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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. Name: Siren Kojia Age: 16 Height: 5'9" Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Distinguishing Features: 8 earings in right ear, 2 in left, small dragon tatoo below right ear, barbed wire tatoo around left bicep, barbeed wire tatoo around right wrist, several fine scars around her knuckles and cris-crossing her back Casual Clothing: Black baggy jeans, black tight tank, black combat boots, black sunglasses Likes: Fighting, dirt or moterbiking, fencing, sushi Dislikes: Narks, flirts and preps Personality: Stubborn, short-tempered, courageous, and slightly mean... Siren is sensitive but she'd never show it... She keeps on a mask of being a tough, won't-take-no-bullsh!t girl Zodiac Sign: Tiger (which also happens to be mine) Personal Element: Fire Bio: Siren lived in america until seven years ago when her parents died in a freak accident... She was shipped to Japan to live with her aunt and has become a rebel, doing her best to undermine athority... She is constantly getting into fights, and beating the hell out of the poor battered punching bag in the basement... Typical character quote: "So bite me"
  2. Siren's back arched, her human mind exploding with the intensity of Hunters mindcall... She fell to he knees, trasforming to dragon and launching into the air, speeding to the place where she felt Hunter lay... She skidded to the ground beside him, reverting to human form... She raced to his side and collapsed, sobbing beside him... Hunter opened his eyes once, then expelled his breath, lapseing back into unconciousness and into his half elf half dragon form... Siren places both hands on him and a coo, blue silver light surrounded them... It faded and a tear slid down her cheek... Siren: ... Not enough.... It's not enough..... She lays aginst him, and as she cries into his chest she gets an idea... Laying the length of her body aginst his the glow begins again, stronger and brighter, her entire lifes energy going into healing him...
  3. Siren snarled and silver wings exploded from her back, tearing through her clothes... In seconds she had made the transformation to dragon... Her eyes had changed to red and she flew at the ogre, the blood rage upon her... She deftly avoided the clumsy swings, the only wound she recived being a slight tear in the wing... She plummeted down the the ogre, hitting it full force in the chest... Her claws tore large rents in it's body and her weight bore it to the ground... With one forepaw she pinned it then proceeded to rip out it's throat, scilenceing it's startled and agonized cries... A gush of blood coated the enraged silver dragons scales, making her appear as a small red... She tore open the chest of the ogre, tore out the still warm heart... The hearts blood dripped from her teeth , giving her an evil demonic look... Siren lifted her head and let out an unearthly howl, Her blood stained muzzle lifted to the darkening sky... She beat her wings, hissing at the Solamnic Knights who approached her... Siren lifted into the sky, and with another earsplitting shriek, vanished... ~*Some time later*~ Siren groaned and pushed herself up, the cold water of a mountian stream numbing her lower body... She brushed a strand of hair from her face then looked at her hands... She cried out as the blood shone red in the moon light... She hurridedly dunked herself and scrubbed her body, realising distantly that she only wore her necklace and a ring... She lost track of time as she lay there, shivering in the icy waters of the stream... But finally the sun rose, creating a cold, gray, misty dawn...
  4. I broke ten bones... Not all of them were mine... But yea... I have the tendency to brawl when drunk... And I've done some *ahem* things when I was drunk... But it's best not to get into that...
  5. Siren pushes Rae away and makes her way down the hall... She stumbled along as her vision swam... She held one hand to the wall as she guided herself to the control room... She came to the door after what seemed like ages and had to concentrate fiercely to grip the handle... The door slid open and closed behind her... She locked it and fell into the chair... The pain of transformation and begun to ease off, and she powered up the engines deftly... Siren: I... Won't stop... Yet... She programmed in the flight patteren as she fought the looming darkness... She reached out to press the final button the would carry out the launch sequence and passed out, slumping onto the pannel, her finger inches away...
  6. Alias Name: Siren Age: 24 Expertise: Weaponry, marksmanship, Espionage, hand to hand combat Bio: Selected for her skills, not her attitude... Siren is cold and efficient, a ruthless fighter... She is arrogant and rude, caring not for the feelings of others... In the real world her arm had been badly damaged and replaced with a minimally flawed cybernetic one... In the matrix, Siren, or Raquel Dennings, was the bodyguard of one Caesar (Say-zar) Molitino, the leader of an underground drug ring... She hasn?t dropped her habit of secrecy and prefers not to socialize over much?
  7. Siren sighed rather loudly and unfolded her wings as well... Siren: If you say so... But I still think it's a bad idea... A real bad idea... Sinistrad: Who is this "Agnia" person? Siren sniffed and fixed him with a rather harsh glare Siren: You'll find out... She folded her arms and managed to look pissed...
