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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. Awww... But but... I wanted to eat him... O.o... *Twitches* Ignore that... Oh... and just to clarify? I'm against our "arrogant, egotistical, self-righteous, untolerant of other peoples opinions, super opinionated, always has to be right, annoying ba§tard" friend Cloricus...
  2. Hm... I wonder if Raven put me on the list... I did pm her... *sighs* I swear, I need one sign up sheet with everything you'd ever need to know on it about Siren... Typing the same thing over and over gets annoying... Name: Siren Kojia Race: Vampire Class: Warrior Alignment: Chaotic netural Weaponry & Armor: A katana, and several assorted daggers, hide armor Desc: [url]http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/zone/m/i/miwang/faithross_ep.jpg.html[/url] with longer hair Bio: Siren is an assassin who grew to hate the arrogent would be dictators of the time... She was born in a small town off the coast and grew up as a unwanted child... After she killed her parents she was taken under the wing of one of the more difficult vampires of that time... After being changed, Siren hunted arrogent, control freaks and when Cloricus was mentioned to her, she gladly joined the war.
  3. Siren slipped into the water, a slight smirk on her face... Siren: Nepenthe... How nice to see you here... I see you're still as... She glanced to the door, then to the outside, then to the rod lying by her side... Siren: Violent? As always... She smiled, her pale lips parting in the unfamilliar gesture, to make it more like a action of bearing one's teeth, then a smile... She laughed and waited for the greeting Nepenthe would give
  4. Name: Siren Kojia Starr Race: Vampyre (Refer to The Darkangel by Meredith Ann Pierce) Age: 179 Bio/History: (Seeing as I've already made it O.o... I'll keep this short) Siren was created long ago by her brother, Serric. She Appears to be 20. She has lived in solititude with her brother for the past one hundred years, and just discovered a way to create a way to be able to walk in sunlight. However, the formula requires some dealing that Siren is not capeable of and decided to make a call to an old rival. Description: Long black hair plaited into many tiny braids, burgandy silk shirt and durable black cotton pants. She has deep golden eyes and pale icy skin. Ebony wings sprout from her shoulder blades. Equipment: Two long black katanas, three concealed daggers and a thin dirk strapped to the indise of her left wing Reason for being at The Post: To resupply her self with the potion that renders her immune to sunlight (I hate work... I'll try to finish it up later)
  5. Siren bounded over, a big stupid grin plastered all over her face... Siren: Who be they? Jenica: Siren... Help the girl will you? Oh... And I don't suggest eating that grape... Siren dropped it as fast as she had picked it... Giving her a scandolizied look, Siren scampered over to Latina's side... Siren: Rinalph! C'mere... I could use some help... She looked to Jenica... Siren: Where do you want us to put them? And should I find that stuff you keep in the cubbord for hangovers? Siren glanced at Laitina... Siren: By the looks of it... She'll need it
  6. Siren dropped into the room via the vent... Right behind her a tall sandy haired man droped beside her... Siren: Behold... The remmants of the Kojia familly... This is Serric... The man's green eyes glittered dangerously and Siren threw a companionable arm about his shoulders... The commander blinked and his mouth dropped open... Commander: You brought Serric Kojia into the headquarters... Siren: Mm hm... Commander: The one you were sent to kill over two years ago... Siren: Yes sir... Now... He's here to help us, so I won't have you tryin to get him behind bars till after this is over and he has a head start... The commander glared bullets at her and Siren gulped and turned to Serric... Siren: Brother of mine... I belive I may have to join you... She pulled a pitious face and Serric raised one sandy eyebrow... Siren giggled and turned to the others... Siren: Jaudiar, Liam... Fill me in?
  7. Siren setteled onto Rinalph's shoulder and popped a grape into her mouth.. Siren: What did she tell me to do? She ate another grape and hopped down... Siren melted into her human form and draped herself across a warm rock, soaking up the warmpth of the sun... A foot prodded her... She swiped at it playfully... It dumped her onto the ground... Siren looked up into Nepenthe's eyes... Siren: What'd ya do that for? Nepenthe: I told you to watch Rinalph... Siren: You did? Nepenthe: On your feet, lazy arse... Siren grumbles but stands and brushes herself off...
  8. What do you do when someone starts on you? Use a verbal whip... If they take it farther than insults I'm not above brawling... As sad as it is to say it... What's your style of fighting? Snatches of anything I can use... I'll resort to swinging a big stick if it will help me gain ground... What would you do if you walked past a group of people beating up another group? Wade in and knock heads together... I abhor Gang fights and will get myself hurt trying to knock sense into people... I have the habit of finding a fight when I'm depressed... Usually my brother, seeing as he beats me senseless every time... I, unfortunately, love to fight... But I refuse to start anything bigger than a verbal war... I hate when people attack someone weaker than them and I have no reservations about dolling out pain when I think it's needed
  9. Siren stood as Nepenthe landed... Siren: Have fun? Nepenthe: Tons... Siren: You look a little... Cold... Nepenthe gave her a piercing glare and Siren dropped the subject quickly... Siren: Here... I've made some food... Yours went cold... She offered the still steaming meat to Nepenthe... Siren: Where's our guest? Nepenthe: The blue mage? Siren noddes and began wolfing the food... Nepenthe made a face, but said nothing being used to the female spynx's bad table manners... Nepenthe: You know... There is enough here to survive a ten season famine... You don't need to stuff yourself flightless... Siren ignored her... This had been an argument for quite sometime...
