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Everything posted by Raquel
Siren had sprung up as soon as soon and the elf stumbled into her room... At once she knew something was wrong... She followed him warily to the window as he completed his transformation... Her eyes widened and she crouched on the windowsill... The Inn of the Last Home was suspended in the trees, just like every other sensible home in Solace... She threw herself from her window, calmly watching the ground approach her... Swiftly she transformed into a dragon, her sinuous body twisting for impact... Siren landed then launched herself back into the air... She arrived at the same altitude as Hunter, her eyes blazing... Siren: What sorcery is this? I was under the impression that only five... Four... Dragons remained on Krynn... One gold, one silver, one green, and a blue... There were rumors of a white far to the north and a red in the volcanic region of the south... But... I had no knowledge of another Silver.... She alighted on one of the immense branches of the tree that was supporting the inn... She fixed him with a critical eye... Siren: You are of another clan... The spawn of The Demon Queen killed my brethren? I am the sole survivor? But? I belived that all the silver dragons left or were killed around the time that the gods left?.
Siren moved forward siniously and in the blink of an eye, she pushed back Riona's hood... Siren: Hm... Elvan... But not the owner of the blood outside the door... It was male... Hm no matter... He was here... She glanced at the elves and laughed... She proformed a sweeping bow, coming up with a spark of mischief in her eyes... Siren: How rude of me... My name is Siren Kojia, last in the line of the Skyfire clan... And you are? She let her hands drop to her sides, weaving a spell to cover the possibility that they might have reconised her for a dragon and smiled reasuringly... Prehaps they could tell her about the elf who saw her in the glade...
Siren awoke and looked at the note in Serric's hands... [I]Dearest Siren, I spoke of forging ahead and making the best of life... But you are right... We will die... This is the best for our poeple and the human people... You were right about Thaksisis (sp?) She has abondoned us... Good bye... Serric [/I] Siren closed her eyes and sighed, standing and lifting him with ease... She placed his body on the floor and spoke the funerary rites... He began to burn with an unnatural fire and soon dissapeared, leaving nothing but a few specks of fine ash on the floor... She opened her door and kneeled, wiping at the blood on the floor and smelling it... Silvanesti... Elves were in the inn... She blinked and followed the trail of blood to a door down the hall... She knocked and await a reply...
Siren walks away from the outpost, the dead scattered around her... The fire had left her eyes and her inner clock told her that she had one hour left to live... She moved to a outdoor fosset and rinsed the blood from her skin, both Crin and human and hybrid blood mixed together, turning the fresh clean water dark with it... She rinsed it from her matted hair and clothing... She kneeled to clean her blades and caught her reflection in it's bloodied surface... She stared at it... She diden't remember this desheveled woman, her eyes burning with a depthless rage... Siren: You've lost your soul, Siren Kojia.... She shook her head and stood, sheathing her blades and hoping onto her bike... If she could get her ship, she could find the second bottle that would enable her to live for two more days at the most... If she remembered, she would die at the end of the second day in increadable pain, then she would cease to exist... There was no known antidote but there was one thing... Before she drunk the last vial, draw her own blood and put it in a DNA sample bottle... Prehaps someone would know what to do with it... She grimly slid to a stop infront of her ship and hit the call button... A sleepy looking man awnsered.. Man: Uh... Mh... What do you want? Siren: It's me... Gather the crew and let me in... Man: Cap'n! Of course! A ramp lowered and she climbed it quickly... once she got up she turned to the crew members... Siren: From here on I go on alone... You will never see me again... Valentyne will be your captain, and I expect you to listen to her as you would me... Pack your things and go... You have thirty... She turned away to her rooms, ignoring the protests...
... That movie scared you?! LOL! Personaly I've seen scarier hampsters... I don't spook easliy and I really don't get why people enjoy "horror" movies... But... As horror films go I thought this one had a good plot and was well filmed... I thought some of it was rather corney but most people won't realise it because their too busy being scared sh!tless...
