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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. i can't get your drawings up flash... dunno why... rico's worked... until i figure out how to get my drawing onto somthing that i can link i'm stuck... any tipps??
  2. hey kool_aid?? i don't mean to errr... be picky... but if you'are gonna go dbz style mabye you should errr... warn us... ````````` siren: *looks down at grim* errr... hello... by the way britty... i happen to know what i'm doing... and if i should screw somthing up i would be able to set the course... but i've been hacking for as long as i can rember... i think i can by pass this without making a hassel... and besides... what i found is much more important than the route... we need a emergency metting...
  3. that was a great trilogy... Name: siren kojia of greenclan Race: half elf (elf half is wilder- peaceful and solitude loving) Age: 95 (being a cross bread it would make her about 15 in human years) Weapon: falchion, shurikens(throwing stars) 3 odd daggers, sling, composite longbow Armour: light banded armor, scale mail top( worn when not on a active battle field) Bio: is considered a dark elf (outcast) because of her fastination in warfare, battle tactics, and weaponry Descrition: frost blue hair, odd silver eyes, 5'11", wears light blue pants that bind at the ankel and waist but have a long slit up the side, dark blue top, high necked, no sleeves
  4. Raquel

    broken sky

    i'm sorry... i have a habit of makeing everything more difficult than it has to be... even my social studies teacher noticed... this is what yor are really supposed to post... name: stone color: # of stones: kind of stone: discription: bio: weapons: extra info.: ``````````````` my stats: name: siren kojia stone color: d.blue laced with l.blue and white kind of stone: darkblue: ice light blue: force... white: storm #of stones: 4 discription: long blue hair, black genes black tank 5'11" weapons: long sword, long recurve bow and 3 assorted daggers ````````````` once again... sorry... i hope it's clearer this time
  5. siren: i have to do some research... bummer siren turns to the consol and starts typeing madly
  6. Raquel

    broken sky

    this is based on the book broken sky... thoes of u who have read it feel free to help me out... story:(errm... i really suck at this... anyone who would like to post the plot pm it to me...) you have spirt stones that go along your spine...max: six, least: 2 you can combine them ex: if you had six you could have force and water you can also have a double stone... mine are water/ice laced with force and storm... these are extreamly hard to control and are dangerous...and if you have a 1 combo you can only have 5 for a double only 4(now half of you might pick them)for stats you need: name: siren kojia stone color: d.blue laced with l.blue and white (light blue: force yellow: air black: necromancy dark blue: water/ice blood red: fire purple: spirt/phsyic white: lightning/storm i you want somthing post it and it's color) discription: long blue hair, black genes black tank 5'11" bio: (optional) weapons: long sword, long recurve bow and 3 assorted daggers extras:(optional)
  7. siren: lately i'm on everyone's list... i'm a sellsword... the only one with honor... i've been doing a series of jobs for one that goes by the name tensen troi... little jobs that get me in toruble... i blew up a hutt residence a few days ago...
  8. britty tosses one to her tursi: thanks... siren: so tursi... what's your story??
  9. errrm... duba is dead... ``````````` siren: sh1t!!! dark flare!!! the two beams meet and craig's begins to push towards siren siren: *falls to one knee* argh!!! nooooo!!!
  10. siren: thanks... i'm asleep on my feet
  11. siren: toss me one will ya?
  12. siren: dunno... i could use a coke... u?
  13. with the speed and ease of long practice siren brings her own laser saber up in a parrie and strike siren: i'm someone to be reconded with... i can't just be pushed aside
  14. siren: 8grunts*... i suppose you could say that
  15. siren: *glances at her* i could say the same thing... in fact the last three missions i had i think i did...
  16. Raquel

    Dragonial RPG

    siren: *shakes head* i guess we get to the inn... tann: well... siren: we' could order somthing but... if you'd rather investagete... let's go... tann: well you know how to convince me... to the inn!!
  17. Raquel

    X-men RPG (play)

    siren: *after the plane lands* alright... let's go... can some make mad or sad or somthing else?? i can transport us if i have a major emotional surge...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian4444 [/i] [B]Ken, AIM me, doy! --------------------------- [size=1]Debis(sp?) falls from space, and Neil jumps up, and begins punching and kicking, crushing the items before they hit Earth. After a bit, Neil lands, and detransforms. Neil: So, what now? Ken: Uhhhh........ Let's est! I'm hungry! Everyone cept Ken falls, anime style.[/size] ------------- Thanks, stormwing... You gave me *dun, dun DUUUUUUUU!!!* WRITERS BLOCK!!!!! HIT THE DECK!!!!!!! :cross::laugh::cross::whoops:-_- [/B][/QUOTE] no one is immune:laugh: ````````````````` siren: well you snoze ya loose... i second the food idea... i know a great all you can eat buffet... they kicked me out the last time i was there... do you think they still rember??
  19. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: :laugh: you idi-... she cut herself short and turned to sky siren:hold my feet!!! she swings down and yanks zero out of the hole siren: he'll have gaurds... becareful... i rember seeing the mangled body of a thief who found his lair
  20. Raquel

    X-men RPG (play)

    siren: see ya... trans ports to where andrew's location siren: andrew... you can go into the westeren mountians... yo'll find a house you can stay at... ken is going there now...bye siren dissaprars and reappears at the danger room siren: well?
  21. Raquel

    X-men RPG (play)

    siren turns to craig siren: what was that??!! you just turn them out??!! craig: pricisely... siren: well... there's nothing i can do about it presently... hold on... siren teleports to where ken is ... siren: ken... in the mountians west of here there is a house that was my home... you and andrew can cover there till everyone cools off
  22. siren: wooooooooohhhhhooooo!!!!! here i come!!!!:devil: aeon!! you alright??... i'm after the one on the right!!!*indacates flashes ac* camos??!! lock and load... hyperblaster camos: loaded... siren: fire on my mark...
  23. Raquel

    Dragonial RPG

    siren started towards them... walking first then running tann: siren!! wait!!! they may not want you're help!!! siren ignores them and runs up to silva siren: what's going on??!!
  24. Raquel

    Gaian Warriors

    siren: *thinking about what sean said earlyer* so... cryad likes me... he's nice but i don't want to hurt him... i have a habit of losing friends and loved ones... i gurss that's why i'm so distant to ppl... well now that i'm stronger... mabye i can protect them more... time to warm up... siren heads towards cryad
  25. Raquel

    Dragonial RPG

    i'm... but i'm not evil again... i make a bad bad guy... name: siren dragon: tann ( t- ah- nnn) age: 15 ````````````` siren: ummm... excuse me?? the man at the bar turned... siren: do you know where we can get lodgeing?? man: the greenacre... the best there is... siren: thankx... she and tann walk out side and see a fight in progress a red robed man fought a boy and his dragon
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