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Everything posted by ShagaMage

  1. ((Sorry guys, I've been gone for a while, and then when i come back, work has piled up on me, tomorrow I will be able to post so just tell me how i can jump in or something or if i have to wing it with my own storyline. :animestun )) Have a good evening ~Shawn
  2. James feels an almost burning sensation down his spine as Vec flies up from the ground, Majotte feels the same thing. "So you did, you killed off all those soldiers before I was able to play. You are pretty inconsiderate. Well, I at least was able to smell the flesh as the acid wind disolved it from their bones. Nothing like that smell in the morning, that or some expensive shampoo." He says looking at James, then to Majotte. "So what's this about an evil cult? I hate competition."
  3. ((I haven't posted for a while, due to I'm behind in school. I'm almost caught up in my work, I plan on finishing this sad game of catch up tonight. /\/\1551/\/9 3 1)@75 610\/\/5 )) Missing 3 days blows... :animestun
  4. (( :animeswea Sorry for the lack of posts. School work is killing me. I've read the others, if in the wrong place just tell me and I'll change some stuff around. :animesigh )) The smell of fresh blood intoxicated his senses as he was seduced by his lust for blood. Bolting towards the battle field his demon slighly takes over, consuming half of his conciousness. Horns and wings of dark flame grow from his body and a he is lifted into the air and propelled in the direction of the battle. As he passes a short road connecting towards the battle scene he looks down and sees a group of soldiers running for their lives. "Mmm, I am going to enjoy this..." he says with an ashy smog billowing from his nostrils and mouth. As the first soldier realises his presanse he shouts, "Devil!" and fires off a few rounds of he rifle that stick into Sal'es' just cleaned suit. He brushes off the compacted slugs from his chest and a drizzle of lead patters on the pavement. "That was quite rude-" He cuts himself off as he noticed a small stain that had blotched his before mint suit's breast. He then let out a vicious blast from his eyes as the fool's troat and head are turned to stone. The corpse falls and the head shatters like porceline. A blood curdling scream rises up from the surviving soldiers as this occurs and in only serves to further Vec's frenzy. A reddish gleam shines as his saber decapitates a few soldiers as he starts to teleport and cleave. Like a butcher he cuts through their jugulars and brachial veins, bleeding them like swine. Feeling a bit cruel he teleports in front of a private and stuffs a hellball down they crying man's throat. Acting as a claymore he explodes, covering serveral men behind him with undoubtably fatal wounds. As inferno left in his wake, his demonic wings releases its Unholy Gail towards the "runners". He laughs sadistically as their final screams echo as their flesh is melted into heap of human muck. Looking into the sky he sees three men. One is in a suit, the other seems to be a cyborg of some sort, and the last one is a man smoking a cigarette. He ponders if they had defeat the troops before he was able to really have some fun. He decideds to ask them. "Excuse me sirs, did you happen to kill off the majority of this pathetic infantry?" He bellows with a demonic hint.
  5. Laughing foppishly he brushed back his platinum blond hair. He sits and crosses his legs, talking about how the world is sooo great on the outside, but decaying at its core. It sounded like a bad infomercial about another miracle skin cream, but about the Earth. The man he was talking to was long dead though, stabbed repeatedly with the saber that Vec was still twirling. Patting the departed on the head once more he stands up. "Goodbye...hmm forgot your name, oh well, you were a horrible butler, it is time to find a place in the world. A place atop a mound of dead bodies that is. And don't worry, I won't stop anytime soon." He says with a sickeningly charismatic smile. He now walks away from his million dollar mansions and fast cars, in search of one thing, a worthy opponent.
