Storyboarding is something i take very seriously, a storyboard is the stepping stone to a good manga, in my belief. What are your techniques when it comes to designing a manga? Once your artwork is all reasdy to go, how do you publish it?
Personaly i story board my mangas one episode at a time on sheets of A2 paper, 8 pages per sheet. I pin the storyboard on the wall above my desk and note potential changes. Then i proceed to my second draft. I draw the pages with a little more detail, including noted changes, pluss making more changes to the panels, if the need arises. Then I create my final black/white copy. I draw out the panels, adjust them to make them look more dynamic and then begin work on the drawing. Once the book is finished I ink my work, scan it on the computer, and clean it up using PSP 8 ready for publishing on the net. There is another method i am working on which will hopefully make it easier/better.... but that is to remain a secret ;)
Before i even consider scetching my story board though i create the world! I work on it until im satisfied i know enough details about it and have all my character sketches how i want them.....then i write a brief storyline and a few ideas for the panels......THEN i begin making the episode.
The manga i am creating now, Freedom Star, has taken me a month of developing and design so far....with more to go! I have high expectations of it and am positive it will draw an im taking my time to make sure its enriched with detail as possible. After all, no one likes a boring story. ^^ ;