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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. thankx... name:siren age:16 gender:female type:modern pirate weapons:longsword,2 sai and 5 throwing stars specialties: street fighting weapons master (hand her a weapon and she'll figure out how to work it in under a min.) bio:know nothing of her past lives only in the here and now.
  2. i deffinitly agree w/ sephiroth... and besides :smirk: i was kicking @$$ over there...
  3. can i join??? raiha can't keep being the only girl on these rpgs... it's not fair... j/k;) i'll come back later:cross:
  4. Raquel

    Fight Club

    arrggghh!!!! dude!!!!i'm a girl!!!:flaming: and i've just about had enough of u!!!!and brick walls!! *jumps up and runs towards cecil knotting her hands together and in a wild uppercut knocks cecil onto the ground, unconcious...* [COLOR=blue]Game Over, I win[/COLOR]
  5. Raquel

    Fight Club

    [COLOR=crimson]DO YOU MIND?????[/COLOR] we're [COLOR=blue]trying[/COLOR] to have a fight here and not a verbal one if you guys must spam do it somewhere like the test zone. [COLOR=orange]go on, shoo!!![/COLOR] :flaming:
  6. Raquel

    Fight Club

    how about you ****ing give him a break goddamnit!!! j/k.. besides what do you care???
  7. thankx!!!! i just now came to tell u guys that it is my b-day.. hmmmnnn......Coincidence??? anyway, thankx!!:wigout: :blush: :laugh: :D
  8. Raquel

    Fight Club

    righty then... *recovers quickly and lands a double punch to cecil's nose spraying blood down his front...*
  9. oolong sucks yajirobi...ermmmm...yeah i think pilaf is funny but garlic breath sucks all round
  10. Raquel

    Fight Club

    as you wish raiha... *dodges around cecils clumsy kick and dilivers one of her own to his hindquarters then comes around to face him and breaks his nose...* [COLOR=crimson]eat that!!!![/COLOR] :devil:
  11. Raquel

    Fight Club

    alright cecil let's see what ya got:devil:
  12. Raquel

    Fight Club

    well if we where fighting it might speed up once again i will be gone a lot :cross:
  13. pan 18 videl bulma chi chi and i wish someone would kill marin (sp?)
  14. it looks fine i just don't like it very much...i'm not a gohan fan...
  15. Raquel

    who's this?

    i'm stuck in the world of db/gt pics!!!!!!!!!!!! *sniff**sniff* dam* you toonami!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad:
  16. Raquel

    Fight Club

    now why coulden't i find this earlier??? oh well, another girl has come to wup *** on some ppl... first on my list is ben 4 the unotherized useage of a brick wall!!!! is he even here anymore??? if not i'll fight any takers... oh and read my sig.... it'll explain my vanishing acts...
  17. i think.......no...nevermind great work james!!:D
  18. taking in the fact that i haven't seen anything past the cell saga...([B]GODDAM*ED TOONAMI[/B])... and every thing i saw was dubbed i have to say cell....
  19. counting my posts here 63... unless...you could add the posts of my other self into it??? thats the problem w/2 names...if u did it would be.....ermmm...130???i think...
  20. what if i coulden't care less???
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