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Everything posted by TailTactics

  1. [quote name='CloudsOnly189][COLOR=Navy]Does anyone get my drift[/COLOR']??[/quote] :fart: Get it? Get my drift???...... Hahahahhahaa...a.a. **frowns at self** :animeangr **immature** :nope: .... Joking, yes i could comply. What are peoples opinions on FF12, how would you like it to turn out? Should there be a lot of sidequests or should they just stick to the storylines and not sway too much from that. How about new magic and summons. How do you think the summon animation should play if there any (hopefully like FF IX with the amazing summon animation. They should add more movie cutscenes because they are just straight awsome. I started a new game in FFX and ive seen how well the story line is. I mean i know the story line is awsome, but just playing it a second time i really got a feel for the story. I liked the way the sinspawn, animation and battle all came into play simulatneously. That was new coming into the FF series and very fanworthy. It was definately worth reliving.
  2. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]I never like using guides except in extreme cases where I've been stuck on something so long (usually trying to find where to go, or what to do, etc.) that I just don't care about doing it myself anymore. But with the exception of those few cases, discovery is half the fun for me. Like the Cloister of Trials puzzles in FFX -- I think I'm the only one I've talked to who actually enjoyed those. Yeah, a few of them stumped me for a while, but it was a lot of fun to finally figure things out. They reminded me of old point-and-click adventure game puzzles.[/color][/QUOTE] Yeah, i usually only use guides after i complete a game. In matter of fact, i dislike the fact that people dont take in the full effects of the game especially, if its a classic. Then again their is no point in not using a guide with games that have "lost Forevers" (Events or items you can only obtain in one portion of a game in which you lose out unless u start a new game.) Most of the FF games have at least one item or event that is a lost forever. That is the ONLY thing i dislike about FF in matter of fact.. Excuse me if i go off topic for a sec; If you take a game like Zelda, there are no lost forevers in that game and it should be played without the players guide. The only partially impossible task in those games are obtaining all the masks and golden skulltulas in majora's mask and all the gold skulltulas in Ocarina of Time without a players guide. The only FF games i used a players guide on before i beat it is X-2 and FF VIII. I used gamefaqs for FFI, FFII, FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFVII (when i didnt own the players guide), and FFIX. As matter of fact FFX is the only game i played straight through without gamefaqs or players guides (and its my favorite in the series. Maybe there is a pattern here.) Dont get me wrong, even with players guides these games are difficult, but you just have a secure mentality that u didnt skip anything important.
  3. Incidents which ghosts were present. I dont know if they're true, its possible though. They could have made up these stories. What do u think? Get spooked \/ [URL=http://paranormal.about.com/library/blstory_december01_21.htm][B][I][COLOR=Red]...Click Here... if u dare.... :sweat: [/COLOR][/I][/B][/URL] ...And then some... /\
