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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. yeah good one!! i don't care if he is the prez... a guy w/ nukes that says "when is my 11:00" should be tied up!!!!:D
  2. no idea. i haven't seen him much around there. how popular could that name be??? if it is then he's being well behaved...
  3. what logo?? oh you mean the red x box???(heavy scarcasam intended)
  4. enjoy!! and the one thing i can't stand is the new thread and the post reply right next to one another....you hit new thread just as much as post reply!!!!
  5. [URL=http://www.kingelessar.com/otakuhaven]www.kingelessar.com/otakuhaven[/URL]
  6. i know this is a little of the subject but.... [B]I HATE TOONAMI[/B] ok now back to the subject when freiza was killed. both times where cool...
  7. yeah i though so... about the only difference is that they have more smilies...
  8. is it just me or ls this alot like the otaku haven boards???
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