Siren made her way up to the inn and nodded to the inn keeper as she passed... She made her way up to her room; barley glancing at the carcass sprawled on the floor... She stifled a yawn and slipped silently into her room... Without turning the lights on she crossed the room and turned to face the man standing beside the bed... Siren: I thought I told you never to come to me again... Man: But I've changed... Honestly- Siren looked at him, a cold gleam in her eyes... Siren: You haven't changed... You?re still a Black... I can smell it on you... You can't change your nature... I tried to help you once... I'll not make the same mistake twice... Go away... The man scowls Man: You make a mistake, you know... Siren: No... It is you, Serric who made the mistake... You who betrayed me... It is because of you that we are two out of five of the only dragons left on this earth! You and those servants of your goddess... Tell me... Where is she now, your dark goddess of lies and deception... Where is she that she does not help you? Oh... That's right... She abandoned you... When the gods left us to our fate we began to die... Soon, new gods will come... And I promise, I promise that we shall die... Like our brethren... She turned to the window... Siren: I miss the moons... Serric sighed and sat on the bed... Serric: I feel the loss of the gods as keenly as you... He moved and placed a hand on her shoulder... Siren leaned back against him, feeling the comforting beat of his dragon heart... Siren: What are we going to do... Serric: I don't know... Forge ahead and make the best of life I suppose... As we always have... Siren closed her eyes and began to doze... She awakened with a start... She lay curled on the bed, Serric beside her, a note in his cold hands... Siren scrambled over to him, checking for his pulse or of any sign of life at all... She touched a orange smear on his lips... It burned her flesh... Siren(whispered): Dragonsbane.... Oh no... What have you done... You fool... What have you done... She broke down, sobbing and beating his chest with her fist... She finally exhausted herself and slumped against him, crying herself softly to sleep... OOC: Serric- [url]http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/FR_ART/People/ArtemisEntreri.jpg[/url]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]I would say Static X. Anything off their first album [i]Wisconsin Death Trip[/i].[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] *twitch* I [I]live[/I] in Wisconsin... >.
*twitches* Be glad I am willing to forgive you... This time... That was one of the single most annoying "songs" ever... If you had read above, you would know what I'm looking for... *dunks her head in ice water*
*crosses her eyes* She's not my Bio mother... -.-" She listens to Elvis... And weird variations thereof
Ok... My mother has the foulest taste in music and I need revenge... Badly... Preferably somthing that'll piss her off... Now... I'm looking for dark gothic bands, or loud punk/metal... I've been refered to Sevendust and Mudvein for a start (not that I'm prepared to listen to my crackie brother)... Anyone have any ideas? Too many is not enough so feel free to give out anything that comes to mind...
Name: Siren Kojia Race: Human Character Class: Barbarian Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Description: Standing at 5'5'', siren has onyx hair down to her lower back. It's plaited into tiny braids, capped in silver and held back by a blood red leather strip. She wears tight black leather pants and a tight burgandy tanktop under her mail. Golden eyes resembeling thoose of a wolf flash dangerously. Wiry muscles ripple throughout her body and a black tatoo of a dragon sits beneath her right ear. Tangles of black lines encircle her left shoulder and a black diamond shaped stone is set into her forhead. Patches of black chainmail adorn her [url]http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/gallery/6_Female%20Barbarian.jpg[/url] History: Siren is a mercanary and an assassin... She tok up the trade after her father and brother were slain by drow
Siren felt herself falling, falling through a veil of nothingness... The beserker anger left her leaving her in a clam like she had never felt before and she opened her mind's eyes, watching calmly as she plummeted into the dark abyss... She slowed her decent and a noise reached her ears... It sounded like the footsteps of a drunken giant... She listened to it for what seemed like long hours before realisation dawned on her.... It was her heartbeat, counting away the seconds of her life... The knowledge brought her fall into the void to a grinding halt... The sound of Celest crying brought her to full alert... Her eyes snapped open and, casting a wary glance at Slade, Siren climed to her feet... She smirked, the calm of the void leaving her as swiftly as it had come... Siren: He will die before tomarrow... I'll not waste the precious moments of my life killing one thing... She turned and sprinted from view, undoubtedly heading for the nearest Crin outpost...
Siren senses Slade?s presence before she saw him... The fine hair at the nape of her neck stood on end and she wondered if he knew about her change... She slowly turned and watched him coldly as he approached... Siren: So... Do you plan to dispose of me? Her blades were out quicker than the human eye could follow, her new speed part of the change she was undergoing... Her arms hung at her sides, the tips of her blades just touching the ground... He stopped and she saw in his eyes that he knew... Siren: Yes... You know the truth of it don't you.... Know that it wasn?t an magic my father left for me... I got it wrong... I thought that it would only give me power... I was right... In a twisted sense of irony... She laughs, a slightly insane sound, her eyes shining with a strange light... Siren: Yes... My hybrid cells are mutating, altering some of my physical makeup... Toning my muscles, honing my speed and senses to the sharpness of a razors edge... It's changing me... You know the consequences of this particular piece of Crin technology... It will cause me to become a berserker, and it doesn?t take much to see the madness taking root... She sighs and her head drops to her chest... An insane giggling starts quietly, then she throws her head back, letting out full throated laughter... It dies slowly and Celest moves away in fear... At her first movement, Siren's head snapped down... She giggled again and moved towards her... Siren: Do I scare you? *Laughter* Good... I can smell it on you... The fear, I mean She laughs and turns back to Slade... Siren: But the best part? I have only one thousand, one hundred and eleven heartbeats before this power will consume me... And I will die... *More laughter* But before I go... I'm taking as many of the Crin out as I can...
