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Everything posted by ShagaMage

  1. (I'll reply soon lol, blarg, on another planet again. Oh well. I don't think I can write :catgirl: for this tonight. I am currently working on a solo-project.)
  2. "You say that like it is a bad thing." Vec said with a defiant grin. "Is that how you treat all the saviors that come to your aid? Your attitude isn't nearly as radiant as your outward appearance now is it?" Sal'es Vec turned to the newly created gods. He was still slightly unimpressed, but that was mostly his arrogance. It is not every day you strike down a lord of hell. He wanted this last climax, the final blaze of glory against Demona. He knew deep within himself that he was ready. He also knew he would need their help. As powerful as this new form was, he didn't believe that he could defeat Demona by himself. As for the postponing of his fight with Seidaku, he could care less.
  3. "Nice trick, but I could care less if you were a god or not. Even with your darkness, we are on an equal playing field. This battle will rage on until I want it to end. You call me a coward?! You have vanished, running from me like a dog." He says scanning the area for this god, "Now make this easy for yourself, and submit to the greatness that is Shar Korukawa." Finally, he decided that it was time to crush him. A chill ran though both Shar and Seidaku as the damned looked on. He crumpled in on himself, as if hesitating before a large move. His eyes glowed, and he expelled his demonic force towards Seidaku. This Blight Gaze funneled out of his eyes, scarlet cyclones of energy, that ripped though the hearts of all that heard. The blasts covered the back of the arena with a hellish glow. One of the on lookers knew what this was. Suzu remembered well, what almost took his life. "This is just the beginning, your friend cannot help you. I will have my gift from Zennousha, I will finish his lineage, and I will rise the dark god! Demona will beg mercy upon me as I lower myself onto the Throne of Hell!" He shouts, as he breaks into hysterics. The area begins to become an excruciating sound of death and a smell of rotting flesh fills the air around them. Before he could see what he had accomplished, the miracle happened, in the form of an immaculate hand. "This is not the agreement." Sal'es Vec spirit says towards his patron lord. "I was the one who was going to live forever, you have broken this agreement. Now you shall get your just desserts." He says chillingly calmly towards Lord Korukawa. Then Vec's other arm reaches from the anonymous writhing wall of faces and grabs Shar by the throat. The gaze breaks as he is pulled towards the walls of this prison and dragged through them, but not into the real world. This time Shar was being dragged into the faces of the damned. They rended his flesh with there gnashing mouths. "No! I am your master! You obey me now!" Shar shout as Vec's fingers move to his face. He cruelly twists Shar's head around and bored both fingers into the facade's hellish flesh. It shrank and warped under the touch of Sal'es' hands, and the Demon Lord finally began to die. An ornate silver mask materialized in front of Shar's face. Vec's hands grasped the two leather straps and forcefully pulled the mask taught across Lord Korukawa. The hands disappeared for a moment, and Shar collapsed onto the faces. As he screamed in fury and straightened himself. Just as he began to rise from his first knew a hand burst from his breast. His flesh began to rupture, his impervious armor began to bubble and warp, and his bravado melted away. This was his end, by the one who had unknowingly given him his beginning. The body finally becomes a statue of dust, that is blown away by a celestial force to reveal Sal'es Vec. His platinum blond hair billows from the back of the mask that he wears, and he is wearing the vestiges of a forgotten king. A full hooded cloak of platinum adorns his shoulders. Gloves of white silk line his arms, with multitudes of ornamental designs of antiqued silver cover them. His greaves shine with a mirrored finish, and his tunic of silver wool shines a design of a marred face. Artic wolves? skin traces parts of the cloak and tunic, the pants are a silken mesh of immaculate white and platinum. "We can still partake in this combat if you choose. I am the Immaculate Terror, Sal'es Vec." This Vec seemed different, and yet, the same. Zain sensed more evil exuding from this being than Shar ever had, but the image was so brilliant, that it was hard to comprehend how. The hellish barrier broke around them, and Seidaku was free from Shar's gluttonous escapade.
