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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. [COLOR=orange]err... sorry... school ````````````````````` siren: crapety do da... siren pulls both hands back to her waist balling them into fists, palms up siren: DARRRKKKK FLARE!!!! a pitch black cannon of ki energy hits the oncoming attack canceling it out [/COLOR]
  2. siren: darn... but we can't stay cooped up in here!!! i'll go nuts!! AJ: you mean more than you are already?? siren: ohhhh... you think your so smart... just wait till i can freely use ki again... then we'll see hizoku: no fighting... and absolutely no raising powerlevels or ki... understand?? siren: sir! yes sir! *sticks her tounge out at his turned back* hizoku: *without turning around* we could do without the childish behavior as well siren: fine... :demon: but can't we just leave as town ppl or guards??
  3. siren: i had better return before they go blowing up the place looking for me... although some grub woulden't hurt siren walks down to a nearby inn and steps in side
  4. sure:devil: ``````````````` siren: rise and shine all!!! i found breakfast!!! we've got berries some kind of rabbit and there's a fresh water spring a few meters away all: food... *drool*
  5. siren wakes up and streaches bumping kayiu in the process kayiu: hey... siren: sorry... dam.n i'm hungry... i'll go look for some food outside
  6. siren: funny... i had the same dream... i hate coincedences
  7. siren: i don't suppose... nah... ken: what siren: there's this energy signal that tells me things sometimes... lame isen't it
  8. siren shakes her head... siren: a question to ponder on a rainy day... chargeee!!!! siren wades into the melee(sp?) spraying liquid fire everywhere
  9. siren feels an energy fill the clearing she sits up and sees ken siren: you! he turns around siren: do you feel that??
  10. siren sits up suddenly siren: headace is coming back she teleports to a feild of grass and sits siren: not again... she suddenly rembers somthing sombody said MEDITATE, IT WILL HELP siren: good idea she lays back in the grass and meditates her power level rising dramaticly
  11. siren: it's gone... i can think straight... siren staggers up and trudges the 6 miles to the camp sentry: are you ok siren: once i thaw i will be... remind me never to camp up here again.. the man grins man: no prob sir siren: you don't have to keep watch... i doubt anyone but us are stupid enough to be up here at this time of night... siren stumbeled to the fire, sat,and never remembered hitting the ground
  12. siren clutches her arm the blood still seaping out freely, and her sight grows fuzzy siren: lost too much blood... shi.t siren collapses on the ground
  13. siren runs through the guards and into the night air and teleports away siren lands on a mountian about 6 miles from her camp siren: i'm getting a headache... no... not again! get out of my mind!!! i won't bend to your will!!! ???: but you already have... in the palace... siren: you don't have entire control of me!! you can only use a fraction of my power!!! ??? a minor detail... it will be resolved shortly... make it easyer on your self... give in... siren: i won't!! as long as i fight you can't completely control me... ???: really?... sleep. siren collapses in the snow, falling into a dark oblivion
  14. siren: you're so sure... i'll prove you wrong later... you really want to know?? ken: yes... siren: i'm here to stop andrew from taking the throne... if it means killing him... so be it... i had warriors with me... but when he forgot to show at the party i told them to go...
  15. siren: no... but i might kill you she brings her hands up and fires... ken doges it and regains his hold on her siren: *grunts* you're good...
