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Everything posted by Raquel
OOC~ I regret to inform you that on with my current collections of jobs and what not, that I am unable to make coherent posts. Therefor I'll not be participating in this RP any longer. Thank you. *rolls eyes* Psh. Not like ya needed me anyways ^.^.. I'll write a short post explaining my "disapearance" IC~ Rayne felt her insides clench, an icy fist wrapped around her stomach. Streamers of that same ice shot down her veins and she fell to her knees. She stammered out a helpless plea, frigetened of the sudden lack of control and unable to figure out where the attack was coming from. Then it dawned on her. This wasen't her charecter, this was [I]her[/I]. Somthing was happening to her body. It was shutting down, like a faulty system. Quickly, she tore herself from the game, leaving the husk of the charecter Rayne crumpled on the grass. Her chair tipped over and Robin spilled onto the floor, sprawled across the the carpet helplessly. Her heartbeat was unsteady and and irregular and as her vision darkened and blurred she wondered if she'd ever wake again... OOC~ Thank you all.
Robin had logged in over thirteen hours ago and was now mildly aquainted with the surrounding area. She hoped Rayne would stay together better than her last from. Rayne had been in the training areas of the "Newbie zone" for the last hour, encountering low level monsters and testing her abilities. Rayne sheathed her sword and rubbed the back of her head. She should move on soon, considering that the monsters in this area had ceased to be challenging. She placed her hands on her hips and closed her eyes. A crashing sound came from behind her and she fluidly turned to face the possible threat. A light warrior collided violently with her and in her supprise, knocked her over. She shook her head and glared up at the person. Rayne: Excuse me... Where are you going in such a rush that you need to bowl people over? The male charecter looked down and shrugged apoligeticly. ??: I'm sorry, I didn't see you there... You blend in rather well... He gestured to her black clothes and smiled. ??: My name is Socrates. And you? Socrates offered her a hand and she accepted it and rose gracefully. Rayne: My name is Rayne. But, do tell me, where were you going? Socrates: No where really, but would you like to join me for a drink? It's the least I can do. Rayne nodded and turned with him as they walked into the town. It was beautiful an complex, the colors brilliant and the textures pleasing to the eye. He guided her to a respectable looking tavern and they sat down at a table. After ordering drinks and food, Socrates leaned forward, eager to talk to somone it seemed. He opened his mouth then closed it again as a new figure approached them.
I've invaded this section for too long... I shall retreat to the Rpgs I love. Bah... Raiha wanted a drawing of her sexy self, so i drew her shoving a wall on me. (it's bad too)
Rayne shoveled the cereal into her mouth hungrily. Manson gaped. She put down and stared back at him. Rayne: You look like a fish. Manson snorted and coffee came out his nose. Rayne fell out of her chair and scrambled away, laughing. Rayne: Sick!! I hate it when you do that! She shoves a wad of paper towels at him and laughs as he wipes his nose. Manson: You know, we haven't slept in... Thirty-four hours. Aren?t you tired? Rayne performs a sloppy back handspring and lands it gracelessly. Manson raises an eyebrow and walks towards her. Rayne yelps in fright and hightails it up the stairs, hearing his heavy black combat boots clomping up after her. A boot crashes between her shoulder blades and she goes down, hitting the floor with a loud thump. Manson pounces on her and pins her shoulders to the floor. Rayne: Cheap. Manson stuck out his tongue and goosed her as he got up. She snarled and clutched the spot he pinched her indignantly. Rayne: If you weren?t the guy I was living with... I'd- Manson: You'd what? She leaned up an kissed him gently, then stepped back, blushing furiously... Rayne: I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to presume... Things have changed and I bet you have a gir- Her words were cut short as he tenderly pressed his mouth to hers. Her eyes widened and her muscles tensed. She relaxed slowly and closed her eyes, enjoying the brief intimacy. He released her. Manson: You have twenty seconds to hide... Surprised, Rayne fled, laughing.