  4. Either the Black Waltz from FF IX or Kiros from FF VIII.
  5. [QUOTE=CloudsOnly189][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]That is so cool that your dad likes to play FFX!! Kudos for him!! Anyways, the only person's Sigil that I've ever gotten to complete FULLY would have to be Yuna's. Everyone else's is so hard to get the requirements for it. Could someone please give me some tips as to how to do them all?? I mean, I have everyone's special Sigil, but, I can't do all the things that needs to be done. Can someone help[/COLOR]??[/FONT][/QUOTE] Go Here \/ [URL=http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/game/197344.html][B][COLOR=Navy]Help with whatever gaming you need[/COLOR][/B][/URL] Its all just click and pick from here :rolleyes:
  6. [quote name='Shinji][font=Arial][color=Magenta][size=1]Another game I used to like was McDonald's land, blatant corporate sponsorship, but who cares, the game was a real adventure. The newer Mcdonald's games that came out for CD ROM are absolute McCrap, compared with McDonald's land.[/size][/color'][/font][/quote] Yeah, i remeber playing MC Kids for NES. It was awsome, many memories. [QUOTE=Venge]Oh God, the memories of the yesteryears...classic NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy and Game Gear...its been a long road for gaming. I remember back when Super Mario World first came out. Now THAT was a fun game. In my opinion, that was a very fun (but very hard at certain times) game. And I also remember the first FF game I played. It was VII and that rocked. It was also when I got hooked on Resident Evil (2 to be exact), and Megaman. Ah, the memories. Looking back at the CLASSIC games (Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3, Legend of Zelda, Master Blaster, Ninja Gaiden), THOSE where the hardest of the bunch, especially Ninja Gaiden. Whip out a classic on a 10 year old who only knows of the PS2, Gamecube, XBox and the next-gen consoles will NEVER be able to beat the classics without lots of help. I garuntee it. >>Matt[/QUOTE] I hear you. Remakes are fun but when they take it too far or exploit it too much it takes the originality out of the game. Mario is an example, the 3D (and mavelously) displayed game Sunshine is a classic. This goes down as a classic game because Mario games are in general considered classics. The NES Mario is obviously the king of classic games. But take James Bond for example. Goldeneye is a classic game while tommorrow never dies or Agent Under Fire wouldnt be considered classic games. The remake of Goldeneye isn't considered a classic game probably because it doesnt sell as much. Huh.. i just realized something..I believe they call them classics because the game sold millions. It must be more of a corporate idea than a personal one.
  7. Video games do contribute to memories, making it all worthwhile.
  8. **[B]Spilling my heart and soul on a chopped story[/B]:** [COLOR=Sienna] A relationship i was in for a month turned for the worst. After saying" lets be friends", I began to ignore this person completely after breaking up during my sophomore year, even till now and im a senior. She was in at least two of my classes since then. I was hindering myself by trying to make her happy, until i realized i couldnt because she was looking for something i couldnt give. Thing is while we were going out she made it clear that we would only become close if we had sex. I said, "if u were a virgin, maybe". Dont know why i said that, maybe to make her happy to know that there may have been a chance if she went back in time. i am happily still a virgin and dont plan on changing that anytime soon. I told her multiple times that i was a christian and was saving my virginity til i was married and i didnt love her. it seemed as if she didnt respect that. She claimed that she loved me so much. she is a witch and was to supposedly stop her "witchlike agenda" to go out with me. She was a well-known "ho" and i look back and dont know what the **** i was doing when i asked her out, probably just the moment, maybe just to "make her happy". Being a christian it was odd to go out with someone like that, but the idea of feeling loved in a relationship is what i enjoyed. I hate to go back to this period of my life, but she would always talk to me when i was tired and i hardly knew what i was