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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. Siren reved her bike and tore out onto the street. She dodged cars and peds, intent on her goal of getting to her friend Cory's house. She had talked with Seth about the owl, which she now had stuffed into her jacket, and he had said that Cory had been over looking for her. He was notorious for snooping and she thought this was just another one of his pranks. She groaned inwardly as the cars began to block up. She grit her teeth and her eyes glinted behind her black helmet. She was going to be late for that damned party that her parents had insisted on. She did like parties, when they included loud music and moshing. Alcohol was a nice touch too. This one had alcohol. In the form of wine. She moved in between the lanes, picking up speed again as the colorful metal of the cars flashed only inches to either side of her. She checked her watch. 10:04. As she drove by a large black truck, she caught a snatch of Dead Bodies Everywhere by Korn. She grinned. At least not everyone around here had a bad taste in music.
  2. Siren poked her head out of the doorway. Siren: What? You're depriving me of my fun? Her face turned down into a pout and Rae and to stifle a laugh with one hand. Siren immedietly brightened. Siren: Oh well. I can play in his blood then. The man's face blanched and he began babbling. Siren made a face and claped a hand over his mouth. Siren: Sh. You talk too fast. Now relax and tell us exactly and truthfully what you know... OOC: Raiha asked me to pass on that she's "On this sucky restriction that doesn't allow me to do very much, but yeah. I'm sure we'll fix eventually." M hm. So she'll be back. I hope... >.<
  3. Siren woke groggily. She looked at the clock and groaned. Two hours of sleep. Again. Rolling off the bed, Siren staggered to the bathroom and stripped the black night shirt over her head. She turned on the water and steped into the steeming waterfall. She washed her hair and body quickly then seized the towel hanging just outside the shower. Wraping herself into the black folds, she walked back into her room. Looking around, she noticed somthing. Siren strode to her dresser. Someone had knocked over Mr. Fluffy. She picked up the black stuffed owl and cuddled it. She then tuned and stormed out of the room, clad only in a towel. Siren: SETH!!! YOU WERE IN MY ROOM AGAIN! She strode down the hall, rage eminateing off her in waves. Siren: I'll kill him... She fumed at his door then kicked it open. There he was, lounging aginst the wall and smirking. Seth: You don't expect to win in that do you? She looked down then blushed furiously. Siren: You were in my room. Seth: No... I wasen't... Siren: Yes, you were! You knocked over Mr. Fluffy! His eyebrows drew together in confusion. Seth: I haven't been in your room in days. Siren blinked. Her brother, for all his eighteen year old faults, was not a lier. She turned and moved silently back to her room.
  4. Siren moved in siniously and stuffed a strip of her dress into his mouth. Siren: Jaudiar? Jaudiar: Siren. No. Siren: Aw... Please? Jaudiar sighed and looked from the quailing man to Siren's hopefull face. Jaudiar: But you don't have your stuff... Do you? Siren sighed... Siren: No... But usualy any old garden shed materials will work... Jaudiar gave her a startled look. Siren smiled and turned away. Siren: I'll give you a minuate to think of it... If he dosen't tell you anything, and you decide that torture isn't a good idea... Kill him before I get back... The man whimpered and she strode back in the way they came. Siren moved towards the bar, and ordered a drink. As she sipped it, a man seated himself next to her. He ordered a beer and turned to her. Man: So... You havin fun? His breath smelled like alcohol and he leaned in, his hand sliding up her leg. Siren looked distainfully at him. Siren: Well... I was... Man: We could always find a nice *hic* quiet room and I could help ya with your problem... The man hiccuped again and his fingertip slid under the edge of her skirt. Siren leaned forward, grimaceing at the smell of him. She pulled a knife from her boot top and pressed the razor sharp blade next to his balls. Siren: Now stay still, or you'll loose somthing really important... She pushed the blade aginst his thigh, drawing a hairline of blood. Siren: Stand up with me... Slowly... He stood, confusion painted on his face... Siren: Hands off. He dropped his hands... Siren: That's better... Good night. She grabbed him and twisted visciously. He screamed, dropped to the floor and began to writhe in pain... Siren stepped over him to finish her drink...
  5. Name: Siren Kojia Age: 26 Description: Standing at 5'11'', Siren is tall and lithe. She is well muscled with a good figure. She has amber eyes and onyx hair. Her hair is plaited into hundreds of tiny braids and capped in silver and held back be a burgandy tie. She wears a short ripped black t-shirt and black baggy pants. At the start- Long red dress, split to the hip with tight black leather pants underneath. Personality: Siren is agressive and tempermental. She rebels aginst everything her parents want her to be. History: Siren is the daughter of a pair of wealthy business investors, and hates it... Everything in her life is dedicated to proving to them that she wasn't their little girl anymore. She finished collage and is now working as a waitress at a local bar. Vehicle: [url]http://www.divebali.com/bali/bigpic_suzuki_tl_1000_cc.jpg[/url] Anything else of note: Siren is a kickboxer.