Rayne slumped to the floor, blood running from her nose. Rayne: *******. You really need to learn not to be such a dick all the time. She accepted the hand to help her up and when the boy turned away, she landed a quick kick to his hind side. She stuck her tongue out when he glared at her, then laughed at him as he swept her up, tickling her mercilessly. Rayne: Manson! Lemme down! She gasped and giggled as he found the spot on her ribs and howled at him to stop. Tomas Kurier, also known as Manson, was Rayne?s favorite person. She asked to live with him about a month ago now and to her horror, was forcing her to go to school! She scowled at the thought then gasped at her pined her to the floor. Manson: I win! Your at my mercy! MUHAHAHAHA! Rayne: You jerk! You cheated?. Manson eyed her skeptically. Suddenly, Rayne?s hand darted out to seize his long black hair. Rayne: HA! Now who?s at whose mercy? She laughed manically and let go, climbing to her feet. Rayne helped him up and smiled as she went into the kitchen. Rayne: Want some food? Manson: Ramen! Rayne rolled her eyes. Rayne: Is it ever anything else? She rummaged in a cabinet and set the water to boil
[I]Robin stepped cautiously over the bodies sprawled in the hall. The lure of drugs had been particularly strong today... Or was it yesterday? She shrugged and continued out the door. Pausing she returned inside to make the necessary corrections to her smudged makeup. Robin walked through the alleys towards her apartment, hopping fences and skirting gang hangouts. Her muscles were tense and she fingered the switch blade in her pocket. She didn't want to have to use it tonight. As if on cue, a pale arm reached from the shadows and dragged her into the doorway. She was slammed into the wall and a mouth tasting of cheap whisky was pressed to hers. Robin?s eyes widened in panic and scratched, punched and pinched at the muscled body pressed to hers. The man slammed her into the wall again and she felt her head crack loudly against it. She moaned in pain against the mouth. Robin shuddered in disgust as she felt his tongue force it's way past her lips, moving like some demented giant slug. Robin abandoned caution to the wind and brought her knee up as hard as she could into his crotch. Shoving him back, she broke away as he doubled over. Sprinting for all she was worth, Robin flew past startled passerby and into the double doors of her apartment building. She didn't stop until she had locked her door. She sagged down against the door and shivered uncontrollably. Drawing her knees up to her chest, she pressed her face into them and began to cry. Wracking sobs shook her body as she cursed the city and all within it's boundaries. The tears subsided and she looked up, greeted by the softly glowing computer screen. She nodded to herself and got up, moving jerkily to the chair. The World would help her forget this one... It always did. And it would be nice to see her friends. She brightened. She had just finished downloading Azure Sea. Perhaps she would meet some new people... [/I]
Psh. Ment to post this way earlier. Name: Rayne Anmell Character Base: Light warrior Weapons: Katana, Dirk Appearance: A shock of neon blue hair sprouts from the wild mane of darkness that is cut short to somwhat tame it's desheavled apperance. A rounded face sporting full lips and hazy grey eyes, heavly out lined in black eyeliner its partially obscured by the long blue chunk of hair. Light black cotton pants run down to the top of her tall black combat boots, built for wear and tear, not for style. Her longsleaved black shirt is pinned down by segmented dark blue armor. Her body is well built and adorned with scars from fighting. Sex: Female ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Robin Powell Age: 17 Occupation/School level: Year 11, Works as a dishwasher on sundays. Location: L.A. Calafornia, USA Biography: Robin is a nobody. A goth in a large city, she blends in with the masses. She has a crappy job at the local bar and is a herioin addict. She's been trying to break the habit for several years now, and is just starting to come off it. Gaming was one of the only ways she could escape the life she hated so much. When 'Azure Sea' was released, she was unsure of it because of all the reports. Finally, she got it and quickly forgot aboug the danger. Personality: Robin is unstable, insucure and slightly insane. She Hardly feels pain anymore, and relishes the release it brings for her. Dispite this, she is strong willed when it comes to her free will. She shows this side while playing in the system. Interests: Reading, drawing, drinking, drugs, sex, fighting. Anything to get her away from the pain of reality.