talking about, so I would slip something like "it feels good to be loved by u". Totally dishonest cause i wouldnt even mutter i love u to her. She would call her x sometimes while we were going out (the bastard who took her innocents, at least to my knowledge) and that was the last straw. My theory about this situation was that if she was looking for sex and since she wasnt getting any from me..she may go on a scavenger hunt for...some. Im not controlling or anything, but please show some respect. After this relationship, Im not going to date until im sure i like somebody, and make sure she's a christian. Around this time I began to find my true love, the FF series and she bought me X-2. I still have it and i love that game. I dont think about her when i play it which is amazing. I only think of the time i slept over my friends house, i brought my PS2 over and we were adventuring the chocobo dungeon..Anyway, i bought her two CDs for the sake of equivalent exchange (no Full Metal pun intended). Also my grandmother was dying and my mind was in the back of my head, all she cared about is having sex and i constantly would worry thinking that she is playing me. I went half insane. i didnt feel safe calling off the relationship for some random reason. She knew i wouldnt cheat, i knew she would cheat. Heres a lesson [B][COLOR=Black]****DONT GO OUT WITH SOMEONE YOU DONT LOVE OR EVEN HAVE FEELINGS FOR BECAUSE YOU WANT TO MAKE HIM OR HER HAPPY **** [/COLOR][/B]just because it "feels good to be loved". It may do a number on you and take a portion of your mind thus ending up hurt or turning bitter in the end. [COLOR=Black][B]My own personal experience[/B][/COLOR]. I dont see us as being friends at all, not even "hi","bye" friends. Should i continue to ignore her, im thinking of just waiting until i leave this forsaken school. I mean its great to be friends, but what if u cant literally be friends in any way, shape, or form. I wont let it bother me anymore. After this traumatizing incident i just hope i meet someone i like and have a clean christian relationship, and i do have someone in mind. I hope everything works out for the better. [/COLOR][B]Thanx for reading[/B]. *update* (maybe)
  9. -People who ignore you, who are not polite or who dont consider u exist. (This doesnt apply to people who done a neglegent act in the past toward you.) -Obnoxious people -People who swear all the time -Narcissism, stuck up pricks -Backstabbers -Stupid people -People who dont understand where ur coming from. -People that dont know when to laugh -Music i dont like that is played over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over..... :animeknow :animestun :animestun :animeknow and my [COLOR=Red][B]biggest petpeeve[/B][/COLOR]...[B]People who name their pets Pete[/B]. :mad: :animeangr :animeangr :mad:
  10. [quote name='Anime Pet']Hmm.......I'd say go for the $30 PS2, as long as it'll run right, and save for the PS3. Unless you like handhelds a LOTS, I've heard that the PSP isn't worth that much, and the games aren't that great. I'm saving for a PS3 as well. :D[/quote] :D The way i personalized my PSP is awsome. I have a background on it, Videos and pictures of miscellaneous things (including the full length movie of FF Advent Children with subtitles.), and I can play NES, SNES, Gameboy, Genesis, NeoGeo, and the like through emulators made for the PSP. I have the one GIG which is why i could add so much to it. (Cant wait for the 2 gig) I put FF and FF2 on the NES emulator and FF3, FF4, and FF5 on the SNES emulator. (FF6 and FF3 are the same.) Not only that but i can play the original Mario, Sonic, Kirby, Zelda, PacMan... basically any game made for the systems specified. Im looking for PSP skins and other accessories to personalize my PSP furthur. :D Fun!!!
  12. My Neighbor Totoro is one of my favorite childhood movies (my first anime in matter of fact) which i just saw recently in years. Anybody who has seen Totoro and played Pokemon would notice a resemblence between Totoro and Snorlax. Ever since i seen the very first pokemon commercial for Red and Blue versions I was stuck with this question in my mind and i want to know if somebody else notices the resemblence and knows if Snorlax was derived from Totoro. Furthermore i would like to know if any other anime (if not this one) was derived from Totoro.
