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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. trell: this cannot be good... siren: what's the matter???
  2. one of the masked men steped foward.. mm: we are an envoy to you from our creators.. siren: *picks miluska up* an envoy?? but why??
  3. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: no idea *looks at sky* well?? you better have a plan...
  4. siren: well i hope so... but we've got trouble...*points*
  5. siren: she's fully healed and waking up... now what are we going to do with trell?? i could zap him but he'll probly wake up soon anyway
  6. [COLOR=indigo]siren: well do i have your permission?? valik: *nods* siren: try to contact her telepathicly other i'll have to put my self under and that wastes time... valik: ok... *long pause* you have her consent... siren: great... siren placed her hands on miluska's forehead and a pulsing green glow surrounded them [/COLOR]
  7. siren: energy beams or no energy beams? enime, meine, miny,mo... oh screw it... MIDNIGHTS BANE!!!
  8. siren: ...*sees jelsa* hey wanna spar??
  9. [COLOR=indigo]siren: *places hands on mliuska* now... with a loud bang siren was hurled across the room... siren: uuuggghhh...*gets up* she's shielded by some enormous force... oh... that smarts...i'll have to get into into her defences... but i need her permission first and yours... [/COLOR]
  10. artemis ducked the green haired fighters swing and came back with one of her own catching him in the stomach phloe: oof!!!*recovers and punches artemis in the face* artemis reeled back artemis: good fight... *holds out hand* phloe:*shakes her hand* yeah
  11. can i join?? name: artemis starr age: 17 race: saiyan height: 5'7" attacks: midnights bane,starfire,dark flare,and spitfire bio: was frozen in a escape pod at the time planet vegeta was distroyed
  12. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    zero: hey!! siren: sorry. but we have bigger things to worry about... siren streached her arms out in front of her one hand on top of another siren: *as bits of light gathered around her out streached palms* that fool osiris diden't do his job!!! there are dragons coming!!!....MIDNIGHTS BANE!!!!!!! a shaft of white-blue light as thick as her torso flew from sirens hands incenerateing 3 of the 5 dragons
  13. siren: *kneels by miluska* trell put your hand on by back... trell: why siren: i'll need some of my energy back to fully heal her... trell places his hand on sirens sholder and siren put her hands over miluska's body... siren: *glows green* this will feel wierd for a while...
  14. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: come up here.... zero ran up the hill zero: nothing is here!!! there is a sign... but no city... siren: it just vanished...
  15. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    several hours later siren: it should be just over this rise... zero: i hope so... siren reached the rise first siren: ohh... my... god...
  16. why not name: artemis starr age: 15 hair:blue with black tips race: full saiyan
  17. siren: so... anyone got an idea besides gohan??
  18. oh great... now what am i supposed to do??
  19. i'm gonna try smoky joe's tecnique.... `````````````````````````````````` siren looks at shinnok siren: i trust him about as far as i can spit...
  20. *sitting on the floor pouting* i hate wrighters block...
  21. siren: trell if you want you can transfer my energy to her through telepapthy.. not that she needs it... but it might come in handy if she falls behind cyo's energy levels...
  22. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: well let's move... at this pace we'll never get there...
  23. siren: this is seirously wack... how do we get back to our dimentions??
  24. dunno...goodnight:sleep:
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