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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. Siren: But it's yours... He shook his head and Siren smiled... She brushed his lips with hers... Siren: I need to get some sleep... I'll see you tomarrow... Locke... She watched as he left, a smile on his face... She curled up in her blanket and began to drift, pondering her life as an emotionless bodyguard... She smiled... Siren: Emotion was never a weakness... But a strength... She looked at the necklace he had given her... Siren: I would do anything for him.... That night she fell asleep smileing for the first time in many years
  2. OOC: No idea... I heard it the other day somewhere... Probably language class... IC: Somewhere, an icy wall began to melt inside her and she placed a hand on his shoulder... Siren: Please... Don't cry... Hesitently she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him... She wiped a tear from his face and looked at it as all she had taught herself about the conciquences of a feeling came crashing down around her ears...
  3. OOC: *Coughstolenquotecough* Ahem IC: Siren stared coldly at him Siren: And? He sighed and turned away... Locke: I don't expect you to love me back... I just wanted you to know... Siren turned over to face the wall and sighed... Siren: What am I supposed to say? How am I supposed to feel? She turned back and sat up, moving so both of them could sit... Siren: I've supressed my feelings for so long to become the perfect emotionless wrepon... I'm not sure i've felt anything sincere other than rage and hate for a long time... I just need some time... Time to understand how I feel... She closed her eyes and drew her knees up to he chest and wraped her arms around them
  4. Siren looked up from where she had been standing... Siren: Who? She looked around at the others, avoiding Locke's gaze Siren: I'm going back... If you need me... I'll be in my room... Cat? Dissconnect me... She fazed out of the construct and with a short nod to Cat she went to her room and dropped onto the bed, staring at the roof...
  5. One of the zombies closed in on Nepenthe and a black and white streak smeared it across the ground ( [url]http://www.stormy.net/fantasy/mb-catm2.jpg[/url] ) It turned and spoke to Nepenthe with a dark and rich voice... Siren: Good to see you again, Nepenthe... Still raising those dirt clods I see... She ducked the rock aimed at her and chuckled to herself... Siren: You'll never hit me like that... She suddenly blinked... All the monsters were heading away from them, towards the building in the center of the town... Siren: What are they up to?
  6. Good Ider Flash... Neil is right... You did a really good job Name: Siren Starr Kojia Nicknames: Sandtiger, Starr, Stormy (grr Raiha) Age: 18 Race: Saiyajin/ Human Height: 5'11" Description: Lookin for a pic... I know there is one around here somewhere Personality: Rowdey, restless, quick to anger... Siren has an anger management problem, and will often get into trouble when provoked... History: Siren Lived in the western desert with her mother and brother, Serric... Her friends used to provoke her into fighting him... Until one day, she killed him at age fourteen... Horrified at what she had done, she fled her home and became a member of a group of wanders... Strength: 16 Defense: 11 Speed: 43 Ki: 30
  7. Siren seemed to melt and flow into her human form, black feathers running together to create black clothing... A katana was slung across her back and she nodded to the other two... Siren: A good night for work.... She drew the katana and began to polish the blade, thinking of the times they had spent together... OOC: Gotta dash!
  8. Siren laughed from where she was standing behind Cat... He turned and raised an eyebrow... Cat: You know somthing we don't? Sirens laughter faded and she shook her head... Siren: No... Cat: Your lying to me... But I won't press you... Siren shook her head again and took a close look at the screen... Siren: Will you load me? Cat: Sure... Siren entered the program and stood on the far building... Neo nodded and she cracked her neck and sprinted towards the edge... She battled insucurity and fear, before throwing herself from the edge... Just as it looked like she would make it, the gap yawned wider, and she fell... The pavement rushed closer and closer... When it was a hands length from her face everthing stopped... Almost as if "reality" was on pause... She was so supprised, fear rushed into her mind and she hit the pavement... Siren: ****... There is nothing to fear but fear itself... Stupid girl... She pushed herself up and rocked on her heels... Siren: Cat... Will you move me to the other side? She dissolved and found herself standing beside Trio and Locke... Siren: Don't say a thing...