  13. [QUOTE=ThoraxtheImpaler][SIZE=1]My FF experience... FF1: Own and beaten it. It took around 40 hours, with complete bestiary. Great game, but too easy. Omega, though... holy ****. FF2: Got around half-way through, aand was completely hating it until I realised I had really screwed up XD. Its okay I guess, I lost it though. FF3: Can't wait for the DS remake! FF4: I can never flippin find it! FF5: I have only played a really litle bit of this (Im in the pirate cove at the beginning) I don't like it that much. The story is disturbingly bad. The graphics are disturbingly bad for a SNES game. And the battles are kinda boring. FF6: I'm around 1/4 of the way through and so far it's a pretty good game. I love the town setups. First real sign of unique charachters. FF7: I'm at the very end of disk 1 (before Aeris dies I guess) and so far I'm liking it though there are some weird plotholes.... I love the Sephiroth, Tifa, and Cloud backstory. FF8: With this one I'm around the beginning of disk 2. At first I was loving it, but it started to get REALLY boring. I mean seriously its completely and utterly pointless. Did the people actually hear the summoner lady calling them all idiots? [spoiler]Did they really not notice her splatter the President?[/spoiler] FF9: XD this is a really good (and pretty hard) RPG with a great story, but I'm still in the ice cave at the beginning. That stupid black mage is to freiking hard! I need to level up more. FF10: Man... I got all the way to Seymore version 3 only to find that I had screwed up with Tidus' sphere grid and have to start over. FF10-2: I have it, but I want to beat FF10 first. FF11: Slimy bastards, putting FF in the name for sales. I can't get it cuz my computer sucks. I also have both FF tactics and tactics advanced and crystal chronicles[/SIZE].[/QUOTE] Not a bad idea with the list you have on the game experience with FF series. I think ill update my first thread on the top of this page with that idea. :D Anyway, i tend to like FFV and trust me when i say that i thought the game was crappy also, that was my first take on it. Then [U]exactly[/U] 44 hours later i beat the game with the story's plot fresh in my memory and it came out as a good game to me. I always tend to over look the tiny obstacles (graphics) to reap a better reward, defeating the FF series!! The only thing that gets me angry about the series is the "lost forevers" when you either switch to another disk or get farther in the game and cant go back. You can miss [U]critical[/U] items because of it. I beleive square did this to up the replay value on the FF series (like it needs it :animesmil ) FFIV was great too, (hope you find it). What is really crazy is I basically dedicated a summer to complete FFX-2. I am a crazy FF fan. Look, i have everything possible to obtain in that game (except Gippal's sphere. dang that Gippall's sphere.) but everything else i have including maximum upgrades and the best items. Also i mastered Blitzball in that game. What i really enjoyed about FF-X2 is the replay value because you are able to start over with all your items also you get to go listen to music and watch previous movies you obtained during the story in Luca (this was enabled in FFX and X2). All the FFs should have been like this. FFVI was getting there with the whole music option, but didnt quite reach expactation although the monster info was very helpful for figuring out Gau's abilities in what he has and doesn't have. What was great in that game was the variety of characters available. What i disliked was the fact that toward the end i realized i didnt have Mog's water dance ability which is only available in the other world. (but luckily i saved near it) The only thing i liked about FFIX was the story line, ViVi, and Kuja. The cutscenes were simply amazing in that game and they focused a lot on the summons, which is really two thumbs up for Square Enix. The downside was too many mini-games and having to play them to get a high ranking and beat the game to the upmost extent. But ultimately.. having to rush through the game in under twelve hours to get Excalibur Two was the biggest disappointment this game had to offer.
  14. [quote name='Violet Link']...Technically, you could summon in FF3j by choosing the job caller. NEway, I think FF and FF3j were some of the best...[/quote] I would know that if i had played the game, and [I]technically[/I] FFVI and FFIII in the US is the same. I just haven't played the variation for the SNES. (Check the bottom that link to understand what im saying) [URL=http://www.ffonline.com/ff6/][COLOR=Navy]http://www.ffonline.com/ff6/[/COLOR][/URL] So when i said IV and up, i meant III also.
  15. ...People who would like to share inspiring memories of video games that they wish they could relive... During, you know, the N64 era...is where i had my fun... Wave Race, Mario 64, Pokemon Red and Blue for gameboy (before all that new crap came out), Ocarina of Time, and lets not forget..Donkey Kong 64..and..Quest 64 WOW.. talk about a few years back. For seventeen i could go oldschool at least to the NES, though i am sure there are people who can go farther. if you can tell, i was predominately Nintendo (at least before high school). I also remember Mario RPG (SNES), that game was ill...I didnt get into FF until my sophomore year of high school. I also loved Harvest Moon 64 and it was really time-consuming not to mention trying to build a relationship with animated characters and preparing for festival contests while mantaining a farm...but i somehow i managed my farm animals and upgraded my equipment and house into oblivion... Its hard to imagine how fast things change. I mean i could have sworn it was just yesterday that i have been talking with Pikachu (Hey You Pikachu) and crashing cars in San Francisco Rush, though it was years back. i also recall being very antcipated for games (such as Pokemon Gold and Silver and Majora's Mask) to come out and now here it is years (..which only seemed like moments..) later..hmm..
