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Everything posted by firemac

  1. [QUOTE=Noside]I've stressed it before and I'll stress it again. The censored version sucks in comparison to the uncensored version,but it's still good. The main crew's voices are good minus Sanji's, to me. The violence only gets higher as the anime goes on, more people die and things get a lot bloodier. For the time being One Piece is editable,but once they get around episode 80 things are gonna be a lot tougher to censor for 4kids. I'm sure only 5% of the people who are watching the 4kids version have seen or read the original and that's just sad. Another Shakey post brought to you by...Insomnia[/QUOTE] That's so true.
  2. Shonen Jump is ok. They don't translate things as they should though. They like to alter certain dialogue from what it should be and some term translations are wrong. The Going Merry is not supposed to be the "Merry Go" O_o. Btw, I couldn't find the previous One Piece thread, so I sorry about that, and that person got like all the names wrong. O_o Ruffy = Luffy, Lysopp = Usopp, and Zorro = Zoro. Must be reading a weird translation of the stuff.
  3. That's it, you guys are One Piece deprived, I'm going to pm you all where to get the fansubs. =D
  4. Wow, I'm surprised I found someone who likes the dub. O_o Well you should be bothered, because even if you can stand the horrible voices and changed music, you shouldn't be able to stand how they are no skipping episodes and taking out chunks out of other episodes and merging them to pose them off as one episode so 4kids can avoid editing harder to edit material.
  5. Yeah the dub edited it horribly, they cut episodes out and replaced the music, and gave it poor voice overs, and so on and so on. I'm not sure if it's ok to post fansub links, so maybe I can tell you through private messages on how you can get a hold of the original version, subbed.
  6. It's very far from DB. Yeah they act like idiots, but that's the comedy portion of it. Luffy is dumb, but is very smart when it comes to emotions.Zoro is a hardheaded person, smarter on the field with this three swords. Usopp is smart, but goofs off half of the time. Nami is definately smart and is there to keep the others in shape. Sanji is the cook. He's also hardheaded you can say. Chopper is the innocent reindeer. Still learning the world. it's very good. I love it.
  7. It's an awesome anime. It rivals my love for Naruto. (if you think One Piece is crap, then you might not have seen it fansubbed, 4kids messed up One Piece pretty bad) So who's seen it? I'm up to episode 158 right now.
  8. Hi, I just rejoined, and I used to post here in the past. I was just wondering if anyone from like 4 years ago still exists. =P If not, consider this my intro thread.
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