  4. "Coward? You arrogant fool! You are the coward. You couldn't take the shots that your father was dealing out, so you fused with Majotte. A being that had the brute force that you needed. As soon as the battle started to curve away from your favor you turned to the help of others, and not just any other, a superior being." He said with the thought of breaking into hysterics. "So is that a challenge? At this point you would have to fall over yourself to convince Majotte into wasting more energy by entering fusion with a weaker being... " He looks to Majotte with renewed focus. "Hehehe, You know.. You seem like another candidate to allow me complete enterance into this world. What do you think of joining into my being? It would be painless, for a while..." He says with emphasis to his hypocracy and then starts to chuckle. "The differance between us Seidaku is that I don't have to ask. I will kill, maim, and absorb the life force from whoever or whatever I want. And you are no exception, for you to have the audacity of challenging me at your point is almost admirable." He pauses to draw his demonic blade. It is no longer such a viceral monstrocity, but a black metallic bastard sword of distinguish beauty. Its blade is long with five clawed scratches of platinum in its center, like an angel tried hard with its last breaths to break it from its chest. The tint of platinum stains its blasphemous immaculance, stained from the tip to about a foot inward. Its pomel has a massive ruby imbedded within the onyx hilt. At the bottom of the hilt is a mishapen, screaming face of demon, the true Shar that hides behind his human husk. "You will truely revel in my power, as my greaves smother your face into the ground." He says, his final taunt. Then it began. Everywhere around them shook with a distrurbing force. A sphere of green encompassed Seidaku and Shar. The faces of the damned shouted at the two combatants, and lunged there wretched maw towards the closest person, screaming profanities as they writhed. This would ensure that they would not be interupted. There are only a select few ways to leave this cage, or enter it, and Shar had no intention of leaving his final prize. His attack was precise, a sweeping slash from his blade, but the beauty behind it wasn't its deadly force. It was that the amazing attack was just set up for his gaze. As Seidaku strafed from the blades horrific arc, he entered into a zone of death that Shar believed would be the beginning of the end of this battle. The exhausted Seidaku was nowhere near the power of the viscious Lord of Hell. He would need a miracle to hope to survive this battle. Shar had no illusions that it would be easy, but he was confident in his abilities.
  5. (Sorry Everyone, it has been a bit crazy. Okay, This is my post come back or something. I don't know. Sorry that I didn't post at all during the last battle. Didn't see a point. It was your glory moment, didn't want to intrude alot. Anyways I was also incredibly busy. I have been buying games left and right, and I've been trying to complete them all lol. Sorry if I pissed any of you off too royally.) "Heh, You better lower that hand. Your power is spent and you know it. I have enough power to battle Zennousha all over again. You fools have wasted yours to finish a "greater" foe." Shar said with a sneer. "His sons have been very benificial to me as well. I can sustain my presance in the realm of the living. You know Seidaku, you can join them in my being if you wish. Supplementing myself with weaker beings has been useful so far, I'm sure I would have use for you." Shar continued to taunt, now smiling. "And by the way, if you couldn't hear your late father's dieing words, he said something about Demona. A demonic queen of Hell, the one that so graciously let Noah give Zain and," he stops to chuckle, "Suzu a pep talk." "I could care less, the murdering of the innocents in the vast cosmos mine to be had. I could teleport myself to another world that I could devote to making the cries of the tortured many into a planetary choir. So don't mock what you can't kill boy. This is my world, and I've gone though Hell to get here," he says as his face grows dark with a long fanged smile. "Oh, Suzu, how are your legs?"
  6. ((I've been so busy that I barely get onto this site, I will try to post soon if you guys need me to.))
  7. Shar scoured the battlefield for the body of that boy, he was intent on absorbing him as well. A memento of sorts. To his utter dismay the half bred saiyan was nowhere to be found. [I]This annoyance is still alive,[/I] he thought to himself. Finally he felt it, what he had been waiting for all this time. Kairiki's power was being transferred to his own. "AH YES, THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!" he shouts into the nothingness of space. Kairiki's armor started to rise from Shar's crimson flesh. Its appearance has taken the form of an ornate blackened metal. It has etched into the face of it a large demon rising up from Hell and incinerating all that lay in his path. It sounds as if billions of innocent children were locked into an incinerator. The bracers augmented themselves to be extensions of his demonic gauntlet, covering his arm with their pristine malevolence. From his shoulders rose great plates of armor. On his left shoulder arose the face of Jukunen. The face is twisted as if in a great deal of pain. On the left shoulder another armor plate appears, and this one holds the face of Ranma, also grimacing in agony. Finally the Crown of Kairiki descends upon his brow. As is inches closer to his head it begins to groan and scream as it is transformed by Shar's power. It splits down the middle and extends to create a face mask. Its back extends as well. The Metal becomes an onyx black as the other pieces of armor had. The crowns top grows four spires that looks like swords that were broken in the middle cleanly. As it rest upon his head his horns curls out of its sides, the facemask covering his cheeks, nose and brow. The back begins to scream, but not like children as it did before. This time it screamed like Kairiki as his face rose from the back of the Helm of Korukawa. [I]It is time,[/I] he thought to himself with a malevolent smile. [I] Sal'es Vec, you have made me proud, and you Shar have made me powerful.[/I] Finally, he sensed the might of all the fighters. It was massive, almost completely masking the insignificant power of Suzu. "They must have traveled through a portal of sorts," he whispered to himself as his cloak began to swirl around him. He crushed his left fist into his demonic gauntlet's palm and closed his eyes. The cloak looks as if it consumes him as he teleports to the battlefield. Upon entering the battle he spots his prime objective. The mortal god known as Zennousha. He was trying to kill a number of the righteous fools with a monstrous ball of ki. Shar sneers as this doesn't concern him. They can take care of themselves. At last he locates Suzu. Standing on the outskirts of the battle, fighting of the pathetic foot soldiers of Zennousha. He takes the initiative of surprise as strikes. The massive force that he leaves in his wake disintegrates part of the temple behind him. It seems almost a shame to kill this saiyan when he is not at his full potential. As he flies towards his foe, Suzu turns with wide eyes as Shar closes the distance while drawing his saber. Suzu tries to teleport behind Shar, but he is caught with a devastating kick to the abdomen. He curls in on himself from the force that the blow carries with it, and flies backward into the ceiling. Once he hits it, his body ricochets to the floors, leaving two craters of impact behind him. Shar Korukawa breathes in deeply as he cracks his neck to the left. Then he rests his eyes upon Suzu. The Blight Gaze bursts from his eyes as its scarlet energy is expulsed toward Suzu's prone body. The screaming energy lashes out over Suzu's legs, as the rot off of his body. Leaving two stumps of flesh in place of his thighs. The screams of Suzu were music to Shar's ears. Suzu squirms across the ground as the "heroes" watch on in horror. They are kept back from the large orb of ki that threatens to break across their bodies. The tendrils of wire began to slither forth from his finger tips.