OOC: "Oh no! you saw me change!!" *falls over laughing her azz off* Sorry... No offence ment Ykonis... But... LMMFAO *giggles as she types* IC: Siren swooped through the skys, her mind troubled... No one had known about her dragon shape for many years... She carefully cast the spell to hide her from the eyes of mortals... She sighed, scorning her rashness... She could have just wiped his mind... It would have severly sapped her strength... But it would have saved her identity... By now the memory would be imprinted in his mind and any spell she cast would be useless... Siren grumbled and alighted near a small stream, slowly transforming back into her human form... By a force of sheer will, she kept her wings until the very end... She collapsed by the stream and let her fingers trail through the water... She smiled at the feeling of the water swirling around her hand and she unconciously hummed fragments of song long forgotten by the human race, although some elves still might have remembered it... She drifted slowly into a light sleep
Siren sipped at her tankered at the Inn of The Last home in Solace... She sighed... She felt wander lust as bad as any kender and would soon move on... She had been here once, long ago, when Solace was in it's prime... She blinked away the memorys... It was better not to dwell on the past... She watched as the people came and went, her lifespan far outlasting any of theirs... She stood, her chair scraping across the old wooden floor... She deftly avoided the drunk and searching hands of some of the regular occupants... Siren came up to the bar and tapped it to get the barkeeps attention... Barkeep: What can I get ya, Miss? Siren: I'm in need of a room for the night... BK: The night is long from now... Siren nods and slides a gold coin across the bar... Siren: I need you to hold it for me... She nods to the coin Siren: That should cover any inconviences... BK: Very well... Heres the key... He tossed it to her and she caught it, never taking her eyes off of him... Siren: Thank you... She went to her room and dropped her canvas bag on the bed... She wanted to take a breather... and her human form was beggining to become cramped... A short flight would do her good... She exited the room, locking it behind her
Siren closes her eyes and turns away... Siren: I... I'm not sure... Please don't ask me to choose sides... I won't do it... She sprints down the hall after Seth, forcing herself to keep her eyes forward... She caught up with him just as he was opening the door... Siren: Seth... I'm coming with you... He glances at her then nods... Siren sighed... Siren: ... Listen... About Celest... His body visibly stiffened and she looked down... Now wasen't the time...
What color is the little bugger?! This was the hot topic on the bus today... I belive it's like a pinkish purple color... Anyone agree?
I was a Wiccan for a few years before I figured that it was just too tempting to use my so-called "powers" for revenge... O.o And Piro is correct about them not drinking blood... That would fall under vampires... I think that the time spell idea is a bad one... Even if she could pull it off, messing with the path that fate or whatever choose would be a BAD idea... I sympathize for her about her family member... But yeah... Time travel is incredibly stupid (at least from my point of view...) As for if she's dreaming or just plain crazy... I opt for neither... I am a firm believer in the mind over matter issue, and that if someone believed enough and had enough will power it could very well become a reality... And most modern witches believe in the rule of three, which is as follows: Ever mind the rule of three Three times what thou gives returns to thee This lesson well thou must learn Thee only gets what thou dost earn! Well... That's my view on the original issue... *shakes head* Jokes at your own expense again TN? ~Siren~*
Siren shakes her head in a fruitless attempt to clear her mind... Siren: Da.mn... I diden't think it'd hit that hard... Seth: ... So? Siren looks up at him with a puzzled expression on her face... Siren: So what? Seth: What have you gained? Siren: An eternal pain in the azz... As for powers... I really don't know... It's diffrent for each person... My father had amazingly accurate precognitive abilities... I won't figure mine out till later... And with my luck... It'll be somthing like tea reading... Anyways... Do you know where Rae is?