  8. Siren exploded into the sky, her sharp eyes scanning for the evil she knew was there... She could smell the evil sent of it... Along with the unwashed dirty scent that classified the threat as ogre... She sneezed then glided just above the trees... Siren(Telepahicly): Hunter... Where are you? There's an paticularly smelly ogre around and I can't seem to find it... You haven't seen it have you? She landed out on the plain, back to Solace and the general direction of Hunter and the others... She eyed a herd of deer hungrily before transforming back to human form
  9. Siren had crouched in the shadows, raptly at attention as the council took place... She smiled... What better way to dispose of the young Lord then to seal his fate in Moria... She decided to make an entrance and slipped out, returning to burst through the doors, schooling her face to appear haggard and worn as would one who has been traveling hard... She fell to her knee in front of Eomer... Siren: My lord... My apologies for my late arrival, I had troubles crossing the northern fringe of the Blue Mountains? Goblins still dwell in their holes I fear? I wish to join you on your quest? Siren remained kneeling, her head bowed as she pumped breath into her lungs, keeping up the illusion... OOC:( [url]http://www.douglas.eckhart.btinternet.co.uk/maps-middle-earth-01.jpg[/url] - Map of middle earth) (Ignore the attachment below)
  10. Name: Siren Kojia Age: 26 Race: Human Weapons: Great sword, hand axe, hunting knife Bio: Siren is a mercanary and an assassin... She prides herself on her skill and has been sent to murder the Half Elf lord, Valygar... She has no thoughts as to what might happen were she to accomplish this task, and really dosen't care... She is lithe and quite able to look out for herself, although she does have a soft spot for animals Description: [url]http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/gallery/6_Female%20Barbarian.jpg[/url] Black hair, golden eyes, black chainmail and red trousers
  11. BIG head... O.o" Lol... I like it and it's well done... My only problems with it are the shoulders, and the fact that the top of the coat looks like it's attached/growing out of the neck...
  12. Siren touched ground behind Valeigh Siren: Going somewhere without me? I'd pretend to be insulted... But I'm more intrested in where [B]we're[/B] going... She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow at Sinistrad Siren: By the way... I left the others... I'm not sure is they'll follow me or not... OOC: Um... Lets get this going again... I'll see if I can harass Ken into getting himself to post
  13. I saw the movie first, thought it was great, then decided to read the book... I'm hooked on Ann Rice's stuff now (Although, Amelia Atwater Rhodes is still my favorite) And it seemed to me that the movie diden't do the book justice... I didn't like The Queen of the Damned either... A complete waste... Plus, whats-her-name died before it could be finished... I suggest ya'll tromp down ta ya respictive libraries and check out the books... My only grudge with the book, was that it was entirely in quotes...
  14. The chineese chicken song... *shudders as it gets stuck in her head*
  15. Siren turned her back to the rest of the group, avoiding their eyes... She strode a few yards away, then slid down aginst the smooth trunk of a tree... Why did the drow have to go and do that... She snarled, realising she owed him a life debt... She pounded the ground in anger, then relaxed, realising that she had no choice... She sighed and stood, returning to the group... Her movements stiff and formal, she nodded to him then drew her dagger slicing it across her palm quickly... Her face remained passive as the blood dripped from her hand onto the earth... Siren: I owe you a life debt... You may claim it whenever you so choose... She tore a strip of cloth from her shirt and bandaged the cut before stalking away, not waiting for his reply
  16. Robin Kate Powell *winces* I hate my name... But it means Bright Fame, Pure, Son of Howell O.o... My great aunt (she's Italian) wanted to call me Adriana... My grandmother wanted Ariana (*twitch*) My father wanted Delani
  17. Raven dear... I don't think she wants to join our train of thoughts... If I were to think like a rational, normal person... I'd say to ask him politely about it... Then... Depending on his awnser, beat the cra- I mean do what either Spikey of James said...
  18. Siren stumbled into the hall, one hand pressed aginst the wall for support... She moved, gasping, towards the control room... Half way there the room spun and she put her hand out to catch herself only to find nothing there... She crashed to the ground, the pain renewing it's self with a vengence... She punched the floor in a rage, her knuckles scrapping bloody on the metal pannels... She tipped her head back and screamed... Siren: WHY?! THIS PAIN WASEN'T PART OF THE DEAL!!!