  8. Shar just smiled as the blade ascended to his head. The attack came, and Shar was still smiling. He let the energy blade crush through his head, splitting it in two halves. The horrendous smile was still so toothy and truly evil, but this time it was in half. Shar still standing grabbed Suzu's arm, and let his Soul Ripper tear off it from the elbow. Suzu's face stretched in a grotesque scream as Shar amputated his forearm. With Shar's demonic arm, he let his barbs wrap around Suzu's body, but Suzu teleported out of his vicious grasp. His eyes widened as the planetoid exploded from the wave. He shouted before noticing the air leaving his lungs. The vacuum effect muting his voice, Shar just laughed as Suzu began to squirm with his dismembered arm floating weightlessly to his side. He grabbed the limb and laughingly waved goodbye. Seeing as there wasn't any sound in the vacuum of space, he decided that taunting Suzu was a pointless venture. [I]Now where is that dog Kairiki?[/I] he thought to himself, as he remembered the Wailing Banshee that he had set loose upon him. He scanned the area and sure enough was Kairiki struggling himself free. [I]I'll give him credit, he doesn't allow himself to lose, does he?[/I] As Kairiki forced his torso free he saw Shar, and unlike before the attack when he left him he was spotless and unscathed. His head though was split down the middle to about the base of his neck. [I]The Half Saiyan must have been too powerful for him.[/I] He thought to himself as he freed his mangled legs from the furious writhing spirit. He looked up once again to his "fallen" adversary, but to his dismay now Shar was looking at him. His dark eyes staring into his chest hungrily. His bisected skull slithered cruelly together and restored itself to normal. Shar the took the initiative. It was time to finish this charade. He let a sphere of energy grew around him as he distorted matter itself around him, and finally the sphere broke, letting a wave of matter fall across the planetiod peices crushing them into small fragments. The force propelled him forward with an immense ammount of force, and Kairiki could only watch with wide eyes as his Shar thrust his demonic hand into Kairiki throat. The razor barbs freed themselves from Shar's fingers and slithered into the wound, and even deeper into his body. Kairiki's body convulsed as he could feel his innards being absorbed into Shar's body.
  9. With Kairiki's body flying towards him, he couldn't thing of a better time attack the brute. "Hahaha, now Kairiki, you will meet my Soul Ripper!" he said as he lunged even more into the god child's path. The brute armor collided with Shar's demonic gauntlet yet again. This time Kairiki's eyes widened, the Hell Ball encased within the attack let loose ripping into the armor. The attack exploded around him and then the wave of hell fire spread forth to encompass Suzu's position as well. "I will have your power Kairiki," he whispered with an unnerving obsession that was wrapped tightly around each word. As tightly as the razor wire that had extended from the gauntlet much like before, but this time instead of helping an ally breath, they wrapped securely around Kairiki's body. They began weaving themselves around his armor searching for a secure hold. Their malicious barbs almost thirsting for blood. Just as he thought it was over the attack came. The Exploding Dance blasted into Kairiki, who he was using as a shield, breaking the wires. On ball had blasted through the left side of his face. "I WON'T FALL LIKE MY BROTHERS," Kairiki screams as he wheeled around, not even taking heed of the attacks that were breaking over his back. He cupped both of his hands and fired a ferocious wave of ki broke over Shar's body, like waves on a beach shore. Kairiki shot forward laying savage blows into the regenerating Shar. Blocking most with his undamaged forearms, he started to retaliate with a few jabs. To finish this volley of blow, Shar laid two snap kicks into the side of Kairiki?s head. Recoiling backwards to hold his ground Kairiki found his defense compromised. Shar's mouth gaped grotesquely wide, and from the depths of his body a large ghoulish mist crawled forth. As it finished exiting his body, it began to take the shape of a beautiful howling banshee. Her eyes were glowing green with envy for the living, and set upon Kairiki. It howl with horrific might as its pale blue body of mist began to cyclone around Kairiki, leaving long, thick scratches across his golden armor. During this Shar was reforming, into his former immaculate self. "Oh boy, I think Kairiki is in a bit of a struggle. It seems we are alone to for the time begin to allow ourselves a slight skirmish," as he spoke a cruel smile broke onto his face, READY YOURSELF FOR MY POWER!" he shout with a Primal ferocity. Then he charged at Suzu. Suzu readied himself for the attack, but Shar teleported behind him and stabbed him with The Saber of the Abyss. Suzu's mouth and eyes gaped as he felt the life draining from him for a spit second before he pulled himself off the blade, a fountain of blood rained down to the ground below from Suzu's rips. Blood made its way out of his mouth, but he heroically wiped it from his lips. (( I had it hit him, mostly because I don't think anyone really has that fast of reflexes to dodge a stab after someone teleports. It didn't really hurt him though, so he is fine and dandy. Chill with your no character controlling banter because I followed the rules to the letter. Enjoy the post.))