  6. Seeing Marianna with a weapon was unnerving to say the least. Though he couldn't say any of his fellows stable people. The target range was mediocre, nothing like firing at a running target a half mile away into the wind and rain. Well he could atleast keep his skills in check. Looking down his scope, he prays that his "baby" will impress. The gas expands firing the round into the backdrop of the meadow at a muzzle velocity of 2490 feet per second. The round rips through a moving board. The entry hole is about the size of a large apple. It is located on the dummies face, right above the right eye. He is pretty sure it would have been a kill shot. Feeling looser now he kicks it into his own way. Measuring the disance between to targets he switches it to semi-auto. Firing off a short burst he waves the gun "wildly" to all spectating. With a sick grin he watches the faces of his comrades as they see that he pierced the chest of both dummies. "You could stop gaping and keep up." He says darkly. Even Marianna was caught in a split second stare. She smirked and walked over to him... "You should spend less time showing off, stunts like that can get you killed in the field." "Well, It must be "luck" since i of all people hit." He says, looks up and repeats his performance. "Now, I need something that is alive." The yearning to see brain matter stain a clean Persian rug was intoxicating. With that he leaves, looking back he notices Teigra had already left. He briskly jogs towards her to appologise for his rudeness earlier. "Excuse me, I am sorry for the other day. I should have respected your inquery instead of discarding it rudely." he tells her, and extends his hand.
  7. OOC: Sorry guys, the homework has been achoring me to the down stairs table. Sorry again. This weekend I'll try to post.
  8. Two doors down opposite to the mess hall sits a fuming Sean. In room 483 he lets his distaste for the letter become verbal. "Hmm, I was hoping for a higher possition. Should have been more aggressive..." he says aloud in his empty room. Then he thinks back to the man he spared... I shouldn't have allowed him to keep breathing. His jaw becomes tense as he grinds his teeth in fustration. I'll need to prove myself. Looking at his sheet once more, well at least she doesn't have complete athority over me. He lets the silence take him in, until his bunk mate enters. Though she tries hard her feet just can't escape his ears and he winces everytime he hears an almost silent tap on the cold floor. "Stop moving..." he said coldly to his senior officer, "your oaffish steps are playing hell with my attemps to relax. "Shut up, and go relax somewhere else then." she said in a way that seemed snappy. "My appologies ma'am, I was just suggesting that you allow me the opporutunity to concentrate. I like to reflect, and you are slighly hindering that ability." "Oh, well I'll try to be silenter," she says as her eyes scan him, catching a glint of gold, and then she quickly realises it is a wedding ring. "So, what brings you a married man into this line of work?" "The murder of my wife." "Oh," she says and feeling the regret she slowly walks out of the room. Sighing heavily as she leaves he gets up and plans to do some target practice. He dresses into his full combat gear as quickly as he can and decides that it is time for some target practice...
  9. Sitting down with his legs crossed he starts to meditate in the center of a large room. The silence lets him sooth his inner demon. The urge to kill was intoxicating his senses and he direly needed a release. After an hour of deep meditation he decides that this is the perfect opporutunity to put together "Sharlet". He opened the latches on his brief case and removed the fake back of the brief case uncovering his prized SVDS Custom. He takes delicate care in putting together this weapon. Cleaning it for dust and other hinderances. He finally gets up and slings it over his back. Before he leaves he sets up twenty bottles, he decideds semi-auto is the best choice. Firing three round burst, he clears the bottles off the table. He lets out an loud sigh when he finds he was a millimeter from stiking number thirteen in the small red "X" in the center of the can. He picks up the cans, hearing his wife's kind voice telling him that it is the sweetest thing to clean for someone else. He finally leaves the room and starts walking down the corridor. As he turns the next corner he finds himself staring at the woman know as Marianna. She was walking away from a training room of some sort. Now, he decided, he wanted some peach and quiet. "Excuse me ma'am, where is my sleeping chamber, and where can I find live targets for sniping practice. It is all well that the students are kind enough to spar, but my specialties lie in my rifle." He asks her, and the tone of his voice didn't portrait impatience as much as the yearning to kill again.