  19. OOC: Lol... You got my name wrong... Without a word to the others, Siren turns and retreats up the stairs to the roof... There she sat in silence, thinking about the decision she was about to make? to go on this journey she would be traveling with the sworn enemy of her family? She smirked? No matter? As soon as he gave her an excuse, she would kill him? She drew her great sword and lay it across her knees? It had seen much blood, most of it Drow, Goblin, and Troll? She had killed more than her fair share of humans too, and now as she looked on the blade it seemed to be tinted red? She sighed and lay back, preferring to sleep under the stars than in the church? As she drifted into slumber, flashes of a massacre passing through her mind? Vivid memories of blood and death playing with her sanity? Her brother loomed up, his mouth opened in a silent scream as the drow arrow tore through his chest? Someone started screaming and the scene from that fateful morning echoed in her mind? Serric: Just watch Sis! I?ll be the greatest hunter this village has ever seen! Siren reached down and ruffled the eight summer old boys head? Siren: I?m sure you will Seri? She moved towards the door and pressed her ear against it listening to the conversation of the guard captain and her father? Guard captain: Drow are being seen more and more on the hills now? One of my scouts was shot? Father: We don?t have any proof that it is the drow? I?d prefer if no blood was shed? GC: We can't just let them kill out people! Father: I have no intention of letting them... I shall lead a peace party and come to an agreement... [I]Three days later[/I] A piercing scream shatters the night and Siren rushes out, leaping into the fray of drow and human bodies, swinging the sword her fourteen-year-old body could barley handle? Blood flew and then in a break in the battle, she saw her father, headless and lying on the ground? His head had been mounted on a pole and it eyes bulged? She choked back a terrified sob and ran to it, hacking through friend and foe alike? Suddenly a drow stepped forward, pushing her brother before him? Drow: This yours? Siren: Leave my brother alone! Serric whimpered and fell to his knees? The drow stepped back and smirked? Drow: Come and get him then? Serric: Help me Sis!! Please! It hurts so bad? He began to sob and she took an involuntary step forward? A black arrow seemed to grow from his chest then and his eyes widened? Siren: SERRIC!!! NO!!!!!!!!! She rushed forward, heedless of the fighting around her? She scooped him up and brushed his hair away from his eyes, sobbing? Siren: Please? Please Serric? Hang on you?ll be all right? Serric looked up at her, his eyes already clouding? Serric: I?m sorry? For *cough* being such a nuisance? I was the could have been the greatest hunter, couldn?t I Sis? Almost as good as father? He coughed again and died there, in her arms? She cradled him in her arms, crying softly? She laid him down and stood, a cold rage burning in her heart? Her eyes resembled chips of golden ice, so frozen was her heart? She went into a calculated rage, slaughtering everything in her path? As the last drow dropped, her blade through his chest, and she dropped to her knees remembering no more? The darkness of the memory and the darkness of the sleep merged and Siren fell into a dreamless slumber?
  20. Siren: So where do you think we'll find him? From what I've heard, he's probably attempting to slaghter random people somewhere... Ken raised an eyebrow and Siren scoweled... Siren: It's sarcasm.... She shook her head and turned back Valeigh... Siren: Where do you think he is? OOC: Major lesson... Never rely on me... O.o sorry for the mini post anyways
  21. Siren looked at the priest skeptically... Siren: Why should we belive you? The priest opened his mouth but Siren cut him off... Siren: Better yet, why would we want to risk out lives for it? And why do you need me? She leaned back aginst the wall and glanced around, noticing the general refusal of the company to meet her eyes... She raised an eyebrow and realised that she must be a sight in her battered black leather and mail... She raised an eyebrow then turned back to the priest Siren: You got an awnser old man?
  22. OOC: Can I add extra weapons to the list? I'll edit if I can't Dagger: 5 gp Hunting knife: 10 gp Hand axe: 15 gp IC: Siren tests the workmanship the the items she intended to but and found them satisfactory... She buys a hunting knife, short sword, hand axe, crossbow, and a dagger leaving her with 165 gp... She glances at the armor before deciding her own worn chain mail will do for now... She leaves the shop and enters the building just behind Jarven... Siren: Hello... She decides to stand and wait
  23. Siren lifted the little vial, concious that it would be the final stage of her life... She set the blood sample on the table... She moved to the screen and hit the record button... Siren: Forgive me... If you find this file, I have taken a blood sample, following my fathers orders... I now go to finish what he started... I've become stronger, faster, and more intelegent then most of the Crin... I'm going to every major outpost in the system that I can reach in two days... I'll slaughter them like the cattle they took us to be... I've got less than three minuates left to live at the moment and with this vial I'll finish the transformation and become a human weapon... I shall take revenge for the pain that they caused... Farewell... She hit the stop button and sighed... She moved farther down the pannel and scanned the ship for life forms... The ship tested negetive except for her... She turned away from the screen and lifted the vial to her lips... She flicked off the stopper then stared at the liquid inside... Two minuates to live... She shook her head slightly and took a deep breath... With a quick motion, she tipped the vial back and it's contents down her throat... A surge of pain engulfed her and the vial dropped to the floor, shattering... She clutched her stomach and dropped to her knees in agony... A scream tore itself from her throat and she fell forward, curled in fetal position and waiting for the pain to subside...
  24. I like it... It's kinda like a rap format...
  25. That's incredible Raiha... It's the kind of story that catches you up and sweeps you along... It's makes me feel the emotions the character feels... I know that sounds corny but it's true... Please keep writing?.
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