  9. Siren looked at Nepenthe... Siren: You know I'm not going to let you go on your own... She sighed... Siren: If you won't let me come with you all the way, at least let me come as far as my eyrie... You can decide if it's worth it there... Though powerful Lacroix may be... The Blue Mage will have no second thoughts about killing us as swiftly as Lacroix... She paced a moment Siren: And I can supply you with food for the trip... I might have somthing he'd want if he proves difficult... She burps then cracks her neck and stalks out of the room
  10. Name: Siren Kojia Age: 23 Gender: Female Appearance: Black robe, Golden eyes, Black wings -[url]http://www.stormy.net/fantasy/mb-psion.jpg[/url] Background: Siren is a half angel half human... She wanders from place to place, but dosn't stay long due to her tendency to dring destruction in her wake... Or maybe that was The Hunters fault... Tattoo: [url]http://www.talisart.com/tiger.jpg[/url] Set between her wings Tattoo Power: Allows Siren to shape change into a weretiger (Sorry Raiha... smack mw if you must) - [url]http://www.stormy.net/fantasy/mb-catm2.jpg[/url] Weapon: Double scimitairs Armor: Form fitting leather armor, light and flexible
  11. I Don't know... It seems to me that we're not really purring effort into it
  12. Siren sprinted into the cargo bay, sliding to a halt and droping to her knees beside Locke... Siren: You really screwed yourself up this time... A knack for getting into trouble... She checked the wound and directed the nervous Cat to clear the table then find some clean rags... Siren bent and lifted Locke gently to the now clear surface of the table... She removed the tattered remains of his shirt and held it aginst the wound to staunch the blood... It quickly soaks through and Siren curses... Siren: [I]At the rate this is going... Locke will die... I can't prevent it without proper equipment... I hope Cat comes soon[/I] She brushed a strand of hair from his pale face and wiped a speck of blood from his cheek... She checked the wound and was supprised to see the blood beggining to clot... Cat entered the room, clean rags clentched in his fist... She swapped the bloody one for a clean one and spoke to cat as she aplied pressure... Siren: What is Locke's blood type? Cat: B I belive... Siren nodded absently Siren: On my bed there should be a bag... Will you get it for me? Cat turned and raced back upstairs
  13. Siren sniffed... Siren: Well... Neither is mine... She hopped down from where she had been perched, and beckoned to Orc... Siren: Now he looks like an orc and smells vile... I'm takinbg him to the bathing pool... It is still where it was the last time right? Nepenthe: Yes... Although that stone you like dissapeared... Siren snorted... Siren: Yes... I noticed... It reappered near my eerie in the cliffs... She shook her head... She really truly hated the tendency that this forest had to move things around at will... Siren: Right then... C'mon Orc... If you'll be staying near us I won't have you stinking like a three month old carcass... She stalks off with Orc in tow... As they fade into the trees Siren's loud complaining could still be heard... Siren: PFT!! Man do you STINK!
  14. Siren watches Kitsune, trying to figure out if he was teasing her or not... Finally she squeezed his shoulder and sighed... Siren: I... I'm not sure how to react... Having feelings other than rage and hate are not easy for me... I don't understand... She stood... Siren: I need to get home... My aunt will be worried about me... Heres my number.. Siren jotted it down quickly, smiled and left... She felt troubled about this sentiment... She blinked when she noticed that she was in the park again... What was the monster that had attacked them?
  15. Siren leaped lightly from tree to tree, concious that she was being stalked... Again... She paused and turned annoyed... Clearing her throat, Siren began the long lecture that she had given time after time... Siren: I did not eat your child, nor did I steal your husband... I diden't shove your uncle from a cliff, and I didn't maul your wife in a jealous rage... Your aunt's drowning wasn't my doing... Although it was ingenious... And for your infor-... Nepenthe? Siren dropped to the ground and waited for the nephiliam to show herself... OOC: Sorry for the short post... Damn dishwasher broke again...
  16. Name: Siren Kojia Clothes: Black baggy jeans, black tank top, black combat boots Face: White skin and loads of black tatoos Object of remeberance: A katana her boyfriend used to spar with her
  17. Raquel

    Mythic Life

    Hell yea... Good ider Raiha Name: Siren Kojia Age: Unknown Species: Sphynx Host: (no idea what you're tryin to say by this) Weapons: Claws, voice, teeth (may I use limited spells?) Bio: Um yea... Bios suck... *tick, tick, tick* BOOM! ^^" (Siren is a riddler, loner, temptress, trickster and traveler) Apperance: Black hair and fur, gray underwings, gray eyes, pale skin
  18. Siren watched her captors with hate filled eyes... Somthing in the poision was making her tired... And more importantly, unable to shape change... She pushed back the rising panic and lay still... Elsyan was in no condition to help her... She couldn't turn her head, but she heard the exchange between the Orc and Hunter... The drugs began to make her eyes droop... She fought unconciousness for what seemed like an age before droping into darkness....
  19. Siren groaned and sat up, steadying herself with one hand as the world spun then settled back into place... Her muscles tensed as she found that this wasn?t her room... She got to her feet and swore as she found Kitsune collapsed on the floor and bleeding sluggishly from a wound in his head... Siren: Fox? Hold on... She gathered him into her arms and stood, moving him easily to where she had lain... She dabbed at the back of his head gently, then tore a strip from her shirt and bound the wound with gentle hands? She stood, and a pad of paper caught her eye? She picked it up and stared at a drawing of herself? A smile crept to her lips and she returned to the side of the bed and sat, waiting for Kitsune to awake?