  10. Siren: Careful... If your not careful, your face will stick like that... She reached out and seized Sil's tounge and gave it a sharp tug... Siren: I'm gonna go streatch my wings... She waved and turned away... Sprinting from the room, Siren burst outside... She dashed into the trees and removed her shirt... The last time she had to rush it she wrecked it... She untied the linen bandangages and her ebony wings streatched to the sky...
  11. Siren swore and stalked out of the cave after her, tail twitching... Siren: I suppose Nepenthe had her reasons... But this? She shook her head... Siren: I need to talk to her... I don't suppose you'll tell me where she is... But I'll track her... She paced restlessly... She cracked her back and streatched her wings... Jenica: Wait... Siren turned and fixed her with one piercing amber eye...
  12. Siren: MUHAHAHAHAHA!!! She whips a pillow at Rae and doges the one thrown at her by Jaudiar... Siren: Neh!!! My favorite past time... She throws herself at Jaudiar and begins attempting to beat her with a pillow... It rips and feathers fly... Siren collapes and begins to giggle helplessly... What she'd give to see the look on adams face if he walked into the the feathery warzone... A feather gets into her mouth and she sputters wildly... Siren: Help!! *cough* Murder!! *sputter* Death by tickling!! Rae and Jaudiar attack her prone form and she laughs, inhaling even more feathers
  13. That was... Strange... I think it could have been longer though...
  14. Ok... This is the story of my vampire counterpart, Siren... It's my first story in a long time so if it's not the best don't grind me too hard... I'm workin on it... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Siren sat up, the bright light of the morning sun streaming in her window... She breathed in, happy to be alive... She stood and crept lightly across the floor as not to wake her little brother... Her nightgown billowed around her legs like a bank of mist as she crept to the chest at the foot of her bed... She opened it and drew out a pair of black leather trousers and a burgandy tanktop... While it wasen't taboo to show so much skin and form, it was frowned upon... Siren tied her raven black hair back and lept from the window into the silent garden below... She raced down to the rock the was the marker for half a mile left into town... She perched upon it, excidedly awaiting the arrival of Nikolas... Familliar cool hands slipped around her waist and she turned her face up to be kissed... Nikolas obliged willingly, kissing her with a firey passion that entranced her body and snared her all too human soul... Siren let herself be lifted down... "It's my birthday today you know..." She giggled as he kissed her again... "How could I forget?" Nikolas was a man most girls would love to call their own... With chiseled features, pale skin and midnight hair, he was the perfect image of a fallen angel... "Where are you taking me?" She asked innocently... "To my place for a while... I want to set up somthing special for you..." He opened the door of his house and led the girl inside... "I'll be right back... Make yourself at home..." He went outside and Siren busied herself with making food... Soon the smells of cooking filled the empty house... She set it out on the table then raced upstairs and flung herself on the bed to wait for him... She fell slowly to sleep om the black comforter and hours passed like the snow flakes drifting softly outside the window... ~to be continued~
  15. Human- Name: Siren Kojia Age: 26 Bio: Siren is a moody merc. who works for the highest bidder... A strong and sure assassin, she resembles a poision flower, stunning but deadly to the touch... She isen't below using her looks to get the job done and is quite an accomplished lier... She can out drink most men and can out brawl them too... A perfect marksman with a knife, she is one you don't turn your back on... Appearance: [url]http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/zone/m/i/miwang/shin_assassin.jpg.html[/url] (- the Tatoos and gun with longer hair*) Ninja- Ninja Magic: Wind Ninja Colors (2): Black and Red
  16. I thought I signed up for this... Maybe not... Is it too late to join? Name: Siren Starr Kojia Age: 17 Gender: Female Nationality: UK Powers: Archangels Weapons: Sai History: Siren was the perfect daughter, her grades, her addititude and her life were always the best... Then her parents died in a shooting just south of the city she lived in... She took her brother, Serric, to Los Angeles... There she worked at a bar to keep him safe and educated... She became a hired hand, working however she could for anyone who would pay her price... Description: [url]http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/zone/m/i/miwang/faithross_ep.jpg.html[/url] Personality: Siren is rowdey, hard working and very protective of her little brother Serric. She tries hard to cover her soft interior with cruel words and hard, cold eyes...