  16. [QUOTE=Bombu][color=darkred][SIZE=1]I've played almost all of the Final Fantasy games, and own half of them, but there are those amongst my collection that I still haven't beat, like FFIX. I wasn't too fond of FFIX for many reasons, mainly because it didn't seem as attractive to me as the others I had played at the time did. For me, it's just a simple matter of preferences, and I wouldn't play a Final Fantasy game, or any other, if I didn't like it, unlike some people I know who'd play it solely for the fact that it's a Square title. I guess if it wasn't for various revamps and ports such as FF: Dawn of Souls for the GBA and FF: Anthology for the PlayStation, then I wouldn't have played as many FF games as I have. Amongst the older FF games, I'd say that FFVI was my favourite, putting aside technical stuff that just couldn't be helped at the time, like how slow it plays in comparison to the games of today. I like the characters, the simple-minded humour, the battle system, and believe it or not, the story, though the dialogue leaves much to be desired lol, but eh. I think I'll get FFIII for the DS when it's released, because I still haven't completed FFVI due to the fact that I can't hack how slow it is, and if it'll turn out in any way how FF: Dawn of Souls did, then I'll be super chuffed. As for the more modern games, it's a tie-in between FFVII and FFX. FFX was a breath of fresh air to me; the battles and the sphere grid particularly, though I can't say the same for the characters seeing as by the time the game was released I had seen pretty much every possible type of character that could've been thrown into an RPG. I enjoyed FFVII because you were forced to be independent, where you had decide for yourself what magic and Materia to equip for each character, unlike FFX for example, were you'd automatically know that Yuna was a Summoner, and Auron excelled in offensive magic and Strength. This whole idea gave the battles an extra edge because you'd have to experiment in order to find the right party members for you. FF Tactics is my all time favourite, however, mainly because of the customisation aspect involved, along with the need to experiment with certain characters and job classes to reach the party's optimum level. Really, the possibilities are endless with this game. You could decide to have a clan full of Ninjas, or spread it out between offence and defence. Either way, the game steers away from the typical command list that is popular in many RPGs, because you're refrained from simply holding down the action button to constantly select the Attack option. Hehe, I hate that[/SIZE].[/color][/QUOTE] in FFVI i disliked what Kefka did to Cyan's people, thats the definition of evil. the way Gau had to learn his blue magic abilities was frustrating. also i missed Mogs 'water dance' because i couldnt get it in the second world :mad: in FFX you could be very independant, it just matters what you do with your spheres (especially when you begin to get black and white magic spheres.) i believe the true challange in this game is to get all the characters around the sphere grid, or in another words, teach [I]everyone[/I] all the abilities. Come to think of it i've never beaten the monster arena.. :animeswea . Im waiting until FF3 for DS also, unless i dont have time for it, well either way.. :whoops:
  17. [QUOTE=Howlingvampire4]yea, you're right, resident evil 2 was a little bad, I think part one was better, it stuck more to the game. Also, the silent hill movie SHOULD be good, I mean, with all of the new technology, and graphics, they shoulde be able to make some decent looking creatures. And, in prt one, they had some weird looking creatures.(including mutant doctor and nurses) There was one prt where some girl's face started to get all bloody, and that prt was crazy in the game, I can only imagine what it would look like in a movie! :animenose And, I'm not really sure if I'm right about this baby part, but I do remember seeing footsteps and hearing something like an infant, I think THAT is what you're talking about. I remember really freaking out at that part, because you say black footsteps, but that you saw like a sorta invisible, but faded little baby sorta walking and crying. That part creep the heck outta me. If they were to include that, that would probably the freakiest thing in the movie. :animestun[/QUOTE] befor the resident evil apocalypse movie came out, i was sure to play all the games and read all the books. what im getting at is maybe you should play the games before the movie comes out that way you have total understanding of whats going on and would be able to relate them to each other...and i should play the first one.. :animesmil
  18. [QUOTE=Howlingvampire4]Actually, I don't think the summoning in ffx was new, because you could summon monstors in ff7. I've played ff x and ff x-2, I didn't play ff7, but I watched my brother play the whole thing, so I know a lot about it. I tried playing prt 1 a long time ago, but I never finished. :animeswea My favorite Final Fantasy character of all time is vincent. :animesmil I'm into dark characters, and vincent is dark, and he's just plane AWESOME! Auron would have to go second on my list though.[/QUOTE] in matter of fact, the summon ability was available ever since FFIV. what i meant about summoning was a new style was introduced. They would show Yuna summon an aeon and the characters would run off the screen instead of vanishing in thin air like in the previous titles. Also she was able to fight beside the summoned aeon, which added an unique affect to the series.
