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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: no one needs to come with me... i'll be fine going to merica(big city) on my own...
  2. ummm... where am i at the moment???
  3. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren looked down zero:well?? siren: errrr.... to my aunts house!! yeah that's it; my aunts house!!heh,heh
  4. siren: oh yeah!!! it's good to be back!!! i'd say to distroy this base but that woulden't work for other ppl with different agendas... besides the best way to distroy somthing isn't to take it out one at a time...
  5. siren:very funny[SIZE=1]dick head...[/SIZE] oh and if you keep that up for too long you'll create a strain on your power supply... save it for an somthing important
  6. siren: i think we have bigger things to worry about than that... guys??? guard1:there they are!! guard2:get them!!
  7. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren: i'm all for that... i'll get my stuff
  8. siren stands up dripping wet and cold... siren:you pice of cra*!!! die!!!! ???:you cant kill me... and you never will *draws sword* siren: eat blade dirt bag!!
  9. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren fell out of the tree and roled head over heels down the hill landing on sky siren: eekk!! sorry....*she stood up and started to walk away* sky:wait!!!
  10. siren:*sees sage walking over*tch... what a sorry looking group we are...four bums in chains and collars this would be funny if it wern't so seirous...oh and by the way *yells at the top of her voice* I'M HUNGRY!!! DO WE EVER GET FED AROUND HERE??? *the guard ignored her* hurmph... figures...
  11. youre probobly right... but goku seems to get stronger over night
  12. siren: well... that may mean that he is somewhere here as well we should leave this forest before more people show up and they arn't friendly... tina:i seconed that... gohan: but i can protect you wit- siren: listen up pal... i so do hate to tell you this but i don't trust you or your powers...got it??? faerin... will you do the honors?? faerin: climb abord!! [I]siren leaps up onto faern's back... [/I] siren: are you coming??? gohan: i can fly... tina: got my board... siren:fine lets go...
  13. Raquel

    RPG:the silence

    siren scrambles up a tree looking for fruit... faerin: err... siren??? there's no fruit in that tree... siren:well you don't know till you look... farein: errr... siren??? that's a pine tree... siren: errr...oops??? ````````````````````````````````````````` sorry guys... i got the dreaded WB... (wighter's block)
  14. siren:*starts picking at the handcuffs*that was good...ok so what are these things for??? dbzman:what do you mean??? siren:i've never seen them before...but if you go to the hair right behind my left ear you'll find a hair pin... i think i can pick the locks... [I]dbzman, red as a beet, retrived the hair pin and handed it to siern...[/I] siren:*as the hair pin melted* ok... these are pick proof... man... ki would be very helpful right about now... warlock: it would've been useful a while ago as well... siren:oh... hello i diden't see you...come to think about it i don't sence you either...hmm... these colars are a bother...got any ideas??
  15. ok i got to go for a sec... you guys can start...
  16. i was... i think my name in the story was toren...
  17. siren:for the record will you tell me exactly when you lost your clinging hold to sanity??? faerin:*nips siren* be nice... siren:*rubs bitten spot* oooowwww... meenie.. so what dimention did you fall from???
  18. shall we start??? i'll go and post the play part
  19. heh...good one.. ````````````````````````````````` gohan pops up right behind siren she hears him and turns siren:huh??too many ppl are poping up everywhere!!!*jumping up and down in fusteration* gohan: who are you??? where's cell??? siren: say who???
  20. siren looked out across the land marveling how much of it there was.... siren:... my god...better get back to them before they send some one up here to get me...*flys down* siren lands but no one is there siren:hello??? anoyone here??? somthing grabbed her from behind and snapped a metal circle around her neck... siren:what the??!!! ???:now it's your turn!! a massive electrical surge went through her body and all went black... siren woke up in a cell of some sort... siren:what the??!!!(one of my favorite frases... )fine i'll blast my way out*concontrates energy*arrrghhhh!!!! another electrical surge racked her body and she blacked out
  21. sigh... single H... you arn't joking...are you...that's scary...
  22. i always manage to land face first in your rpgs!!! name siren siren is a geneticly(sp?) altered saiyan so she now has the ability to go ssj1,ssj2,ect... apperence: black pants, dark blue shirt,short 4in[COLOR=blue]blue[/COLOR] hair with black and silver tips 1in long personality:can be arrogant but has no problems saying sorry. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````` siren looked out across the land marveling how much of it there was.... siren:... my god...better get back to them before they send some one up here to get me...*flys down* siren lands but no one is there siren:hello??? anoyone here??? somthing grabbed her from behind and snapped a metal circle around her neck... siren:what the??!!! ???:now it's your turn!! a massive electrical surge went through her body and all went black... siren woke up in a cell of some sort... siren:what the??!!!(one of my favorite frases...:rolleyes: )fine i'll blast my way out*concontrates energy*arrrghhhh!!!! another electrical surge racked her body and she blacked out
  23. siren:careful!!!... faerin:it seems worlds are tearing apart at the seems and new ones are being sown in...kinda like a quilt...but of places not materal... tina:what's that??!! siren:he's a dragon...
  24. ???:and now it's time to kill you... [I]siren woke slowly and sat up sluggishly[I] siren:wha..??? oh no... not you again... can't you just stay dead??? [I]just then charlie found them while looking for outlaw and cloud[I]
  25. this is my first rpg... heres the basic info you need to know...our world was plunged into a time of terror by a creature of great power he is known as the demon Rane. we are trying to stop him..(duh!!!:rolleyes: ) you can have 1 ability or 4 in wide rage like the elements but if you do you have to have a weakness like you get exusted after using it...you also may have a compaion like a dog ,dragon,ect... name: age: ability: weapons: bio: personality: companion: companion's personilaty: if you have a question pm me!!:D
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