  17. General Awards Overall Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Male Otaku of the Year: [COLOR=orangered]Harlequin[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]Liamc2[/COLOR] Female Otaku of the Year: [COLOR=orangered]RAIHA![/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]Ravenstorture [/COLOR] Most improved Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Thread of the Year: Honorable Mention: Silliest Thread of the Year: Honorable Mention: Funniest Member: [COLOR=orangered]Dragon Warrior[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]DeathKnight[/COLOR] Silliest Username: Honorable Mention: Member most likely to be here in two years: [COLOR=orangered]TN[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]Rico[/COLOR] Avatar of the Year: [COLOR=orangered]Mitch[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: Signature of the Year: [COLOR=orangered]DeathKnight[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]Piro Munkie[/COLOR] Best Otaku Couple: [COLOR=orangered]Ravenstorture and Harlequin [/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]Piro and Asuka [/COLOR] Best looking Otaku: [COLOR=orangered]Arikel[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]Liam... or Voodoo... *can't decide*[/COLOR] Otaku clique of the Year: Honorable Mention: Best Newbie: Honorable Mention: Best Oldie: [COLOR=orangered]TN[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]Sephiroth[/COLOR] Best Otaku-Related site: [COLOR=orangered]Otaku artist[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]The many faces of otaku[/COLOR] Most likely to become a Staff Member: [COLOR=orangered]Raiha [/COLOR] Honorable Mention: Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Honorable Mention: Writer of the Year: Honorable Mention: Role-Player of the Year: [COLOR=orangered]Raiha[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]Liam[/COLOR] Brawler of the Year (sparring): [COLOR=orangered]Is there any question? Medra, by far [/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]Raiha[/COLOR] Role-Playing Game of the Year: [COLOR=orangered]Hv2[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer: Honorable Mention: Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Honorable Mention: Best Spriter: [COLOR=orangered]Warlock[/COLOR] Honorable Mention: [COLOR=orangered]Smokey Joe[/COLOR] I'll add as I decide...
  18. GAVERS!!! Why diden't you tell me about this... And yes I just called you gavers infront of people... Name: Siren Magic Type: Shadow Type: Vampire Picture: *points down* The girl in the banner! Effect One: Well... I bite... Effect Two: And erm... I command the shadows!!! *makes Liams shadow bite him in the butt*
  19. I would... Just because life is pointless enough... Why make my bad day yours?
  20. It's still not workin... *curses loudly* Em... Send it to me Gavin will ya?
  21. Siren launched herself at Jaudiar and ducked as her fist breezed over her head in a fast return swing... Siren flipped backwards and jogged back to the mats... She flopped down and removed her shoes and socks and her t shirt, leaving her in her sport bra and heavy cotton pants... Crouching lazily, Siren streatched, her eyes fixed on Jaudiar's muscles for the telltale twitch of an attack... Siren: So... Gettin cozy with Liam? She rolled easily out of reach as Jaudiar swiped at her... She stuck out her tounge and stood sinuiously... Siren: Tch, tch... None of that lover girl... She laughed and Jaudiar stood calmly... Jaudiar: Shut up and put up Siren: You? the fearsome female fighter? Going cliche? Bad sign...
  22. Siren crouches above Jhon, her golden eyes glinting in the waneing light... She purred softly then leaped to the ground and sauntered over to Nepenthe... She yawned widely and melted into her half human form... Tufts of fur stuck out of her black clothing at odd angles... She sneezed and settled down next to Nepenthe and grinned... Siren: Your getting better... I was affected this time... She eyed the sleeping form of Damien... Siren: What's with him? He's a little jumpy... You gave him your blood... So I'm trying to see what you find in him.. He seems to possess a kind soul... I don't think he'd ever hurt someone unless forced... I can sense that his gift causes him pain... She sighed and looked into Nepenthe eyes... Siren: You know I still worry about you girl... Don't get yourself hurt over him... She turned and slipped into the gathering shadows
  23. Hm... I was gonna go scare Ken the last time in was in Austin... But I never got around to bugging meh mum into drivin there... I tried askin to carry a knife and takin the bus... but she woulden't let me... Once i learn to drive, get kicked out of the house and but a bus... I'm goin on a road trip...
  24. I'll join... As soon as you get a proper link
  25. Siren entered the hallway... Siren: So sorry to disturb the touching moment... But I'm sure Jaudiar will beat it out of me.... It's seven o'clock dearie... Time to get crackin... I was bored witless for a while... Although... I did have fun imagining what you two were up to al alone in that elevator! She turned and ran, not bothering to look back... She was gonna get it... But it was so worth the red tint to Liams cheeks... She giggled childishly and spirnted down the steps, emerging in gym... Adam steped forward and caught her arm... She stepped back... Siren: Never touch me again.... Adam rolled his eyes... Adam: Do you know about the papers? Siren blinked, feigning innocence flawlessly... Siren: Papers? Which ones? Mine? There in my room... But I thought you wern't intrested in my verbal artwork... Adam: Eh... Nevermind... He turned and stalked through the doors muttering somthing that sounded like "Airhead". Siren removed her boot and threw it at his receding head... She was rewarded with a cry of pain followed by numerous cursed and the return of her shoe, via air mail....
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