  10. Within the blink of an eye he draws and swings at Bobby's face. But Bobby leans back as he feels the breezy wake of the vicious slash on his face. As he goes for another stab, Bobby kicks the blade out of his hand. Disarmed, he decided to go low. He does a spinning sweep with his left foot which catches the inner part of Bobby's knee. With this loss of balance he trips and falls onto his back, as he looks up he sees Sean's steel toe boots coming down in an axe kick to his head. Quickly grabs the foot, but the force behind it wouldn't let him hold it for long. He lets go and rolls out of harms way. Flipping back onto his feet, Bobby lands three jabs into Sean's face. To finish off the barage he swings for a right hook, but Sean dodges backwards and catches his fist. Twisting free Bobby tries for a roundhouse, but it is cought and Sean trips him to the floor, but Bobby strenuously kicks him in the chest with his free leg, loosing himself from Sean's grip, making Sean stumble backwards a few feet. "You can call me Stone Rook, we don't need to further this match, it is evident that you are quite skilled and deserve to be a fellow student." He picks up his knife that was disarmed from him in early combat. Looking to Teigra, "Ma'am." As he turns to walk away Teigra gets a glimpse at a wedding ring.
  11. Sean didn't take notice to the woman and her threats. Family wasn't an option anyways. He decided to sit down, take out his pistols, and clean them. A man walked up and decided this was the opputune time to comment. "Your a new recruit huh?" the man asked. Silence. "What are your plans?" he tried to continue. Silence. "You know it is quite rude to not address me with courtacy." Sean now looks up, polishes his the name on his handle, "Sue", and looks up to the man and addresses with his type of courtacy. A gun was now pointing into the all too friendly man's face. Sean slowly stands up, holding the gun steadily as he rose to his feet. The cold silencer was pressed deeply into his skin. With an almost primal instinct the man disarmed Sean of his weapon and reached for a throat thrust. He slighly moves so the right and the fingers miss him by centimeters. He twirls the students's fist around and with his other hand draws his knife slicing into the man's inner elbow. With the tendans cut the man's forearm down goes limp. With a stoic face the student readies himself for an end that would never come. Instead Sean picks up his pistol and holsters it. "Good Day." Walking through the large temple and smiles at the serenity. As he turns a large corner he witnesses a student being attacked by the leopard that she had talked about. The match was reletively quick, ending with the man unscratched and the leopard with another scar. Sean takes a second to look this fellow recuit head to toe. The leopard was an interesting opponent for this man to face, as well as slightly impressive. "...You don't have firearms?" He asks the man. "That doesn't matter, we all have our specialties. What matters is how we use them in the field and your skill with a knife is evident. I would very much like to spar with you if you don't mind. I believe the entertainment would be most satisfactory."
  12. OOC: Its cool your in my group man, Well, this'll be interesting, with me and you. Well thats about all i have to say lol, Can't wait for it to begin. Both of them
  13. Name: Sean Archane Codename: Stone Rook Group: Tropical Bird Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://blizzard-art.com/img/hei/Man.jpg]Casual[/URL] Field Gear: [URL=http://blizzard-art.com/img/cai/Sharp%20Shooter.jpg]Sean in Field Gear[/URL] Weapons and Equipment: Dragunov SVDS Sniper Rifle w/ night vision, range measurement, flash suspensor, and silencer attachments, 30 rounds of 7H2M standard, 20 rounds of 7H2M 203 armor-peircing incediaries, and 5 rounds of 7H2M trackers. Dual M1911-TalonII with silencer attachment, ten 8 round clips of standard M1911 ammunition, ten 4'' Colt Ridge Runner flip knives, two 11'' M60-14NKI fixed knives. Advantage 3200 Gas Mask, Night Vision Goggles, SAP gloves, 10'' string of micro fiber wire. Interceptor Kevlar Flak Vest, Knee and Leg Gaurds Personallity: Cold and Callous. After the murder of his wife he was since strived for the perfection of his art, and that art is death. Hobbies: Knive throwing, rifle marksmenship and archery are his passion. He also has a deep respect for judo and is currently a 2nd degree black belt. Bio: The death of Sean's wife of 6 years drove him to insanity. He took up his first mark a month later. After he pulled the trigger, ice coursed throught his veins and thus was born the killer you see before you today. He has successfully finished off his origin 12 marks and is now looking to hone his skills. He now looks at his life and everyone elses to be insignificant and that this is his job and art.
