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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. heh the insanity has taken over!!!!
  2. yeah just the ones that live in the mall and scream [COLOR=deeppink]oh my god!!! i broke a nail!!!! and i just polished them too!!![/COLOR] i'm your typical tomboy army-pants girl with purple hair.for now
  3. yeah i thought they were good
  4. you know Kittie aka Imp??? she just went off to the air force in the beggining of sept...i'm rathered worried 'bout her...
  5. siren:*pant*we're running we're running we're running we're ru- [I]CF picks up a small rock without breaking stride and throws it at siren[/I] siren:ouch!! ok i get the message i'll shut up...
  6. ok everyone relax i'm a blonde so don't take this personally my grandma sent them... SHE WAS SO BLONDE THAT SHE ... 1. Took her new scarf back to the store because it was too tight. 2. Couldn't learn to water ski because she couldn't find a lake with a slope. 3. Can't work in a pharmacy because the bottles won't fit into the typewriter. 4. Got excited because she finished a jigsaw puzzle in 6 months and the box said "2 to 4 years". 5. Was trapped on an escalator for hours when the power went out. 6. Couldn't call 911 because there was no 11 on any phone button. 7. When asked what the capital of California was, answered "C." 8. Burnt her nose bobbing for French fries. 9. Baked a turkey for 3 days because the instructions said 1 hour per pound and she weighed 125. 10. Can't make Kool-Aid because 8 cups of water won't fit into those little packets. 11. Hates M&M's because they are so hard to peel. 12. Got hurt while raking leaves; fell out of the tree. 13. Changes the baby's diaper only once a month because the label said "good up to 20 pounds." 14. After losing in a breaststroke swimming competition, complained that the other swimmers were using their arms. whatcha think??
  7. [QUOTE]Shadow Wing smiled deviously. [/QUOTE] that's lord shadow wing to you!!!it's fun being evil... and it's [U]stormwing[/U]
  8. siren:heh :angel: you see...what i'm trying to say is... oh forget it ...do whith me what you like...*sullen look*
  9. unknown to cf or raynor siren sliped into the mountian right behind them,tripped over a rock and got her shoe laces stuck in the closeing doors... siren:why do these things always happen to me??? [I]a shadow looms up on the wall and siren ripped franticly at her shoe laces[/I] siren: ohhhh shhh!!ttt...
  10. siren woke up to a big toothy grin siren:aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!help!!! faerin:shut up it's me!!! siren:heh.heh:blush: sorry..why is it so cold??? faerin:i don't know.it just started.wow thats cold even for me.brrrr... siren:i think i can control my powers now.here watch. [I]siren reached out a hand over a pile of twigs and concentrated on heat.[/I] woooshhh!!![I]a gigantic colomn of fire towered into the sky[/I] siren:eekkkk!!guess not...
  11. siren:*mutters*i been milling around for close to half an hour...oh well... [I]suddenly an explosion happens directly behind her siren whirled around and got hit with a piece of glass in the sholder [/I] siren;*pulls the bloody pice out and spits*are you two drunk??? CF:no,just trying to make fire works siren:*snorts*whatever...
  12. siren forced the panic down but a nagging voice was screaming "your dieing!! you should have never made faerin freeze you solid!!!what if you can't get your power to work?? what if you freeze???what if u run out of air???" siren hated what if's.. she was wraped in a blanket of cold she knew that if she diden't find her power she would die all of a sudden she relized there was no help for her siren:[I]i won't die yet... i refuse to die!!!![/I] arrrrrrhhhgggg!!!! fire crackeled through her body surronding her and melting the ice faerin watched as torrents of water rushed off the mound of ice and cast a worried glance behind him fire engulfed her mind and body she was the inferno she felt no pain.then nothing.just black.forever.
  13. oh i forgot element:siren-fire element:faerin-ice age:18 and faerin can change sizes his mini size:[IMG]http://www.drakkan.com/dragons/images/blackdragons/dragon-picture-444.jpg[/IMG]
  14. meanwhile faraway in a black tower loard stormwing was punshing his flunkies l.s.:you know what the punshiment is for failure, ratwing, i gave a simple assignment the least you could is complete the job.this is your last chance i want the dragon ragear and his master ryu dead in 3 days!! get out of my sight you worthless excuse for dragon slime.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ note :ratwing is my ever loyal dragon flunkie he sold many dragons out to save himself. i am trying to collect 37 dragon spirts so i can sommon my evil goddess and feed her the spirts so she grows storng and can renew her reign of evil... sounds like a good evil plan to me.
  15. siren:i'll go and dispose of this*holds up the needle*see ya!! [I]valts over the balcony and walks away...[/I]
  16. name:siren dragon's name:faerin nickname:rin personality:siren-short tempered and quick wited one personality:faerin-the calm reasonable one discription:siren-blue hair in a braid,black baggy pants,blue tank top- [IMG]http://y2dave.subportal.com/games/anime/magic_knight/pic1.html[/IMG] discription:faerin-black with silver crest and claws- [IMG]http://www.drakkan.com/dragons/images/blackdragons/dragon-picture-285.jpg[/IMG]
  17. apperently i am the new evil lord stormwing wohahahahaha :devil: you shall never defeat me you puny mortals!!!!! is it just me or am i being overly eccentric???
  18. no more cable!!!!:( no dragonball/z/gt wanhhh!!! *tear* oh well what i was saying is can some one tell me what's been happening on toonami in the us???
  19. [QUOTE]So even though there is electricity around Cell's body, he didn't become SSJ2, because Gohan was much stronger than him all along.[/QUOTE] but cell could have just have been a weaker form of ssj2...
  20. Raquel


    wake me when it gets intersting:sleep:
  21. 1.black 2.[COLOR=silver]silver[/COLOR] 3.[COLOR=darkblue]midnight blue[/COLOR] 4.[COLOR=teal]teal[/COLOR] 5.[COLOR=crimson]crimson[/COLOR]
  22. [IMG]http://y2dave.subportal.com/games/anime/magic_knight/pic1.html[/IMG] just w/ baggy blue pants and a black tank top
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