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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. siren flys down to meet him... siren: nice... it's good to meet another ssj4....
  2. -_-' i've been here for the past 3 hours waitimg for you...
  3. what you want me to post??? knowing me... i'll get in to a fight that i can't possibly win, make a total of 3 bad choices and end up getting by butt salvaged by say you! so... should i post??? i can not get into trouble... but that's so boring...
  4. *throws more egg salad* if this is the prodcuct of you and that kitchen... i should hope not!!!
  5. siren: ouch...that's gonna leave a mark... siren flys closer... siren: i wonder if i could... no... i don't think he wants me to interfer with his battle... i get the feeling that this is personal
  6. siren: i know we should run but... all: siren!!!!! siren: k... ```````````````````` wait can't we teleport off this god forsaken rock?
  7. i rember when we had a food fight rpg... those where the days... *sees ppl being attacked by munchkins* i think i had a little too much cider... oh well what the hay..BUNZI!!! *SW comes in throwing bad tuna...* HUNGRY??!!! one munchkin, braver than the others ran up, got onto a table and dumped a bucket of 3-day-old-left-in-the-sun egg salad onto SW's head stinky:demon:
  8. siren sences the battle... siren: oh... energy battle... pretty high...this is worth the time she teleports to the scene of the battle...
  9. ok...my post is after everyone gets to the party... so ignore it till then...
  10. siren, dressed in greyto blend in with the walls, crouched at the vent shaft... the men who she comannded shifted nervosly; they diden't like it when she took on missions like this siren: *whispering* hush! you'll get us killed if we're found... man: no... you'll get killed... we'll probobly get 10 yrs in the army... quickly siren turned and fired a finger thick beam that went straight through his head siren: anyone else share his opinion?? good... i won't tolerate any subordanate(sp?) behavior from you... you may think it harsh... but it pays to have loytaly among the troops... [I]meanwhile at the party noone had senced the blast... that is all but two[/I] andrew: did you feel that? craig: yeah...
  11. siren: oh crapety do da... he'd have to be really strong, really stupid, or overly confedent...
  12. oh yeah, i'm a member m hm m hm m hm tell me that was normal... in fact i reached it 31 posts ago...-_-' ````````````````````````````````````` siren: mphfff... i'm stuffed... 9 full plates of mashed potatos, 7 bowls of ice cream, 4 bowls of soup, 9 peices of bread...no more...now i have to work it off... well no time like the present... siren puts the money on the table and teleports to the high mountians to continue under intense training... siren: must reach next level...SPITFIRE!!!! several rounds of blue green colored ki balls sped from her hands... she teleported in front of them and blocked or blasted them into oblivion
  13. siren: ****!!! AJ: what now? siren: i left my lock pick in your cell!!!! AJ: -_-' this is not the time to worry about that! siren: i know... i'm just trying to convince myself that i don't want my arms ripped off by a physcopath... 'scuse me... a raging phsycopath... kayiu: you aren't thinking what i think you're thinking are you... 'cause if you're are i'm gonna knock your brains out all over the floor!!! this is deffenitly not the time for a kamikazi attack!!! siren:..... kayiu: no siren... not today siren starts to walk foreward siren: it's a challenge... if i loose... i loose. if i don't try then i'll never reach a new level... if i die... i wasen't ment to make it...
  14. siren: *sighs* i've been an ssj4 for almost 3 years now... i'm stuck in the mud... siren's stomach growls and she looks at it siren: fooodddddd........ *teleports to the all you can eat buffet* siren:FFFFOOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!! siren runs over to where leona is... siren: mind if i join you? leona: *munch,munch* siren: k... i'm gonna get more food 5 min later: leona: you gonna eat all that? siren looks around her mountian of food... siren: mnnff coffasse leona:???:therock: siren: *gulp* of course... why?? want some?
  15. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: die with honor.... ```````````````` -_-' wrighters block...
  17. :therock: it is? anyways raiha... can you bring me in somehow?
  18. didyou really??? on what?:therock:
  19. oh... i see... i'm the bad guy...j/k ````````````````````````````` craig: ummm guys? siren: what now! craig: left or right? siren: right! they all round the coner and see a platoon of guards siren: left! left!! they turn off into a storage room and watch the guards go past Hizoku: *rounds on siren* don't you ever take command like that again! siren: well you diden't do anything Hizoku's arm flings out catching siren off gaurd sending her into a wall
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [/i] [B] You mean there aren't a lot of girl here. [/B][/QUOTE] 3 so far
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B][I]Suddenly, a salvo of missiles hits Raynor in the back, with such force and velocity that he crashes to the ground... Drake watches this, then looks down to where the missiles were shot from... The only thing he manages to see though, is a huge beam of light, which rips into him, causing him to fall to the ground as well... Raynor and Drake lay there, both knocked out cold... Standing on the battlefield, beam cannon smoking, and missile launchers still hot, stands a huge mecha... The hatch in its chest opens, and a figure jumps out... Dressed in a silver trenchcoat, the figure makes its way over to the two bodies lying unconcious on the ground...[/I] Flash: Pssh, you guys are weak. I could've stood up to [U]50[/U] of those attacks... [I]Flash walks over to Drake first...[/I] Flash: Who in gods name are you? ...Oh well, I'll find out later... [I]He turns, and walks over to Raynor... He crouches down next to him...[/I] Flash: *smirks* Hello, old friend... Awww, look at you. Sleeping like a baby... Never a camera when you need one, is there? [I]Flash stands up, and walks back over to his Mecha... As he is about to re-enter the cockpit, he turns his head...[/I] Flash: I'll be back... Looks like you two clowns have a fight to finish... Heh heh heh... Adios... [I]He climbs back into the Mecha, and walks away from the battlefield...[/I] [/B][/QUOTE] good boy!!!
  22. siren: ok... keep a lookout for trouble... i'm gonna pick the lock...*pulls out a lock pick and starts working on it* i'd blast it off but it would make to much noise... craig: uh oh... you guys ummm someone continue with what he said
  23. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    man... i thought this was dead... well i'll have to wait for rico to post...
  24. -_-' stupid me... i thought you where starting a new one...
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