Thanks. Yea, Your right Piro. If I ever find the time, I'll post the original. I gotcha Ginny. *talks like that too much for her own good*
My first relitivly correct self portrait in a long time. My hair isn't quite that blue. I was listening to depressing music and just did it. It was all black and white at first, then I tweaked it and now it looks like crap. *shruggs* Photoshop and myself don't get along well.
Hm. Name: Rayne Amnell Nickname: Ray, Stormy Age: 18 Appearance: A shock of neon blue hair sprouts from the wild mane of darkness that is cut short to somwhat tame it's desheavled apperance. A rounded face sporting full lips and hazy grey eyes, heavly out lined in black eyeliner its partially obscured by the long blue chunk of hair. Heavy black baggy pants with multiple rips and snags sport as little as five chains at a time. They cover tall black combat boots, built for wear and tear, not for style. Her shirt is longsleaved and backless, except for the ragged strips of fabric connecting the sides. It shows off the intricate tatoo of a black wolfs head that blends into a mountain surrounding that spreads down her arms and ends by wraping itself around her middle finger. The front proclaims "Toasted" in small blue letters. The back of her neck is pierced, along with her belly, eyebrow three times, left ear twice, right ear eight times, a ring through her lip, a ring in the right side of her nose attached to a fine chain that runs back to the bottom hoop of her righ ear. A barbell capped with a blue skull through her tounge completes the peircings.Her body is well built and adorned with scars from street fighting. She carries a hunting knife in her left boot, a small knife in a wist sheath and metal "nails" that fit snugly on the ends of her fingers and make for good weapons. (Note: This is what I look like in full regailia. With some alterations.) Character Sketch: Rayne considers herself a punk with intense mood swings. She has no morals and is an easy lier. She can mimic hand writing and voices to a certain extent. Rayne has a wild untamed nature. It's gotten her in trouble more than once, causing her to change schools frequently. She likes to play pranks and there is nothing she likes better than good and loud music. If it can be head banged to and you can'r understand half the lyrics, it's acceptable. She is sarcastic and pessimestic, seeing the worst in life and pointing it out in an obious way. Despite this, she makes friends easily and is considered insanly funny. It all goes over her head. And despite the fact that she dislikes most people and judges by first impressions, Rayne is a magnet for attention. If she stuck a "fnck off"sign to her back, people would flock to know the cause. So she tries to avoid new people and has recently adopted a cold outward sheild that is ineffective once broken. Rayne had a relitivly good life, but it was never bad enough for her. She felt undeserving of the warm feelings directed at her and ran away at the age of fourteen. She lived with friends or outside when she needed too, avoiding the cops and adoption a new identity and apperance. She is now finishing her last year in high school and hates it with a vengence.
Thanks Juu. *eyes her* You can have it... But touch the Toast shirt and I'll have to do battle with you. ^.^" No one touches the Toast shirt.
*whimpers* Double postage bad... I know. "Aiden" Is not an original Char. I stole him cause His personality went really well with the way he looks. His real name is Akuma and he's from a comic called watchers. After I read it I freaked about how well my char Rayne and he would gripe at one another so a made a comic about them. I started from the middle, of course. *rolls eyes*
This is why I don't draw in pen. My char turns all skinny lined. Bah.
Heh. Thanks. I might get to post some of the other ones I've done with my new killing mach- I mean... Friend. ^.^ Criticism is welcome... Like, for example, I screwed up on the "zipper". -.-" Looks like a backwards L. *laughs* Heres some art that I've done... I stole the gi and flames idea from another drawing... e.o
You look really... Scary in that picure. No offence. I'd give it a 7/10 It looks like you tried, and I can't draw in pen. Good job and keep it up. P.S. You might not want to draw the lines under your eyes, it looks like you haven't slept.
And my damn popcorn!! Behold. Me on a Sunday.
