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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. i'll just say you told me... ```````````````````````````` siren::eek: oh my... youre really close arn't you... trell: yeah... the world sterted to fade and grow dim... siren: what's happening!!?? trell: we must be waking up...
  2. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: *takes a deep breath* well i've been lying... i'm not just coming along for the fun of it... i'm on a revenge mission... aginst rane himself... when i was very little 2 or 3 perhaps, the ranites came to my village distroying everything... when rane saw my father fighting back he asked him to join his side for rane could see great potential in my father as a fighter... when my father retaliated again rane killed him... right in front of me and my mother... he took us prisnor and had us work in a mine where he was mining floriside... for 6 years we where down there... a little after i turned 8 i think... he brought me and my mother to him... he offered my mother freedom if she would let him train me in the ways of war and she would become a ranite. my mother refused... he killed her and made me watch...he trained me to be an eliete fighter.. for 3 years i went along with him always with a alternate plan... revenge. just short of my 12th birthday i escaped killing everyone in my path.. and for the last 3 years i've been hiding in the woods or with my "aunt"... well???
  3. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: thank god...*slumps onto the ground* sky: what is it siren: that was one of rane's goonys... sky: how do you know?? siren: there's somthing i should tell you... all of you..
  4. siren: he always does... will you be fighting him trell:*nods* of course... why?? siren: because i see odd clips of the future and several different outcomes... i need to give you a temporairal gift...give me youre hands... siren takes trells hands and starts to glow bright green siren: don't tense up... i'm going to give you the power reserves i use for fighting and the abillity to take out cyo... if miluska fails it might be youre only chance.. but don't use it unless you must raw green colored power rushed down sirens arms and into trells... trell: argh! siren: aaahhhh!!! siren: sorry... it was the fastest way to transfer power...
  5. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren comes tearing into the clearing siren: oh crapidy-do-da (don't ask... it was the only thing that poped into my head)
  6. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    meanwhile... siren, not haveing found any wood good for a bow... had turned to climbing trees and jumping down to kill the deer by beheading it with her sword.. siren: i better get back...*looks up* what's that???*breaks into a flat out run dragging the deer behind her*
  7. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren:great you fish i'll go make a long bow and find some deer...my aunt has a killer venison recipe... trota of to find a good branch and some straight sticks
  8. name:siren age:15 gender:female discription:tall,sinewy not muscular,1 1/2 inch long scar on right cheek,blue hair with black tips,black baggy pants, navy blue tank top,black strip of cloth around forehead race: saiyan bio:has been frozen in a excape pod sience the distruction of planet vegeta, has a strange sience of humor and likes cats
  9. siren:*crosses arms* forgive me if i seem rude... but what do you want???
  10. siren and rico come around a bend and meet up with more soldires... siren::flaming: you really need to stop coming endlessly!!time to get rough!!! siren lays one palm on top of the back of her other hand siren: MIDNIGHT'S BANE!!! blue white energy swirled around siren's hands and shot towards the regiment of men in a beam as thick as her torso, completely enilateing them siren: *pants* that... should do it... rico::eek:
  11. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    trots up to sky siren: *yawns and streches* so shall we pack up???
  12. siren: hi... i siren... this is gohan and tina.. what dimention are you from???
  13. siren: woah... slow down... vegeta's bro??? that could mean ratical power levels and some loose screws!! now where is he??? dbzman: you mean you can't sence him??? siren::blush: oops...forgot 'bout that... yeah i can sence him... he's coming this way...
  14. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: if we move faster in the morning we should make it by noon... go's into her tent siren: good night!! all: good night!!
  15. siren gave him a wry smile siren: feel free to knock me upside the head if i get out of control...battle wrath...
  16. siren halted faerin and urged him to land faerin:i'm not a horse you know... siren got off once they where on the ground, went up to charlie
  17. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    a minute later siren emerged in a fawn brown tank top and black pants siren: let's go then...bye aunt ziash i'll see you again...[SIZE=1]i hope[/SIZE] only sky heard her... sky: *thinking* i wonder why she would say that... unless...
  18. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: well then i'll come with you... sky:why??? siren: you ask too many questions... sky: so would i learn anything otherwise?? siren: :rolleyes: ok i'll go get changed...
  19. siren finshed and and gave raynor her water bottel siren: fine... that should scar soon just try not to tear it up... raynor:*nods* ok...
  20. hmmmnnn... another sign that i've been on too long is i'll say dot dot dot... when i play nintendo 64 too long i hold my hands around air and feel for the start button aka the "pause" button...
  21. siren:alright...lets get out then... find somewhere to camp tonight and plan.. all:fine.. dbzman takes the lead
  22. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    i'm a bit confused... oh well ``````````````````````````````````````` they knocked... crash!! they extange looks... sky: what was that?? zero:beats me from inside the house: hiyah!!! my you've gotten better!! ???:wait... i think i hear someone at the door siren opened the door.. siren: oh... hi guys... come in they entered the house and looked around they saw a older woman dressed in a bright yellow gi simmalar to the blood red one siren wore, a broken vase,and a throughly harassed looking craig...
  23. tell some of the wierd ways your friends/familly say names J.R. says gogeta as- go get a now is this pointless or what??? i think i was bored...
  24. siren: look there are ppl over there... should we go down?? i know if we got into a fight, chances are we'd win but if we don't have to fight them, all the better for us. well most of us.
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