  6. Siren?s eyes fluttered open and she inhaled the scents of the candle lit room. Cinnamon, tinged with orange, Nikolas?s favorite smells. Suddenly it occurred to her that the smell of her earlier cooking was absent. In its place was the corrosive odor of blood. Siren got up and moved towards the door. The smell got stronger and the carpet under her bare feet became damp and dark. She made a face, but tried the knob. It was locked. Frantic pounding from the other side, accompanied by a high-pitched scream startled her into motion. She backed away from the door, stumbling over her long black dress, which, now that she noticed, she didn?t remember putting on. ?Ni?Nikolas?? It was almost a whisper. ?Nikolas?? She started to panic. Whoever, or whatever, was on the other side of that door wanted out. ?Nikolas!? She screamed, turning to slam into a dark mass. Siren screamed again and a paleface, creased with concern, lowered itself into her view. ?Nikolas!? She pressed against him, sobbing into his shirt. His hands smoothed her tousled hair and he murmured to her reassuringly. Her tears slowly subsided and she began to scold him for scaring her. Nikolas?s light tenor laugh cut through her complaints easily. He guided her back to the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled up at him. ?This is your surprise?? She looked up at him, trust shining from her eyes. ?Yes.? He kissed her passionately, bearing her down to the bed. She moaned quietly as his lips moved down to her throat. His hands caressed her neck and back, trailing along her sides. Siren tilted her head back, and Nikolas?s fangs slid into her jugular vein. Breath rushed in and out of her lungs as the vampire drained her of the sweet burgundy life rushing through her veins. Her eyes closed and rolled up into her head as the relaxing effects of the vampiric salvia began to take hold. A sharp pain brought her suddenly and painfully to her senses. He was holding he too tightly. Feebly, Siren tried to push Nikolas away. ?Ni?Nikolas?? She stammered ?S... Stop! You?re hurting me!? Weakness washed over her like a wave over the sand. Siren began to panic and struggle in his hold. His mind brushed hers and he spoke reassuringly. He squeezed her throat and she clawed at them, unable to breathe. ?No?? She managed to choke one word out? He let her go and she fell back, gasping? He pulled his mouth away, blood running down his chin. ?Your mad.? ?I know? Delightful? Isn?t it.? He laughed and plunged his fangs back into her neck. She screamed and clutched at his shoulders. She screamed again, and everything went black. Nikolas sat up, wiping the blood from his lips. He smiled at the girl sprawled across the black sheets. His eyes ate in the sight of the black satin dress covering her paling skin, and the tinge of rosy blood painting her lips. A lilting voice behind him caused him to turn. ?So? You plan to turn her?? ?Kristopher? Get out.? ?You?ll just drop her once another catches your fancy.? Kristopher advanced and gazed down at the prone form lying on the bed, a rosy kiss staining her neck. ?She?s beautiful.? He brushed a strand of ebony hair from her face. ?Most exquisite.? ?She?s mine!? Kristopher sighed. ?She won?t be once she awakes.? ?How can you possibly know?? ?She?ll never trust you again.? ?Get out.? ?Very well, Brother of mine.? Kristopher turned and faded into the shadows. A black vase holding white roses crashed into the spot where Kristopher?s head had been. ?Meddlesome Twin? Always poking his nose into affairs that don?t concern him. Someday, he will get it cut off.? Nikolas brought his hand to his mouth. He cut the pale skin of his wrist with one pearly fang and crimson blood welled from the wound. He pulled the dying girl into his arms. She moaned and he smeared the blood across her lips. He commanded. One pale hand left it?s motionless spot on the bed and reached up to grip the wrist offered, bringing it to her mouth. Nikolas?s head tipped back and his lips parted in a snarl. Siren drank deeply, the grip she had on his wrist becoming painful. Suddenly, she let go. With a cry, she threw herself away from him and curled up around the blinding pain in her midsection. A scream tore from her throat and Nikolas gathered her to himself, murmuring to her softly. ?Your body is dying. Soon you will be stronger and faster then you were in your mortal life. You will also have powers linked to the Vampiric race, such as the ability to travel by shadows as my dear twin demonstrated. And you can forget everything you were told about the weaknesses of this race. We are immune to sunlight, but the bright light of the noonday sun will hurt your eyes. You will have a faint reflection, and depending on how much of forever you live your unlife, it will grow fainter. Garlic will bother you only because your sense of smell will be twenty times that of a bloodhound. Holy water and crossed will have no effect unless wielded by a true believer. Mind over matter, as they say. Silver will not burn you. See? I myself wear a silver cross. If someone hammers a stake through your heart, you will be immobilized for a short time. But it is wiser not to play with humans, hammers, or stakes. Now the effects will begin to wear off and you will be able to stand.?
