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Everything posted by DjManix

  1. It all depends if your manga is completely origonal or if it is a fan manga/based off something. If you are basing your manga off an anime series or a game or w/e then alot less planning is involved. If its an original creation then alot more planning is involved. You need to develop as many aspects and details about your world as possible. Detail and originality! Im working on an original creation which has taken moooonths worth of planning, and i am also doing a manga based on Heroes of Might and Magic 3 O.o which i have been working on for about a week and have already started publishing the first chapter ^^
  2. cant say im not flattered, hehe, but im not profesional :S....i have all the materials you would need except a graphic tablet (will have in about a month)...but i aint professional. All the mangas i have created are only short ones....a few pages....im working on my first full length one now. The first episodes going to be big....ive already put so much detail into the world.....and im having a tad bit of trouble keeping my characters in character, lol.... but i think it will take off well once finished. the only bump in it will be my drawing :S
  3. DjManix

    PHP and MySQL

    just a thought....but isnt this thread steering down the off topic lane? anyways, your guys info has helped me alot too guys ^^
  4. You know Sun, you could make solid revenue with your talent. Seriously! Designing covers/posters/webgraphics. Your work is A grade man. Dont give up!
  5. Does Archie count? LMAO!!!!!!!!!! :animeswea well the country i am from isnt too abundant in comic book stores anymore :animecry: so im limited to whats on the net. At least we still get anime ^^
  6. You can download them? why? If you download them then chances are other people are going to have them in thier strips too. Just do what i do and draw your own, more original that way ^^;
  7. Storyboarding is something i take very seriously, a storyboard is the stepping stone to a good manga, in my belief. What are your techniques when it comes to designing a manga? Once your artwork is all reasdy to go, how do you publish it? Personaly i story board my mangas one episode at a time on sheets of A2 paper, 8 pages per sheet. I pin the storyboard on the wall above my desk and note potential changes. Then i proceed to my second draft. I draw the pages with a little more detail, including noted changes, pluss making more changes to the panels, if the need arises. Then I create my final black/white copy. I draw out the panels, adjust them to make them look more dynamic and then begin work on the drawing. Once the book is finished I ink my work, scan it on the computer, and clean it up using PSP 8 ready for publishing on the net. There is another method i am working on which will hopefully make it easier/better.... but that is to remain a secret ;) Before i even consider scetching my story board though i create the world! I work on it until im satisfied i know enough details about it and have all my character sketches how i want them.....then i write a brief storyline and a few ideas for the panels......THEN i begin making the episode. The manga i am creating now, Freedom Star, has taken me a month of developing and design so far....with more to go! I have high expectations of it and am positive it will draw an audience....so im taking my time to make sure its enriched with detail as possible. After all, no one likes a boring story. ^^ ;
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