Rayne moved to his side and extended a hand. Rayne: C'mon... Up you come... You'll freeze if you sleep on the floor. She pulled him to his feet and smiled. Rayne lay back on the bed, pillowing her head on her hands. She watched the roof suspiciously, just waiting for water to drip on her forehead. She commented absently, not looking down from the roof. Rayne: It's going to rain tonight and I'm going to get wet. In all my years of coming to this inn, not one has been spent dry.
Rayne pushed open the door, the wind swirling in behind her. With out looking up, she evaded the tables and groping hands, her raven hair veiling her face. She slipped into a seat at the bar. Rayne: Long time no see, huh Keith... The bartender looked up. Keith: Oh... Hullo, Ray. How are you? Rayne: Dead! She laughed and he joined her. Keith: Still the same sense of humor. Would you like anything? Rayne: Anything strong... Keith: Alright... Hang on a moment will you? Rayne nods and brushes a strand of hair from her face. She tips back in her chair and stares at the rafters. Keith set a mug down in front of her. Keith: You seem diffrent... Changed. Rayne: Yea... A lot can happen in one year... She sighed and drank deeply from the mug. Her eyes opened wide and she coughed, coming forward and steing the mug down quickly. Rayne: Whoa... What is that? Keith smiled and held up a finger. Keith: Familly secret. Uh oh... You've got company. It looks mean... Rayne turned to face the "threat"
8.0 I like it, for all it fusterates the hell out of me. Things the move slowly and Siren don't mix. Oh, BTW. Is the one you have right now moving? O.o
The most disgusting display of human behavior mixed with gore was when my brother ran down a box of kittens with a 4-W.er. *shakes head* I also am repulsed when people get too intimate in public.
ACK!!! TOSHI!!! You know I'd never make your life [U]that[/U] miserable! Besides. I'm worse than you. My crush and I go home with lumps the size of eagle eggs and more bruises than I can count. *sweatdrops* Eh. If you had asked me and told me not to tease, I would have helped you. -.-" I'll ask him in my own devious ways if you'd like. God, I'm gonna feel like such an *** if your refering to school in england.
Rayne alighted on the stone platform, her head still spinning from the recent events. She smiled back at Alucard as he stepped off the train behind her. Rayne: I must return to my mothers grave, to complete my promise. If you wish to come with me, I will gladly accept your company. But, it seems more logical to me, to meet you at the small inn just down the road from the cemetary. I belive that it is the Two Forests Inn. I'll wait for you there. She turned and made her way down the street, pausing to buy two white lilys from a vendor on the roadside. A sudden gust of wind whipped her hair out of it's makeshift knot and her long black coat billowed in the breeze. She gently touched the black iron cast bars of the cemetary and they swung silently open. Her hand trembled, as the memorys of the night of their murder swept through her and chilled her to the marrow of her bones. She had never told anyone. She stepped tenativly forward, and the colors of the memory became vibrant and real. [I] Rayne pushed the door wider. The room had been ransaked. Blood sprayed the far wall. Rayne's eyes opened and she moved tenitivly into the room. Rayne: H.. Hello? Momma? Pappa? Where are you? She moved to the stair well and looked up it. A man lay mangled and sprawled across the stairs, a dark flower blossemed from the severed stump of his arm onto the carpet. Rayne's eyes went wide and she fell to her knees, retching. She finished and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. Standing shakily, Rayne braced herself aginst the stair well wall, and inched up the stairs past the unknown man, the smell of fresh blood, spilt bowels and vomit, making her fight to hold whatever was left in her stomach down. Once she passed the multilated body, she ran the last seven steps into her parents bedroom. Two more men lay dead in the hall outside, but she diden't pause to look. Bursting into the room, Rayne ran to her parents side... Her mother winced as she came closer, severly wounded and bleeding from a large gash in her stomache. It was all she could do to keep her organs from spilling out onto the floor. She opened her mouth feebly but no sound came out. She swallowed and tried again, the words cracking like old bricks. Rayne's Mother: Your.... Father.. Dead... Rayne's head came up, tears streaking down her face. Her mother put a weak restraining hand on her shoulder. Mother: Don't look... Rayne: Shhh, Momma... Don't speak... Rayne's mother smiled weakly and took Rayne's hand in hers. Mother: I'm dying, dear heart... I need you to leave Italy... The ones who did this to us will come after- She coughed and blood splattered Rayne's hand. Mother: You... I don't want you to get hur-.... She relaxed and slipped to the side, her grip on Rayne coming loose and her hand thunking to the floor. Rayne stood silently and moved out of the room. She paused as a low moan came from her room. She walked towards it, her face emotionless. She threw open the door to see another unfamilliar man holding a bloody sheet around the stump of his hand. She strode to him and picked him up, throwing him bodily across the room. He hit the wall and slid to the floor. Rayne hauled him up. Clentching her teeth, she shook him like a dog worrying a rope toy. Rayne: Who authorized this attack? She shook him again when he diden't respond fast enough. Rayne: TELL ME! The man sputtered a name. Rayne glared at him. Man: I... I don't know!! I took my orders from Malachie. You already found him if you came up the stairs. He smirked. Man: I don't know anymore than that. You won't get your precious revenge. He laughed madly. Man: Although your mother was a good sport in bed! He tipped his head back and roared with laughter. Rayne's eyes narrowed and sher flung him through the window, to his death, seven stories below. She turned from the broken window and collapsed, crying herself to sleep.[/I] Rayne stood before the grave, a black stone angel, wings and arms spread wide, as if to welcome their souls. Tears coursed down her face, and she gently tossed the lilys infront of the marble pedastal on which the angel stood. Rayne: I miss you... She turned and stuck her hands in her pockets, making for the inn across the street.
Name: Rayne Amnell Breed: Lupus Age: 21 Gender: Female Auspice: Ahroun Weapons: A pair of Sai and a Whip. Physical description: In wolf form Rayne is an ebon creature, formed of shadow, with the gray tips on her paws, ears and tail as if daubing in the mist had colored her. In human form ivory skin, and charcoal hair waving gently to the middle of her back. Amber eyes, alight with the intelligence of the wolf curled inside her, shine brightly in the fading light. She wears a loose black tank top tucked slightly into tight figure hugging black jeans. [url]http://www.anime-genesis.com/pics/html/angel/angel04.shtml#[/url] Bio: Born into wolf form, Rayne has a wild untamed nature. It's gotten her in trouble more than once, causing her to change schools frequently. The last time she settled, a man was killed, the only witness claimed that a large black animal killed him. She moved again, and this time, she prayed that things would be different. A warrior at heart, Rayne strives to protect the tribe. She fights with a fierce determination. Tribe: Black Fury
Rayne looked down. Rayne: I suppose I'm being too forward, But subility has never been my greatest trait... She looked up as the man sat down beside Alucard. She raised an eyebrow, then sent a glare his way that would scorch the hair form a person. She glowered as he refused to take the hint. Leaning back, Rayne sighed an looked out the window at the decelerating landscape. She brushed a strand of ebon hair from her face and it settled defiantly back into place. She bit her lip quietly. Rayne: I'm... Sorry if I was.. Presumptious... I'm not always that blunt... A garnet drop of blood welled from the spot on her lip that her teeth had snagged.
Name: Rayne DaNasty Family: DaNasty Weapon: Shurrikens, Throwing knife, Dagger, Spiral Edge Leg Armor: Leather Boots Armor: Atlas Armor Skills: Backflip, Dash, Climb Bio: Born and raised in Italy, Rayne made an a living lifting things from people. She was removed from her home on the charge of a bloody murder of a young girl. Sentenced to life in a dingy prision, Rayne murdered her guards. She escaped and has been wandering in England for the last 6 years. Every year she returns to her parents grave to place a single white lily on their final resting place. Appearance: Standing at 5'7", Rayne is stunning in a dark way. Long black hair curls gently to her waist and her hazel eyes watch you with a quiet intensity. [url]http://www.anime-genesis.com/pics/html/angel/angel04.shtml#[/url]