  7. Siren tugged at the bottom of the small curve hugging silk dress... Siren: And I look like a slut... I thought you'd never manage to get me back into this thing... Jaudiar laughed Jaudiar: You look fine... Siren glowered... Siren: It has no sides!!! It's almost as bad as yours!! I thought I woulden't have to play the suduction game anymore... Jaudiar: Stop complaining... You love it... She grumbled and moved to check the weaponry... Jaudiar laughed... Siren: Oh ha, ha... ([url]http://www.glitterina.com/images/8989L.jpg[/url] - the dress)
  8. Yea... *glares at collective people* they be evil... >.< Made meh mess up!! *coughes* Alright. I'm done... Yes, "Nim" You do need some work... I'll drill you at school tomarrow.. Thanks for all the feedback, guys... ~Lata
  9. I expected somthing a bit harsher so... That's good... Oh... I forgot to mention... Silly Siren... I put these up for a special reason... My math teach stole them and so I rummaged through her desk after school until I found them... The lesson is... MATH TEACHER SUCK!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  10. *Stares blankly* I think I missed that... *looks puzzled* Now I feel stupid...
  11. Heh... Thanks... O.o... Personally... I think they suck ***...
  12. *Collective gasps* Triple post! Naughty! This is... *tilts head* Well I'm working on that part...
  13. Ack double post... >.< This is Shyguy... Everyone wave
  14. We've all done 'em... Here are mine This one is the one I drew while thinking about that spar that I still need to post in... O.o
  15. Siren stood and staggered out of the room... Blood matted her hair and ran in rivulets down her pale face... She moved forward, past Tifa and the others... Tifa: Siren! What are you doing?! Look out! The warning had come too late, as Lethe's fist connected solidly with her jaw... Siren's knees buckled and she fell to her knees... Her hand flew out and touched Lethe lightly... A pulsing red light surrounded the two women and Siren accessed Lethe's limit break, Silver Noose... Time slowed the the pulse of the light sped up... It exploded in fragments And Siren and Lethe froze, captured by the binding affects of the accessed attack... Scenes played in the her mind... Blaze falling, the location of where he hit, Sephiroth's blindingly green eyes... All the colors swirled together and then went black again...
  16. Siren winced as the lash cracked across her back once again... ???: Tell us the truth! Siren sighed... Siren: I was... Picking mushrooms for the local druggies convention... The lash snapped again and she winced as more blood flowed down her back... Siren: You know... This is my favorite shirt... I do hope you'll buy me a new one... ???: Enough of your futile talk... I'm done trying to convince you to spill... Siren sighed Siren: Well... It's been fun, but I have an appointment to keep... She lunged at the guard, took the katana from him and gutted the man... She sliced the ropes around her wrists and decapatated the man holding the whip... Siren: Now... If I was a noble... Where would I cower?
  17. Siren blinked once and turned away from Blaze... There was a whispering in the corner of her mind... Siren: Lethe... She muttered and stood, walking to the womans room as if asleep... She knocked on the door, and when no one awnsered she slid open the door and stepped inside... Siren's eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and the whispering grew louder... she took a hesitant step forward, and stopped whrn she saw the figure of Lethe curled in the corner... Siren: ... Lethe... Don't... Listen to him... Her eyes clouded over... Siren: He will use you to his own ends.... Don't listen... She staggered forward and fell to her knees beside her... She placed a hand on Lethe's elbow and the voive amplified... "Come..." Siren felt a force tugging at her, pulling her away from the floor of the ship. Away from the solid reality on the Highwind... Then everything was black... She could still feel Lethe's arm under her hand... Siren: Lethe... Where ar- "You... I did not summon you..." Siren looked up at a figure looming out of the shadows, into a pair of burning green eyes... Siren: NOO!!! There was a flash of silver and a loud crack as her head hit the floor of Lethe's room...