  10. This boy was truly getting to be an annoyance to Shar, who direly wanted the brute Kairiki to die under his own hands. Gekido, being this sadistic demon he was, had told him to wait for Kairiki to crush the half-saiyan. This was becoming tedious at best. The boy had attained a new power from an unknown source, and this was not acceptable. Patients was always a virtue to follow, but now it was too much. He couldn't stand to watch this battle drone on, all that had happened was a deep scratch in Kairiki's armor. He roared in the farthest reaches of the universe, letting his dark energy radiate forth. His power devastating the surrounding landscape. Finally it was time to attack, Kairiki would die before Zennousha's eyes, and then Shar would content. For Zennousha would still yet be too powerful. He flew down into the conflict with his cape flowing violently in the wind. Its crimson swarm blurring his image until he in a terrifying way vanishes from sight. Kairiki looks about frantically as he clubs Suzu with his large forearm. Suzu's body plummets into the ground with a large crash. Dirt and dust rise from the crater to conceal what has become of Suzu. Then, Shar teleports right infront of Kairiki and lunges at him with his demonic hand. It scrapes with a loud metalic hiss as it makes partial connection with his right side. Kairiki avoided the vicious attempt on his life barely by strafing to to left.
  11. "That is acceptable, it is my least favored form anyways. A crude imitation of the real thing. If it will kill the last of the children, I will allow it to be kept in your person. I have attained achorage in this realm, with both minds presant, one of reason, one of destruction. Yes, I feel the final battle waging as well. Kairiki shall be my target, Zennousha is already busy," He says casually. "This will hurt alot Gekido, don't struggle while I do it...it wouldn't have a pleasant result." He says as long metalic wires fly down his Gekido's throat. He stops breathing for a second, then realizes what has happened, he'd given him an artificial air supply. "Now we are off," He says as he grabs hold of Gekido's shoulder. They are teleported to the battlefield almost instantly. Kairiki looks upon Shar with utter hate for what he had done to his brothers. "Yes, come to me," he taunted the gargantuan brute.
  12. Once again he was united with the ichors that had made him so powerful before. This orb of swirling muck was in front of him, as an offering. This was too perfect. He'd be able to anchor himself to this realm after all. The orb slowly levitates towards him and touches his finger, it then with enormous power is pulled into his being. Once again the planet quakes, as his ooze begins to solidify into rippling muscles and a black silken suit. It looks as though taken from the Renaissance, with its white frilled collar and elongated under sleeves. His shoulders scream with the voices of Ranma and Jukunen as their faces rise up from the suits abysmal darkness. This was a different Shar than remembered, he was not insane with bloodlust or power. Instead he was regal and profoundly terrible. The air became stale immediately, and his Death Aura produced a poisonous fog that spanned on for miles. His saber was now complete, with its veined surface and mounted edge. Its pommel now had a moving eye, which gazed hungrily around for sustenance. His dark flaming wings had attached to his back and formed into a flowing cloak which writhed with an unholy spirit. The tongues of flame on the opposite sides of his head transformed into long pronounced horns. The ebon bone gleamed in the deadening sunlight. "Now this is true power, precise and concentrated. It will be a joyous occasion indeed when I obliterate Kairiki," he says with his large predatory fangs showing in a long smile. He then drops to his knees holding the right side of his chest. "AHHHHHH! Oh God, what is this doing?!" he screams in sheer agony. Black liquid visually slides its way through the veins in his neck. Burning him apart from within, unable to tame the massive power for an unknown reason. This skin around his jugular and tracia bursts into horrific flame, and his suit begins to seep into his flesh like molten metal. As the throes ends, his suit now looks as though halt of it has melted into a collage of flesh and onyx stone. It gleams with rippling creases and scars, with long crimson lines of flesh pulsating against it. The long flowing black silken cape had morphed into a shredded mass of writhing crimson, its edges looking like the cutting edge of a good master blade. His lower jaw and neck had done the same, it's onyx overlay crawling to just below his right ear. His right hand was augmented with a demonic exoskeleton of gleaming black glass, that had crimson veins glowing through its opaque depths. He finally rises to his feet with a lack of pain that should have been apparent. In his right hand, the mutilated one, he holds out a choker with green gem attached, the one Zain had worn before to stop his evil, this was the cause of his mutilation, and his power enhancement. "This is yours..."