  14. Name - Sal'es Vec Pronunciation - Sal Less Veck Age - 18 Sex - Male Race - Possessed Human Height - 200 lb Weight - 6'2'' Hair Color - Deep Red Hair Style - Slicked back with a ponytail, which is held in by a golden ring Eyes - Ice Blue Body - Moderately built with very pale skin Weapons - A regal sabre that has a slight coating of red over the blade. The handle guard is golden. Clothes - He wears a black three peice suit with red pin stripes. Under it is a black shirt with a woven gold tye that he continual restraightens. His shoes are made of some sort of snake leather. Distinguishing Marks - Long scars trail the vains on his arms. His shadow is contorted and is adorned with spiked wings. The shadows eyes glow dully like embers in a fire. Special Powers - When he believe it is necessary he calls upon the demon that is inhabiting his body. This is rare, since he is used to dispatching his foes with ease and doesn't feel the need. Unless his clothing is wrinkled... Handicaps - He enjoys battles to much to let the opponent die quickly, thus he'll stop before he kills them, to relish victory before they are killed. He also is excrutiatingly vain, and will always take a second to flatten his clothes or straighten his tie. Transformations - 1/4 Possession, 1/3 Possession, Half Possession and Full Possession. At 1/4 two rows black flames appear on either side of his head, like unattached horns. They point straight forward. At 1/3 the wings of his shadow tranfer onto him, leaving the shadow looking like a normal man. At 1/2 the suit melts into a viscous ooze that covers his body head included. Only Flaming eyes can be seen. The wings and flame horn stay the same. At Full Possession, it solidifies into a dark, blood red skin with the suit intact over it. The Body is covered in rippling muscles. His teeth appear jagged and pedatory. The horns have melded into his skull and havegrown slight barbs. The wings are now the same color as his flesh. His shadow is that of a normal man. Special Moves - At 1/4th: Hellfire Wake - His steps burst into unextinguishable flames Demonic Gaze - His eyes fire long beams of black energy. They deal enough damage to cut through nearly any non supernatural substance. Saber Dance - He spins slowly creating a whirling inferno around himself and the opponent while sticing with is saber. Shadow Grip - His shadow grabs the opponents ankle. At 1/3: Hell Ball - He conjures a basketball sized fireball into his hand and throws it. While flying if shows the gaunt visage of a screaming man. Basilisk Gaze - The gaze now converts all matter to stone, and covers supernaturals in a dense heavy layers of black diamond. Unholy Gail - Blows a thick cloud of demonic poison towards the opponent. It acts acidic to anything that doesn't command vast power (SSJ2 +) At 1/2: Ooze Wave - His limbs extend and engulf the enemy in a thick acidic goo. He uses this to try and suffocate the foe. Blight Gaze - His gaze now rots anything within his line of vision in a 100ft wide by 1000ft long cone. In the case of non organic, it rusts or melts. Full: Unholy Strength - His strenght is roughly equal to a SSJ4 Diabolical Gaze - Steers Sphere of Oblivion Aura of Death - Anything non amune to poison dies of the toxic fumes given off by his body. Soul Ripper - He stabs his hand into the foe and unleashes a massive hellball. Sphere of Oblivion - A immense black ball of energy that crackles with red lightning channeled into his hands which are both extended upwards and are shoulder length apart. He throws it and controls its movement with is Diabolical Gaze. It is known to destroy large portions of planets. Bio: A seeming rich man that is exceedingly vain. To keep his beauty he sold his soul to a demonlord that now shares his body. To do this he had to cut out his own heart with his sabre. His body doesn't react to pain nor pleasure. By this he has turned insane and Sociopathic. Believing he only feels emotion through victory in battle. His body regenerates as from any injury except desintergration for the demon wants to keep hold of his investment for as long as he can. His personallity is very charismatic until he gets a chance to murder you.
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