  18. Siren sat in a dark corner of her room, plauged by thoughts of the past... Her body shook and she wrapped her well muscled arms around her knees... Her entire existance had been devoted to hunting down and slaughtering Sephiroth... By all rights, she should be going with the others... Only, she coulden't force her light dazed body to move... She stared out the window at the true blue sky... It at been so long... The last time she saw the light of day was the day Sephiroth attacked them... She ran her fingers along and jagged scar across her throat... What she woulden't have given to slaughter the silver haired demon... She shook the thoughts of murder and hatred from her mind... She stood, her cloak falling from her shoulders to form an inky pool of darkness at her feet... Her pale skin looked to be lit from the inside with a cold silver fire... Her ebony hair spilled down her back, stopping just short of her thin waist... Her hands were like pale spiders, clutching her shoulders... The scar was obscured by a black scarf, wrapped around her neck... Amber eyes peered out from behind stray strands of her raven hair... She slipped down the stairs, barefoot in her decision to step into the light once again... At the door of the inn she hesitated and looked back... It wasen't too late to return to the dark saftey of her room... Banishing that thought, Siren stepped into the light and threw her arms up, blinded by the bright day all around her... Tears squeezed through her tightly shut lids and she blinked them away, slowly lowering her arms... A hand on her shoulder caused her to turn and blink away the spots left in her eyes...
  19. I have no problem with age diffrences... I have a habit of liking people older that me, because I find that others my age are usualy immature and worry too much about social status... *Sigh* My parents, however, have problems with me bringing home people in their 20's... They stopped caring now, because I've proved that I don't give a damn what they think... And my dad is disowning me anyways for dying my hair black... *Sweatdrop* My mom is about 27 years older than my step father and I don't complain about that... o.O"
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] "Children Crying Cast out and neglected Only in a world so cold, only in a world this cold. Hold the hand of your best friend Look into their eyes, and watch them drift away Some might say we've done the wrong things For way to long, for way to long. " Song title/Band name/Albumname [/B][/QUOTE] [color=orangered]MUHAHAHAHA!!! MUDVEYN RULEZ!!!! World so cold/Mudveyn/the end of all things to come Mine: "Walking through sticks using walking sticks, I've stuck to this so long, What I feel is do hard to deal, So I say so long Same as yesterday confused Mine is the empty jar, the empty!! What you see, It isn't always Isn't always And what you belive It isn't always Isn't always" Have at it... Good luck[/color]
  21. *Points out that he is a junior member now* Eh... I really have nothing relevent to say... I'll leave now
  22. *pokes Desbreko* Happy are we? Lol... I think Sara is right... The voting is better... Maybe... We should have somthing for each area like member of the month/week...
  23. [COLOR=orangered]OOC: I've... Been PM'd... IC: [I]Siren sighed and pulled her hood up more, casting a shadow over her sad amber eyes... Under the long black cloak, Siren was wearing more black... Her pants were made of strong cotton, allowing her movement to be unrestricted... A black silk tank top served as a top and two leather bandoilers cris-crossed her chest, strapping the two formidible sabers to her back... The black grained leather hilts protruded from two slits cut the the cloak... Siren slipped up to the door of the inn she had stayed at a few other times in the past... The owner, Tifa, was polite and always respected her wish for privacy... She entered the bar, wondering if anyone was still up... Soft voices came from the direction of the bar and Siren moved towards them, receding farther into the protective darkness of her hood... Two men sat at the table, one had his back to her and she stopped several feet behind him, noding to the taller of the two as he noticed her... Her voice was slightly husky, as if somthing had damaged her throat many years before... A thin scar wound it's way around her neck, ending just below her right ear... However, her voice still retained the sugar coated threating tone she had adopted in her years alone... It got her point through and discouraged unwanted conversation...[/I] Siren: I'm sorry to bother you so late, but is Tifa around? [I]She produced a pouch and tossed it onto the counter...[/I] Siren: I need to see her about a room for the day... She knows who I am... It shoulden't be too much trouble...[/COLOR]
  24. Siren yelped and snagged the fist sized crystal before it hit the ground... A book landed on her head and she groweled menacingly... Siren: Rinalph... He looked down sheepishly... Rinalph: Sorry Siren... She sneezed and stalked back to her original position... Siren: Anyways... Nepenthe, where is the Blue Mage now? Do you know? She toyed with the crystal, it's smooth surface clicking aginst her claws...
  25. *peeks around the corner* I deserve your wrath oh great one... *slinks in a posts her sign up* Name: Siren Kojia Age: 23 Sex: Female Appearance: [url]http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/zone/...oss_ep.jpg.html[/url] with longer hair Bio: Siren (is completely brain dead and in a rush) Weapon: Twin scimitairs Armor: Leather Accessory: Silver ring Materia: Fire, Elemental Spells: Ice, Cure2, Fire3 Limit Breaks: 1a: Inferno (Surrounds enemy and swords in flame, dashes forward and sinks swords into enemys chest) 1b: Recall (Accesses all of the opponents attacks and chooses obne to use aginst them) 2b: Teeth of the Wind (attacks rapidly with both swords) That was crap... -.-" Mybe I'll fix it if I have the time
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