  13. A grave smile traces its way across his oozing face. He wipes a part of the late Ranma's torso from his gaping maw of needle like teeth. He agreed with his Shar and Gekido on this, senseless bloodshed was not needed, and Kairiki was still out there. He smiled as he looks at his shoulders, two familiar faces had risen in the muck, Ranma's and Jukunen's. "I feel a part of me missing," he says with a horrifying rasp. "Kairiki, is the one I long to have suffering within me. Yes, I am quite sure that I will ally myself with you Gekido. I am Sal'es Vec, and my Demon Lord that anchors with me is Shar Korukawa. This seems most prosperous for us both." ((Will edit more in, my dad is kicking me off for a while.))
  14. I will teleport you from this planet." Vec shouts to Gekido as a look of betrayal washed across his face. "I have the power to do it, just give me the rest of my POWER!" When he says this he stretches out his hands. Before Zain begins to make a descision a large fissure erupts from the ground. Lava spews upwards in a wave of molten stone and flame. The ground shoot from its depths pillars of diamond and molten crystal. He just remember what Gekido had done before Seidaku had interupted them, layed Ranma upon a platter. He looked down to see nothing in place of the bisected parts of his nemisis. Just the two large beams blast into his chest, passing through to almost the other side, but instead inflating his back into two bulbous orbs of black, as he poured energy into hi like water into a balloon. He promptly swiped his arm between the beams, severing it completely, and breaking off the power flow, sending them around his body. The energy already with bloated within him, he expelled it with his flexing chest, and it sent the wave of ki back to its owner. The spherical wave caught his feet as he began to blast skyward away from the ki. With his desintegrated legs, he could not hold off the flurry of blows that Vec through his ways, large fists planted home, and his meat hook hand drove itself into his side. He injected a small portion of his oozing mass into Ranma's body. His body was effected quickly, as large pustuals formed upon his face, as he speech began to blur with his screams. He begins to absorb his opponents fleshs, as his lashed his long ghastly tongue acrossed the wound. He sank his teeth deeply into it sensing that this child would not add to his power, it had to be Gekido. "Now, will you grant me back my power, or will you join in this planet's suffering?" He said as Ranma's bloody flesh slid down his cruel smiling fascade.
  15. Looking down upon the late Jukunen his appetite for the grotesque heightens. He lets his hands take a human shape to grip his saber. Dipping his blade into the slowly reanimating muck he wispers, "your death won't be in vain, after I vanquish your killer, I'm going for you father." He then plunges his saber through the grotesque mass, which makes up Jukunen's current state, to his hand. The muck begins it be absorbed into Vec's body. Vec picks up Jukunen's last peice that he was trying to regenerate, a foot. A long slithering tongue covered in boils trails out of Vec's gaping maw. It rots the flesh from the bone, pulling the festering meat into his fanged mouth. "Oh yes, that is what I was looking for." Flames begin to reath his head and shoulders, that take the shape of horns and thorned wings. Jukunen's three orbs hover around Vec's head confusing him as their former controller. Jukunen's face rises from the much of Vec's chest, screaming as if trapped in umbearable agony. "You feel that? ZENNOUSHA!? Your son's life force wisp away into me! You are next, and with you, I will take the thrown of power!" he screams into the cosmos, and then scours his surroundings. Sensing their brother's life force vanish in place of Vec they are both shocked, thinking they were invincible. "GEKIDO, I WILL ALLOW YOU TO JOIN WITH ME FOR NOW, LET US SHED THE BLOOD OF THESE PATHETIC FOOLS!" he says as he augments his left hand into a meat hook, dashes towards Ranma. The Jukunen orbs blast forward towards the insane Ranma as well. Swinging viciously at Ranma with the Saber of the Abyss. Ranma flies out of the way, but the red orb meets his chest. ((Tell me if I have to delete this or not, I didn't know if you had any plans for Jukunen. The idea of reabsorbing the ooze with Jukunen's body within it came to me tonight and seems pretty sweet.))