  16. i was joking 1 and i was wondering who gave you that much free power... that's what i ment by god... ``````````````````
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zenmonkey [/i] [B]hmm . . . i sense one of these creatures . . . craig i believe . . . is having some thoughts about his lineage . . . he is concerned about his bloodline . . . i think he may be sensing an effect of my presense . . . i don't think he quite understands the scope of my being . . . i am the elemental evolutionary force of the universe, i am the precipice, the razor's edge of eternal and omnipotent balance, i am subject to the physical laws of the universe only when in my present material form, at which point i have slowed particles of light to a speed capable of containing themselves in a form detectable by the senses . . . it was my will that the prehistorical bio-mass responsible for all humanoid life of the universe formed, and then began building itself over millions of years to reach the form of his ancestor goku and that of his friend andrew, vegeta . . . both of which were great warriors in their time, son goku being a close personal friend of mine after his departure from this dimension, i must say even i learned some things from such a pure-hearted and kind spirit, and son vegeta, a pupil of mine while i was a visiting master at otherworld school tencha-ky-ji-no . . . however, this young general . . . his thoughts are almost filled with pride . . . for a warrior, a necessary tool . . . but also a downfall if not kept in check. i will submit a few cells of knowledge into his subconsciousness with a bit of knowledge as to who i am so that when i meet this young general i will not have to spend the precious moments at hand explaining myself to him. ***transmits small mindcell transmission to general craig *** name: known as zenmonkey, in some legends as spacegnostic age: n/a height: condensed and upright: 5' 11" weight: condensed: 175lbs race: n/a bio: the ancient energy emanation responsible for the humanoid form of evolution, including sayian and humans. at one with both the physics and supernatural of the universe, but to have any interaction, i must slow my particles down to below light speed to form a physical being, usually in the form of the zenmonkey, which resembles the legendary missing link between lower monkeys and humans. this form has a tail but is not subject to automatic oozaru transformation. a very wise and powerful master, i must stay within the parameters of the universe when in physical form. strength: 3000 speed:3000 agility:3000 dexterity:3000 ki:3000 currently, after 2 days in the subspace hyperbaric chamber, stats register @ 7000 each peace be with you, young general, there are long hard days ahead. **** end transmission **** hmmm . . . here, i think this will help this planet out . . . *** crosses eyes . . . ja-yi-ya - KU!!!!! *** CREATES POWERFUL FORCE SHIELD OF ENERGY WHICH IS UNDETECTABLE BY SAIYAN SENSES OR TECHNOLOGY AROUNG PLANET VEGETA . . . . . . i can tell they know something is about to happen . . . but i don't think they realize the scope . . . we shall see . . . we shall see . . . [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]who made him god?[/COLOR] ```````````````` siren: damn... we've been in here for ages... i bet he forgot... alright... get out of here... you can do whatever you like when you get back... if anything happens... jerrel you're in charge.. jerrel: sir! but aren't you coming? siren: no... i sitll have somthing to do siren crawls silently into another part of the vent system... it happened to be right over asters head... to see who she was siren leaned aginst the grate and it broke.... from under a pile of broken wood and shattered pottery on the floor siren swore siren stood up and raced out of the room running straight into a group of elite gaurds... this happened to be next to where craig was training EG1: hey!!!where are you going? by the looks of you you shoulden't be in here... arrest her siren: *looks up* fate just has to do this to me... *thinking*[I]if i kill them i'll make a mess and call more down on my head... *evil thought* but i'll blast them anyhow... i can't get caught... not now...[/I] siren puts out a hand and a ball of purple energy forms siren: sorry boys... not today she fires the weak blast into the roof and runs not pausing to see what happens th the gaurds
  18. siren grabbs her face with her hands, temporarily blinded... siren: *thinking* listen for her... siren stopps trying to see... she hears her 10 meters to the right and fires siren:MIDNIGHTS BANE!!! ````````` gotta go... see ya tommarow!
  19. siren: yeah... *stomach growls siren looks down* hungry... want some grubb?? my treat... ken: free food... how can i not?? siren: the all you can eat place?
  20. siren: ***t! siren grabbs sabirs wrist and yanksit out of her sholder... she puts pressure on it to stopp the bleeding siren: *smiles recklessly* my turn siren dissappears and reappers behind sabir and snapps her arm like a tooth pic
  21. sorry... stupid (censored)slow pc!!!!!! *blasts it into oblivion* `````````````````` siren: some day i'm gonna regreat this!!! she stops turns around and fires... but the commander is gone... siren: where did he go?? neil: let's not wait to find out shall we? i think i see cavernes over there... siren: darn... i was looking foreward to getting my *** wupped...
  22. now that i have to go in 15 min... grrr... oops... i just read your other post all: fall over anime style ````````````````````````` siren: *eyes glitter dangerously* i'd never miss a chance...
  23. *snorts* don't go there... you'll get me drawing `````````````````````````` siren: nah... been cooped up in the mountians trying to reach ssj5... 4 yrs... no luck... ken: it has nothing to do with luck... siren: my heart;s just not in it...
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