Siren skidds into the room a split second after Seth... Siren: What's happening? Slade has got a lump the size of an apple on the back of his skull and I can't find Rae anywhere... Oh no... Siren moves to the center of the floor and she kneels, pressing her hands to it... Siren: It's still warm... They haven't been gone long... She gingerly touches her side then rubs her hands together... Siren(under her breath): Father... Your gift is well recived... I'll use it now... But I'll never forgive you... She glances over her shoulder at Seth Siren: You may want to back away... This is flashy and I'm still not in control of my powers... His eyebrows come together and he frowns... She laughs Siren: It's my fathers legasy to me... Granted, it's diffrent from your power but I'm supprised you diden't notice it when you helped my when we first met... She drew a necklace from her shirt, a small tube hanging from it... A nearly invisible sliver rattled as she shook it... The metal began to glow, a strange pulsing glow... She pulled up her sleeve and in a swift motion she drew her dagger and sliced her wrist open... Siren snapped the vial and let the sliver fall into the open wound... Her eyes widened and the blood reversed it's flow, streaming back into the cut... There was a flash of light and Siren was rocked backwards... Seth lowered his arm and stared at her... Seth: Is it done? Siren turned, her eyes filled with sadness... Siren: It's only started... OOC: Ok... This seems like nonsense but I was just a bit desprate... I have a plan and I coulden't resist another plot twist
Siren's mouth watered at the very thought of foor... She shot a pleading glance at Valeigh... She smirked and Siren scoweled... The little voice inside her head nagged her about depending on Valeigh... But... Siren coulden't cook for crap... She grinned widely as she thought about her hunger... Siren: I've been dead for who knows how long and the second thing I do is faint... The first being fainting... She rolls her eyes... Siren: So... What's for dinner?
OOC: Oh yes... The almighty Siren knows all.... MUHAHAAHAHAA!! IC: Siren blinked... Siren: I'm starting to wonder about this... Valeigh... Do you know why we're here? Or even where we're supposed to be... Or are we just supposed to go back to being who we were? She sighed and shook her head... Pondering was never her strong point... OOC: Unfortunatly, the almighty Siren's arch nemisis (her mother) has returned from the foul disease ridden land from whence she went and grounded the great and knowledgeable vampire for her poor and failing grades. O.o" In the prosses of grounding her, the evil deamon mum had transfered the greatly feared, not to mention comtagious, disease of writers block... And until Siren can vanquish this abbhorent monster, she is held prisoner in the confines of her room with no contact with the outer world... Now in english. I'm grounded so I won't be on much... When I am I probably won't write much... later
Siren landed hard some yards behind him and stumbled forward ot his side, before gathering him in her arms... She kneeled in the street with him, murmering softly to him and stroking his hair... She looked around franticly for anything she could use... Not finding anything she lifted him and took off towards the cabin, worry etching lines across her face... A cramp shot through her wing and she grimaced... It was the life link... Siren: It'll be ok... Just hang on... OOC: Sorry for the short post... I have to go
Name: Siren Kojia Age: Unknown Species: Dragon Sub-species: Silver Weapons: Twin Scimitars, shurikens, sai, and various daggers Human desc: Standing at 5'5'', siren has onyx hair down to her lower back. It's plaited into tiny braids, capped in silver and held back by a blood red leather strip. She wears tight black leather pants and a tight red orange tanktop. Grey blue eyes flash silver, betraying her herritage. Wiry muscles ripple throughout her body and a black tatoo of a dragon sits beneath her right ear. Tangles of black lines encircle her left shoulder and a black diamond shaped stone is set into her forhead. Dragon desc: In her dragon form, Siren is 3 meters tall at the sholder. She is smaller than most of her cousins but what she lacks in size and strength she more than makes up for in speed and agility. Her eyes are the same grey blue as they are when she is human. She has a greyish tint to her silver scales, showing that she is relitively young. Alignment: Chaotic Good Personality: Siren has the tendency to swear a lot and to make bad jokes at the wrong time. Easily offended and tempermental she has a taste for revenge. She is outspoken and highly opinionated although she tries to keep an open mind. Siren can be reckless and out of control when she enters a fight.
Siren comes running in shortly after Seth's return to the table... Siren: Do I smell Valentynes cooking?! She scampered to the table and slid into the closest seat... Siren: So... Today we start... I can't say I'm not nervous... But once the adrenaline kicks in all my worrys will wash away... Valentyne: *mutters* Adrenaline junkie... Siren: And proud of it... Tini... She laughs as Valentyne makes a face... Siren: So... Where's the chow?