  16. Rising slowly, Vec has a horrific grimace of cruelty and satisfaction. His blond hair is covered in dirt, and further it seems his suit was smudged. "Of all the foul tricks of the hells..." he says glancing at his suit. This planet needed a cleansing indeed. "What is this?" he says as he pears at the neckband. [I]Victory, is what you hold. A way to reclaim me, become power, death but we need someone to put it on the dark one.[/I] Vec arises, from the ground, his body weakened momentarily. His platinum hair rests upon his ghastly pail face and he remembers why he sold his soul. This is a mocker, a blasphemy. You will not get away with this Zain. He thinks to himself as he holds the band. Opening his suit he stashes it in the pocket in front of his lifeless heart. Walking slowly with disgust, he picks up the saber. "This won't feel too pleasant..." he says as he slams the blades tip through his right palm. It's mouths incompassing his hand, tearing at his flesh. With a putrid scream he are ripped from the sabers blade, and into his body. He screams as he starts convulsing on his feet, the veins up his arm turn black. His flesh began to melt off his bones, into a viscous mush. The pool begins to boil as the fetid remains of the corpse sink into the fleshy muck. The pool settle a face begins to rise out of it. Its predominant color is a black ichor, that seeps down his face continually. The only thing that is identifiable on him are his glowing eyes that are the color of a newborns blood. They had seen this before, briefly, as he landed on Earth in a fiery showing. The tainted saber had giving him a half transformation. The muck flows around his body, completely covering it in a moving mass of onyx. It closely resembles thick lava, and Vec body beings to hiss voilently. His hands transform from the raven ichor into large sythes. And all on the planet hear the blood curdling sceam "BLOOD!" as he dashes forward, a blaze of violent dark energy rushes towards Zain, it sounding as the screaming voices of hell.
  17. The dust dissipates from the area and the image of the demon comes back into view. A wicked laughs springs out from Shar's lungs. The Fusion Beam did meet its mark. It burst through his left forearm and into his chest, leaving a large cavernous hole in his thick chest. The only thing that wasn?t as Zain expected was the hideous laughter coming from his opponent. The Zain recognized why this perversion of creation was laughing. The hole was being constricted by Shar?s chest. Quickly replacing the lost flesh that was caused by the vicious attack. As Zain looks on, his face twists in a surprised grimace. ?What the hell?? "Yes, its a marvelous thing. Being able to keep an investment intact. I am sorry to disappoint you so much, that I have not met my demise. NOW YOU DIE!? He shouts and blasts forward leaving a indention in the ground behind him. ?SOUL RIPPER!? he shouts and he lunges his hand toward Zain?s chest. A hellball starts to swirl, waiting to be placed within his foe?s body.
  18. (( Just to clarify recent event. It wasn't character control, we talked about how we wanted the fight to go, and didn't want the posts to be short and choppy. So we put it into bulk. The new guy is doing pretty well. I'll be editing my post into this soon. Just a little work to do tonight. Plesant Trails Guys.))
  19. (ooc: the scrape is fine by me, just better be a strong blade to get through this hide) Licking the flesh wound, a sweet scent of blood rises to his nostrils. Oh, this was going to be fun...he hadn't killed anyone ages it seemed. He drew out the monsterous blade on his sided. The demonic flesh had grown around the saber, making it into a living blade. It throbs grotesquely for the taste of blood. Teethed mouths line its serated edge, thirsting for blood and hungering for flesh. A court knight runs onto the scene, swinging his broadsword viciously. It makes a metalic clang against Shar's arm. A predatory smile takes hold of his face from the futility of the attack, then he rips into the knights arm with a tenacious bite, rending the arm from its shoulder. With the arm hanging from his mount his stabs the shocked guardian of the late sire with the saber. His body shrivels, and then melts into a heap of dust. Like a chicken wing, his gnaws into the arm, now holding it with his free hand. "Mmm, that is quite tasty, I have to admit, but a bit dry." he says musingly and laughs as he throws it into the pile of dust and bone. "What the," is all that escapes Suzu's mouth as he looks at this appauling creature. He rushes in, but this time was different. As soon as he swings, Shar grabs hold of the blade. With a inhuman tug, he pry's it from Suzu's grasp and throws it into another knights heart. Starting to back away, Suzu has no such luck. Two massive claws rend into his side, scraping the surface of his rib cage. A splash of blood hits the marble floor and then Suzu is awakened. He channels his pain and anger into a Super Saiyan tranformation. He starts to slip from Shar's grip, only to be met with a horned headbutt. Struggling, he blasts a Dual Spin into Shar Korukawa's chest and the beast grip is released. A bit of singed flesh falls to the floor. Finally the Aura of Death begins to take effect on the human population. The castle is finally silent from the screams, only a few gurgled coughs can be heard. Because of this Shar smiles. He had appeased himself. This saiyan didn't have to die afterall. He stabs the marble floor with a Soul Ripper, a blast of hellfire begins to form into a spiraling pilar of flame. He rises upwards, slowly with his hands raised. Suzu, unwillingly rises as well. He shouts "Sphere of Oblivion." An immense black ball of energy that crackles with red lightning channeled into his hands which are both extended upwards and are shoulder length apart. He throws it and controls its movement with is Diabolical Gaze. It crashes into the castle and the planet begins to give way to its unbrideled power. With his gaze hooked deeper into the surface, the sphere borrows through the surface, screams of innocent can be heard from every corner of the globe. The sphere expands when Shar feels it is deep enought, and the black energy erupt from the ground, ripping off a portion of the planets face. All the while Suzu is lifted away from his dieing home, and Shar teleports them to Char, the planet where his enemy's enemy is stationed at the time.