  19. [QUOTE=Howlingvampire4]:animesmil That's funny, I didn't play any of the silent hill games EXCEPT for the first one. I've seen lots of trailers on prt 4:the room though, I gotta get it. I played a little bit of prt 2, but I never got to finish. :animecry: Anyways, back to the topic, if there IS a movie how do you think It'll look?[/QUOTE] yeah looks like were in an opposite position. you played the first while i hadnt but i played the rest you hadnt. :animesmil yeah part four is really good, but my favorite is three. on the other hand, i hope they dont make this movie into nonsensible crap like thry had with Resident Evil: Apocalypse, especially when Alice [I]fought[/I] Nemesis. And they twisted Jill's character by making her highly egotistical. I guess thats just hollywood for ya. (I've played the games and read all the Resident Evil books by S.D Perry (good books, just like the game) and Jill is nothing like that. Also the whole Ashford incident, it made no sense when you compare it with the game or book...Nicholai died too fast, Carlos looks like he's 40...Anyway, i hope they dont make this movie garbage. for the topic, i think they will put those pyramid heads in with some nurse demons and i heard in the first one you could hear babies crying and see footsteps, they could add that too. lets not forget the fog. it would be imparitive to add fog in a silent hill movie. I also hope they add some mystery and problem solving (like they should have done with Resident Evil.) Im sorry, i cant but help compare the two.
  20. I dedicate this thread to the final fantasy fan in all of us..we have been torn apart by square enix's crazy anticipation agenda. they also did this the time when FFIX was released, they claimed it was going to be the last of the series. Then they bombarded us with FFX with its new style and look to make fans beg for mercy. (including the new summon command which really caught fans attention) They are bound to do it again with FFXII. If you want a taste of FFXII, FF Advent Children, and the like head over to: [URL=http://www.ffshrine.org][COLOR=Navy]www.ffshrine.org[/COLOR][/URL] ...and experience the trailer (with subtitles) So far the story line for twelve looks awsome. As it takes place in Ivalice where Tactics reigned. For the Record, i have beaten FF 1-x2 (excluding 3) how many FF games have you beaten so far and which games and characters do you like the best? As for me, I like FFX because of the way Tidus connected with his father and Jecht still saw im as his son. My favorite character is (obviously) Auron. The story line wasn't too bad either and the music is also, in my opinion, the best in the series. EDIT: [B][U]My Final Fantasy experience[/U][/B]: 1. FF 1: defeated the game through Origins. Obtained all items, but not all monsters in Bestiary. 2. FF 2: scrubbed the game. Took me forever to level up spells. At least upgraded fire, ice, and fire on each character to level five. Got all items with an incomplete Beastiary. I disliked the fact that every character that joins your party dies off. Must have bad luck. 3. FF 3: See FF6 4. FF 4: Whipped the game, but still need items to summon stupid monsters like goblin and bomb. Need adament armour. More leveling up. 5. FF 5: Smoked the game. Still need to master all jobs for each character and defeat Omega Weapon along with Shinryu. I let l out the werewolf from prison and he repayed his debt by stealing my treasure hindering my chance to obtain all the items. 6. FF 6: Depleated this game. Gau's blue magic was too overwhelming to complete. I left Mog's water dance behind in the first world. I did enjoy the way espers flowed nicely with the gameplay as well as the storyline. Nice game. 7. FF 7: Decapatated Sephiroth. Story was awsome as well as the few mini games. There was a plethora of summons, magic, and gameplay. Like espers in VI, materia flowed in nicely with gameplay and storyline. Still need to obtain more materia and defeat the weapons. Music was influential. 