  20. Siren sprinted across the buildings, easily leaping the fifty-foot gaps... She paused as she reached the Metacortex building... Siren: ... Sh!t... She backed up, scanning the windows of the building... Thirty-seven from the top... She moved right... Sixteen from the left corner... Empty room... She smirked and began to run... She launched herself from the edge of the building, sending her cannoning into and through the window... She rolled to her feet, then calmly walked out the door... Following the hallways she was told would be empty she moved into the elevator shaft... She hooked one arm and one leg around the cables then slid down, stopping every other floor to place an explosive... She finally ran out and found her feet planted firmly on the elevator... It jolted into motion... Siren: ... Mega ****... She looked up and a stream of profanities poured from her mouth... She stopped once she started to repeat herself... The end of the shaft rushed down at her... She commed Neo... Siren: I'm done... Possibly in two ways... Bombs secure in the elevator shaft... Later... She flattened herself against the top of the elevator and prepared for impact and death... Suddenly she remembered the emergency hatch... It meant dropping in on whoever was inside, but it beat the hell outta dying... Siren: Here goes nothing... She ripped it open and dropped in just as the elevator reached the top floor... The doors dinged open... Siren turned around to face the person standing next to her... Siren: Not?. Good? She sprinted out the open doors and onto the roof? She ran to the edge and looked down? She turned around and watched the entrance to the elevator? If that was an Agent?. They wouldn?t long in coming after her?
  21. OOC: It's ok... ^.^ IC: Siren whirled, hearing Kitsune yell... Li had left, and Kitsune rushed to take her place... Siren's eyes widened and she cursed under her breath... Siren: This isn't good... Sparing a glance for Nan and Tonru before running to the back of the monster... She threw herself at it, stabbing it in the back... It screamed in rage and pain, and Siren gritted her teeth before wrapping her arm around its neck and drawing her knees up... Siren: Be careful Fox! I'm not sure what this thing will do... She whipped a rope around its neck and stood bracing herself... She was nearly was thrown off as it attempted to dislodge her... She repelled from his shoulders to return with a force to drive the blades completely through the things chest... It arched its back and convulsed, throwing Siren through the trunk of a young, thin tree and into another, older one... Her vision blurred and went dark...
  22. Siren had watched Locke as he turned away... She ran her hands over her arms, her holes were gone and her favored attire of a black tank top and black baggy pants had appeared... As an after thought she added a black leather jacket... She selected her favored weapons... Warm up huh... She shook her head before securing the black ninja sword into it's sheath on her back (think blade)... She spared another look for Locke and made a mental reminder to talk to him when they got back... She checked her weapons out of habit, before glancing at Neo and nodding slightly, signaling that she was ready...
  23. Siren and Kitsune Reaches the clearing in time to see Li (who, in Siren's opinion is much too powerful) spring to her feet... Siren glanced at Kitsune... On a whim she kissed his cheek... Siren: Thanks... ... Then dashed off towards Nan and Tonru... She brought her forearms together, knocking the peg out of the hallowed out bamboo tubes and freeing the spring, sending two slim blades shooting neatly, handle first, into her hands... She flipped them around and slid to a halt next to the two... Siren: Are you alright? Where did the other ones get too?
  24. Siren lounges aginst the walls of thw ship, glaring at various people... She muttered about being hungry and stomped off to the mess room... Some of the crew was still there, having just waken up... Siren slid into a seat as far away from the others as she could manage withoug falling off the bench... She played with the ugly white slop in front of her for a bit before deciding that it was better than nothing... The others chatted among themselves, pointedly ignoreing Siren's moody presence... She stared into space, remembering her life in the matrix, deciding that this life was deffinately preferable and finishing off her "food"... She stood and made her way to her room which she shared with another female member.. She swung herself up onto the top bunk, reminding herself sleepily that it was someone elses turn for night watch today..
  25. Name: Feylind Age: 22 Equipment: Cutlass, various daggers Bio: Female captain of the brigantine Evenstar. Sister to Fiark, a trade factor from Innish. Fiark and Feylind originally met Arithon in Merior (small fishing town), when he came to build a shipyard there. Their father had been a fisherman, who had recently died in a storm. Their mother was afraid of the same fate happening to them, and kept them ashore. Arithon freed her of that fear. Anyway, Jinesse, their mother, wanted to apprentice them to weavers or something, Arithon convinced her to let them do as they desired. Part of a covert spy network for Arithon. Description: 5"10, dark hair and eyes, slender build. Thankx to The Harlequin for the info
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