  20. With the cosmos flying past his being, he reflected on his power. He was not ready... as hard as it was to admit he knew that Zennousha couldn't be killed by his hands yet. He needed more than an anchor to this plane of existance, he needed an upper hand. Just as he passed another lifeless planet, he sensed something. Life, but not just any life force, Saiyan. With a dominant presance of human...how he loaths that races, it is a plague, but yet it has it's purposes. As soon as he landed, he through the planet into chaos, as he crashed into the central castle, he laughed as he let loose a After-Life Shockwave blowing up the leading member's soul out of his body, his face was inrecognisably incinerated but his body, falls to the floor, and a shattering sound resonates from the scene.
  21. The moon quickly begins to decend upon the surface of the planet. Vec, has run out of time to fight with Ranma it seems. The impact will most likely kill him, and the others have vanished...Seidaku had left him behind. "Hmm, he holds grudges quiet badly...I only tried to kill him." Just as he says the words a large beam blasts him across a large mile or so gap in the decaying earth. "You thought I was dead, well surprise, my father is almighty, and his power will not let me die!" he shouts and throws a large ball of dark ki at Sal'es Vec. Vec stops it with his hands, holding back the energy...but he needs more power than 1/2 possession...he needs 3/4ths again. As he begins to let go the dark ichor begins to flood from his body. Covering him into the beast that laughed its way through the atmosphere, and killed Ranma while he unleashed chaos. The ball began to feel lighter and lighter until he finally parted through the growing ball with his hands. Ranma looked on and blasted back with another beam of ki. Decimating the ground around Vec. Vec on the other hand was unimpressed. As he began to smile, but the massive Kairiki cut his taunt short with a shoulder tackle to his back. Flying forward into the more concentrated part of the beam. With a hole bored deep within his chest he let loose with an large scream and began with explode the ground under them. Before it could explode, Jukenen threw down a few orbs, that held the ground from exploding, Ranma and Saikiri ran in for a cross attack, Saikiri high, and Ranma low. "I can't beat all of them..." he though to himself, "I can" the demon said with deadly seriousness. "I can exact revenge for both of us, just let go, let me help you kill these worms." He did. He started to scream as his mind was ripped from his body, and replaced with the demon's. The full transformation was starting, and its effects were easily noticed. Vec arm blocks all of Ranma's and Saikiri's kicks the delivers knife hand side chops to their throats. The fall backward, waiting to resurrect. Jukenen begins to throw orbs at Vec, hoping to stop his advance, but it was in vain. He teleports next to Jukenen and punches his head into the distance, the body falls to its knees. The ooze begins to transform into thick sinewy crimson muscle. He is clad in armor that is adorned with the faces of screaming innocents, and wields a large long blade, crystalline in appearance with a deep tint of blood red. The horns and wings became flesh and bone instead of black flame, and he breathed a thick smog from his nose that smelled of brimstone. He tilts his neck sideways and twists it slightly, with a loud snap. He?d been awakened, the time of Shar Korukawa?s awakening was complete. He looked up and saw the moon starting to destroy the Earth?s atmosphere and decides this is the opportune time to test his power. Thousands of obsidian chains incased in a crimson aura fly from his body and create a large sphere around him, ripping apart the ground and anything that happens to be near. He raises his hands toward the moon and bellows ?Black River? and a tsunami of evil energy flows from his palms and encases the moon, but rather than disintegrate it he moves it toward him at a greater pace, as the moons is about to make surface fall he disappears into thin air, teleporting away from the doomed planet, following the one that is known as Seidaku. (Woot, finished my post, well for this short time, until Vec can regain control the demon Shar will be taking over. He'll mostly be after Ranma and Seidaku, but its okay, he is roughly a SSJ 4 somewhere between Great Ape Vegeta possessed by Baby and Super 17)
  22. "HAHAHAHAHA, This is the most fun I've had for a long time Ranma boy," he laughed maniacally as he recessed the ooze from constricting his head, but just as he did that, he swung his arm, with the rest of Ranma's body incased in it, and drove his face into the moons surface. Like someone trying to smudge out a cigarette in an ash tray. "Ranma, you can't be this weak..." As he finished those words Ranma finally released the chaos from his body. Disintegrating the dark amorphous prison that was challenging his life he struck true and vengefully into Vec's side. Sending him into space, soaring towards Earth's atmosphere. Vec, during the pain, was laughing hysterically in the most sadistic manor. He had come across a worth advisary in the child of a "god." This was priceless to him, mostly because of the power that was ripping his sanity into shreds. He screams inconherantly as he extends his arms outward to grab his enemy in the free fall. His wings flap as a large acidic wave spews forth from their edges in hopes to burn the bastard as he pulls him into the atmospheric plunge. As Ranma dodges the rain of acid the arms of Vec start to engulf him with the dark ichor that covers and lengthens them. (think Mr. Fantastic that is made out of an acidic dark ichor) Unwilling to be dragged into the horrific demon's grasp again Ranma fires energy blasts into the beast's arms. "Die you bastard, you have taken away my chance to rid this world of Urth, and succeed in my father's conquest of the Universe! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA," and a large beam blows off Vec's right arm. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO," Vec screams devilishly as his limb is torn from his body. He fires his Unholy Gaze, the crimson beam wails and spirals in a corkscrew fashion finally piecing Ranma's shoulder, instantly rotting all of the flesh from his shoulder bone. "Ngh, fuck... you bastard..." he groans as his arm dangles from where the flesh had rotted away. "This wound won't stop me from destroying a perversion of power such as yourself," he says and unleashes waves of ki energy. Into Vec, but his wings deflect the threat off to the side. "What in the he--," as he finishes, he is cut off by Vec's good arm extending into a hooked spear, and harpooning Ranma's leg. Now they were to be pulled into the atmosphere of Earth. "This'll be fun," Vec thinks as the wind friction begins to burn his dark ichor body. The hook ripped and dragged though Ranma's shin as they made their descent into the Earth atmosphere, the dead fall could be stopped by Vec at any time, or at the price of Ranma's leg. As the pair, turned into balls of flaming flesh and inferno fell down past the Shadow Warriors, Zain, Majotte, James and into the ground creating a massive crater on impact. When the smoke the two lie there like corpses, burnt to beyond recognition. The ribs of Sal'es Vec seep back into the muck and he begins a hunched stance. Then his transformation withdraws back into him. He is once again immaculate and in a prestine white business suit, his saber placed in a Shadow Warrior's temple, holding the hilt of the sword firmly, he drives it through. (Ranma is not dead, unless you want him to be. And like that...*tada* I'm with the main group...good and long post...I had too much fun with it to tell you the truth. Well anywho)
  23. (okay are we finishing all of it, and if so am I allowed to kill Ranma? Also, can i go final form against Zennousha with you? Just a few things i need to know before i edit my story into this post. If you can get back to me ASAP, because I don't want to be a side liner like the last planet... this time work isn't bad)
  24. With bewildering speed, he teleports to Ranma's side and lays into him with a vicious punch to the rib cage, sending him backward. His forearm extends with the ooze and begins to engulf Ranma's head, trying to smother him in the dark ichor that composes his being, except for the flaming eyes, that make Urth's skin begin to rot off his bones and the land melt with the unholy power of his gaze. Unexpecting this monster's own sight to be lethal Urth is rendered off guard, but before it becomes lethal, he uses the engulfed Ranma as a club, and smashes Urth into the ground. "This is much too fun to let you die now, and your gravity is making it much easier to smash your brother into the ground, or in this case your body," he says and then he lets out a grotesque raspy howl of laughter.
  25. The sweet nothings of death kept on beckoning him toward home. "No, I must deal death upon those on this planet, the life is so plentiful, and vulnerable. It feels so good to snuff it out. I thought this is what you wanted?" he continued, now shouting, "I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK. What? You won't give me power unless I go to your enemy. Zennousha, the evil god that cult fool was spouting about. A temple? Ahh, sons, you and I will both be satiated this day." He finished his arguement with a wide, beautifully terrible smile to his latest victim's horror. He plunged his saber into the final peasant that he would butcher on this planet. The temple wasn't hard to find, it radiated like a light house pulling him toward his goal. Its halls were empty. Someone had come through here recently, and violently he thought to himself with a smile. A few stone fragments lay at the feet of a statue. "THERE IS YOUR ENEMY," a demonic voice shouts from Vec's mouth, "and this is where we will find his sons. Step into the pool, and I will help you satiate your appetite for murder." Like a man seduced, he followed the orders to the letter. Entering into the portal without a moments hesitation, and soon he appeared on the surface of the moon where his lust for blood was quickly heightened. Before him, was running Urth and in his path was Ranma. The lack of oxygen was not an issue. Ever since he had sold his soul he had become little more than a immaculate and beautiful corpse. Sensing they were not as pathetic as his recent game he started to allow his demon to take control, soon growing horns, fangs and wings of ebon flame. His being emanates an evil greater than around him. Even when he is in the pressance of Urth and his new found element. "You father made alot of enemies, but none that shall be feared more than I. I have come for your hearts, of which I will place upon my finest golden plate, and tear into with the savagest of manners." A dark ichor begins to flood from his pores covering his body quite completely. It attaches it his horns and wings quite quickly, like it yearned to become one again. For the first time, he had allow the demon to take 3/4ths control. This ammount of power was so intoxicating he was almost tempted to fully lose himself forever into the grasp of the demon. This was definately enough to wipe these fools off the moon.
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