8. FF 8: Ultimecia could shove herself. This game was prolific with the unique draw ability as well as the new junctioning effect. Storyline was fantastic, and boss battles were spectacular. I've done eveything imaginable in this game except max out each character's stats. Obtained every possible item and card. 9. FF 9: The amount of mini games in this game is overwhelming. It is nearly impossible to obtain Excalibur II, but the story line wasn't the best, but was at least decent. Animation in cut scenes were ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR and gave definition to what true FF fans want to see. Music was decent as well. 10. FF 10: My favorite FF in the series. The summons and ability to level up were taken to a new level and this game (along with Zelda) influenced me to study video game production\programming in college. I enjoyed the story line immensely and the music was purely inspirational. Still need to complete the Monster Arena, obtain each character's Ultimate weapon, get through the Omega Ruins, and get each character around the sphere grid. ---- FF 10-2: Unleashed unevitable wrath upon this game and have 182 hours of gameplay on this game. I have completed every aspect of this game. I have also obtained all dress spheres, every character mastered everything, mastered the Al Bhed language, have all items (even duplicates of the best item, Iron Duke), destroyed blitzball, sacrificed Trema in the Bevelle Underground, and of course gained 100%. The music and animation was awesome. The best part of this game was starting over with all your weapons, items, and mastered abilities. I also enjoyed using Random Reels' 777 (CONGRATS) to obtain 32 Dark Matter from Ultima Weapon as well as experience and a ton of money (about 50,000 gil). Awsome. 11. Only played a very little bit (hardly even sampled the game.) I do plan on picking this game up sometime soon. Heard it is very difficult, especially when leveling up. 12. Played the demo version. Seems pretty kick a** so far (especially the summon); cant wait to play the official game.
  21. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']...there is a town in PA called Intercourse! I'm not kidding.[/color][/quote] yeah youre right. {lol, this topic is funny :animesmil}. when i recall that my trip to Pennsylvania during one of my school field trips i remember some towns with wierd names. The towns near the place where the Amish live have names such as Fertility, Intercourse, Virginville, Bird In Hand, Blue Ball, and the like. You should google these towns, quite hilariuos.
  22. Im not sure but i would be psyched if there was. It seems true for now, all i did was google Silent Hill Movie. For the record i played all the silent hills except the first one..huh. :animeswea
  23. Can I do this through Microsoft Messenger (i dont mess with aol, too much adware), and if so how. (sorry, im a noob) :animeswea
  24. Alright, lets see... I dont know who the 'head honcho' of otakuboards is but i hope he/she considers a chatroom. I loved being on them while they were around. Why did they discontinue it anyway. If they dont consider one, thats why we as members need to voice our opinion and be dedicated to the topic of gaining a chatroom. I wonder if people who really want a chatroom can create one themselves on this website (with some assistance of course). (other chat sites I've been on give you serious cases of adware) :mad:
  25. [SIZE=2]This thread is dedicated to all the people who would like to bring theotaku.com chat room back. [COLOR=Indigo][B]Please post replies in response to this topic[/COLOR]. [/SIZE] [/B]
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