apperance: [url]http://www.anime-genesis.com/pics/html/angel/angel04.shtml#[/url]